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Lesson 7
Obligate anaerobes bacteria. Isolation of pure cultures of anaerobic bacteria.
Each of the following statements about bacteria that grow anaerobically is correct
+Facultative anaerobes can grow only in the presence of less than 10% oxygen.
Anaerobes are bacteria that require reduced oxygen tension and will not grow on the surface of
agar medium in air.
There are both gram-positive rods and gram-negative rods that are anaerobes.
Each of the following statements concerning bacterial spores is correct EXCEPT:
+Their survival ability is based on their enhanced metabolic activity.
They are formed by gram-positive rods.
They can be killed by being heated to 121ºC for 15 minutes.
A bacterium is examined and is found to lack superoxide
peroxidase. Which of the following
statements best describes this bacterium?
+This bacterium is an anaerobe.
This bacterium will survive in an oxygen environment.
This bacterium is more virulent than on containing the three enzymes.
This bacterium does not produce superoxide.
This bacterium does not produce peroxide.
dismutase, catalase, and
Reaction H2O2 + H2A* = 2H20 + A (A – may be a number of chemical groups) is
catalyzed by which of the following?
Oxygen permease.
Flavoprotein oxidase.
The process by which microorganisms form ATP
characterized by:
+Substrate phosphorylation
Coupling of ATP production with the transfer of electrons
The reduction of oxygen
Anaerobic respiration
during the fermentation of glucose is
6. To isolate pure culture of an obligate anaerobe from collected material you should choose the
most corresponding medium from the list:
Serum agar
Yolk agar
+Robertson’s cooked meat broth or Kitt-Tarozzi medium
MPB with glucose
7. Surgeon has suspected anaerobic wound infection. To isolate causative germs collected wound
discharge should be cultivated into the such medium as :
Ploskirev agar
+Kitt-Tarozzi medium
meat peptone broth
Endo agar
meat peptone agar
8. Laboratory assistant has to isolate Clostridia tetani, anaerobic sporeforming bacterium, from
wound exudation. What will he do before inoculation of material into appropriate culture medium?
he filtrates the material through cellulose filter
+he heats the sample to kill asporogenous bacteria at 800 C for 20 min
wound discharge should be frozen before inoculation to inhibit facultative anaerobes
he will not do anything before investigation
he heats the sample to kill vegetative forms bacteria at 600 C for 5 min
9. Anaerobic bacteria may be propagated into the special media. Choose from following main
requirements to such media:
+they should have low rH and be free from oxygen
they should have high rH and be free from oxygen
they should contain minimal nutrients and be free from oxygen
they may have any rH and nutrients
10. According to type of respiration bacteria are divided into aerobes and anaerobes. Which group
of bacteria can grow as at presence oxygen and at its absence?
obligate anaerobe
obligate aerobes
+facultative anaerobes
capnophilic bacteria
11. It is possible to cultivate obligate anaerobes on the special medium under absence of air. The
most reliable method to create anaerobic condition will be next:
usage of thermostat
+usage of anaerostat
by inoculation into solid media (pour agar culture)
usage of chemostat
12. Recently it was estimated anaerobic bacteria can obtain energy by biological oxidation
(respiration). Their end acceptors of electrons will inorganic compounds containing carbon,
nitrogen or sulfur. Which chemical is used as end electron acceptor by obligate anaerobes?
13. Contact with oxygen may cause death of anaerobic bacteria. Which from following statements
can explain this phenomenon?
anaerobic enzymes are inhibited by oxygen
oxygen provokes activation of anaerobic autolysins
+bacterial cell does not have specific enzyme capable of splitting hydrogen peroxide have been
formed in small amount from oxygen during bacterial respiration
Oxygen inhibit bacterial propagation by specific action onto the saccharolytic enzymes
14. Medical important anaerobic spore forming bacteria belong to next genus:
15. During the first stage of anaerobic pure culture isolation clinical sample is inoculated into the:
sugar agar
+Robertson’s cooked meat broth or Kitt-Tarozzi medium
serum agar
sugar broth
meat peptone broth
16. Bacteria of what labors are obligate anaerobes?
+ Bacteroides.
+ Clostridium.
+ Bifidobacterium.
17. In a laboratory there is no anaerostat. What medium will be applied by a bacteriologist to
cultivate bacteria which are obligate аnaerobes?
+ Tioglikolevy broth.
Blood agar.
Vitelline and saline agar.
Endo agar
Klauberg agar
18. What are the three methods of creating anaerobic conditions for cultivation of bacteria that are
obligate аnaerobes?
+ Physical.
+ Chemical.
+ Biological.
Koch's method.
Drigalsky method.
Shukevich's method.
19. What are the main characteristics of Fortner’s method?
+ Simultaneous cultivation on one medium of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
+ Cultivation of bacteria on the medium in Petri dish with edges that are filled in with paraffin.
+ Bacterium aerobe at cultivation absorbs О2 and frames conditions for bacterium cultivation of
obligate аnaerobe.
Simultaneous cultivation of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on one medium which is in VinyalVeyon's tube.
20. What bonds are a source of carbon, nitrogen and energy for geterohromoorganotrofs?
+ Organic bonds.
Carbon dioxide.
Inorganic bonds.
Molecular nitrogen of air.
All the answers are correct.
21. Call the groups of bacteria in which an acceptor of electrons in the course of an oxidizing
metabolism can be molecular oxygen?
+ Aerobes.
+ Aerobes and microaerophiles.
+ Facultative anaerobes.
Obligate аnaerobes.
22. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium forming a spore. What methods of
pigmentation can a bacteriologist apply to identify the spore agent?
+ Ziehl-Neelsen's Method.
+ Ozheshka's Method.
Naysser's method.
Method Burri-Ginsa.
Gram stainig.
23. Under what conditions can bacteria create spores?
+ Insufficiency of nutrients in the medium.
+ Accumulation of metabolites.
+ Accumulation of spare substances in a cell.
Addition of glucose.
24. What physiological processes take place at asporelation of bacteria?
+ Augmentation of water amount in a cell.
+Enzyme activation.
+ A cell accumulates energy and processes of biosynthesis of organic bonds are activated.
+ There is a destruction dipikolinat calcium.
There is a synthesis dipikolinat a calcium.
25. What group of bacteria due to the nature of respiration prevails among pathogenic bacteria?
+ Facultative anaerobes.
Obligate aerobes.
Obligate аnaerobes.
Aerotolerant microorganisms.
26. The patient has a disease of a bacterial etiology. The originator of the disease is the
representative of Clostridium genus. What rules should a bacteriologist keep to in order to allocate
pure culture of the originator and identify it?
+ To apply various methods of creation of anaerobic conditions at bacterium cultivation.
+ The material from the patient has to be investigated in a stationary anaerobic unit.
The studied material should be inoculated on a universal medium and be cultivated in a thermostat.
27. Characterize particularities of morphology and tinctorial properties of bacteria which are
аnaerobes and nonforming spores?
+ Rods (for example, Bacteroides melaninogenicus).
+ Cocci (for example, Veilonella atipica).
+ Gram-negative microorganisms (for example, Fusobacterium nucleatum).
+ Gram-positive microorganisms (for example, Bifidobacterium bifidum).
All the answers are wrong.
28. What properties are typical for bacteria of Bacteroides genus?
+ Bacteria are obligate аnaerobes.
+ Bacteria are rod-shaped.
+ Bacteria are Gram-negative microorganisms.
Bacteria are Gram-positive microorganisms.
29. What is meant by cultural properties of microorganisms as a concept?
+ Needs of bacteria for nutrients.
+ Clarification of conditions for growth and reproduction of bacteria on dense and in liquid media.
+ Clarification of features of growth and reproduction of bacteria on dense and in liquid media.
Clarification of particularities of a cellular wall structure.
Relation of bacteria to aniline stains.
30. What properties of bacteria that are obligate аnaerobes will bacteriologist study for originator
+ Features of morphology.
+ Tinctorial properties.
+ cultural properties.
+ Antigenic properties.
+ Biochemical properties.
Physiological properties.
31. Specify a medium which you use for primary inoculation of a studied material to allocate the
pure culture of anaerobic bacteria?
+ Kitt-Tarozzi Medium.
Endo agar.
Medium of Ploskirev.
Alkaline broth.
32. A bacteriologist will apply a bacteriological method of research while investigating the
researched material. What rules will allow the bacteriologist to allocate and identify the disease
+ The material from the patient should be taken in the focus of inflammation and adjacent tissues.
+ The material for research should be taken prior to the beginning of antimicrobial therapy.
+ The studied material should be delivered to the laboratory without delay.
Research of the material will be carried out repeatedly and simultaneously with antimicrobial
The material will be taken in a small quantity for the prevention of traumatizing the focus of lesion.
33. For what purpose will the bacteriologist apply a bacteriological method of research if the
originator of a disease is the bacterium – obligate anaerobe?
+ For allocation and bacterium identification of the disease originator.
+ For definition of antibacterial preparation which will be administered to the patient for treatment.
For allocation and virus identification of the disease originator.
For identification of antibodies in the serum of the patient.
For antiserum capacity definition in the serum of the patient.
34. What properties of bacteria at cultivation are to be taken into account?
+ Type of respiration of a bacterium.
+ Needs of bacteria for nutrients.
+ Temperature regimen.
Form of bacteria.
Particularities of Gram staining.
35. The causative agent of the disease is the obligate anaerobe. What conditions of the tested
material will protect it from the toxic effect of oxygen in the air?
+ Material from the source of purulent infection must be taken in the form of a puncture with a
+ Time between the fence and inoculation of the material on the medium should be as short as
+ For the cultivation of bacteria a growth medium that does not contain oxygen and has a low
oxidation-reduction potential will be used.
+ Bacteriologist uses enriched with nutrients and vitamins media.
+ Cultivation of bacteria in aerostat.
For the cultivation of bacteria a thermostat is used.
36. What types of bacteria to use oxygen in the process of obtaining energy are obligate anaerobes?
+ Clostridium perfringens.
+ Clostridium tetani.
Escherichia coli.
Staphylococcus aureus.
All of these types of bacteria.
37. For the cultivation of obligate anaerobic bacteria bacteriologist applied Fortner’s method. What
is the way to create anaerobic conditions?
+ Biological.
38. Bacteriologist isolated and identified a pure culture of anaerobic bacteria. A causative agent of
the disease is Clostridium perfringens. What group does this type of anaerobic bacteria correspond
+ Obligate anaerobic spore-forming.
Spore-forming facultative anaerobes.
Facultative anaerobes which do not form spores.
Obligate anaerobes which do not form spores.
39. Representatives of what genus are obligate anaerobic bacteria that do not form spores?
+ Bacteroides.
+ Fusobacterium.
40. What are the main reservoirs and sources of clostridia in nature?
+ Human intestine and herbivores.
+ Soil.
+ Open waters.
None of the answers is wrong.
41. Describe the morphology and tinctorial properties of bacteria of Clostridium genus?
+ Rod-shaped bacteria.
+ Spore-forming bacteria.
+ Gram-positive bacteria.
Gram-negative bacteria.
42. Bacteriologist received a culture of obligate anaerobes using Fortner’s method. What
microorganisms simultaneously with obligate anaerobes were cultured in a nutrient medium?
+ Aerobes (Serratia marcescens).
Various types of obligate anaerobes.
Several species of aerobes.
Several species of facultative anaerobes.
43. Bacteria are obligate anaerobes. What type of metabolism enables them to get energy for life?
+ Substrate phosphorylation; the process of fermentation.
Oxidative phosphorylation; the process of breathing.
The generation of energy due to the processes of fermentation and respiration at the same time.
All the answers are wrong.
44. What is the essence of Fortner’s method?
+ Simultaneous cultivation of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on the same medium.
Cultivation of obligate anaerobes in a high column of agar.
Cultivation of aerobes and obligate anaerobes in liquid medium under the layer of petroleum jelly.
Simultaneous cultivation of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on a nutrient delirium placed in a tubeVeyona Vignal.
45. What type of metabolism is called anaerobic respiration?
+ Type of metabolism in which the final electron acceptor is a compound containing bound oxygen.
Type of metabolism when organic and inorganic compounds are oxidized in the presence of
dehydrogenases and O 2 is a final electron acceptor.
The collection of all the biochemical reactions in a cell.
The splitting of various substrates into simplier compounds with the participation of
macromolecular enzymes, synthesis and accumulation of energy in the form of ATP molecules.
46. What type of metabolism is called aerobic respiration?
+ Type of metabolism when the oxidation of organic and inorganic compounds takes place in the
presence of dehydrogenases and O 2 is a final electron acceptor.
Type of metabolism in which the final electron acceptor is a compound containing bound oxygen.
The collection of all the biochemical reactions in a cell.
The splitting of various substrates into simplier compounds with the participation of
macromolecular enzymes, synthesis and accumulation of energy in the form of ATP molecules.
47. What types of metabolism in bacteria do you know?
+ Oxidative phosphorylation (respiration).
+ Substrate phosphorylation (fermentation).
+ Mixed type of metabolism.
There is no correct answer.
48. Microscopy of bacterial culture revealed microorganisms that were spindle-shaped; Gram
staining changed their color to blue and purple. What microorganisms were found by bacteriologist?
+ Clostridia.
49. After 48 hours of incubation in anaerobic seeding of necrotic tissue homogenates in anaerostat
on blood agar grew rough Zeissler’s large flat colonies that tend to creep growth. What are the
properties of the selected microorganism described in the test mission?
+ Cultural.
Morphological features.
50. Material from the wound of the patient suspected of gas anaerobic infection was cultivated in
pre-heated to the boiling Kitt-Tarozzi medium. What is the purpose to hold a preliminary heating of
+ To remove oxygen from the environment
To kill microorganisms.
To dissolve the salts.
To sterilize the medium.
To enrich the medium with oxygen.
51. The diagnostics of the causative agent of tetanus was carried out in a laboratory. What method
of sterilization was used to destroy isolated cultures?
+ Autoclaving.
Dry heat sterilization.
52. What properties of asporogenous anaerobic bacteria are crucial in identifying the causative
+ Cultural properties.
Features of the antigenic structure.
Biochemical properties.
Virulent factors.