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WWII, Chapter 6 - Study Guide
Test date: _______________________
Lesson 1, Chapter 6
1. Why was Germany in such a bad economic depression after WWI that leads
them into WWII?
They were paying back war costs from the Treaty of Versailles.
2. Who did Germans say was the CAUSE for this German hardship? ​
Their own
. What was the EFFECT? ​
A new political power rose - The Nazi‛s.
3. Who was leader of the new National Socialist, or Nazi, Party for Germany?
Adolf Hitler
4. What did he claim he could do for Germany?
He told them he could bring prosperity back to Germany.
5. What type of government did Adolf Hitler change Germany into?
6. Why did Germans come to like Adolf Hitler?
He told them they were better than people from other countries in Europe.
7. Who did Hitler blame the loss of WWI and all of their economic problems
on? ​
8. What ​
two things​
did Hitler start doing to bring economic prosperity back to
Germany even though it was against the Treaty of Versailles?
a. Rebuilt the German Army and created the Hitler Youth Program
b. German factories made war goods.
9. Although the Swastika originally represented peace and inner strength, it
became better known as a symbol of what for the Nazi Party? Find three
adjectives to describe it.
a. violence
b. death
c. destruction
10. Draw the Swastika and the Star of David.
11. Fascism is a type of government that argues all power should be in the hands
of who? ​
Only a few leaders, and especially dictators.
12. Totalitarianism ​
is a political system that recognizes no limits to its authority
and strives to regulate all aspects of public and private life.
13. Who were the totalitarian leaders of each of the following countries?
a. Germany: ​
Adolf Hitler
b. Japan: ​
Tojo Hideki
c. Italy ​
Benito Mussolini
d. Soviet Union: ​
Joseph Stalin
14. Who were the three major Axis Powers in WWII?
a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Italy
15. Who were the four major Allied Powers (+ 40 others) in WWII?
a. Great Britain
b. France
c. Soviet Union (Russia)
d. United States
16. Who became Prime Minister of Great Britain and a strong ally to the U.S. in
Winston Churchill
17. The ​
Holocaust ​
(spell correctly or you won‛t get credit) was one of the
greatest tragedies of WWII leading Jews to concentration camps and
eventual death.
18. Identify the “four freedoms” that Franklin D. Roosevelt felt all people in the
world should have.
a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of worship
c. Freedom from want
d. Freedom from fear
19. What did the Lend-Lease Bill of 1941 do?
Leased (long-term loan) military equipment to Great Britain and other allied
powers to protect against the Axis powers. European countries didn‛t have a
lot of money.
20.What decision by FDR led us into WWII?
To lease military equipment to Allied powers in Europe.
Lesson 2, Chapter 6
1. What Axis power bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941? ​
2. Why did they bomb Pearl Harbor?
Mad because we were helping out the Allied powers fighting against the Axis
3. What did Roosevelt say about December 7, 1941 that is now a famous quote?
“A day that would live in infamy.”
4. What does the word infamy mean? ​
Forever known for a bad deed
5. How was the reason for fighting in WWI different from WWII? (pg. 233)
WWI was to make the world safe for democracy. WWII was to defend
their own homes, families, and neighbors from the Axis powers.
6. During WWII, why did the US put Japanese in internment concentration
camps and not Germans or Italians (one word)? ​
7. Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
More than 1,000 African Americans who trained in the Army Air Corps in
Tuskegee, AL to fly as pilots in WWII.
8. How did WWII and African Americans‛ roles in it affect their acceptance of
segregation and Jim Crow laws back in the U.S.?
African Americans believed that if the US saw it was wrong for Hitler to
show prejudice and segregation with the Jews, it should be wrong for whites
to show prejudice against and segregation from the blacks.
9. What does rationing mean? ​
Using only a certain amount/little.
10. What were two of the most important goods rationed during WWII?
a. gasoline
b. rubber
11. What did families do in their backyards to ensure enough food was being
produced for the military? ​
Plant victory gardens
12. What is the famous nickname that was given to women in the U.S. who
stepped up to work in factories?​
Rosie the Riveter
13. Who was Cornelia Fort?
A now famous pilot from Nashville, TN. She became the first female flying
instructor and joined the war effort with the Women‛s Auxillary Ferrying
Squadron. Flew planes from the field and from base to base.
14. What was D-Day and who was it named after?
British and US troops successfully stormed the beaches of the Normandy
France peninsula. Allies started pushing Nazi Germany back. Named after
American General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
15. When was D-Day? ​
June 6, 1944
Lesson 3, Chapter 6
1. Who becomes President after Roosevelt‛s unexpected death shortly after
the beginning of his fourth term in office? ​
Harry S. Truman
2. What country moved into Germany from the east on V-E Day? ​
Soviet Union
Together, what countries moved into Germany from the west? ​
US ​
and ​
Britain ​
on V-E Day.
3. What does V-E Day stand for? ​
Victory in Europe
4. When was V-E Day? ​
May 7, 1945
5. Despite President Harry S. Truman‛s request to surrender, what country
refused to surrender in WWII after V-E day? ​
6. Who warned FDR five years before WWII that the Nazi‛s were building an
atomic bomb? ​
Albert Einstein
7. Who was asked to create the atomic bomb for the US? ​
J. Robert
8. What did these two men and Dinah Shore (comedian that entertained the
troops) all have in common? ​
All were Jewish
9. What was the name of the project called that involved planning the atomic
bomb? ​
Manhattan Project
10. Where were special explosives for the atomic bomb manufactured and kept
top secret? ​
Oak Ridge, TN
11. What two cities in Japan were atomic bombs dropped on?
a. Hiroshima
b. Nagasaki
12. What nicknames were each of these atomic bombs given?
a. Little Boy
b. Fat Boy (much larger and more destructive than the first)
13. What does V-J Day stand for? ​
Victory in Japan
14. When was V-J Day? ​
August 15, 1945
15. What was the estimated cost of WWII for the world? $ ​
1 Trillion
16. Who spent more than any country on WWII? ​
17. About how many people died in WWII? ​
39.5 million