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Ornamental Grass I
Anemanthele Buffalo’s Gold
Deschampsia elongata Zephyr
Foliage turns from green towards gold bronze. Erect
habit with slightly pendulous tussock. Sow early
February for June-Oct sales. Height: 2 ft. Zones: 6-8.
Produces a small mound of dainty, fine textured green
grass. Height: 6-8 in. Zone: 7.
Eragrostis Rubysilk
Briza maxima
(Quaking Grass). An annual cut flower, 20 in. tall.
Flower resembles a shrimp or tail of rattle snakes.
Does best when direct sown.
(Teff Grass). A clump-forming, annual grass that
grows up to 36 in. tall with slender, glossy, dark red
open panicles. After harvest, it will flush again. Use as
fresh cuts or dried.
Briza minima
Eragrostis elliotii Wind Dancer
(Short Quaking Grass). Annual cut flower, direct sow.
Height: 10-14 in.
(Love Grass). Native American grass, graceful form
with narrow, bluish-green foliage. Airy flower plumes
begin appearing in July, maturing to a tan color in
August and gradually to a lighter straw color in the fall.
Maintains interest throughout the winter, drought
tolerant, and not invasive. Height: 3-4 in. Zones: 6-9.
Multi-seed Pellet.
Carex comans Amazon Mist
Pot Height: 8 in. Garden Height: 10 in. Zones: 7-9.
Carex comans Bronco
Pot Height: 8 in. Garden Height: 10 in. Zones: 7-9.
Festuca amethystina
Carex flagellifera Bronzita
Pot Height: 8 in. Garden Height: 16 in. Zones: 7-9.
Carex Coppertop
(Amethyst Fescue). Attractive perennial for garden
and container use.
Festuca cinera Festina
Pot Height: 10 in. Garden Height: 24 in. Zone: 7.
(Blue Fescue). Pot Height: 6 in. Garden Height: 10 in.
Zones: 4-10.
Carex testacea Prairie Fire
Festuca glauca
Pot Height: 8 in. Garden Height: 16 in. Zones: 6-10.
(Blue Fescue). Perennial for rock gardens and border
plantings. Tufts of silvery blue thread-like leaves.
Height: 6-12 in.
Carex buchananii Red Rooster
Pot Height: 12 in. Garden Height: 24 in. Zones: 7-9.
Isolepis cernua Live Wire
Cortaderia selloana
(Pampas Grass). Tender perennial for cut 6-10 ft. tall
plants produce large silky, feathery plumes 12 in. long.
Very popular. Will be shorter in Northern areas.
Zones: 7-10
Pink Feather
White Feather
Corynephorus canescens Spiky Blue
Pot Height: 6 in. Zones: 7-9.
Fax: 914.698.2857
(Fiber Optic Grass). A unique looking grass for
mixed containers or as a gift plant. Flowers look like
fiber optic strands. Dense, mounded habit without
pinching or PGRs. Best in packs, 4 in, 6 in. Multi
Seeded Pellet.
Juncus effusus Spiralis
Upright twisted leaves. Interesting texture for
containers and landscape. Height: 19 in.
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Juncus inflexus Blue Arrows
Millet Pennisetum Jester
Stiff upright blue green foliage. Can be grown as a
pond plant, but is drought tolerant when grown in
ground. Height: 3 ft. Zone: 5-9.
Mature height is approximately 3/4 of the height of
Purple Majesty, with wider leaves and more basal
branches. Plants spike and develop seed slightly later
than Purple Majesty. Well suited to containers,
gardens and mass plantings. Height: 3 1/2 ft.
Juncus pallidus Javelin
Tall stately green grass. Rugged plant can grow in
standing water, but handles heat and drougt. Straw
color winter interest. Height: 4-5 ft.
Millet Limelight
Spray Millet. A long arching light green seed head, if
dried with heat. Great fresh cut with a long harvest.
Juncus tenuis Blue Dart
Linear, blue foliage with strong vertical habit.
Alternative to dracaena. Height: 14-16 in. Zone: 5.
Millet Pennisetum Purple Majesty
Juncus Starhead
AAS Winner. Striking corn-like plant with deep purple
foliage, stems, and flower plumes. Cat-tail like
flowering plumes are 12-14 in. long. The more sun,
the deeper the foliage color and the narrower the
leaves. Suited for 4 in. pots to gallon containers.
Height: 4-5 ft.
Foliage is green with dark green star inflorescence.
Height: 10 in. Pelleted Seed.
Millet Purple Mist
Juncus Quickmix Twisted Arrows
Each pellet includes Blue Arrows and Spiralis.
Koeleria glauca Blue Sprite
Small blue green ball of foliage topped by wheat like
plumes. Height: 6-8 in. Zones 5-9.
German Millet. Easy annual that produces a slender,
head with purplish color. Use as fresh cut and dried.
Height to 36 in.
Ornamental Grass I
Millet Tapestry
Koeleria glauca Coolio
Pot Height: 4 in. Garden Height: 8 in. Zones 6-9.
Grey/green/purplish seed head that is semi-open.
Direct seed. Use as fresh cut or dried.
Lagurus ovatus
Panicum Frosted Explosion
(Hares Tail Grass). Annual for garden and cut-dried
arranging. Velvety foliage and plumes. Bloomsnin 14-16
weeks from early April sowing. Height: 16-18 ft.
Exciting new bouquet filler. High germination, good
uniformity, and high production rate per plant. For
field or greenhouse production.
Luzula nivea Lucius
Pennisetum setaceum rueppelii
Pot Height: 6 in. Garden Height: 24 in. Zones: 6-10.
(Crimson Fountain Grass). A tender perennial usually
grown as annual in the North. Perennial in zones
8 & 9. Lovely 3-4 ft. stems topped with wispy 6 in.
rosy-purple plumes. Very desirable for fresh and dried
arrangements. Best to cut stems before they set seed,
to prevent self-sowing.
Luzula nivea Starmaker
Pot Height: 6 in. Garden Height: 2 ft.
Fax: 914.698.2857
e-mail: [email protected]
Ornamental Grass I
Pennisetum villosum
Stipa capillata
(Feathertop). A tender perennial which produces its
plump creamy white 4 in. plumes on 2 1/2-3 ft. tall
plants. Best when ground is irrigated or very lightly
sprayed overhead. Does not hold up well under heavy
overhead watering.
(Bridal Veil). A perennial which averages 4 ft. in
height and produces lacy, wisp branches ideal for cut
design work.
Phalaris canariensis
(Canary Grass). An annual ideal for cut-dried
arrangements. Green seed heads make fine fresh cut
material while brown dried seed heads can be dyed or
used naturally in autumn arrangements. Sow in April,
transplant to garden in May. Plants will bloom
Stipa lessingiana Capriccio
Wispy fine textured green grass, soft to the touch.
Height: 14-16 in. Zone: 6.
Stipa pennata
(Feather Grass). A perennial which produces 2 1/2 ft.
tall plants topped with long silvery-barbed plumes.
Very attractive.
Stipa tenuissima Pony Tails
Rhynchelytrum repens
Ruby red panicles (flower clusters) make an attractive
and unusual filler. Early March sowing blooms June till
fall. Makes a unique splash of color to annual and
perennial landscapes. For fall bloom. Can be direct
sown in field after frost danger is past. Space 10 x 11 in.
Will tolerate growing on temperatures of 50°-54°F.
Stipa arundinacea Sirocco
Only pink grass from seed. Turns shades of copper and
pink in cool conditions. Height: 12-14 in. Zone: 6.
Stipa barbata
Pot Height: 10 in. Garden Height: 14 in. Zones: 6-10.
Uncinia Firedance
Pot Height: 6 in. Garden Height: 12 in. Zone: 8.
Wangenheimia lima Vulcan
For cut and dry flower uses. Best sown direct in
rows with a distance of 16 in. Flower heads are
flat-shaped and best harvested just before pollen
production starts. Sowing in plugs and potting in
5-6 in. pots results in flowering pot plants.
Transplanting reduces total length of the plants.
80-100 days. Height: 24-28 in.
(Silverfeather). Attractive perennial which averages
3 ft. tall with long silvery-white feathered bards. A
very useful cut flower.
Fax: 914.698.2857
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