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Unit 8: Space Study Guide
Name___________________________________ Date March 22, 2017 Test Date: March 29
Learning Targets
39. Identify the physical characteristics of the Sun (ESS-M-C1)
43: Describe the characteristics of the inner and outer planets (ESS-M-C2)
45: Identify Earth’s position in the solar system (ESS-M-C5)
Wednesday-Thursday, March 22-23, 2017
Part 1: Characteristics of the Sun
Interesting Facts about the Sun
Radiation Zone
Convection Zone
The center of the sun, comprising 25 percent of its radius.
The section immediately surrounding the core, comprising 45 percent
of its radius.
The outermost ring of the sun, comprising the 30 percent of its radius.
The innermost part of the sun's atmosphere and the only part we can
The area between the photosphere and the corona; hotter than the
The extremely hot outermost layer, extending outward several million
miles from the Chromosphere.
Practice Exercise: Complete Sun Facts and Stats handout
Friday, March 24, 2017
Part 2: Inner Planets
There are eight planets in our solar system. Scientists classify the planets into two
main groups: the inner planets and the outer planets. The inner planets are the four
planets that are closest to the sun. The outer planets are farther away from the sun.
Inner planets
Outer planets
Our solar system consists of total eight planets including earth. All of them orbit
the Sun. These planets are divided in to two groups, Inner and Outer planets. These
two types are decided on the basis of the planet’s position with respect to the Sun.
Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth are inner planets as they are closest to the Sun
and Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus are outer planets. Inner planets are also
known as terrestrial planets or rocky planets and outer planets are known as gas
giants. Mercury is the closest and Neptune is the furthest planet.
Inner Planets
Mercury: – Mercury is the smallest of the four terrestrial (rocky)
or Inner planets with a diameter of 4,878 km. This planet does not
have any moons. Mercury has a thin atmosphere that contains
oxygen, hydrogen, helium, sodium and potassium.
Venus: – This planet was once considered a twin planet to earth.
But later scientists discovered that the surface of this planet has a
lead-melting temperature of 480°C. Venus has no moons or rings.
Mars: – This planet shows signs of liquid water flowing on its
surface in the past. Atmosphere of Mars contains nitrogen, argon
and carbon dioxide. This planet has two moons, Phobos and
Earth: – It is the largest of all the inner planets. The diameter of
our planet is 12,756 km. It is the only planet with life. This planet
has one moon and does not have any rings. Earth has an
atmosphere that contains nitrogen and oxygen.
Outer Planets
Neptune: – This planet has six rings and 13 confirmed moons.
Atmosphere of Neptune is made up of hydrogen, methane and
helium. It is smallest of all the out planets.
Saturn: – This planet has 7 known rings and 53 known moons.
This planet is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium and has an
atmosphere that is somewhat similar to Jupiter’s.
Jupiter: – It is the largest of all the outer planets. It is visible with
the naked eye. This planet has 50 known moons.
Uranus: – Uranus has 27 moons and has an atmosphere that is
mostly made up of helium, methane and hydrogen.
Practice Exercise: Complete Planetary Research handout
****************Due Tuesday, March 28, 2017*****************
Test Date: Wednesday, March 29