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Possible Test Questions
Revised 3/9/09
1. What interrelationships do plate tectonics explain?
Historic Studies of the Ocean Floor
2. What was basically proven (geologically) with the 1860s lying of the transatlantic telegraph cable?
Continental Drift Theory Introduction
3. Alfred Wegener was famous for proposing which scientific theory?
4. What was “Pangaea”.
Wegener’s Evidence for Pangaea
5. Which two widely-separated mountain ranges formed a single range, millions of years ago?
6. Which geologic feature suggests that there was a continental glacier in Southern Pangaea?
7. Define biodiversity and how Wegener used this to define continental drift.
8. Why was the Theory of Continental Drift rejected?
Earth’s Physical Interior (Review from Unit 1)
9. With above, be able to label and define the following: lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, and
the two core components?
Earth’s Magnetic Shield
10. What effect does Earth’s magnetic shield have on our planet’s life?
Magnetic Poles
11. What “poles” does Earth’s magnetic field create?
12. What visible evidence (in the sky) is there for Earth’s magnetic shield?
Magnetism and Magnetite
13. Describes what happens to a magnetite grain when it cools within a basaltic magma.
Using Magnetic Fields to Study Geology
14. Define paleomagnetism and why is it an important geologic tool.
Some Magnetic Properties
15. What is a magnetic reversal and when may it occur again?
16. What is a geomagnetic time scale?
Descriptions of the Seafloor
17. Describe the height of the mid-oceanic ridge at a divergent center as compared to the abyssal plain.
18. Where are the deep sea trenches located? What is the name and depth of the deepest submarine
Theory of Seafloor Spreading
19. What theory did H. H. Hess propose in 1960?
20. According to Dr. Hess, what would cause the seafloor to move in opposite directions?
21. According to Dr. Hess, what would happen to the seafloor away from the ridge?
23. According to Dr. Hess, how often would all of the ocean crust be regenerated?
Magnetic Stripes on the Seafloor
24. What did Vine and Matthews discover that helped prove seafloor spreading?
25. Describe how “magnetic polarity stripes” are useful.
Age-Dating Seafloor Rocks and Sediments
26. Compare the ages of basalt at the oceanic ridge to its age at the edge far from the ridge, using
27. What is the significance of the oldest ocean sediments being younger than many surface rocks?
Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift
28. Why is it that we no longer use the term “continental drift”?
Lithospheric Plates
29. Describe the various crusts that makeup the North American plate (hint – oceanic and continental).
30. Describe the permanence of the lithospheric plates.
Plate Boundaries - Introduction
31. What are the three major types of plate boundaries?
32. What type forces are associated with divergent zones (expansion or compression?).
Divergent Boundary Zone
33. What are two general types of divergent zones?
34. Where are most divergent zones located?
35. What happens to the oceanic crust above a convection cell? (Remember density)
Black Smokers
36. What are “black smokers” and what makes them black?
37. What is significant about life found around black smokers?
Continental Divergent Zone or Rift Zones
38. Name an island nation directly over a spreading center or oceanic divergent zone.
39. What are rift zones?
40. What can happen (width) to a continent when it develops a large rift zone?
41. Name a famous American rift zone developed under a Texas bordering river.
42. Draw and label the components of a continental divergent (rift) zone.
Transform Fault Boundaries
43. What tectonic feature does a transform (fault) zone displace or offset?
44. Describe the movement of transform plate boundaries.
45. Name a famous American transform fault zone.
Convergent Plate Boundaries – Convergent Zone
46. Describe what happens at convergent plate boundaries.
47. What destructive forces are associated with convergent plate boundaries?
Three Types of Convergent Plate Boundaries
48. What are the three types of convergent plate boundaries?
I. Oceanic Crust – Oceanic Crust Convergent Zones
49. What are island arcs?
II. Oceanic Crust – Continental Crust Convergent Zones
50. Draw and label the components of an oceanic crust-continental crust convergent zone.
51. What is an accreted terrain?
III. Continental Crust – Continental Crust Convergent Zones
52. What happens when two continental plates collide?
53. Name at least two famous mountain ranges caused by two continental plates colliding.
Products of Convergent Zones
54. Why are metamorphic rocks most common at convergent zones?
Plate Motion
55. Describe the relative velocities of lithospheric plates.
Tectonic Plates Movement (Passive Plate Theory)
56. What is the basic premise of the Passive Plate theory?
Tectonic Plates Movement (Slab Pull Theory)
57. What is the basic premise of the Slab Pull theory?
Supercontinent Cycle
58. What is meant by the super-continent cycle?
Open Notes and Open Book Daily Quiz 16 (Unit 10)
A. (page 17) The Earth consists of three concentric layers; this orderly division results from? ____
B. (Page 17) The mantle is thought to be composed of what dark, dense igneous rock? _____
C. (Page 31) Edward Suess in 1885 noted a common plant fossil (Glossopteris) on many continents.
How did he propose that all of these continents were connected? _____
D. (Page 31) In 1910, Frank Taylor envisioned that the present-day continents broke apart because: __
E. (Page 31) In 1937, Alexander de Toit proposed a large northern land mass, which he named: _____
Open Notes and Open Book Daily Quiz 17 (Unit 10)
A. (Page 31) What name did Edward Suess propose for a super-continent in 1885? _____
B. The picture on page 33 (Figure 2.5) show “lines” of glacial movement. What are these lines? ____
C. (Page 36) The temperature at which magnetite can gain or loses it remnant magnetism from
heating? ____
D. (Page 38) As a group, how many geologists accept that plates are created at oceanic ridges and
destroyed at deep sea trenches? ______
E. (Page 53) Who is attributed with the idea of a supercontinent cycle? _____
Open Notes and Open Book Daily Quiz 18 (Unit 10)
A. (Page 44) Japan was formed above a plate boundary? What type of plate boundary? ___
B. (Page 46) How can former subduction zones be recognized? _____
C. (Page 46) “Slices” of oceanic crust that are accreted onto a continent is called: ____
D. (Page 48) The majority of transform faults are located in: ______
E. (Page 53) What valuable commodity has a close relationship with plate boundaries? _____
Open Notes and Open Book Daily Quiz 19 (Unit 10)
A. (Page 41) Examine Figure 2.14; describe the thickness of the deep sea sediments. ____
B. (Page 48) What might be the reason that the Pacific Plate changed directions from northerly to
westerly? ____
C. (Page 55) What are biotic provinces? ____
D. (Page 56) Figure 2.28) On opposite sides of Isthmus of Panama are seashell animals of the same
genus but different _____
E. (Page 56) When tectonics connected North America with South America, most of the diverse
mammal population migrated in which direction? _______