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Anatomy: Integumentary System Review
Students will be able to:
Identify the difference between the 4 linings/membranes of the body
Recognize/explain the main function of the system
Identify the function of keratin (protein)
Differentiate between the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers
Recognize what contributes to skin color (melanin, carotene, oxygen rich hemoglobin)
Explain what causes bruising
Identify and explain the appendages of the skin (sebaceous/sweat glands, hair/hair follicle, nail, sensory
Identify the change in skin as you age
Match descriptions and causes of disorders
Identify the difference between burn types
Use the rules of 9
Identify the difference between skin cancer types
Recognize the ABCD’s of skin cancer
1) How does keratin play a role in protection for the integumentary system?
Waterproof, toughness/protection
2) How does sweat help us to maintain temperature?
3) What tissue(s) in the integumentary system help to cushion and insulate our body?
4) What vitamin is synthesized in our skin do to sunlight?
Use the terms epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous for the following questions 5-17.
5) Which layer of skin is composed of 5 layers of strata? _____E______________________
6) Which layer makes up the strong and stretchy hide? _________D__________________
7) Which layer is not directly part of the integumentary system? ____S_______________________
8) Which layer insulates deep tissue from temperature changes? _____S______________________
9) Which layer has an abundant blood supply and nerve endings? _____D______________________
10) Which layer has no blood supply? ________________E___________
11) Which layer is mainly adipose tissue? ______________S_____________
12) Which layer contains keratinocytes? ________________E___________
13) Which layer is ¾ stratum corneum? __________________E_________
14) W Which layer makes up the strong and stretchy hide? ___D________________________
15) Which layer is made of stratified squamous epithelium? ___E________________________
16) Which layer contains melanocytes for producing melanin? __E_________________________
17) Which layer contains the sebaceous and sweat glands? _____D______________________
18) Is darker pigmentation caused by more melanocytes, or the production of more melanin per melanocyte?
19) What cause skin to have a pink/flushed appearance?
Oxygen rich hemoglobin
20) Carotene causes a ___yellow/orange_________________________ undertone.
21) What causes bruising?
Blood escapes vessels
A yellow color known as jaundice may indicate a ___liver failure______________________.
Exocrine glands release secretions through __ducts_______________.
Sebaceous glands secrete a/an _________oil______________.
Sweat glands mainly secrete ________water and salts______________________________.
Where on your body would you not find sebaceous glands? palms and bottom of feet
Why are sebaceous glands important?
Keeps skin soft, prevents hair from getting brittle
Contains chemicals for killing bacteria
Sweat glands are also known as __sudoriferous glands_______________________________.
Nails are a modification of the ___epidermis________________________.
Other structures related to nails (in other organisms) are ____claws, hooves___________________________.
Why does it take longer for people to heal as they become older? Cells reproduce more slowly
Why is it easier to sustain injuries, such as cuts or abrasions as you age? Thinner
Use the disorder discussed in class to answer the following questions. (33-41)
Fluid filled blisters caused by a virus. ______cold sore______________________
Itchy red patches caused by exposure to a chemical _contact dermatitis ______________________
Pus-filled bumps due to an infected hair follicle. ___boils_______________________
Chronic condition where the body attacks its of tissue. ____psoriasis_____________________
Fungal infection marked by red itchy patches and whit flaky skin. ___ athlete’s foot ____________________
Lesions around the mouth and nose caused by staphylococcus. ____impetigo______________________
A cluster of boils. ________carbuncles_____________________
Autoimmune disorder that leads to the overproduction of skin cells. _psoriasis_______________________
Caused by the Herpes Simplex virus. _________cold sore________________________
42) Burn that requires skin grafts. _____3rd____________________
43) Burn that only affects the epidermis. ____1st________________________
44) Burn in which regeneration is not possible. __3rd_______________________
45) Burn that affects the epidermis and upper layer of the dermis. ___2nd_____________________
46) Burn that blisters. ______2nd_____________________
47) Least serious of the burns. ____1st________________________
48) Cancer that does not spread. __benign__________________________
49) Cancer that spreads/moves. _____malignant_________________________
50) Only 5% of skin cancers and can be deadly. _____ Malignent Melanoma_____________________
51) Least malignant of the skin cancers. __ Basil Cell Carcinoma __________________________
52) Skin cancer that is red, scaly, and can move to the lymph nodes. ____ Squamous cell carcinoma
53) What does ABCD stand for when talking about cancer?
Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color, Diameter larger than 6mm (size of a pencil eraser)
Stratum corneum
60-64) no
66) hair follicle
67) hair shaft
68) sebaceous gland duct ( no)
69) sebaceous gland
70) arrector pili muscle
71) no
72) no
73) no
74) bulb
75) dermal papilla