Download Ecology#5​- ​Ecological Succession Study Guide

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Ecological Succession
Study Guide ALTERNATE Ecology#5​ - ​
1. What is ecological succession? 2. What is the key difference between what is present at the beginning of primary ecological succession and secondary succession? 3. Identify the plant species representing each of the five stages of primary ecological succession. 4­6 List two examples of disturbances that would lead to ​primary ​succession a. _____________ b. ______________ Why do these lead to primary succession instead of secondary succession? 7­9. List two examples of disturbances that would lead to ​secondary ​succession​. a. _____________ b. ______________ Why do these lead to secondary succession instead of primary succession? 10. Define a pioneer species (organism). 11. Name a pioneer organism in primary succession. ____________________ d) 12. What organisms would you see at the start of secondary succession. 13. Describe the type of plant species that dominates in an area that has reached a climax community in Michigan? 14­15. Does primary or secondary succession take longer? _________________ Why? 16. What type of weather conditions would speed up the succession process? Explain. 17. Which image would be the start of primary succession? ________ 18. Which image shows pioneer species? ________ 19. Which image indicates the habitat has been restored? ________ 20. Which images show the stages of secondary succession in order? ________ ________ ________ 21. Which image would be the cause of secondary succession? ________ 22. Which images show the stages of primary succession in order? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________