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Download Chapter 28 Review “America in the 1950s”
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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ___ Chapter 28 Review “America in the 1950s” Part One: Write a sentence using each group of words together. You should make sure your sentence shows the connection of the words to the unit of study. Please underline the words when you use them in your sentences. 1. automation, productivity Automation can lead to greater productivity with fewer workers. 2. domino theory, arms race Because the United States leaders believe in the domino theory, they were drawn into an arms race with the Soviet Union. 3. affluence, standard of living Greater affluence makes a higher standard of living possible. Part Two: Answer each of the following questions. You do not need to use complete sentences when answering the questions but be sure to use detail and your own words—not textbook words. 1. What were three foreign policy challenges the Eisenhower administration faced? Arms race, space race, seizure of the Suez Canal by Egypt, uprising in Hungary, Vietnam conflict, CIA overthrow in Guatemala, cutting diplomatic ties with Cuba 2. How did the Geneva summit help to ease the Cold War tensions? The US and the Soviet Union agreed on policy of peaceful coexistence. 3. What medical breakthrough did Dr. Jonas Salk make? Development of the polio vaccine 4. How did mass movement to the suburbs affect inner cities? Many minorities & impoverished people lived in inner cities. There were few job opportunities, and many people faced racial discrimination. Violence and crime often erupted from the poverty. 5. Why would the development of nuclear weapons have allowed Eisenhower to cut the military budget? By relying on nuclear weapons, the US could reduce the size of the army and the number of conventional weapons. 6. What was the goal of Project Mercury? To put an American astronaut into space 7. How did crop surpluses and synthetic fibers create problems for farmers and farm workers? Crop surpluses—drove down income Synthetic fibers—replaced some farm-grown products Part Three: Using the map on page 829, answer the following questions. 1. How many states were included in the Appalachian region? 13 2. In which states did poverty strike the hardest in 1960? West Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, & Kentucky 3. Was poverty in the Appalachian region more widespread in 1960 or in 2000? How can you tell? 1960—The maps show a decrease in the number of distressed countries from 1960-2000.