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3. Xu L, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, Schooling CM. Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular events among men: a systematic review
and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials. BMC
Med 2013;11:108.
4. US Food Drug Administration. FDA Drug Safety Communication:
FDA cautions about using testosterone products for low testosterone
due to aging; requires labeling change to inform of possible increased
risk of heart attack and stroke with use. 2015. (
Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm436259.htm (5 August 5 2015, date last
Author’s Response to the Letter:
Does the optimal BMI really vary
by age and sex?, by Xu et al.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, Vol. 45, No. 1
5. Health Canada. Information Update. Possible cardiovascular
problems associated with testosterone products. 2014. http://
40587a-eng.php (5 August 2015, date last accessed).
6. Schulte DM, Hahn M, Oberhauser F et al. Caloric restriction increases serum testosterone concentrations in obese male subjects
by two distinct mechanisms. Horm Metab Res 2014;46:283–86.
7. Hagg S, Fall T, Ploner A et al. Adiposity as a cause of cardiovascular disease: a Mendelian randomization study. Int J Epidemiol
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 286–287
doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv311
Advance Access Publication Date: 8 December 2015
From Sang-Wook Yi,1* Heechoul Ohrr2 and Jee-Jeon YI3
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine, Gangneung,
Republic of Korea, 2Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
and 3Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health, Catholic Kwandong University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
*Corresponding author. Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine, Bumil-ro
579, Gangneung, Gangwon-do, 25601, Republic of Korea. E-mail: [email protected]
In the comments on our study of optimal body mass index
(BMI) associated with a minimal mortality according to sex
and age,1 Xu and colleagues noted that underestimation of
risk associated with overweight and obesity, due to selective
survival with advancing age, is possible.2 However, we
would like to point out that this could be more the case for
those with a BMI below the optimal range than for those
with a BMI above the optimal range since, among survivors
after early follow-up compared with all participants, relative
risks generally decreased in those with the lowest BMI categories, but not in those with the highest BMI categories
in our study, regardless of sex and age. Therefore, selective
survival bias, if it exists, is more likely to shift the lower
end of optimal BMI downward than shift the upper end of
optimal BMI upward in each sex-age group in our study
Xu and colleagues also note that more research is needed
to identify the appropriate approaches for the public and clinicians to take regarding body weight. We agree. As noted in
our article, the optimal body weight for height associated
with a minimal mortality increases with age and differs by
sex in Korean adults.1 One of the potential mechanisms is
height change with age. Height decreases with advancing
age, especially in women.3,4 Therefore, BMI increases with
age independently of weight change, especially at older ages,
particularly in women.3,4 Changes in sex hormones with age
could also be related to our findings, as suggested by Xu and
colleagues.2,5–7 Many important issues regarding optimal
body weight, including causality and mechanisms, remain unclear. The sex-age-specific optimal range for BMI may vary
by ethnic group.8 Due to a lack of evidence on the effects of
intentional weight change (loss or gain) on overall mortality
and major cardiovascular complications, according to sex,
age and body weight levels, there is uncertainty about implementing intentional weight loss or gain for better health: for
whom, when and how.9 These questions should be examined
through future research including well-planned randomized
trials and observational studies using methods to minimize
bias and ensure more definitive answers to causality and
Irrespective of arguments around causality, our findings
suggest that low-normal weight (such as 18.5–22.9 kg/m2),
in addition to underweight and obesity, should not be considered a sign of good health without careful evaluation in
men at any age and women aged 50 years and above. Public health efforts to prevent and manage health issues
related to body weight—not just obesity, but also underweight and low-normal weight—should be strengthened
for better health.
Conflict of interest: None declared.
C The Author 2015; all rights reserved. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, Vol. 45, No. 1
1. Yi SW, Ohrr H, Shin SA, Yi JJ. Sex-age-specific association of
body mass index with all-cause mortality among 12.8 million Korean adults: a prospective cohort study. Int J Epidemiol 2015;
2. Xu L, Au Yeung SL, Schooling CM. Does the optimal BMI really
vary by age and sex? Int J Epidemiol 2016;45:285–86.
3. Sorkin JD, Muller DC, Andres R. Longitudinal change in height
of men and women: implications for interpretation of the body
mass index: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:969–77.
4. Peter RS, Fromm E, Klenk J, Concin H, Nagel G. Change in
height, weight, and body mass index: longitudinal data from Austria. Am J Hum Biol 2014;26:690–96.
5. Brown LM, Gent L, Davis K, Clegg DJ. Metabolic impact of sex
hormones on obesity. Brain Res 2010;1350:77–85.
6. Xu L, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, Schooling CM. Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular events among men: a systematic review
and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials. BMC
Med 2013;11:108.
7. Osuna JA, Gomez-Perez R, Arata-Bellabarba G, Villaroel V. Relationship between BMI, total testosterone, sex hormone-bindingglobulin, leptin, insulin and insulin resistance in obese men. Arch
Androl 2006;52:355–61.
8. Peter RS, Mayer B, Concin H, Nagel G. The effect of age on the
shape of the BMI-mortality relation and BMI associated with minimum all-cause mortality in a large Austrian cohort. Int J Obes
(Lond) 2015;39:530–34.
9. Dixon JB, Egger GJ, Finkelstein EA, Kral JG, Lambert GW. ‘Obesity paradox’ misunderstands the biology of optimal weight
throughout the life cycle. Int J Obes (Lond) 2015;39:82–84.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 287–289
Re: Prime mover or fellow traveller:
doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv314
20 January 2016
25-hydroxyvitamin D’s seasonal
variation, cardiovascular disease and
death in the Scottish Heart Health Extended Study
Barbara J Boucher
The Blizard Institute, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London,
UK. E-mail: [email protected]
Baseline vitamin D status (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
D (25OHD)), examined as a predictor of 3307 first cardiovascular events, 1350 cardiovascular (CVD) and 2987 total
deaths in 13 224 cohort subjects over 22 years in the Scottish Extended Health Study (SHHEC) showed modest reductions in adverse events with increasingly high baseline
vitamin D status, whose significance was reduced after
adjustment for conventional CVD risk factors. Peaks and
troughs of incident deaths occurred before those of baseline
vitamin D status with season, and the authors concluded
that these data ‘challenge vitamin D inadequacy as a major
prime mover in cardiovascular disease and mortality’.1
The concepts tested are important, since beneficial CVD
effects of better vitamin D status would strengthen the case
for improving the notoriously poor vitamin D status of British people, especially in Scotland where this problem is most
The authors have tested the idea that long-term vitamin
D status affects cardiovascular outcomes, using baseline
serum 25OHD and assuming that this reasonably predicts
adequacy of vitamin D status over the next 22 years, an as-
sumption that can be challenged. Correlations of baseline
and follow-up 25OHD fell slowly to between 0.32 and
0.52 after 14 years in a Norwegian population, as did
those of cardiometabolic risk factors (e.g. blood pressure
and lipid profiles); thus, predictive values of baseline vitamin D status over 22 years must be even lower.4
The authors found seasonal variation in acute events and
deaths peaked earlier than those for vitamin D status (baseline serum 25OHD), a finding taken to mean that increases
in risk for cardiovascular events, or death, are unlikely to be
triggered by acute reductions in vitamin D status. However, a
number of factors were not considered in their analyses. First,
seasonal variations in temperature are associated with
increased death rates especially in the cold,5,6 a variable not
adjusted for although peaks and nadirs in vitamin D status
arose after seasonal extremes of temperature. Second, risk assessments for expected vitamin D status nadirs were compared with data associated with expected vitamin D status
peaks, but such comparisons are only valid when peak values
are high enough to be expected to improve health. However,
maximal peak 25OHDs in Scottish subjects studied reached
C The Author 2016; all rights reserved. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association