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Mr. Wilson
7th Grade pre-ap
You will need at least one sheet of paper to complete # 2-4.
Go through the PowerPoint and complete any task or
Take notes from the power point that you think would be
helpful to help answer questions about the topic.
Write down two things you learned and 1 question you
• Objectives:
• Identify the parts and functions of blood
• Explain why blood types are checked before a transfusion
• Give examples of diseases of blood
• Section Notes:
• Blood plays a part in every major activity of your body.
Blood Facts
Functions of blood
• Blood has four important
• Blood carries oxygen from
your lungs to all your body
cells. Carbon dioxide
diffuses from your body cells
into your blood. Your blood
carries carbon dioxide to
your lungs to be exhaled.
• Blood carries waste products
from your cells to your
kidneys to be removed
• Blood transports nutrients
and other substances to
your body cells.
• Cells and molecules in blood
fight infections and help
heal wounds.
Parts of Blood
• What % of your body
weight is blood?
Blood Clotting
• You cut your finger while helping your
mom cut up vegetables. Already the
wound area has begun to heal.
Bleedings stops because platelets and
clotting factors in your blood make a
blood clot that plugs the wounded
blood vessels.
• A blood clot also acts somewhat like a
bandage. When you cut yourself,
platelets stick to the wound and release
• Chemical reactions form a threadlike
fibers that form a sticky net. The clot
helps more blood from escaping.
• After the clot becomes hard skin cells
begin to repair under the scab, with the
scab finally falling off. Bacteria that gets
into the wound during the healing
process usually are destroyed by white
blood cells.
Clotting factor
• There are 13 proteins
that make up the
coagulation factor. The
picture shows thirteen
proteins that make up
the clotting factor.
• Most people will not
bleed to death from a
minor wound such as a
cut or scrape. However,
some people have a
genetic condition called
hemophilia which we will
talk about in a few slides.
Blood types
• People are born with one of hour
types of blood: A, B, AB, O.
• Types A, B, and AB have chemical
identification tags called antigens
on their red blood cells. Type O
red blood cells have no antigens.
• Each blood type also has specific
antibodies in the plasma.
Because of these antibodies
certain blood types cannot mix.
This limits blood transfusion
• Rh factor also plays a role in
whether a transfusion takes place
or not. It is simply either Rh- or
Blood Transfusions
• In 1665 the first
successful blood
transfusion was
performed between two
dogs. The first successful
human to human blood
transfusion was
performed in 1818.
However many failures
followed. The different
blood types and the
problems that result
when they are mixed
were unknown at that
• Research the discovery
of the four types of
Diseases of Blood
• Anemia
• Body tissue can’t get enough oxygen and are unable to carry on their usual activities.
• Usually caused by lack of iron, lack of certain vitamins, or a major blood loss.
• Sickle-cell disease
• People with sickle-cell disease have misshapened red blood cells. The sickle-shaped
cells clog the capillaries of a person with the disease. Oxygen cannot reach tissues
served by the capillaries and wastes cannot be removed.
• Leukemia
• Is a disease in which one or more types of white blood cells are made in excessive
numbers. These cells are immature and do not fight infection well. These immature
cells fill the bone marrow and crowd out of the normal mature cells.
• Hemophilia
• Peoples plasma lacks on of the clotting factors that begins the clotting process. A
minor injury can be a life threatening problem for a person with hemophilia.
• Blood carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes and nutrients.
• Blood contains cells that help fight infections and heal
• Blood is a tissue made of plasma, red and white blood cells
and platelets.
• Platelets and clotting factors form blood clots to stop bleeding
from a wound
• Blood type-A, B, AB, or O-must be identified before a person
receives a transfusion
• Anemia affects red blood cells , while leukemia affects white
blood cells.