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Name: KEY – keep in mind there are many more and different answers depending on
the discussion in each class period
World History – Mrs. Schenck
EQ’s Review: Mesopotamia 3500 B.C.E
FQ: What does Mesopotamia tell us about life in the ancient world?
1. How many years ago was 3500 BCE? 5516 years ago
3500 + 2016 = 5516 years ago
2. The Fertile Crescent describes the area between the two rivers in Mesopotamia
known as the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This place was good for agriculture or
3. In what region of the world is ancient Mesopotamia located?
Middle East (Iraq today)
4. Sumerians were people of the city of Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia.
They built ziggurats to worship the gods.
The evidence for statements A-F comes from your #6 handout. – STUDENT Login
205LIONS (teacher view use vote for them to see all closer)
A. What is the role of religion in ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia?
Based on the evidence……, we can infer…... For example….
Polytheism = belief in many gods
Monotheism = belief in one god
Here are some of the inferences we made in class. You need to look back at
your notes for evidence to support them and proper formatting above.
o to help people make sense of the world
o to help people understand why things happened in nature since they did
not have the science we have today
o to keep the gods happy to avoid punishment (i.e. natural disasters like
floods or earthquakes, bad fortune like disease or death, etc.)
o to provide comfort and a sense of community
Ex. Based on the evidence that many gods dealt with nature, we can infer the
Mesopotamians used their gods to understand why things happened in nature.
For example, to explain thunder, the Mesopotamians might have said the god
of storms was fighting with another god and hurling boulders at each other.
B. What were some consequences of the new technology created in Mesopotamia?
Based on the evidence……, we can infer…... The consequence was….
Here are some of the inferences we made in class. You need to look back at
your notes for evidence to support them and proper formatting above.
o Writing allowed history to be written and trade to occur
o Sailing technology led to trade and money for growth
o Irrigation technology advanced agriculture and food supplies
o Bronze and steal changed warfare
C. What does the Sumerian creation myth tell us about life in ancient Mesopotamia?
Based on the evidence……, we can infer…... For example….
Myth = traditional or legendary story with no determinable basis in fact
Here are some of the inferences we made in class. You need to look back at
your notes for evidence to support them and proper formatting above.
o the creation myths in Mesopotamia explain how the gods created or
were part of nature (geography) -> they used myth to understand and
explain the world around them (the Sumerian myth describes how
humans were made from clay or that the sky and Earth were gods that
were separated, etc.)
D. What groups had power in ancient Mesopotamia? How did they use their power?
Based on the evidence……, we can infer…... because….
Eye for an eye justice = whoever causes an injury, should be punished with the
same injury
Equal justice = fair treatment under the law (same punishments for ALL social
classes, UNLIKE Hammurabi’s code)
Here are some of the inferences we made in class. You need to look back at
your notes for evidence to support them and proper formatting above.
o kings, gods, wealthy (upper class), adults, and men had power
o most people used their power to maintain control of others and/or their
E. How has the Mesopotamian invention of writing made you “immortal”?
What are the positive and negative consequences of this “immortality”?
Immortality = the search for eternal or never ending life or fame
Who was Gilgamesh, and why is his story important?
Gilgamesh was an ancient king of Uruk. His legend was one of the first recorded
stories in history.
Here are some of the inferences we made in class. You need to look back at
your notes for evidence to support them and proper formatting above.
o Writing means you can live forever when your history is recorded
o Blessing and curse – think about WHAT someone writes about you, and the
effects social media have on our lives and “immortality” today
What two themes in Gilgamesh’s story have become part of our culture today?
Give examples.
1. Flood Story
Exs. Noah’s ark, etc.
2. Hero’s Journey
Exs. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Spiderman and other super heroes, etc.
F. How does learning about ancient cultures impact how you understand the world?
Based on the evidence……, we now understand….. because…..
Here are some of the EVIDENCE we looked at in class. You need to look back at
your notes for inferences/understandings to support your answers.
Agriculture played a very important role in the development of ancient
Mesopotamian society.
1. plow
2. ancient door handle
As writing developed, its uses became more complex over the course of time.
1. scribes
2. cylinder seals
3. cuneiform
4. story of Gilgamesh
The ancient Mesopotamians invented many things that are still in use today.
1. agriculture
2. writing
3. glass
4. code of laws