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Ms. Areces
U.S. History
Chapter 2: New Empires in the Americas
Section 1: Europeans Set Sail
Prince Henry the Navigator
Early 1400s: __________________________ became a leader in world exploration
Prince Henry never went on a voyage but helped
o Built and founded a school of navigation to teach better _________________________________
o He financed research by ________________________________ and
o He ____________________ expeditions to explore the west coast of Africa
Started exploring the world because…
1. They wanted _______________________________
o They wanted to find ____________________________________ to Asia
2. Christians wanted to ________________________________________________ to their faith
3. Europeans were interested in _________________________________
o Explorer _______________________________________ wrote a book about his travels through
Asia which interested people
New _____________________________________ helped in world exploration
o _________________________________: a device that enabled navigators to learn their ship’s
location by charting the position of the stars
o _________________________________: used triangular sails that, unlike traditional square
sails, allowed ships to sail against the wind
 Rudders at the back of the ship improved steering
 _____________________________, _____________________________,
A Sea Route to Asia
Travel on the ____________________________________ was dangerous and difficult
o Especially when they traveled south to Africa
They set up _____________________________________________ along the way
After several expeditions, Portuguese reached Asia in ________________________
o Portugal had _____________ the European sea race to Asia! 
Portugal’s explorations would have major results:
o ____________________________________________________________
 Portuguese traded for gold, ivory, and slaves
 Slave trade devastated African communities
 Slaves were sent to ___________________ and the ______________________________
o Portugal became rich and powerful
 Other countries soon followed
Section 2: Europeans Reach the Americas
Columbus Sails Across the Atlantic
Ms. Areces
U.S. History
He was convinced that he could reach Asia by sailing
Asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of _______________________ to pay
o It took him a __________________________ to convince them
o They wanted _________________________________ & to ____________________ any lands
he explored _____________________________
Aug. 3, 1492: Columbus sets sail on the ___________________________________________________
___________________________________: They saw land! 
Landed in the _____________________________, but thought they had reached __________________
o He met ________________ people (natives)
o He called the islands the Indies thinking he was in India—and called the people
Taino lived in small ____________________________________ communities
o They were very ______________________________________________ to the Europeans
o But the Europeans were only interested in _________________—not the people
He collected exotic ___________________________________________ and then went back to Spain
He made _______________________ more voyages to the Americas
o 1504, he became very sick and died two years later
 He died believing ________________________________________________________
New interaction between _____________________ and _____________________________________
But there was __________________________ between European countries
o ____________________________ vs. ____________________________
1493: Pope Alexander VI (of Spain) issued the ______________________________________________
—an imaginary line that divided the Atlantic Ocean
o Spain got all the land __________________ of the line
The Portuguese king believed this was ____________________ to Portugal
To prevent war, they signed the _________________________________________________________,
which moved the Line of Demarcation ___________________________________________________
European explorers brought animals/plants to the Americas
They took plants/animals over to Europe, Asia, and Africa
o This became known as the _______________________________________________________
because it started with Columbus’s exploration
 Ex: corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa (highly valued in Europe)
 Ex: introduced horses, cattle, pigs, and grains to the Americas
Explorers also brought __________________________________________________________ to the
Americas 
o Natives had no ___________________________________ so many died
Eventually a trading network of raw materials, manufactured goods, and slaves developed between
Europe, Africa, and the Americas
o Millions of enslaved Africans were shipped to the Americas to work
Other Explorers Sail to the Americas
1501: _______________________________________________ went to modern-day South America
o He did not believe this was Asia; he called it the “___________________________”
o A German mapmaker called the new land ________________________ to honor Vespucci
 Europeans started calling the continents North America and South America
1519: Ferdinand Magellan from Portugal set out to sail _______________________________________
Ms. Areces
U.S. History
o After sailing around the southern tip, he continued across the ___________________________
even though his ships were low on food
o They _________________________ the Pacific!
o But Magellan was _____________________ in the Philippines in a battle against native people
o They continued to sail west into the ________________________________
1522: They reached Spain again with only ____________ of the original crew members
o They were the first people to ___________________________________, or go all around, the
 Their journey must have been about 40,000 miles
Section 3: Spain Builds an Empire
Spanish Conquistadors
Spanish sent conquistadors, _______________________________________________________, to the
o Conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived in ________________________ in 1519 to meet the Aztec
king, Moctezuma II (ca. 1500s)
o Francisco Pizarro (another conquistador) visited the ____________________ empire in the
Andes of South America
The Spanish were considered ____________________ and were offered ________________________
Both conquistadors were able to ______________________ take over the American empires with
similar tactics…
o Aztecs and Incas had ____________________________ of warriors, while the Spanish had a
______________________________________ soldiers
o But the Spanish had _____________________________________ & they had
_____________________ with enemies of Aztec and Incan empires
o The Spanish ______________________________________________ and killed the leaders
o They killed ______________________________ of Inca and Aztec, and looted their settlements
o More than _________% of the deaths were because of ______________________
The Spanish called their new land __________________________
Controlled ___________________________________ to the Americas
o Most of the emigrants were ______________________________
 Jews, Muslims, and non-Christians were _______________________________________
to go to New Spain
o At first, all emigrants were _________________—but then families were encouraged to move
Spain ruled its empire with royal officials
_________________________________________ formed in 1524 to govern the Americas from Spain
o They appointed two __________________________ (royal governors)
o Viceroyalty of Peru ruled most of ________________________________________
o Viceroyalty of New Spain controlled all territories in
Three kinds of settlements:
o ________________________ were trading posts and sometimes government centers
o ________________________ were where priests tried to convert Natives to Catholicism
o ________________________ were military bases to protect towns and missions
Ms. Areces
U.S. History
They built _________________________________ (“The Royal Road”) to connect some of the
scattered communities
Spanish Treatment of Native Americans
Spain’s American colonies helped make Spain very ______________________
o From 1503-1660: Spanish fleets carried __________________________ of gold and
______________________________ of silver from the former Aztec and Inca empires to Spain
But Native Americans suffered 
1650: Spanish Empire = 3-4 million people
o _________% were Native Americans
o Others: whites, Africans, & people of mixed racial background
Settlers from Spain were called peninsulares—
Spain established the ______________________________________________
o Settlers could _________ local Native Americans or ___________________________________
o In exchange, they were supposed to _________________________ Native American people and
Instead, most Natives were treated as _____________________________
The Spanish operated many _______________________________________
o Large farms ______________________________________________________________
o Plantations made huge __________________________ for their owners
o It took _______________________________________________
o Native Americans were forced to work the fields, raise/herd livestock, or mine for gold and
This treatment ___________________________ many Native Americans
The Spanish king commanded that priests convert the local people to Christianity
Some Natives __________________________ the rituals
o Others ___________________________ Spanish ideas completely
Some Europeans _____________________________________ the terrible treatment of Native
o A priest named Bartolome de Las Casas said that the Spanish should try to convert Native
Americans by __________________________________________________________________
o The Spanish monarchs agreed, but
Section 4: The Race for empires
Events in Europe
1517: The Protestant Reformation
o ___________________________________________
 began in ________________________________, then spread through Europe
o Martin Luther openly _______________________________ the Catholic Church for being
____________________________ and __________________________________________
o _______________________________: reformers who protested some of the Catholic Church’s
Ms. Areces
U.S. History
 They believed that religion should be ________________________
The ______________________________________ helped spread Reformation ideas by printing Bibles
and short essays about their ideas
1534: King Henry VIII founded the _______________________________________ (Anglican Church)
Many Catholics and Protestants got into _______________________________ over religion
o Protestants moved to the Americas _______________________________________________
One famous battle was fought between Spain and England
o Spain lost
o Plus, they were having economic troubles
Other countries began to _____________________________ Spain’s power in the Americas
Search for a Northwest Passage
________________________________________: a water route through North America that would
allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific
o European countries sent explorers to find it
 The _____________________  John Cabot
 The _____________________  Giovanni da Verrazano & Jacques Cartier
 The _____________________  Henry Hudson
o They _________________________ the NW Passage but they all claimed lands for Europe and
European Presence in North America
o Sir Walter Raleigh received a ___________________________
 a document that gives permission to set up a ______________________________
o 1584: landed in present-day _ and North Carolina which he named
o 1585: another expedition founded Roanoke Island off the coast of N. Carolina
 Life was ________________________—many fights with Natives and trouble with
growing food; many left
o 1587: John White and 150 other colonists resettled Roanoke
o White went back to England for a few months, but could not return to Roanoke because of the
war with Spain
o He got back 3 years later and found the colony ___________________________
 To this day, we have no idea what happened to that Roanoke colony
o _____________________________________________ in France slowed down colonization
o Samuel de Champlain founded a colony in present-day Canada
 Along the St. Lawrence River
 He called it ____________________________
o They set up ______________________________________ posts and routes
o Late 1600s: French gain more North American territory—New France
 More land for fur traders, explorers, & missionaries
o 1682: Rene-Robert de La Salle followed the Mississippi river down to the Gulf of Mexico and
claimed the land for King Louis XIV of France
 He called the new land _________________________________________
o 1700s: They set up trading posts throughout their territory
Ms. Areces
U.S. History
o They kept the population _____________________________ (only about 12,000 people)
o Population & fur trade helped the French ________________ with Native Americans
 They treated the Natives with _______________________________________________
 Many French settlers learned Native American languages and adopted their ways of life
o Claimed the land between the Delaware and Hudson rivers—called it New Netherland
o 1624: Dutch West India Company sent about 30 families to settle there
o 1626: Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island from Natives for about $_________
 Founded New Amsterdam
 Now known as ___________________________________________
o They allowed members of ________________________________ to settle in their colony
Section 5: Beginnings of Slavery in the Americas
Many Native Americans died because of ____________________________________________
Colonists thought to use African slaves because they were already _____________________________
to European disease
___________________________________: the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved
Africans were forced to endure
o Packed like ____________________, ________________________ together in small spaces
o Many died of disease, starvation, suffocation
__________________________ and __________________________ were refuges for the slaves—
developed a ______________________________