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Homework 1
Q1: Which of the following has the longest wavelength?
A) radio waves
B) gamma rays
C) visible light
D) X-rays
E) ultraviolet light
A1: A
Q2: If the wavelength of a light source suddenly doubles, what happens to its frequency?
A) It is one half
B) It doubles
C) It is one quarter
D) It is four times larger
A2: A
Q3: If light always behaved like particles and never like waves, it would be difficult to explain
A) spectral lines
B) color of light
C) brightness of light
D) interference of light
E) the photoelectric effect
A3: D
Q4: Wien’s law states that the wavelength at which the maximum energy is radiated from a black
body is
A) directly proportional to temperature
B) independent of the temperature
C) directly proportional to the fourth power of temperature
D) proportional to the inverse square of temperature
E) inversely proportional to temperature
A4: E
Q5: The radiation from each square centimeter of the surface of a star with half the sun’s temperature
A) is 1/16 of the sun’s
B) is 1/8 of the sun’s
C) is 1/4 of the sun’s
D) will be 16 times that of the sun
E) will be 8 times the sun’s
A5: A