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US History/Chapter 2
“New Empires in the Americas”
Section 1: “Europeans Set Sail”
 First Europeans to make contact with North America
 From Scandinavia (today- Denmark, Norway, & Sweden)
 Skilled sailors, invented the longship- new style of ship that curved up at both ends that
allowed for better travel
 Sailed the Mediterranean and Black seas, eventually reaching the Atlantic
 Founded a settlement on Icelend
Leif Eriksson- Norwegian explorer, son of Erik the Red, was first European to explore
the Americas
 Left NA because of Native American attacks
Prince Henry the Navigator- Portugal leader responsible for advances that made exploration
more sucessful
 Observatory
 School of navigation- taught better methods of sailing
 Financed research for mapmakers and shipbuilders
 Paid for expeditions to explore the west coast of Africa
Reasons to Explore the World
 Asian spices (wanted to buy directly)
 Religion
o Christians wanted to convert more people to their faith
 Asian cultures
What helped advancing world exploration?
 New technology
o Astrolabe- device that enabled navigators to learn their ship’s location by charting
the position of the stars
o Caravels- smaller, lighter, and easier to steer ships designed by Portuguese; had
triangular sails to allow ships to sail against the wind
Bartholomeu Dias- led expedition from Portugal, along African coast, reaching the
southern tip of Africa
Vasco de Gama- was sent by King of Portugal to circle the tip of Africa, arriving in SW
India, allowing Portugal to win the European race for a sea route to Asia
-Increased trade routes brought wealth and power to Portugal, encouraging other European
countries to find their own trade routes
Section 2: “Europeans Reach the Americas”
Christopher Columbus- Italian sailor who was convinced he could reach Asia by sailing west
across the Atlantic Ocean
 Convinced King & Queen of Spain to finance his journey to the New World
 Was ordered to bring back any riches and claim any land discovered for Spain
 August 3, 1492- Columbus’s 3 ships set sail
o Nina
o Pinta
o Santa Maria
 October 12, 1492- ships landed on an island in the Bahamas
 Originally thought he had reached Asia; believed that until his death
Impact of Columbus’s Voyage
 Changed way Europeans thought of the world
 New interaction between Europe and the Americas
 CONFLICT both Spain & Portugal wanted to add these lands to their empire
o Line of Demarcation- an imaginary line (set by Spain’s pope) that split the
Atlantic Ocean, stating that Spain could claim all land west of the line
 Portugal thought this arrangement favored Spain, so to avoid war….
o Treaty of Tordesillas- moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles further west
Other Explorers Sail to the Americas
 Amerigo Vespucci- sailed to South America, convinced the land he reached was not
Asia, but a “New World,” further gaining the names North & South America
 Vasco Nunez de Balboa- Spanish explorer who discovered the Pacific Ocean
 Ferdinand Magellan- Portuguese explorer who sailed into the Pacific Ocean
 Circumnavigate- go all the way around the globe; Magellan’s sailors were the
Columbian Exchange- European explorers took a variety of plants and animals to and from
the Americas
 New to Europeans- corn, potatoes, tobacco, cocoa
 New to the Americas- horses, cattle, pigs, wheat, and barley. ALSO DEADLY
Section 3: “Spain Builds and Empire”
Conquistadors- Spanish soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas
 Hernan Cortes- sailed to present-day Mexico and conquered the Aztec Empire
Conquest of the Aztec Empire
 Moctezuma- ruler of the Aztec Empire
 Spain saw riches in Aztec Empire and wanted to convert people to Christianity
 At first Moctezuma welcomed Cortes
 Cortes then tok Moctezuma as prisoner and seized control of city
Conquest of the Inca Empire
 Francisco Pizarro- conquered the Inca Empire
 Pizarro’s troops caputred the Inca capital, killing its leaders
Spanish Settlements
 Spanish began to settle their new empire New Spain
 Spain’s government wanted to control migration to the Americas
o Jews, Muslims, and non-Christians could not go
o At first, most emigrants were men
 Three Kinds of Settlements in New Spain
1. Pueblos- served as trading posts and centers of government
2. Missions- priests here to convert local Native Americans to Catholicism
3. Presidios- military bases, to protect towns and missions
Juan Ponce de Leon- discovered present-day Florida
Hernando de Soto- discovered the Mississippi River
DeVaca- captured and enslaved by Native American groups, later returned to Spain and called
for better treatment of Native Americans, wrote a book that sparked further interest in NA
Coronado- set out to find the Seven Cities of Gold
Spanish Treatment of Native Americans
 Forced Labor
Encomienda system- gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or
to make them work; in exchange, settlers were supposed to protect the Native
American people and convert them to Christianity
 Instead, most treated as slaves
Plantations- large farms that grew just one kind of crop
 Religion
 Spanish kind commanded priests to convert locals to Christian faith
Bartolome de Las Casa- believed in a more peaceful way of kindness to
convert Native Americans to Christianity
Section 4: “The Race for Empires”
Events in Europe
 Protestant Reformation- religious movement, started by German priest Martin
Luther; felt Roman Catholic Church was too wealthy and abused its power
 Protestants- followers of the reformation led by Luther and protested Church’s
 Spain & England go to war
 King of Spain wanted to drive protestants out of England
 Spanish armada- huge fleet of warships meant to end the English plans and
overthrow Protestant Queen Elizabeth
 English defeated the Armada
 Then England began to challenge Spain overseas (New World)
Northwest passage- water route through NA that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to
the Pacific
English Presence in the New World
 Charter- permission to start a colony
 Sir Walter Raleigh- started the first colony in New World for England Virginia
 John White- settled Roanoke, 2nd England colony in North Carolina
 Virginia Dare- first English colonist born in North America
French Presence in the New World
 Built their first settlement in FL
 Samuel de Champlain- visited the Great Lakes, founded Quebec and helped France gain
much of Canada
 Robert de La Salle- discovered Louisiana and named it for the king of France
Dutch Presence in the New World
 Came in search of trade
 NY, NJ, Connecticut, and Delaware
 Peter Minuit- bouth Manhattan Island from Native American for $24New York City
Section 5: “Beginnings of Slavery in the Americas”
-Many Native Americans died from diseases brought over from the Europeans, causing NA
population to decline and a need for a labor force
-Africans had already developed an immunity to European disease, so enslaved Africans from
West Africa became their solution
The Slave Trade
 1518- the first ship of Africans arrived in the Americas
 More than 1 million slaves brought over
Middle Passage- voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to
African Diaspora- enslaved Africans were sent all across the New World
Slave Culture in the Americas
 Families were a vital part of culture- often got broken apart
 Religion was important- gave slaves a sense of hope and self-worth
Art & dance- important social events in slave communities