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Bob Dickey – Technical Analyst
June 16, 2017
I am out of the office visiting branches all week.
Collect $200. The Fed may have raised the rate on the shortest of interest rate time periods, but the longer-term rates continue to
be in declining trends. One would think that the prices of bonds and high-yielding stocks would be falling as a result of the
Fed’s recent actions, but they are not. Perhaps the market is telling us something different than the general assumption that
many people have that rates are moving higher. The stock market is also providing an indication of where rates may be headed
with the recent new highs being registered by many of the higher-yielding stocks and indexes. If the longer-term interest rates
were really heading higher, you would expect that higher-yielding stocks would be trending lower. We believe that the solid
performance of the higher-yielding stocks adds credence to the expectation of lower interest rates for a longer period of time,
and would be careful about getting swept up in the popular opinion of higher rates ahead.
Dow Jones Dividend Stock Index
Eight Years
The higher-yielding stocks continue to
perform well and are hitting new highs again.
Chart courtesy and RBC Wealth Management
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