Download Chapters 4-5 Problem Set 1. In one to two sentences, give the

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Chapters 4-5 Problem Set
1. In one to two sentences, give the function of each of the following organelles/
structures, AND state which overall cellular process it belongs to
(Manufacturing, Breakdown, Energy, Structure).
Cellular Process: _______________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
Cellular Process: _______________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
Rough ER: Cellular Process: _______________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
Cellular Process: _______________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
Cellular Process: _______________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
2. What are the three different types of junctions that exist between animal cells,
and what are their functions?
Junction: ___________________
Function: _____________________________
Junction: ___________________
Function: _____________________________
Junction: ___________________
Function: _____________________________
3. What type of junction exists between plant cells, and what is its function?
Junction: ___________________
Function: _____________________________
4. What classes of macromolecules can exist in or on the membrane of a cell?
5. Give an example of an ion/molecule that could permeate a cellular membrane
without the need for facilitated diffusion.
6. Give an example of an ion/molecule would required facilitated diffusion to
move across a cellular membrane.
Use the picture below to answer questions 7-8
Outside of cell
Inside of cell
7. Please state which direction each of the ions/molecules will move if they were
to move down their concentration gradient (ex. From the inside of the cell to the
outside of the cell).
O2: _________________________________________________________________
Na+: _________________________________________________________________
K+: _________________________________________________________________
8. Please state if the following would require active transport, passive transport,
or neither.
Movement of O2 from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell: ________________
Movement of Na+ from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell: _______________
Movement of K+ from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell: ________________
9. Given the following examples, please state if the solution that the cell is placed
into is hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic.
A red blood cell is placed into a solution, and over time, the cell begins to lose mass.
Tonicity: _________________
A red blood cell has a sodium chloride concentration of 0.9%. The red blood cell is
placed into a solution with a sodium chloride concentration on 0.45%.
Tonicity: _________________
A plant cell is placed into a solution, and water flows in and out of the cell at an equal
Tonicity: __________________