Download ever have sore muscles from training like a madman - tru

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The burning you feel in muscles during intense exercise is different
from the burning and pain you feel after exercising. Burning during
intense exercise is caused by the acidity from accumulation of lactic
acid. When your muscles cannot get all the oxygen they need to
convert food to energy during intense exercise, lactic acid
accumulates in muscles, makes them more acidic, and the acidity
causes a burning feeling. Excess lactic acid is cleared from the
muscles within seconds after stopping exercise.
Lactic acid is good because it is the most efficient fuel for muscles
during exercise. It requires less oxygen for energy than virtually all
other fuels. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) neutralize lactic acid in
muscles during intense exercise and helps athletes to exercise longer
( Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, October 2006). Caffeine
(the amount in four cups of coffee) reduces muscle burning during
intense exercise (International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise
Metabolism, April 2009).
Burning or pain you feel eight to 24 hours after exercising is usually
caused by damage to the muscles themselves. The longer you stay
in the burn during exercise and the greater the force on your muscles
during exercise, the greater the muscle damage. Most athletes train
by taking a hard workout on one day, damaging their muscles and
feeling sore on the next, and then going at low intensity for as many
days as it takes for the soreness to disappear. When muscles heal
from hard force on them, they become stronger. Athletes recover
from hard exercise actively by exercising at low intensity. They rarely
take days off. Exercising at low intensity during recovery makes
muscles more fibrous which protects them from injury when they are
stressed again.
But it's better to prevent the soreness. While micro-tears are a
necessary part of increasing strength, excessive pain doesn't have to
be. Properly warm up your muscles before an intense workout.
Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercise
regimen. Introduce change to your workout routine slowly – adding
new exercises will increase the likelihood that you will work your
muscles in a different way and will experience DOMS (delayed-onset
muscle soreness).
Prevention is more of an awareness, keeping things in perspective.
Stretching is very important after you work out and the next day -- it
will help reduce the amount of lactic acid you hold in your muscles.
The more flexible you are, the better off you'll be. Additionally, take
part in a cardiovascular activity, (walking, jogging, etc.) which will help
flush the blood and reduce post-workout soreness. Studies have
shown that sodium bicarbonate or baking soda (one or two
tablespoons of baking soda mixed with water or a powdered
Gatorade mix) taken approximately an hour before workout can help
minimize muscle pain from the workout. I’d recommend a ¼ teaspoon
per 24 ounces to start with, it won't taste great, but it most definitely
will help you.
What you can also try is adding baking soda to your bath.
When you have sore muscles soaking in a salt bath can be
therapeutic. If you choose the right ingredients you can do a lot to
loosen those tight muscles and get rid of the lactic acid build up that
occurs when your muscles are sore. Follow this simple recipe and
you are on your way to a relaxing bath that will loosen you up.
Get a small glass bowl out and put 1 cup of Epsom Salts in the bowl.
The Epsom salts help to reduce inflammation to relieve the aches
and pains from muscle cramps and works as a muscle relaxer.
Epsom salts also works to remove the toxins from your body and is a
natural emollient for your skin.
Next add a 1/4 cup of Sea Salts to the bowl. The sea salts are loaded
with natural minerals and nutrients. Soaking in sea salts helps to
remove the lactic acid build up that occurs in sore muscles.
Next add a 1/4 cup of Baking Soda to the bowl. The baking soda
works to neutralize the acids in your skin and washes away the oil
and perspiration.
Stir the Epsom Salts, Sea Salts and Baking Soda together.
If you treat your body right, your muscles will recover faster and you'll
be sure to make it to those mid-week workouts every week.
Remember, your body repairs broken down muscle and even burns
fat while you're sleeping, so make sure your getting at least 6 – 8 hrs
of sleep each night / day.
Don't forget about “Nutrition”
Be sure to eat a balanced carb/protein meal after a strenuous
workout. Protein Shake Smoothies are also a great choice.
HINT: Protein has been proven to help muscle repair faster. Which
translates to less soreness and will eventually become a stronger,
healthier, more flexible muscle ;)
At the end of the day.... make sure today was better than
-- TR