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Meiosis Notes
Name ____________________
Period ____ Date ___________
 Meiosis occurs in __________ reproduction when a ________ germ cell produces ___ ___________
daughter cells that can mature to become ____________(_______ or _____).
 Goal: ________ genetic material by ______
n (mom) + n (dad) = ___n (_____________)
Meiosis I
Prophase I
 Chromatids ________ and __________.
 ____________over occurs.
 __________ forms.
 Nuclear _____________fragments.
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Metaphase I
 Chromatid pairs _______ along the __________ of the cell.
Anaphase I
 Chromosomes ____________and move to ___________ poles.
 Sister chromatids remain _____________ at their _________________.
Telophase I
 Nuclear envelopes ____________.
 __________ disappears.
 ____________ divides cell into ____.
Meiosis II
________ chromatids carry
____________ genetic information.
Meiosis II produces ____________ with ___copy of each _____________ and thus one copy of each______.
Prophase II
 Nuclear envelope ______________.
 Spindle _________.
Metaphase II
 Chromosomes _______ along __________ of cell.
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Anaphase II
 Sister ___________ separate and move to opposite _______.
Telophase II
 Nuclear envelope _______________.
 Chromosomes _________.
 Spindle ____________.
 ________________ divides cell into ______.
Results of Meiosis
 _____ _________ cells
 One ______ of each chromosome
____________ allows the creation of ________ individuals through __________ reproduction.
Meiosis keeps _______________________________________________________________________
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Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
Number of divisions
Number of daughter cells
Genetically identical?
Chromosome #
Occurs in ________(body) cells
Occurs only in ________
(sex organs: ________/_________)
Produces cells for_________,
maintenance, _________, asexual reproduction
Only produces ___________
(sex cells: ______/________)
Results in _________diploid (2n) daughter cells
Reduction division results in __________(n) cells
Mistakes in Meiosis
 _____________________= The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly
during meiosis
_____________: When a gamete with ___________ chromosomes is fertilized by a normal
gamete, the zygote will have an extra chromosome
_____________ = When a gamete that is _______________ a chromosome fuses with a
normal gamete during fertilization, the resulting zygote lacks a chromosome.
_____________________ = organisms with more than the usual number of chromosomes sets
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