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US History
Ms. Jones
Unit 2 Exam
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The Constitution (SSUSH5)
1. In the 1780’s, many Americans distrusted a strong central government. This distrust is best shown by the
A. lack of debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution
B. plan of government set up by the Articles of Confederation
C. development of a Federal court system
D. constitutional provision for a strong President
2. In the United States, the use of implied powers, the amending process, and Supreme Court interpretations have resulted
A. a general loss of individual rights
B. a strengthening of the principle of separation of powers
C. the Constitution being adapted to fit changing times
D. the limiting of Presidential power in domestic affairs
3. A lasting impact of the United States Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall is that the Court’s decisions
A. extended the Bill of Rights to enslaved persons
B. expanded the power of the Federal Government
C. restricted the authority of Congress
D. promoted the views of the President
4. Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented President Thomas Jefferson from
A. making the Louisiana Purchase
B. writing “State of the Union” messages
C. receiving ambassadors
D. commissioning military officers
5. Alexander Hamilton’s argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of
the Constitution?
A. the Preamble
B. the elastic clause
C. guarantees to the States
D. the Bill of Rights
New Republic (USH6, USH7)
6. Which of the following descriptions accurately explains how the U.S. acquired its claim to the Louisiana Territory?
A. it was bought from France who needed money to support its war in Europe
B. it made a token payment to Spain after defeating them in war
C. it made reparations payments to Mexico after defeating them in a war
D. it was bought from Spain who could no longer afford to maintain it
Which of the following was the foremost reason for the War of 1812?
A. the quest for westward expansion beyond the Mississippi River
B. the British policy of impressment of U.S. sailors into the British navy
C. the establishment of a representative government in America
D. the French fur trade in Canada and in western United States
8. Which of the following statements provides the BEST definition of the Monroe Doctrine?
A. the U.S. has exclusive rights to all lands of North America south of Canada from sea to sea
B. the U.S. will not allow European powers to interfere in the sovereign countries of Latin America
C. the U.S. will use its police power in Latin America to eliminate colonial powers from the region
D. the U.S. will act to prevent the expansion of communism throughout the world
9. What was the purpose of the Erie Canal?
A. to accommodate the recreational needs of easterners
B. to facilitate the growth of the U.S. and improve trade networks
C. to enhance the environment along Lake Erie
D. to impede (stop) trade throughout the region
10. What legislation established the procedures for the orderly expansion of the United States by providing a method of
applying for statehood?
A. Northwest Ordinance (1787)
C. Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
B. Louisiana Purchase (1803)
D. Monroe Doctrine (1823)
11. What was the effect of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
A. it called for passage of the Homestead act
B. it decreased interest in land west of the Mississippi
C. it encouraged westward expansion
D. it created interest in gold mining in California
12. Which of the following is known as the “best land deal in history” as it peacefully doubled the size of the U.S.?
A. Mexican Cession
C. Gadsden Purchase
B. Louisiana Purchase
D. Texas Annexation
13. Which of the following lists presents the proper chronological order in which the U.S. expanded?
A. Mexican Cession, Florida Acquisition, Louisiana Purchase, Texas Annexation
B. Louisiana Purchase, Texas Annexation, Mexican Cession, Florida Acquisition
C. Louisiana Purchase, Florida Acquisition, Texas Annexation, Mexican Cession
D. Florida Acquisition, Mexican Cession, Texas Annexation, Louisiana Purchase
14. The “Trial of Tears” is the name given to—
A. The forced march of the Cherokee from the Southeast US to Oklahoma.
B. The route of retreat from Washington, D.C. when the British burned it down in the War of 1812
C. The forced march of Mexicans out of California following the Mexican-American War
D. The route taken by the Mormons to escape religious persecution from Illinois to Utah
15. The cotton gin was an important invention because—
A. It made inadvertently led to the spread of slavery due to an increase in demand for cotton.
B. It made cotton much easier for slaves to pick which meant less slaves were needed.
C. It caused people to stop needing so much cotton because there was less waste.
D. It angered northern farmers because the price of cotton soared.
16. Which of the following BEST describes the Second Great Awakening?
A. it was the name given to the women’s suffrage movement
B. it was a religious revival movement advocating evangelism
C. it was the name given to the anti-slavery movement
D. it was the movement to prohibit the sale of alcohol
17. Who led the reform of America’s public school system in the 1800s?
A. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
B. Dorothea Dix
C. William Loyd Garrison
D. Horace Mann
18. Many Northerners opposed the annexation of this country as it would be slave territory; likewise, it caused boundary
disputes between the U.S. and Mexico which led to war.
A. Texas
C. Florida
B. California
D. Oregon
19. "Jacksonian Democracy" is associated with which of these characteristics?
A. Voting rights for all people in the United States
B. Voting rights extended to adult, white males who did not own property
C. a nation governed by upper and middle class educated property owners
D. laws promising full political equality regardless of race, sex, or wealth
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed." – Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls Convention
20. The quote above was written by reformers expressing their desire for which of the following?
A. Temperance
C. Abolition
B. Women’s rights
D. States’ Rights
21. During the 1850s people involved in the temperance movement produced a number of plays—such as The Bottle, Aunt
Dinah's Pledge, and The Fruits of the Wine Cup—that taught audiences a common moral lesson. Which of these is MOST
LIKELY the common theme of these plays?
A. Alcohol brings money into the economy.
B. Taverns are much too crowded to be fun.
C. Drinking alcohol is a natural right.
D. Drinking can ruin people's lives and families.
22. The map above shows territory that the U.S. gained from—
A. France, from the Louisiana Purchase
B. Mexico, after the Mexican-American War
C. Spain, in the Adams-Onis Treaty
D. England, in the Treaty of Ghent
23. All of the following are expression of the American pursuit of Manifest Destiny EXCEPT—
A. the Indian Removal Act
B. the war with Mexico
C. the Reconstruction Act
D. President James Polk’s campaign slogan of “Fifty-four Forty or Fight”
Civil War (USH8, USH9)
24. Sectional differences developed in the United States largely because
A. the Federal Government adopted a policy of neutrality
B. economic conditions and interests in each region varied
C. only northerners were represented at the Constitutional Convention
D. early Presidents favored urban areas over rural areas
25. Which BEST describes the social and political philosophy of the Underground Railroad “conductor” Harriet Tubman?
A. Slavery should be tolerated until legal abolition.
B. Slavery should only be allowed in states with economic need.
C. Slaves should be given the opportunity to purchase their own freedom.
D. Slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them.
26. The primary cause of the Civil War was the social, political, and economic regional differences, also known as—
A. Sectionalism
B. Nationalism
C. Patriotism
D. Imperialism
27. What conclusion can be made about the effect of the Supreme Court ruling in the Dred Scott case?
A. it strengthened the Fugitive Slave Law which further divided the country
B. it received greater support in the North than in the South
C. it resulted in less need for the Underground Railroad
D. it prompted Congress to pass new legislation protecting the rights of slaveholders
28. According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, whether a state was free or slave would be determined by—
A. whether it was located in the North or South
B. popular sovereignty in said territories
C. a majority vote in the U.S. Congress
D. by a ruling made by the Supreme Court
29. John Brown was an important figure prior to the Civil War because he was a—
A. former slave who conducted many slaves escapes along the Underground Railroad
B. Union officer who defended the Harpers Ferry arsenal against Nat Turner’s rebellion
C. Slaveholder of South Carolina who urged Southern states to secede
D. Radical white abolitionist who led a raid in Virginia to incite a slave rebellion
30. All of the following were leaders in abolitionism EXCEPT—
A. Angelina & Sarah Grimke
B. John C. Calhoun
C. William Lloyd Garrison
D. Fredrick Douglass
31. How did the 1820 Missouri Compromise maintain a balance of free and slave states in the nation?
A. California was admitted as a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act was created
B. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state while Maine entered as a free state
C. Congress agreed to allow states to vote on whether they wanted to be free or slave
D. The southern states agreed to abandon the Ordinance of Nullification and not secede
32. When Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe at a reception at the White House, he said, “So you’re the little lady
who started this big war.” Lincoln made this statement because Stowe-A. lit the first cannon to fire on For Sumter
B. wrote a book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin that excited Northern abolitionists
C. displayed an American flag while Confederate troops marched by
D. was a daring conductor of the Underground Railroad
33. Why was the Emancipation Proclamation limited in scope?
A. it only applied to enslaved people living under the Confederacy
B. it freed the enslaved only for a year
C. it prohibited blacks from serving in the military
D. it fostered negotiations between the North and South to end the war
34. Which of the following victories was essential to the Union plan to divide and conquer the South by controlling the
Mississippi River through Scott’s Anaconda Plan?
A. Atlanta
C. Antietam
B. Appomattox
D. Vicksburg
35. Not only was this the deadliest battle, but it marked the turning point in the Civil War for the Union--?
A. Gettysburg
C. Fort Sumter
B. Atlanta
D. Bull’s Run
36. Which of the following was where the first shots were fired by the Confederacy in the Civil War?
A. the Battle of Gettysburg
C. the Battle of Bull Run
B. the Battle of Fort Sumter
D. the Battle of Shiloh
37. Read the excerpt below by Ulysses Grant. Which of the following would BEST define the Union strategy during this phase
of the war?
“On the 23rd Sherman, with the left wing, reached Milledgeville. The right wing was not far off: but proceeded on its way towards
Savannah destroying the road as it went. The troops at Milledgeville remained over a day to destroy factories, buildings used for military purposes,
etc., before resuming its march.”
A. to kill as many Confederate soldiers as possible
B. to destroy the Confederate capacity to conduct war
C. to fight the war on the Union’s home turf
D. the secure the goodwill of the local inhabitants
38. Which of these was a DIRECT result of the failed slave revolt of Nat Turner in 1831?
A. Southern legislatures reexamined the moral foundation of keeping millions of blacks as slaves.
B. Congress passed a law that would phase out the importation of African slaves in the coming decade.
C. Laws greatly restricting the legal rights of free blacks and slaves were passed throughout the South.
D. President Lincoln dedicated the remainder of his presidency to eliminating slavery from the United States.
39. Which Civil War battle gave the Union Army complete control over Confederate rail lines in the "Deep South" and set the
stage for Sherman's "March to the Sea"?
A. Charleston
C. Vicksburg
B. Atlanta
D. Savannah
40. Abraham Lincoln's biggest objective throughout the Civil War was to—
A. end slavery
C. destroy the South
B. preserve the Union
D. win the Election of 1864
41. After reviewing the chart above, one can infer that—
A. The Battle of Vicksburg was not a very significant Union victory.
B. The battle at Appomattox was a clear and decisive victory by Confederate troops.
C. Union had the clear advantage of size; they outnumbered the Confederates at each battle.
D. The Union had better Generals; they were able to win despite their smaller military.
Use the list below to answer the questions that follows.
 Took place on September 17, 1862
 The Confederate offensive was stopped
 Was the bloodiest day of the Civil War
 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation afterwards
42. The list above describes which of the following battles?
A. Antietam
C. Bull Run
B. Vicksburg
D. Atlanta
43. Jefferson Davis played what role in the Civil War?
A. Union General
B. President of the Confederate States
C. Confederate General
D. Cabinet member of the US government
44. The secession of South Carolina from the Union in 1860 was most directly caused by—
A. The invasion of South Carolina by Union forces at Ft. Sumter
B. The threat of the Congress to abolish slavery
C. Refusal of Congress to pass the Fugitive Slave Law
45. All of the following were part of the Compromise of 1850 EXCEPT--?
A. everything above the Missouri line was free while everything below it was slave
B. California was admitted as a free state
C. the slave trade was stopped in Washington, D.C.
D. the Fugitive Slave Act was established
46. The Civil War affected the northern economy by
A. causing a severe depression
B. increasing unemployment rates
C. decreasing demand for agricultural products
D. stimulating industrialization
47. The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonists because it
A. placed quotas on immigration
B. discouraged the export of raw materials to England
C. placed restrictions on trading
D. encouraged colonial manufacturing
48. The Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses were important to the development of democracy in
colonial America because they
A. expanded freedom of religion
B. promoted self-government
C. protected private ownership of property
D. granted voting rights to all white males
49. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. “_______________________________ “
- Committees of Correspondence
- Nonimportation Agreements
- Boston Tea Party
- First Continental Congress
A. Protests Against Slavery in the American Colonies
B. British Parliamentary Actions to Punish Colonial Americans
C. Colonial Responses to British Mercantile Policies
D. Colonial Attempts to End the British Policy of Salutary Neglect
50. In the United States, regional differences in economic development are primarily due to
A. settlement patterns of immigrant groups
B. pressure from various religious groups
C. state and federal election laws
D. geographic factors in various parts of the nation