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Integumentary System Notes 1. What are the main functions of the Integumentary system? 2. Protection of underlying organs 2. Prevents infection 2. Vitamin D production 2. Covering 3. Skin and all of the things in skin 1. What are the three layers of skin? 2. Epidermis: made of epithelial cells 3. Older cells get pushed outward as new cells made 3. Full of a protein called keratin, which fills them up 4. Provide waterproofing 3. Outer layer is dead and is the oldest 2. Dermis: middle layer of skin 3. Contains hair follicles out of which hair grows 4. Hair is made of keratin 4. Hair follicles also have sebaceous glands 5. These produce sebum, which is oily and keeps hair soft 4. arrector pili: small muscles that cause hair to stand on end 5. Nerve cells attach, which is why it hurts to pull hair 3. Sweat glands: cool the skin 3. Tattoo ink is placed here because it doesn’t get shed 2. Subcutaneous layer: fatty layer beneath skin 3. Warmth and protection 1. What causes skin pigment? 2. melanin: pigment that causes skin color 3. Produced in cells called melanocytes 3. Everyone has the same number, but they may not be functional 3. found in bottom most part of epidermis 1. What are pimples? 2. Form in sebaceous glands 3. Forms when skin cells get glued together by sebum 3. Bacteria within pores begins eating the skin cells 3. Blackheads form when sebum mixture touches air 3. Whiteheads have the same mixture but doesn’t touch air 1. Why does sweat smell? 2. Sweat is used for cooling 2. Bacteria within sweat glands gets active during puberty 3. As bacteria eats sweat, their waste products smell 2. Deodorants mostly block sweat glands 3. Also contain aluminum, which squeezes sweat glands shut 1. What nerves are present in the skin? 2. pressure (Pacnarian) and touch receptors (Meissner’s Corpuscle) 2. pain receptors that respond to damage 2. heat/cold receptors LAB: 2 POINT DISCRIMINATION 1. What are burns? 2. first degree: impact epidermis 3. Most sunburns; kills cells which are replaced 4. This leads to peeling 2. second degree: through epidermis and into dermis 3. Causes blistering 4. The fluid in blisters protects underlying skin 2. third degree: through entire dermis 3. Can lead to death because of infection and lack of blood flow 3. Skin does not grow back 1. What are different types of skin cancer? 2. squamous cell carcinoma: forms in flat cells of epidermis above the basement membrane 2. basal cell carcinoma: forms in lowest region of epidermis 2. melanoma: cancer of pigment producing cells