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 Organization of Life Study Guide Test on Thursday, February 17, 2016 Skeletal System ​
pg.444 Endocrine System ​
pg.636 S7L2 e. S7L2 e. What is a function of the skeletal system in the human body? ​
To provide structure and support for the human body. It is impossible for a skeleton to move because it lacks the ​
muscular system. The place on the body where two bones come together is called a ​
joint. Which gives shape and support to the human body? ​
bones (skeletal system) Which protects the body's organs? ​
bones (skeletal system) ________________________________________
__ What is the major purpose of the endocrine system?​
responsible for growth, development, and metabolism. ____________________________________
_ Nervous System ​
pg.596 S7L2 e. Which organs are an important part of the nervous system? ​
brain, nerves, spinal cord Messages travel to the brain along ​
nerves. ​
Muscular System ​
pg. 452 S7L2 d. Which body system is needed to help a person move? ​
muscular system What type of muscle is found in the heart? ​
cardiac muscle Which part of the body controls the functions of other body parts? ​
brain Messages are carried from the eyes to the brain by nerves. Which body part plays the largest role in controlling the nervous system? ​
brain S7L2 e. ____________________________ ____________________________ Circulatory System ​
pg. 504 Immune System ​
pg.562 S7L2 e. Which system has the primary function of fighting disease? ​
immune system Why might you become ill after visiting a friend who is sick with the flu?​
Immune system may be weak. You may have come in contact directly with the flu virus and the virus entered your body through the eyes, nose, mouth, or wound. What is the body's first line of defense against disease? ​
skin S7L2 e. How do prescription drugs travel throughout the body? ​
through your bloodstream A person's heart is about the same size as his or her ​
fist. S7L2 d. Which body part works harder when a person exercises? ​
heart Freddie was studying organ systems in science class. Which of these is a MAJOR role of the circulatory system in organisms?​
transport needed materials, such as nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, throughout the body. Organization of Life Study Guide Test on Thursday, February 17, 2016 ​
Digestive System ​
pg. 486 S7L2 e. Which system breaks down food? ​
digestive system The long tube that brings food from the mouth to the stomach is called the ​
esophagus. S7L2 d. What is the function of the heart? ​
to pump oxygenated blood to the body and non­oxygenated blood back to the lungs. ________________________________________ Excretory System ​
pg. 549 S7L2 e. Which body system is primarily responsible for removing waste products? ​
excretory system When you are hot, the skin helps cool you off by ___________________________ sweating. Respiratory System ​
pg. 534 Mary visits her doctor for her yearly check­up. A S7L2 e. What type of activity causes the lungs to work their routine urine test reveals the presence of excess sugar as well as other impurities in the blood. Mary hardest? ​
running, swimming, sports (physical also has swollen ankles and her blood pressure is activity) higher than normal. Based on this evidence, which Dominique has a stuffy nose, has trouble breathing, organ system may not be functioning properly? excretory system and coughs a lot. Which of her body systems is being affected? ​
respiratory system S7L2 d. filters out The human body has several systems that remove What happens to blood in the kidney? ​
waste (urine) waste from the body. The respiratory system is responsible for removing which of these from the Which body organ removes excess water and body? ​
carbon dioxide wastes from the blood? ​
kidneys The organ that holds solid waste materials before Mary wrote a science fiction story about another rectum. planet. The animals who lived there were similar to they are passed from the body is the ​
Which organ mixes food with a mild acid and breaks it into a paste­like substance? ​
stomach animals on Earth. On her planet, however, the animals do not breathe. Which organs of the respiratory system would be of no use to the animals on her science fiction planet? ​
nose, lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, aveoli S7L2 d. What is the MOST important gas taken into the lungs during breathing? ​
oxygen Which part of the body is involved in respiration? lungs The body takes in oxygen through which organ? lungs