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I can: distinguish between
asteroids, comets and meteoroids.
Warm-up: What is
gravity? How does it
Class activities
change the motion
of planets?
 Due Now: Planet Brochure
Standard- 6-8 ES1B
Earth is the third planet from the
sun in a system that includes the
Moon, the Sun, seven other major
planets and their moons, and
smaller objects such as asteroids,
plutoids, and comets. These bodies
differ in many characteristics (e.g.
size, composition, relative position).
Brochure walk
Turn in with your rubric
 Discuss MC#2 Conclusion
 Read out loud Ch.24, Section 4
Key vocabulary: Galaxy, Big Bang theory, Milky Way,
solar system, star, planet, asteroid, plutoid, comet
I can: describe the effect of gravity
on our planet, solar system and
Warm-up: What
would happen to an
Class activities
orbiting object if
gravity decreased?
 Inquiry 15.1-15.4: EIS 8-11
Standard- 6-8 ES1B
Earth is the third planet from the
sun in a system that includes the
Moon, the Sun, seven other major
planets and their moons, and
smaller objects such as asteroids,
plutoids, and comets. These bodies
differ in many characteristics (e.g.
size, composition, relative position).
Key vocabulary: Galaxy, Big Bang theory, Milky Way,
solar system, star, planet, asteroid, plutoid, comet
I can: describe the effect of gravity
on our planet, solar system and
Warm-up: What
would happen to an
Class activities
orbiting object if
gravity increased?
 Inquiry 15.1-15.4: EIS 8-11
 Keep heat in project sheet
Standard- 6-8 ES1B
Earth is the third planet from the
sun in a system that includes the
Moon, the Sun, seven other major
planets and their moons, and
smaller objects such as asteroids,
plutoids, and comets. These bodies
differ in many characteristics (e.g.
size, composition, relative position).
Key vocabulary: Galaxy, Big Bang theory, Milky Way,
solar system, star, planet, asteroid, plutoid, comet
Warm-up: What
would happen to the
orbit of earth if
gravity was
Standard- 6-8 ES1B
Earth is the third planet from the
sun in a system that includes the
Moon, the Sun, seven other major
planets and their moons, and
smaller objects such as asteroids,
plutoids, and comets. These bodies
differ in many characteristics (e.g.
size, composition, relative position).
I can: list characteristics of
comets, meteors and asteroids.
Class activities
 Small celestial objects
flipbook: EIS 12 (due 11/2)
 Grade EIS 7-11
Key vocabulary: Galaxy, Big Bang theory, Milky Way,
solar system, star, planet, asteroid, plutoid, comet
Warm-up: Stars
can be referred to
as sub-systems.
What are the
systems they are a
part of?
Standard- 6-8 ES1B
Earth is the third planet from the
sun in a system that includes the
Moon, the Sun, seven other major
planets and their moons, and
smaller objects such as asteroids,
plutoids, and comets. These bodies
differ in many characteristics (e.g.
size, composition, relative position).
I can: describe characteristics of
Class activities
 Planner check & warm-up due
 EIS MC #3
 PowerPoint on stars - EIS 13
 Review MSP booklet: PS3A & B
Key vocabulary: Galaxy, Big Bang theory, Milky Way,
solar system, star, planet, asteroid, plutoid, comet
 Monday - I can describe the effect of gravity on our
planet, solar system and galaxy.
 Tuesday - I can: describe the effect of gravity on our
planet, solar system and galaxy.
 Wednesday - I can distinguish between asteroids,
comets and meteoroids
 Thursday - I can list characteristics of stars
 Friday - I can describe all celestial objects in our
solar system