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Anatomy Study Guide
Chapter 5 – “The Integumentary System”
The Skin: Epidermis
The Integumentary System is composed of two main parts: the _________ and _______ ________________
(such as ________ glands, ______ glands, ________, & ________). Interestingly, the skin is one of the
____________ & _____________ organs in the human body weighing between ____-____ pounds, and
completely laid out, it would cover approximately ____&____ sq ft. The skin accounts for as much as
_________ of your body __________ in the average adult and its thickness __________ (____-____ mm)
depending upon the location of the body. For example, the skin of the _______ of your hands & ________
of your feet is much _____________ than the skin of your eyelids.
The skin is composed of 3 different layers. The _______________ is the outermost _______________
_________ of the body, & the _________, the middle layer, makes up the ________ of the skin. The third
layer, the _______________, isn’t technically ________ of the skin & is mostly ____________ tissue. It
___________ the skin to the underlying _____________.
The epidermis is composed of several different cells. _________________ produce ____________ (which
_____________ or ______________ the skin). They help to give the epidermis its _______________
properties. _____________ cells are ___________ receptors. ________________ are made in the
_____________ layer of the epidermis, & they produce _____________. This protein provides us with our
skin _________. The amount produced depends on our _____________ & the amount of _______ exposure
we receive. It provides protection against ______ _________. The epidermis is broken down into 5 smaller
layers. From the most _______________ layer to the most _________, they are the stratum ____________,
stratum ____________, stratum _______________, stratum ____________, & stratum __________.
The stratum _____________ is composed of _____-_____ rows of _________, keratinized cells. It makes
up about ______ of the epidermal ______________. One of its functions is to protect from ___________. It
also _______________ & provides a barrier against _______________, chemical, & ____________ assaults.
The stratum _____________ is ONLY found in the ______________ skin…usually only the palms & soles
of the feet. It looks like a thin, ______________ band of cells. The stratum ________________ is made of
cells that fill with _____________. The keratin appears as ____________ which is where this layer gets its
name. The cells in this layer become ________________. The stratum ______________ has cells that
appear to be _____________, & its cells are filled with ____________. Finally, the stratum ___________ is
the ____________ layer of the epidermis & is firmly attached to the __________. It is a __________ row of
cells that constantly undergo _________ ____________. On average, it takes _____-_____ days for cells to
make it from this layer up to the surface of the epidermis.
The Skin: Dermis
The dermis is considered to be “________ ________” and is found _______ ________ the epidermis. This
layer contains all of the _______ receptors, _________ receptors, blood vessels, & ______/________ glands.
The dermis is made of __________, ______________ connective tissue is the same tissue as in animal
__________ that are used to make ______________. It is divided into two layers. The ______________
(top layer) is composed of ____________ connective tissue & has both collagen & ___________ fibers.
There are many ______________ loops the come up from the blood vessels in the ______________ layer.
In the papillary layer, there are _____________ corpuscles (_____ touch receptors) & free ________ endings
(______ receptors). The _____________ layer (bottom layer) makes up about _______ of the total thickness
of the dermis. Its ___________ fibers provide __________ & ____________ while its _________ fibers
provide strength & __________ properties. The reticular layer includes the cleavage (__________) lines.
The dermis is the location of 2 important skin “markings”. ___________ ridges are located at the top of the
____________ layer & are primarily found on the _________ of the hands & the ________ of the feet. They
increase ___________ & enhance the ___________ ability of the __________ & _______. Their patterns
are ____________ determined & are ___________ from person to person. They form our ______________.
_____________ lines are groups of ____________ fibers that are arranged in ____________. They give the
skin ____________ & ______________ which prevents _________ & ___________ from ______________
the dermis. They are externally ______________ and are taken advantage of by _____________. During
surgery, they will make their incisions ______________ to the lines in order to make them _________ more
____________ & make the wound ________ ________.
The Skin: Skin Color
Skin color is determined by several factors. _____________ is responsible for giving us a ____________ to
reddish-__________ to __________ range of colors. It is produced by _______________ & then migrates to
the epidermal cells. This “___________ __________” protects the __________ of epidermal cells.
____________ are the result of localized ___________________ of melanin. _____________ is a yellow to
___________ pigment that is found in some _____________. This pigment is most obvious in the ________
& the _________ of the feet. The protein ________________ is responsible for red coloring. It is found in
blood cells in the ______________ near the skin’s ______________. The ___________ content of our body
affects the degree of that “____________”. Hemoglobin is responsible for the ____________ hue of skin.
You can learn a lot about the overall health of a person simply by looking at their skin color. If you have
_____________ then your skin appears _________. It means your blood is poorly _______________ & can
be a sign of ___________ ____________ or ________________ trouble. ______________ is when the skin
has the ______________ appearance. It can be a sign of __________, __________________, hypertension,
or some sort of inflammation. __________ is when the skin becomes _______ or ashen. It signals _______,
_________, emotional ___________, ___________, or low ______. _____________ is when the skin has a
_____________ tint & generally means you have some sort of __________ disorder. _____________ is
when the skin has a __________, or slightly ___________ tint to it. It signals ______________ disease in
which the adrenal glands are making too little ____________ hormone. Finally, _________ & _________
marks form when __________ escapes general circulation & then _________ under the skin. It is known as
a “________________” or more commonly as a ___________.
Appendages of the Skin
The skin is also composed of several “derivatives” or “products” of the cells that make up the skin.
Examples include _________, _________, tooth __________, & ___________.
________ glands are more formally known as ______________ glands, & there are two main types. ______
sweat glands are abundant on the ________, ________, & _____________. Your sweat is 99% _________,
with NaCl, Vitamin C, _____________, dermicidin (anti-bacterial), & metabolic __________ mixed in. The
function of your eccrine glands is ___________________...__________ of your body. ____________ sweat
glands are mostly only found in the ___________ (__________) region. Their secretions are composed of
__________, ________, & various ___________. They are ____________ secretions; however, when
___________ on the skin break down its organic molecules, they create unpleasant “_________ ________”.
Your apocrine glands are functional from ___________ onward. You have several __________________
glands, which are specialized apocrine glands that secrete a bitter, _________ product in your _______
_________. It is believed that this product is designed to deter ___________ from entering your ears.
_______ glands are formally known as ________________ glands. They are widely _____________ around
the body; however, they are not found on the _________ or the _________. They become active at _______
(and are often associated with ____________) & are stimulated by _____________. They secrete an oily
substance called __________ whose function is to ___________ & ____________ the skin. Most of these
glands develop from _________ ____________.
Your ________ has a couple of functions. First, it _________ the body to the presence of ____________ on
the skin. Second, it guards the scalp against physical ___________, ________ loss, & ____________. Hair
consists of _______ keratinized cells, & _________ gives hair its ________...just like your skin is. ______/
__________ hair is the result of decreased ___________ production as well as increased _____ __________
in the hair. The hair ____________ is attached to special muscles called ___________ ________. These
muscles are responsible for the development of __________ ________. Oil glands __________ the hair,
keeping it from becoming _____________. Hair _____________ & _____________ occur in most cases
because hair follicles have a ____________ number of cycles. Your hair grows ___________ from your
_______ years until you reach your _______ when growth slows substantially. ____________ is hair
_____________ that occurs in both males & females after they turn ______. True _____________ is
______________ determined & much more common in _______.
The ________ are an extension of the epidermis at the ends of the _________ & ________. They are made
strong with lots of extra __________ and are completely colorless due to a lack of _____________.
Functions of the Integumentary System
The Integumentary System has several functions…
1) It provides _________________ for the deeper tissues using a couple of different kinds of barriers. It
acts as a _____________________ barrier that is created by the __________________ of the skin & the
_______________ of the keratinized cells. These barriers prevent ___________ ____________ from
moving in or out of the body. It also prevents _____________ & _________________ agents from
entering the body. _____________ barriers provide low _____ secretions that create what is known as a
“_________ _____________” which slows the _________________ of ___________ on the skin.
____________ provides another chemical barrier that prevents _____ _________.
2) It allows for _______________ of body temperature. As long as the _____________ temperature
remains ____________ than the body temperature, the skin surface _________ _________ to the air &
other _____________ objects. At ____________ body temperature, the body loses around _________ of
water per day. This is called _________________ perspiration. It is considered a routine function &
goes __________________. On _______ days, the body can lose up to ________ (or ____ gallons) of
water per day. This is called _______________ perspiration, & the _________________ of that sweat
_________ the body down. On ________ days, the blood vessels in the dermis ____________ which
causes the blood to ____________ the upper dermis. This function ___________ temperature loss.
3) It gives us our _________________ sensations. The ________________ corpuscles are the ________
touch receptors, while the _______________ corpuscles are the _________ pressure receptors. The
skin’s _______ nerve endings are the _________ receptors.
4) The skin helps us with a couple of important ________________ functions. It is responsible for the
synthesis of ________________. It also breaks down several ______________-causing chemicals that
may penetrate the _________________. By breaking them down, the chemicals become safer.
5) The Integumentary System is home to a large ___________ reservoir. There is a very extensive network
of _________ __________ in the ____________, & they hold up to ______ of the body’s blood volume.
6) Skin plays a big role in _______________. Sweat contains _______________-containing wastes. It is
also an important avenue for ____________ & ___________ loss.
Homeostatic Imbalances
Approximately ____ in ____ Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. ___________ is simply
an abnormal _________ of cells & it has two forms. ___________ cancers usually don’t ____________.
_____________ cancers can _______________ (move) to other ________ _______ & cause problems all
over the body. The main cause of skin cancer is ______ ________ because they damage ______ bases. The
damage to the DNA appears to ___________ the ________ gene which is a tumor _______________ gene.
Interestingly, ________________ skin accelerates the production of ________ (a protein that causes the
genetically ________________ cells to _____________ ____________. Fas causes the cells to ________
before they have the chance to _______________. There is also a newly developed ___________ that
claims to ________ damaged DNA before cells can develop into _____________.
There are three main kinds of skin cancer: 1) __________ cell carcinoma is the __________ malignant form
and is considered to be the most common of the three. It affects the stratum ___________ cells & is cured by
the surgical ______________ of the affected area in _______ of all cases. 2) _______________ ________
carcinoma involves the keratinocytes In the stratum ________________. It is most commonly found on the
___________, ________, lower ________, & _________. It has the ability to metastasize to the _________
__________; however, the early removal & _______________ therapy gives you a good chance of
__________. 3) Malignant _______________ is the most ____________ form and is a cancer of the
_________________. This form usually metastasizes ________ ___________ to the lymph nodes &
resistant to ________________. It is treated by the wide surgical excision of the area & ________________.
The “__________” Rule is used to detect possible cancerous __________. “A” refers to ____________...
the two sides of the pigmented area do not ___________. “B” refers to __________...moles with jagged or
indented ___________. “C” refers to ___________...moles with multiple __________ in the pigmented
area. “D” refers to ____________... moles larger than ________ in diameter should be checked.
_________ involve tissue damage that is caused by _______, chemicals, UV rays, or ____________. Some
of the associated dangers include ________________ & electrolyte ______________ (the biggest concern
initially). Additionally, because the damaged area is a very good growth medium for bacteria, __________
can ultimately lead to death.
The severity of burns can be categorized into 3 levels: 1) ___________ ___________ burns only affect the
_______________ & usually cause localized ___________, _____________, & pain. 2) ___________
____________ burns affect the epidermis as well as the upper layer of dermis and cause the skin to turn ____
with _____________. 3) ___________ ____________ burns cause the _______________ of all skin layers
and cause the skin to turn _________-________ or ____________ in color. Immediately following the burn,
there is no _________ because all of the __________ endings have been destroyed.
Doctors use the Rule of __________ to help them to _____________ the ____________ of burns as well as
the volume of ___________ ________ from the burns. They divide the burn patient’s body into _______
equal segments, each of which represents approximately ______ of their entire body surface area.
Other Skin Conditions
1) Contact ______________ can be caused by exposure to certain chemicals and can result in an
______________ _____________.
2) A decubitus ulcer (______ _________) is caused by a lack of __________ _________ to the skin.
3) ______________ is a condition whose cause is unknown & is a possible _______________ disorder.
It is often triggered by some form of ____________, ______________, or ___________.
4) Infections
a. __________ __________ are caused by the __________ ___________ virus.
b. ____________ _________ is caused by a ____________ infection.
c. _____________ is highly infectious & is caused by a ______________ infection.
d. _________ & ______________ are painful & are also caused by a _____________ infection.
Developmental Aspects of the Integumentary System
During the early adolescent years to adulthood, _______________ (oil) gland activity ________________.
Also, the ____________ of cumulative skin ___________ (sun damage, etc.) begin to _________ after the
age of _______. Finally, _____________ & ______________ become much more common. As you reach
old age, the epidermal _______________ slows, & the skin becomes ________, _______, & ________. The
_____________ & overall skin _____________ decreases leading to ________ intolerance & ___________.
There is also an increased risk of ______________ due to decreased _____________ production.