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Statewide Workforce Education and Training (WE&T)
Request for Proposal (RFP): WE&T Expert Selection
Comment Template
Per Decision 12-011-015, the “Decision Approving 2013-14 Energy Efficiency Programs and Budgets,” the Investor
Owned Utilities (IOUs) are hiring a workforce training expert entity (Expert) to help design and transition a
comprehensive Workforce Education & Training portfolio approach for implementation in 2015.
The IOUs welcome all interested parties to offer comments which will help inform the IOUs’ RFP.
If you are interested in offering feedback, please provide brief comments via this form and email them to Lisa Shell at
PG&E ([email protected]) by January 21 . Comments are not to exceed two pages. Anyone providing written
comments is welcomed to share their feedback at a Public Forum on February 1 . If you are interested in sharing
your feedback at the Public Forum, please note that in your email. You’ll subsequently receive details about your
presentation. ***Please note, anyone planning to bid on the RFP should not attend the Public Forum as this
may create a conflict of interest.
Public Forum Details
February 1 , 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
CPUC Auditorium: 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco
No call-in or web option
1 – If interested, please prioritize and describe elements you’d like to see if the scope of
The RFP should include how the proposals would address each of the following:
 How will the contractor address each of the recommendations of the Needs Assessment?
 How should the IOU resource and WE&T programs address the issue of inclusion of
disadvantaged, minority and low-income groups?
 How should training programs be structured for each of the following worker groups?:
o Strategies that address each major sector: Residential construction, Commercial
construction, Design and Engineering, Sales and Marketing
o Strategies that address incumbent workers
o Strategies that address entry level workers
 How should the IOUs and partners integrate early workforce planning for emerging technologies
so that appropriate skill standards and certifications are developed or identified and integrated
into new and existing resource programs?
 How should IOU training programs be aligned with other training funding sources and
institutions, including 4 year and community colleges, pre-apprenticeship, State-certified
apprenticeship, WIA funded programs, ETP funded programs, CEC funded programs and others?
 What kind of collaborations with licensing and certifying bodies should the WE&T programs
develop and how should they be structured?
 How should the IOUs determine if, and which kinds, of contractor qualifications and worker skill
standards and certifications in ratepayer resource programs, in collaboration with the CEC and
other regulatory bodies?
 How should the IOUs address occupational health and safety issues affecting ratepayer energy
efficiency and clean energy programs?
What kind of governance, advisory group or other stakeholder involvement should oversee and
advise the WE&T programs on an on-going basis? How will the contractor provide a venue to
address the perspectives of stakeholders?
What performance metrics are appropriate for the WE&T programs?
How should the CPUC and IOUs address workforce issues in EM&V?
2 – If interested, please describe the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities or other experience or
criteria you deem necessary in the Expert.
The contractor should have experience working with disadvantaged workers and institutions
that serve disadvantaged workers, such as community based organizations.
The contractor should have deep familiarity with targeted hiring strategies (local hiring, first
source hiring, etc.).
The contractor should have experience doing research and/or working with all of the major
state agencies and higher education institutions that are key to energy efficiency and renewable
energy, including 4 year and community colleges, Division of Apprenticeship Standards, CA
Workforce Investment Board, Employment Training Panel etc.
The contractor should have experience evaluating and assessing IOU WE&T programs.
The contractor should have a deep familiarity with the WE&T Needs Assessment and the Energy
Efficiency Strategic Plan.
The contractor should have specific expertise in workforce development and labor economics.
3 – If interested, please offer any other feedback regarding the scope of work, Expert
criteria or RFP process.
The IOUs should give serious consideration to using a Peer Review Group (PRG) to advise on the
scope of work and selection of the expert.
The members of this advisory group could serve the following functions:
o Review an advanced copy of the RFP, provide feedback, and review for clarity and
o Works with the IOUs to determine criteria and weighting for how applications will be
o PRG review the process for judging submissions and if necessary recommend changes
o Upon IOU evaluation, the PRG can review how the IOUs evaluated each submission and
asks any questions regarding the assignment of points or the ranking
o Provide a recommendation on the ultimate selection of the expert contractor.