Download Exploring Angle Measure in Regular Polygons

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Exploring Angle Measures of Polygons
The sum of the interior angles in a triangle is ___________.
1) a) Draw an equilateral triangle.
An equilateral
triangle is a regular
Side lengths in your equilateral triangle ____________
b) What is the measure of each interior angle of an equilateral triangle?
2) a) Draw a square.
Side lengths in your square ____________
b) Draw a diagonal between two non-adjacent corners so the square is divided into
c) How many triangles are created?
d) What is the sum of the interior angles of a square?
e) What is the measure of each interior angle of a square?
This means
not side by
3) Repeat step 2 for a regular pentagon and a regular hexagon.
(Note: You will need to draw more than one diagonal to divide each shape into triangles.)
a) Regular Pentagon
Side lengths in your regular pentagon ____________
i. Draw a diagonal between two non-adjacent corners so the pentagon is
divided into triangles.
ii. How many triangles are created?
iii. What is the sum of the interior angles of a regular pentagon?
iv. What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular pentagon?
b) Regular Hexagon
Side lengths in your regular hexagon ____________
Draw a diagonal between two non-adjacent corners so the hexagon is
divided into triangles.
How many triangles are created?
What is the sum of the interior angles of a regular hexagon?
What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular hexagon?
4) Complete the following table for the shapes that you drew from steps 1 to 3.
Equilateral triangle
of Sides
Number of
Sum of Interior
Measure of Each
Interior Angle
Regular pentagon
Regular hexagon
5) a) Do you notice any patterns in the table? State the patterns that you see?
b) Without making a sketch, determine the sum of the interior angles of these regular
An 8 sided figure
A 10 sided figure
A 20 sided figure
c) Without making a sketch, determine the measure of each interior angle of these
regular polygons.
An 8 sided figure
A 10 sided figure
A 20 sided figure
d) Fill out the chart below.
of Sides
Sum of Interior
Measure of Each
Interior Angle
8-sided regular polygon
10-sided regular polygon
20-sided regular polygon
e) What is the name of an 8 sided polygon?
10 sided polygon?
20 sided polygon?