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Chapter 6 Lecture Outline
Foundations of
Earth Science
Seventh Edition
Restless Earth:
Earthquakes, Geologic
Structures, and Mountain
Natalie Bursztyn
Utah State University
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Focus Question 6.1
• What is the mechanism that generates large
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What Is an Earthquake?
• The sudden movement of one block of rock
slipping past another along a fault
• Most faults are locked until a sudden slip
• Seismic waves radiate out from the focus
(hypocenter), where slip begins
– Earth’s surface directly above the hypocenter is the
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What Is an Earthquake?
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What Is an Earthquake?
• Weak earthquakes can be generated by
– Volcanoes, landslides, and meteorite impacts
• Destructive earthquakes occur because
tectonic motion builds up stress
– Friction keeps the fault from slipping
– Slip initiates when stress overcomes friction
– Elastic rebound causes deformed rock to spring
back to undeformed position
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What Is an Earthquake?
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What Is an Earthquake?
• Transform faults have many branches and
– Offset occurs in distinct segments
• Some segments displace slowly with little shaking during
fault creep
• Some segments produce numerous small earthquakes
• Some segments are locked for hundreds of years and
rupture in large earthquakes
– Earthquakes occur in repetitive cycles
– Rupture propagates in a discrete time period
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What Is an Earthquake?
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What Is an Earthquake?
• Convergent plate boundaries generate
compressional forces
– Mountain building and faulting associated with large
– Subducting plates form a megathrust fault
• Produce the most powerful earthquakes
• Vertical motion underneath the ocean generates tsunamis
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What Is an Earthquake?
• Are there any local faults? If so, what type
are they?
• Have you ever experienced an earthquake? If
so, describe it.
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Focus Question 6.1
• What is the mechanism that generates large
– Stress (from movement of tectonic plates)
accumulates in a block of crust until it overcomes
frictional resistance and slip occurs
– Seismic waves propagate out from the hypocenter
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Focus Question 6.2
• What are the different types of seismic waves?
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
• The study of earthquake waves is known as
• Waves are measured by seismometers
– Intertia keeps a weighted arm from moving
while ground motion moves the instrument
– Amplifies ground motion
– Generates seismograms
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
• Two main types of seismic waves generated
by earthquakes:
– Surface waves travel in rock layers just below
Earth’s surface
– Body waves travel through Earth’s interior
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
• Two types of body waves:
– Primary or P waves
• Push/pull rocks in direction that wave is traveling
• Temporarily change volume of material
• Travel through solids, liquids, and gasses
– Secondary or S waves
• Shake particles at right angles to direction that
wave is traveling
• Change shape of material
• Do not travel through liquids or gasses
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
• Two types of surface waves:
– Some travel along Earth’s surface like rolling
ocean waves
– Others move Earth materials from side to side
• Most damaging type of ground motion
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
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Seismology: The Study of Earthquake
• Speed of travel is very different for each type
of wave
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Focus Question 6.2
• What are the different types of seismic
– Surface waves travel at Earth’s surface and body
waves travel through the interior
– Surface waves roll or move side to side
– Body waves include P waves and S waves
• P waves travel faster and push/pull material
• S waves move material from side to side
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Focus Question 6.3
• How are seismographs used to locate an
earthquake epicenter?
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Locating the Source of an Earthquake
• P waves travel faster than S waves
• Difference in arrival time is exaggerated by
– Greater interval between P and S wave arrivals
indicates greater distance to epicenter
• Seismographs can be used to triangulate the
epicenter of an earthquake
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Locating the Source of an Earthquake
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Locating the Source of an Earthquake
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Locating the Source of an Earthquake
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Focus Question 6.3
• How are seismographs used to locate an
earthquake epicenter?
– Difference between P wave and S wave arrival time
increases with distance from epicenter
– Multiple seismographs are used to triangulate the
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Focus Question 6.4
• What scales are used to measure earthquakes?
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Determining the Size of an Earthquake
• Intensity measures the amount of ground
shaking based on property damage
– Used for historical records
– Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale developed in
California in 1902
• Magnitude is a quantitative measure of energy
released in an earthquake
– Richter scale is related to the amplitude of the
largest seismic wave
– Moment magnitude measures total energy released
based on amount of slide, area of rupture, and
strength of faulted rock
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Determining the Size of an Earthquake
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Determining the Size of an Earthquake
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Focus Question 6.4
• What scales are used to measure earthquakes?
– Intensity scales based on property damage
• Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
– Magnitude scales based on measure of
energy released
• Richter scale
• Moment magnitude
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Focus Question 6.5
• What destructive forces are triggered by
earthquake vibrations?
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Earthquake Destruction
• Magnitude and other factors determine
degree of destruction
• Area 20-50 km surrounding the epicenter
experiences equal shaking
• Ground motion diminishes rapidly outside of
50 km
• Earthquakes in stable interiors are felt over a
larger area
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Earthquake Destruction
• Earthquake damage depends on:
Nature of surface materials
Nature of building materials
Construction practices
• Flexible wood and steel-reinforced buildings
withstand vibrations better
• Blocks and bricks generally sustain the most
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Earthquake Destruction
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Earthquake Destruction
• Soft sediment amplifies vibrations
• Vibrations cause loosely packed,
waterlogged materials to behave like a fluid
– During liquefaction stable soil becomes mobile and
rises to the surface
• Vibrations also trigger landslides, ground
subsidence, and fires
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Earthquake Destruction
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Earthquake Destruction
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Earthquake Destruction
• Megathrust displacement lifts large slabs of
seafloor, displaces water, and generates a
– Low amplitude wave travels at very high speed in
open ocean
– Amplitude can reach tens of meters in shallow coastal
– Arrival on shore is preceded by a rapid withdrawal of
water from beaches, followed by what appears as a
rapid rise in sea level with a turbulent surface
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Earthquake Destruction
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Focus Question 6.5
• What destructive forces are triggered by
earthquake vibrations?
Ground motion
Ground subsidence
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Focus Question 6.6
• Where are the major earthquake belts?
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Earthquake Belts and Plate Boundaries
• Circum-Pacific belt convergent boundaries
experience 95% of earthquakes
– Megathrust faults generate largest earthquakes
• Earthquakes along Alpine-Himalayan belt
because of continental collision
• Weak earthquakes along oceanic ridge
system because tension pulls plates apart
• Transform and strike-slip faults generate
large, cyclical earthquakes
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Earthquake Belts and Plate Boundaries
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Focus Question 6.6
• Where are the major earthquake belts?
– Subduction zones around the Pacific ocean
– Alpine-Himalaya belt
– Oceanic ridge systems
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Focus Questions 6.7
• Why is Earth layered?
• How are seismic waves used to describe
Earth’s interior?
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Earth’s Interior
• Earth has distinct layers:
– Heaviest material at the center, lightest at top
– Iron core, rocky mantle and crust, water ocean,
gaseous atmosphere
• Interior is dynamic
– Mantle and crust are in motion
– Material is recycled from surface to deep interior
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Earth’s Interior
• Temperature increased as material
accumulated to form Earth
– Iron and nickel melted and sank to the center to
produce iron-rich core
– Buoyant rock rose to the surface and formed crust
rich in O, Si, and Al (+ Ca, Na, K, Fe, and Mg)
– Chemical segregation led to iron-rich core, primitive
crust, and mantle
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Earth’s Interior
• Seismic waves are the only way to “see”
inside the interior
Waves are reflected at boundaries
Refracted through layers
Diffracted around obstacles
Velocity increases with depth as stiffness and
compressibility of rock change
• Can be used to interpret composition and temperature of
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Earth’s Interior
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Focus Questions 6.7
• Why is Earth layered?
– Physical and chemical segregation of molten material
when Earth formed
• How are seismic waves used to describe
Earth’s interior?
– Reflection, refraction, diffraction, and velocity are
used to interpret composition and temperature of rock
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Focus Question 6.8
• What is each of Earth’s layers like?
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Earth’s Layers
• Earth is divided into three compositionally
distinct layers:
– Crust
– Mantle
– Core
• Can be further subdivided into zones based
on physical properties
– Solid or liquid
– Strength
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Earth’s Layers
• Thin, rocky crust is divided into:
• Oceanic crust
– ~7 km thick
– Composed of basalt
– Density ~3.0 g/cm3
• Continental crust
– ~35 – 40 (up to 70) km thick
– Many rock types
– Average density ~2.7 g/cm3
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Earth’s Layers
• Mantle
– Solid layer extending to 2900 km
– 82% of Earth’s volume
• Chemical change at boundary between crust
and mantle
• Uppermost mantle (first 660 km) is peridotite
– Stiff top of upper mantle (+ crust) is lithosphere
• Cool, rigid outer shell
• ~100 km thick
• Weaker portion below is asthenosphere
– Upper asthenosphere is partially melted
– Lithosphere moves independently of asthenosphere
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Earth’s Layers
• Core is an iron-nickel alloy
– Density ~10 g/cm3
– Outer core is liquid
• 2270 km thick
• Generates Earth’s magnetic field
– Inner core is solid sphere
• 1216 km radius
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Earth’s Layers
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Focus Question 6.8
• What is each of Earth’s layers like?
• Crust is thin, solid
– Oceanic (thin, basaltic) and continental (thicker,
• Mantle is solid
• Crust + upper mantle = lithosphere
• Core is divided into outer liquid and inner solid cores
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Focus Questions 6.9
• What is brittle deformation?
• What is ductile deformation?
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Rock Deformation
• Deformation
– All changes in shape, position, or orientation of a rock
– Bending and breaking occurs when stress exceeds
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Rock Deformation
• Elastic deformation
– Stress is gradually applied
– Rocks return to original size and shape when stress is
– Ductile or brittle deformation occurs when elastic limit
is surpassed
• Strength of a rock is influenced by temperature,
confining pressure, rock type, and time
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Rock Deformation
• Brittle deformation
– Results in fractures
– Common at/near surface
• Ductile deformation
– Solid-state flow at great depths
– Produces a change in the size and shape of a rock
– Some chemical bonds break and new ones form
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Focus Questions 6.9
• What is brittle deformation?
– Fracturing of rock when the elastic limit of a rock is
surpassed that occurs at or near the surface
• What is ductile deformation?
– Change in the size and shape of a rock that occurs at
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Focus Question 6.10
• What are the major types of folds?
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Folds: Structures Formed by Ductile
• Folds are wavelike undulations that form
when rocks bend under compression
• Compressional forces result in shortening
and thickening of the crust
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Folds: Structures Formed by Ductile
• Anticlines
– Upfolded or arched layers
• Synclines
– Associated downfolds or troughs
• Symmetrical
– Limbs are mirror images
• Asymmetrical
– Limbs are different
• Overturned
– One or both limbs are tilted beyond the vertical
• Recumbant
– Axis is horizontal
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Folds: Structures Formed by Ductile
• Circular or elongated upwarping structures
are called domes
– Upwarps in basement rocks deform overlying
sedimentary strata
• Downwarping structures are called basins
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Folds: Structures Formed by Ductile
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Focus Question 6.10
• What are the major types of folds?
– Anticlines, synclines, overturned, recumbent
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Focus Question 6.11
• What is the relative motion on normal,
reverse, and strike-slip faults?
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
• Faults
– Fractures in the crust with appreciable displacement
– Movement parallel to dip are dip-slip faults
• Rock surface above the fault is the hanging wall
• Surface below the fault is the foot-wall block
• Fault scarps
– Long, low cliffs produced by vertical displacement
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
• Normal faults
– Hanging wall moves down relative to footwall
– Accommodate extension of crust
• Fault-block mountains are associated with
large normal faults
– Uplifted blocks are elevated topography called
– Down-dropped blocks are basins called
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
• Reverse faults
– Hanging wall moves up relative to footwall
– Thrust faults
• Reverse faults with a dip of less than 45º
– Result from compressional stress
– Accommodate crustal shortening
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
• A strike-slip fault
– Exhibits horizontal displacement
– Parallel to strike
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Faults: Structures Formed by Brittle
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Focus Question 6.11
• What is the relative motion on normal,
reverse, and strike-slip faults?
– Hanging wall block down relative to footwall
block = normal fault
– Hanging wall block up relative to footwall
block = reverse fault
– Horizontal displacement = strike-slip fault
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Focus Question 6.12
• Where are Earth’s major mountain belts?
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Mountain Building
• Orogenesis is the set of processes that
forms a mountain belt
• Older mountain chains are eroded and less
topographically prominent
• Compressional mountains
– Large quantities of preexisting sedimentary and
crystalline rocks that have been faulted and folded
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Mountain Building
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Focus Question 6.12
• Where are Earth’s major mountain belts?
– Young mountain belts at convergent boundaries
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Focus Question 6.13
• What are the major features of an Andean-type
mountain belt and how are they generated?
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Subduction and Mountain Building
• Subduction of oceanic lithosphere is the
driving force of orogenesis
– Volcanic island arcs build mountains by volcanic
activity, emplacement of plutons, and the
accumulation of sediment from the subducting plate
onto the upper plate
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Subduction and Mountain Building
• Continental volcanic arcs form at Andeantype convergent zones
– Before subduction, sediment accumulates on a
passive continental margin
– Becomes an active continental margin when a
subduction zone forms and deformation begins
– An accretionary wedge is an accumulation of
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks scraped from the
subducting plate
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Subduction and Mountain Building
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Focus Question 6.13
• What are the major features of an Andeantype mountain belt and how are they
– Continental volcanic arc
– Accretionary wedge
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Focus Question 6.14
• What are the stages of development in a
collisional mountain belt?
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Collisional Mountain Belts
• Cordilleran-type mountain building occurs in
Pacific-like ocean basins
– Rapid seafloor spreading is balanced by rapid
– Island arcs and crustal fragments (terranes) collide
with a continental margin
• Some terranes may have been microcontinents
• Small terranes are subducted
• Larger terranes are thrust onto the continent
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Collisional Mountain Belts
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Collisional Mountain Belts
• Alpine-type orogenies result from continental
– Himalayas
– Collision between Indian and Eurasian plates
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Collisional Mountain Belts
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Focus Question 6.14
• What are the stages of development in a
collisional mountain belt?
– Large terranes are thrust onto a continental block
during subduction
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