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With Your
Del Arte
This form of drama originated in
the 6th century to honor their
gods during a festival dedicated
to the god of wine and fertility.
Ancient Theatre 100
What is Greek Theatre?
Ancient Theatre 100
This is generally symbolic of a character's identity
or emotions being expressed.
These were used to identify the gender and
character (women's roles were performed by men
in early Greek drama). Each was designed to allow
the audience to also identify the age and social
rank of the character.
In addition to the actor, there might be a chorus
which also wore these.
The dramatic structure of Greek plays allowed
actors to exit the stage to change these, while the
chorus remained to perform for the audience.
Ancient Theatre 200
What is a dramatic mask?
Ancient Theatre 200
Name one of Famous Playwrights from
Greek and then Roman Theater.
Ancient Theatre 300
Who is Aeschylus, Sophocles,
Aristophanes, or Euripides
Plautus, Terence or Seneca?
Ancient Theatre 300
Identify these definitions in order
- an active agent who arrives unexpectedly to solve a
problem and/ or rescue the protagonist; usually a
Greek god
- a mythical being who’s half human, half goat
Ancient Theatre 400
What is Deus ex Machina,
Ancient Theatre 400
Name two Similarities & two
differences between
Greek & Roman Theatre
Ancient Theatre 500
Most of Roman culture
had been influenced by
the Greeks, including
Both forms of theatre
were intended to tell a
story, mainly a myth
about a hero or their
Both theatres primarily
had a cast and audience
composed of only males.
Also actors in both forms
had to wear masks.
 The Greeks built permanent
theatres, The Romans only built
theatres for performances, then tore
them down afterwards.
 Greeks were known to have a chorus in
any form of theatre, Romans had
eliminated the chorus in theatre.
Chorus area became additional seating.
 Greek theatre aimed to serve a religious
purpose, Roman theatre aimed to
 Greeks Never had violence on the
stage, Roman were less about story and
more about the violence
Ancient Theatre 500
_________ refers to the theatre in the
period between the fall of the Western
Roman Empire in the 5th century A.D.
and the beginning of the Renaissance in
approximately the 15th century A.D. It
covers all drama produced in Europe over
that thousand year period and refers to a
variety of genres, including liturgical
drama, mystery plays, morality plays,
farces and masques.
Medieval/Musical 100
What is Medieval Theatre?
Medieval/Musical 100
____________ banned performances of
plays, as an attempt to curb the remains
of Roman theatre. In turn, the arts
moved to mimes, jugglers, bards and
storytellers. Hardly any records of these
performers remain.
Medieval/Musical 200
What is
The Catholic Church?
Medieval/Musical 200
Define one of the following:
Book Musical, Concept Musical
or Jukebox Musical?
Medieval/Musical 300
What is:
A musical play where songs and dances mix
together into a well made story with serious
dramatic goals intended to amuse and evoke
genuine emotion.
Concept musical is a musical where the show's
metaphor or statement is more important than the
actual narrative. Also known as a deconstructed or
bookless musical.
A jukebox musical is a stage or film musical that
uses previously released popular songs as its
musical score. Usually the songs have in common
a connection with a particular popular musician or
Medieval/Musical 300
written by Andrew Lloyd Webber is
currently the longest running show in
Broadway history, it opened on January
26, 1988 and is still going strong!
Medieval/Musical 400
What is
Phantom of the Opera?
Medieval/Musical 400
The 3 M’s of Religious Vernacular
Medieval/Restoration 500
What are
Mystery, Miracle & Morality
Medieval/Restoration 500
Set against Medieval English history. The Shakespeare
__________ dramatize the Hundred Years War with
France and therefore comprises the Henry Tetralogy,
Richard II, Richard III and King John – many of which
feature the same characters at different ages.
Not always accurate. In writing theses plays,
Shakespeare was not attempting to render an accurate
picture of the past. Rather, he was writing for the
entertainment of his theater audience and therefore
molded events to suit their prejudices.
Shakespearean Theatre 100
What is Shakespearean
Shakespearean Theatre 100
• A greater emphasis on situations than characters.
• A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty,
often presented by elders.
• Separation and reunification.
• Deception of characters.
• Interesting climax often with an unexpected twist
Multiple, intertwining plots
Use of all styles of comedy
Pastoral element, originally an element of Pastoral
Romance, exploited by Shakespeare for his comic
plots and often parodied there in for humorous effects
Ending everyone gets married
Shakespearean Theatre 200
What is a
Shakespearean Comedy?
Shakespearean Theatre 200
a noble protagonist that is put through
stressful situations which causes death.
The plots focus on the reverse of
fortune of the central characters which
leads to their ruin and ultimately,
Shakespearean Theatre 300
What is Shakespearean Tragedy?
Shakespearean Theatre 300
Place A Wager
Shakespearean Theatre 400
Name 2 of Shakespeare’s
Shakespearean Theatre 400
Comedies: All's Well That Ends Well, As You Like It,
The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost, Measure for Measure,
The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor,
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing,
The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona,
The Two Noble Kinsmen, Twelfth Night
Tragedies: Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar
Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth,
Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Cymbeline,
Histories: King John, Edward III, Henry IV, Part 1, Henry IV, Part 2
Henry V, Henry VI, Part 1, Henry VI, Part 2, Henry VI, Part 3
Richard IIIHenry VIII
Shakespearean Theatre 400
Shakespeare's Romances or tragicomic plays were
written late in his career and published originally
under either tragedy or comedy share some elements
of tragedy featuring a high status central character but
end happily like Shakespearean comedies. hundred
years after Shakespeare's death, scholar F.S. Boas
also coined a fourth category, Shakespearean
__________, for plays that don't fit neatly into a
single classification because of their subject matter,
setting, or ending. The classifications of certain
Shakespeare plays are still debated among scholars.
Shakespearean Theatre 500
What is a Shakespearean
Problem Play?
Shakespearean Theatre 500
A ____________is suspended by strings
from a horizontal bar, which is used to
control the puppet’s movements through a
complicated system.
The ________, sometimes called a glove
puppet, is controlled by the puppeteer’s hand
fitting directly inside the puppet.
Asian Theatre 100
What is a Marionette?
What is a hand puppet?
Asian Theatre 100
•a type of theatre that includes music, dance and drama.
•Popularized by a man named “Zeami.”
•specifically means “skill” or “talent “
•Structured around singing and dancing
•Movement for dance is slow, language is poetic, tone is
monotonous and costumes are rich and heavy.
•Themes often relate to dreams, the supernatural, Ghosts
and spirits.
•Introduced in the 14th century.
Asian Theatre 200
What is Noh?
Asian Theatre 200
The Vietnamese created the unique practice
of ___________, in which wooden puppets
appear to walk in waist-high water; this was
originally developed hundreds of years ago
as a response to the flooding of rice fields.
Asian Theatre 300
What is Water Puppetry?
Asian Theatre 300
Best known form of japanese theatre.
Famous for wild costumes and sword
fights. ( Used real swords )
First performance took place in 1603.
was performed in a modern, noisy way
to shock the audience.
combines music, drama, and dance
Asian Theatre 400
What is Kabuki?
Asian Theatre 400
Traditional puppet theatre of japan.
Used puppets that were half life sized. And operated by
three performers.
The puppeteers are involved in the procedure of
working with the limbs, eyelids, eyeballs, eyebrows
and mouths of the puppets by producing lifelike actions
and facial expressions.
Story is narrated by one person that does a variety of
voices for each puppet.
The stories are often themed as classic tragic love
stories, heroic legends and tales based on historical
events are popular.
Asian Theatre 500
What is Bunraku?
Asian Theatre 500
An improvised popular comedy in Italian
theaters in the ______________, based on
stock characters.
Actors adapted their comic dialogue and
action according to a few basic plots like
commonly love intrigues and to topical
Bonus point – provide start date
Commedia Del Arte 100
What is 16th – 18th ?
What is February 25th?
Commedia Del Arte 100
Name 2 of the other ways of
say Commedia Dell’Arte.
Commedia Del Arte 200
What is
Commedia Improvisa (Improvised Comedy)
Commedia Non Escrita(Unscripted Comedy)
Commedia A Mascara (Masked Comedy)
Commedia Dell’Arte Al’Improvisa
(Professional improvised comedy)?
Commedia Del Arte 200
Commedia Dell’Arte was the first
Theatre form to include ________
on Stage.
Commedia Del Arte 300
What are Women?
Commedia Del Arte 300
Commedia dell'arte originated in the
streets and markets of the early
Italian Renaissance, although it's
roots can be traced as far back as far
as Ancient Greek and Roman
Theatre. It was rooted in the use of
_________ Characters
Commedia Del Arte 400
What are Stock
Commedia Del Arte 400
is a special rehearsed
routine that could be
inserted into the plays at
convenient points to
heighten the comedy
Commedia Del Arte 500
What is Lazzi?
Commedia Del Arte 500
Street theatre is a presentation in outdoor public
spaces without a specific paying audience.
Street theatre is a drama dealing with
controversial social and political issues that is
usually performed outdoors.
Street Theater is the oldest form of theatrical
African/Street/Caribbean 100
What is Street Theater?
African/Street/Caribbean 100
Developing the theme
African/Street/Caribbean 200
What are the stages
of Street Theater?
African/Street/Caribbean 200
Circle Shows
Atmosphere Shows
Musician Shows
Traffic Lighting Shows
African/Street/Caribbean 300
What are the different types
of Street Theater?
African/Street/Caribbean 300
The type of theatre was developed to
discuss the issues plaguing the
country, for example Apartheid. The
lesson were indirect making
commentary of the injustices in
African/Street/Caribbean 400
What is African Theatre?
African/Street/Caribbean 400
African/Street/Caribbean 500
What are some of the
countries that actively
participate in Caribbean
African/Street/Caribbean 500
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different genres, with
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