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Journal Register New York Central ePaper - The Record (Troy, NY) - 21 Oct 2012 - Page... Page 1 of 1
8 • Sllllday,lciHer t l, tm
Cleanings - Fillings - Extractions - Root Canals
Whitening- Dentures- Implant Restoration- Digital X-Rays
70 Remsen Street, Cohoes, NY 12047 1 518.237.0700 1
Dr. Miwla is a general dentist located in Cohoes, NY. He has a fellowsh ip in geriacric denriscry and has treaced patients
ac many skilled nursing faci licies and was scaff demise ac the VA Nursing Home in Balcimore, MD
Oral Health Care for senior family members
Over time the human body changes, often
reqUinng more attention and medical
treatment than in its earlier years. Older
people often spend a considerable amount
of time visiting various doctors and taking
medications in an effort to improve their
quality of life.
An aspect of an older person's overall
health that is commonly overlooked is their
oral health. Many people. especially older
people, on ly visit the dentist "when they have
a problem." These problems are typically
associated with acute oral pain, swelling, or
a sudden loss of function. However. many
older people are living with chronic oral health
problems to which they have learned to adapt.
The most common oral health conditions
associated with an older population include
ch ronic gum inflammation, Ill-fitting dentures
and broken or decayed teeth. Severe gum
inflammation is a chronic cond ition that
often leads to pain, infection and tooth loss.
The build-up of tartar and bacteria on the
teeth is the most common cause of gum
inflammation and is associated with diabetes.
heart disease and respiratory disease. For
many of us. on ly a few missed routine tooth
brushings will be noticeable and leave us
with an unpleasant feeling. However, for
those who do not regularly maintain proper
oral health. they become accustomed to
excessive bacteria build-up and do not
complain or verbalize this chronic condition.
Declines (even small) in vision, memory, or
manual dexterity and mobility may influence
the frequency and effectiveness of brushing
and flossing. Despite the fact that an older
person may brush their teeth 4-5 times per
day, there often remains a considerable
amount of bacteria and debris because they
are unable to brush effectively due to these
physical limitations.
It is not uncommon for older people l o take
multiple prescription medications. A common
side effect of taking multiple medications is a
dry mouth. A dry mouth and lack of saliva is
not healthy. it leads to increased cavities and
makes dentures fit poorly.
Ill-fitting dentures decrease the ability to
chew foods properly and this can lead to
compromised nutritional intake and the
loss of the enjoyment of eating. Repairing
a broken denture or fabricating a new
denture can quickly lead to a healthier and
improved quality of life. Additionally. common
misconceptions amongst an older population
are that people stop getting cavities as they
There are multiple reasons seniors typically age and their existing fillings and crowns
have more oral health problems than younger will never fail. Untreated cavities and
individuals. Many seniors face logistical failing fillings can lead to broken teeth and
challenges i n visiting the dentist. including infection. These conditions will often resu lt
transportation limitations and fi nancial in pain and a decreased ability to chew.
concerns for those living on fixed incomes. It is imperative that older people visit a
Many people lose their dental insurance dentist lor an oral exam. Dental disease can
when they retire and tend to have less regular not only be life altering. it has a significant
dental visits. Previous generations had less impact on overall healt h status. It is helpful
locus on p reventive dental care and many lor family members to inquire about the aging
people were accustomed to on ly making individual's oral healt h and particularly the
dental appointments on an emergency basis. regu larity of visits to the dentist.