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Chapter 5
The Nile River
Directions: Circle the correct term to answer each question.
1) Like other early civilizations, where did the Egyptian civilization begin?
a delta
a river valley
the mountains
a forest
a seashore
2) What does the Nile River go through for most of its 4,000 miles?
an ocean
a forest
the Fertile Crescent
a desert
a field
3) When does the Nile flood?
when snow falls
every summer
before rain falls
during a drought
every spring
4) Where does the Nile begin?
Mediterranean Sea
Indian Ocean
5) Floods can cause harm, so some people think of them as what?
6) What does the Nile form just before it reaches the Mediterranean Sea?
a delta
a flood
a valley
a plain
a ditch
7) What did the Ancient Egyptians use floods for?
to bathe in to make canals to irrigate their fields to get drinking water to sail their boats
8) How did Egyptians travel south on the Nile?
with the flow of the river
along the banks
in canoes
in boats with large sails
on rafts
9) Who was the Egyptian sun-god?
10) For Egyptians, the east was a symbol of what?
a flood
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World History
Chapter 5
What Am I?
Directions: After each sentence, write the correct word or phrase from
the Word Bank that the sentence describes.
Word Bank
Lower Egypt
civil war
double crown
Old Kingdom
Upper Egypt
1) I am where the people of the north lived. _______________
2) People like me ruled Egypt. _______________
3) Builders did not have tools for cutting stone when they built me.
4) I am a place where Egyptians buried their dead rulers. _______________
5) Egyptians wanted their rulers to be comfortable in me, so they buried treasures
along with the bodies. _______________
6) I am a word that means to bring together as one. _______________
7) I am a group of traders traveling together through a desert. _______________
8) Rulers of Egypt wore me to show that Egypt was united. _______________
9) I am where the people of the south lived. _______________
10) I am the capital built where Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt meet.
11) I am another name for a series of jobs. _______________
12) I am what historians call the time from 3100 B.C. to 2186 B.C. _______________
13) I am a god-king who built my capital near Egypt’s present capital.
14) When people begin fighting within their own country, I am the result.
15) I am the system of making and trading things. _______________
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World History
Chapter 5
The Old Kingdom True or False
Directions: Read each sentence. Write T if the statement is true or F if
it is false.
______ 1) During the Old Kingdom, Egyptian cities became centers of business.
______ 2) Historians do not know if Menes was a real person.
______ 3) Egyptian pharaohs were kings, but not priests.
______ 4) The ancient Egyptians believed that life after death was very different
from life on Earth.
______ 5) Building pyramids did not take very long and was easy work.
______ 6) When the Old Kingdom fell, Egypt’s economy collapsed.
______ 7) Because robbers sometimes broke into tombs and stole the treasure
buried there, archaeologists cannot learn from a pyramid.
______ 8) Around 2100 B.C., government officials had lost power and the
pharaohs had become more powerful.
______ 9) Some historians believe that Egypt’s troubles were caused by natural
______10) The Egyptians built pyramids for shelter.
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World History
Write the Correct Answer
Chapter 5
Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct term. Choose your
answer from the terms in parentheses.
1) A bowl-like area for storing water is called a __________________
(basket, basin, canal).
2) __________________ (Hyksos, Thebes, Memphis) was the capital of
the Middle Kingdom.
3) To draw off water from a wet place is to __________________
(mummify, level, drain).
4) People of the Middle Kingdom wrapped the dead in
__________________ (armor, plaster, cloth) to keep the body from
5) The Hyksos easily defeated the Egyptians because they had
__________________ (money, cavalry, armor).
6) A __________________ (farmer, foreigner, pharaoh) is a person from
another country.
7) Egyptians __________________ (adopted, annexed, united) the
weapons, chariots, and armor of the Hyksos.
8) People of the Middle Kingdom thought that __________________
(the pharaoh, mummies, all people) would live forever.
9) Traders sold artifacts and __________________ (basins, armor,
products) in faraway places.
10) The __________________ (Hyksos, Egyptians, Mesopotamians) knew
about medicine and arithmetic.
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World History
People of the New Kingdom
Directions: Each sentence below tells about a person of the New
Kingdom. Write the letter of the sentence after the correct
name at the bottom of the page.
a) This ruler committed suicide to avoid surrendering to the Romans.
b) She was the first woman pharaoh.
c) This pharaoh believed the sun-god was the only god.
d) This pharaoh built temples that were open to light and air.
e) This pharaoh was the last of Egypt’s great rulers.
f) Ancient Egypt’s wonder ended when this ruler died.
g) This person became pharaoh after Hatshepsut died.
h) This ruler spread the influence of Egypt into Africa.
i) By building obelisks, statues, and temples, this pharaoh tried to rebuild
the empire after Egypt was conquered.
j) This pharaoh built army bases in all the lands Egypt controlled.
k) This person became pharaoh around 1372 B.C.
l) This ruler died in 30 B.C.
m) To conquer the cities along the eastern Mediterranean, this pharaoh set up a navy.
n) Egyptian art shows this pharaoh making offerings to Aton.
o) This pharaoh built a beautiful castle near Thebes.
Hatshepsut ________________________________________________________________________
Thutmose III _______________________________________________________________________
Ikhnaton __________________________________________________________________________
Ramses III _________________________________________________________________________
Queen Cleopatra ____________________________________________________________________
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 5
The New Kingdom Match-Up
Directions: Match each item in Column A with a detail in Column B.
Write the letter of each correct answer on the line.
Column A
Column B
______ 1) annex
a) built army bases and set up a navy
______ 2) wealthy
b) Egypt’s army helped Egypt to ______
c) took power away from the priests
______ 3) combine
d) to add a piece of land to one’s country
______ 4) loyal
______ 5) Thebes
e) ruled Egypt until Alexander the Great defeated
f) faithful
______ 6) obelisks
g) what Egyptians now call the sun god
______ 7) organize
h) to put together into one
______ 8) Thutmose III
i) kind of picture writing in Egypt
______ 9) hieroglyphics
j) a tall, pointed stone pillar
k) the first woman pharaoh
______ 10) Ikhnaton
l) rich
______ 11) offering
m) a gift made to a god
______ 12) Persians
n) capital of the New Kingdom
______ 13) Aton
o) to set up
______ 14) Hatshepsut
______ 15) expand
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 5
Egyptian Gifts True or False
Directions: Reach each sentence. Write T if the statement is true or F
if it is false.
______ 1) The Egyptians learned how to use papyrus to make bricks.
______ 2) The Egyptians were skilled builders.
______ 3) A cubit is a measurement that is the length of an arm from the
end of the middle finger to the elbow.
______ 4) Egyptians used a counting system based on ten.
______ 5) Most of the temples that the Egyptians built are still in good
condition today.
______ 6) A scroll is a roll of papyrus.
______ 7) Egyptian artists carved large statues from wood.
______ 8) A fever is a high body temperature.
______ 9) Egyptians used geometry to survey, or measure, land.
______10) Ancient scrolls tell us that the Egyptians knew how to check for
a heartbeat.
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History