Download Between the Wars United States • Europe • Italy

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Between the Wars
United States
The nickname for the 1920’s was the Roaring Twenties.
A new type of music in the 1920’s was jazz.
A liberated young woman in the 1920’s was called a flapper.
A ban on alcohol in the 1920s was called Prohibition.
An underground bar during prohibition was called a speakeasy.
A trial over teaching things that weren’t in the bible was the Scopes Trial.
A reawakening of African American cultural heritage was called Harlem Renaissance.
Marie Curie discovered radioactivity.
Penicillin was used to kill bacteria.
• Europe
France wanted to be sure that Germany stayed weak.
They had a protective line called the Maginot Line that was supposed to protect them from a
German attack.
The Kellogg Briand Treaty outlawed war but could not be enforced.
Disarmament is reducing the number of weapons in a country.
The Great Depression was a time when people suffered throughout the world because of economic
The Dust Bowl was a drought and series of storms America.
• Italy
Mussolini was the name of the leader of the Fascists in Italy.
Mussolini promised to bring Italy back to the glory of Rome
Mussolini’s thugs were called the Black Shirts
Mussolini took power after his March on Rome.
Mussolini called himself Il Duce.
Under Mussolini, the person was not as important as the State
Mussolini gave medals to women who had many children
Mussolini had many groups designed to indoctrinate youth
A government that controls all aspects of a person’s life is a totalitarian government.
• Russia
Stalin took over after Lenin died.
Stalin put Lenin’s body on display.
Stalin had many Five Year Plans that decided how much of everything should be made.
Stalin collectivized agriculture.
He tried to eliminate wealthy farmers, called kulaks
When other peasants resisted, Stalin starved them to death.
Anyone that disagreed with Stalin was killed or sent to gulags
Stalin killed people in his own party during the Great Purge
Stalin use propaganda to control people’s hearts and minds.
He wanted people to believe that he was like a god
Stalin tried to make everyone more Russian, this program was called Russification
Stalin tried to eliminate religion
His official policy was atheism or belief in no god.
• Germany
The government in Germany after World War I was called the Weimar Republic
Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I.
Prices and wages rose quickly in Germany, this is called inflation
Hitler’s book was called Mein Kampf
He thought Germans were part of a master race
He thought they should have more lebensraum or living room.
Hitler called his empire the Third Reich
Hitler’s secret police were called the Gestapo
Hitler’s elite troops were called the SS
The Nuremberg Laws placed restrictions on Jews in Germany.
Jews were attacked by mobs during a night called Kristallnacht
The Hitler Youth were supposed to be the future of the Nazi party.
ƒ Japan
• Social and economic changes in Japan lead many Japanese people to lose faith in the government
• Nationalist military leaders gradually take control of Japan’s government
• Japan begins to pursue aggressive, expansionist policies
• Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931
• War with China began in 1937, leading to the Nanjing Massacre.
• Japan looks elsewhere for the natural resources needed to supply its war machine
• Japan looks to create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere