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Notion Press
Old No. 38, New No. 6
McNichols Road, Chetpet
Chennai - 600 031
First Published by Notion Press 2016
Copyright © Sunny Dhondkar 2016
All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 978-1-945579-02-8
This book has been published with all efforts taken to make the
material error-free after the consent of the author. However, the
author and the publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim
any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption
caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions
result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission from the author, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole?
Is Black a Color?
Why Do We Dream?
Dream in a Dream…
Who Was the First Person?
Why Is Unhealthy Food Tasty?
Why Is the Sky Blue?
Why Does February Have 28 Days?
Why Do We Die?
Can We Become Invisible?
Why Do We Laugh, Cry, Hiccup and Yawn? Why Do We Get Goose Bumps?
Will We Be Able to Cure Cancer? Do Electromagnetic Radiations of More
Frequency Than Gamma Rays Exist? 15. What Happens When Our Brain Works Extremely? ix
Will the Sun Turn
into a Black Hole?
2 Theory vs. Theories
Since many years ago, we are always terrified by the reason
of thinking about the end of the world. Many of the science
fiction movies are headed with a topic of end of the world.
They show any reason or prediction for the cause of ending
of this world. Many people have done with prophecies in the
past that the world will end at a particular time. People show
interest in these facts. There are rumors spread daily on such
topics. People too get terrified and obey them. There are past
misconceptions regarding any reason for the end of the world.
We know that even if the sun would turn into a black hole
it will need a lot of time. Still it is a terrifying thing. Black
holes are a lot complex and mind-boggling. You must take a
deep breath, as you are going to face incredible facts and ‘huge’
Everything about the structure and functions of sun,
lifecycle of low mass stars and high mass stars, after the death
of respective stars and a lot of stuff is going to be discussed in
this chapter.
Have you ever heard about this question? You might
have heard or you only might be having this question in your
doubtful brain. You will need to know the whole process of
any particular star during its life and its death.
You may think that I am lying when you will read some
of the facts and see the huge number, but I will like to say that
everything that the stuff I am going to discuss here is hundred
percent true.
What is the Sun?
If you are lucky enough then you would be able to see stars
at night. Yes, seeing stars needs a better luck of pollution free
atmosphere. If you are living in a city then you will just see
one star-like object in the sky in some part of a year. That is
not a star, but it is a planet. That star-like body you would see
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole? 3
is Jupiter. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the sky. If
the pollution is slightly less than this, then you can see the star,
Sirius; yes I am serious, only this one is mostly visible from
the metro-cities. It is the second brightest star in the sky. The
brightest star in the night sky is, obviously, the sun.
Whenever I get some time out of my work, I use to get over
the terrace of our building, with me telescope. It is specially
designed for a clear view of the planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Venus
and Mars. Other planets are very distant or shorter enough
to not be seen clearly. The most amazing experience is to see
the Saturn. It is very gorgeous with its rings. The factors like
pollution and extreme use of lights are causing the less view of
the stars and planets. Because of such factors only the view of
Jupiter and its four larger moons is clear through my telescope.
Still there is a great enjoyment to see these stuffs at night. That
is a good experience. It gives me a feeling of an astronomer in
this short age. I also use this telescope to identify the color of
stars, which helps me to identify the stars, since their color is
one of the bases of their classifications.
Stars are distinguished on the basis of their size,
temperature, mass and luminosity. Many people say that the
sun is a middle sized star, but it is not. Many of the stars in
our galaxy are dim ‘dwarf stars,’ very shorter than the sun. The
sun ranks in the top ten percent of the stars in the galaxy. It
is a big hot ball of mostly consisting hydrogen gas. The sun
is 150 million km away from us. The diameter of the sun is
hundred times of diameter of earth. If we talk about the size
then a million of earths could be fitted inside it. At the very
core of the sun, the pressure of the gases is approximately 300
times the atmospheric pressure of earth. The temperature is
too much high marking 15 million degrees Celsius.
The sun has a mass of two followed by thirty zeroes.
The sun converts a lot of hydrogen into helium. I said a lot!
4 Theory vs. Theories
In numerical value the sun converts 700 million tons of
hydrogen into 695 million tons of Helium in a second.
The mass can neither be created and nor be destroyed, it is
a fundamental law, then where does the remaining 5 million
tons of mass goes? The rest of mass is converted into energy.
This energy is equivalent to detonating 400 billions of one
megaton nuclear bombs. This amount of energy is created in
only a second, amazing!
The sun is radiating energy from these many years by the
process of nuclear fusion of the hydrogen atoms into Helium
atoms. As I said that 700 million tons of hydrogen is converted
into 695 million tons of helium in a second, it happens because
of this process of nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a reaction
in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at very high speed
and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. Atom is the
fundamental unit for the structure of every object in this
universe. Every atom is made up of sub-atomic particles, which
are protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons and neutrons
are concentrated at the centre, so they are together called a
nucleus. They were thought to be the shortest structures, but
other ones are discovered in the previous century, which will be
discussed in the fourteenth chapter. These nuclei are collided
and are joined to form a different atom. The hydrogen fusion
takes place at the core of the sun.
The sun does not have a solid surface like earth. It is made
up of gas. The hydrogen atom is completely ionized at the core
of the sun. That means, the sun is tremendously hot that the
electrons of hydrogen atom are stripped away from it. This
creates a state of matter called Plasma. Talking simply, plasma
is a gaseous soup of charged particles.
There is a convectional process inside the sun. The gases at
the core of the sun become hotter and start to move upwards.
The colder gases near the surface star to move downwards to
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole? 5
the core. During this convectional process, the plasma too, is
moved up i.e. towards the surface of the sun. This plasma is
stopped at the surface because of their own magnetic field.
This plasma glows more on the surface of the sun. But as it
becomes colder, it gets dimmer. You might have seen a dark
spot on the surface of the sun. That is not any mystery any
more. Many people think that it is a hole. This dark spot is the
dimmed cold plasma. That is not much cold but just colder
than the surface of the sun.
Properties of Other Stars
The stars are ‘mainly’ classified on the basis of their size and
temperature. Many times there is a problem that some stars
look more luminous and there is confusion that the particular
star is closer or does it have more size and temperature. So,
this type of classification does not let such confusion. One
more reason of this type of classification is the temperature
can tell the type of light emitted by the star and its elemental
The hottest stars are ‘O’ type stars. Slightly colder are
‘B’ type stars, colder are ‘A’ type stars, then colder than these
are ‘F’ type stars, then ‘G,’ then ‘K’ and then ‘M’ type stars.
After building up of this classification many colder stars were
discovered, these were ‘L,’ ‘K’ and ‘Y’ type stars. Our sun is a
‘G2’ type star. Sirius is an ‘A0’ type star and the Betelgeuse is a
‘M2’ type star. That tells that the Sirius is hotter than the Sun
and the Betelgeuse is colder than both of them.
The more the star is hotter, the light emitted by it is moved
towards blue color light of the electromagnetic spectrum and
the more it is colder it is moved towards red color light. For
more reference about the electromagnetic radiations and
spectrum you must see to the second, seventh and fourteenth
6 Theory vs. Theories
Dependant on the temperature, a star can be of blue, red,
yellow and even orange color. The fact is that you will never
find a green star. Travel far away from the city you live; as
far as you can (Antarctica will be the best spot). Watch the
sky and start to spot the stars of different colors. Mostly, you
would see the blue, white and red stars. The ‘green color’ stars
will be present nowhere. This is because of your eyes. If a star
emits green light, then it would also emit blue, red, yellow and
orange. Then these colors mix up and your eyes see it white.
If you see spectra of our sun then you would notice that green
light is mostly emitted by it. Thus, the sun is also white. Stars
of more mass to appear blue and less mass appear less.
If talking about our solar system, some people say that
Jupiter is a failed star. This means that, Jupiter was in the
process of becoming a star just like sun, but did not got much
mass for being. But this is false. Jupiter isn’t a failed star, but a
successful planet. Jupiter has only one percent of mass required
to create a pressure for hydrogen fusion. The failed stars are
called as ‘Brown dwarfs.’
How do stars die?
Low mass stars
The answer of the main question I have been discussing is
mainly dependant on the lifecycle and the death of the stars.
In the lifespan of the low mass stars, they spend whole life
in fusing hydrogen to form helium. There is a misconception
about the lifecycle of stars. Some people think that stars of low
mass die early while stars of high mass last longer, thinking that
high mass stars would be having more amounts of hydrogen
to be fused into helium and hence, living longer. In reality it is
opposite of this statement. That is, stars of high mass die more
shortly while stars of low mass last longer. This is because, the
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole? 7
more the mass of a particular star, the more will be the pressure
at its core. The more pressure at the core, the quickly hydrogen
atoms are fused. So, if the star has high mass then it will run
out of fuel quickly and eventually die more quickly. The stars
of low mass last much longer. A red dwarf is a type of low mass
star. How much time would such low mass star lives? It lives
for trillions of years. If a red dwarf is born some time after the
big bang (astronomically, some time means a lot of years to
us), then it will last for more 990 billion years! The universe is
very young for such stars.
The stars of ‘G’ type, our sun too, have a life span of 12
billion years. The sun is already approximately a 5 years old
star. The lifecycle and death of low mass stars like our sun will
be the way discussed here. As I discussed that hydrogen fusion
takes place at the core of the sun, the hydrogen is fused and
helium is produced like ash. This increases the density of sun
day by day. It is compressed daily and as you may know that
the compression of gas increases the heat, therefore the heat
at the core of the sun is increasing day by day. The sun will
fuse the hydrogen for more expected seven billion years. At
this time the sun will be full of helium atoms and there will
be no hydrogen. The helium can be fused into carbon, neon
and oxygen in high mass stars. The sun is not capable and does
not have that much mass to generate heat and pressure for the
fusion of helium. Even though the fusion is stopped the core
will continue to contract and heat up.
The pressure at the core is increased and the sun is
expanded and becomes a so-called ‘sub-giant.’ After some time
the sun expands up to the 150 times of its present size. Now
the sun is a ‘red giant.’ I said that the more the temperature
of a star, it is moved to the blue color in the spectrum. Then
why would sun become red if it will become hotter? If a gas
is heated, it expands, just like that, the gravity of sun will not
8 Theory vs. Theories
overcome the pressure and it will expand, the density will
decrease and the energy released per cubic centimeter will be
low. So, it will look ‘red.’
The sun will blow like a hurricane and it will lose one
third of its mass. The remaining mass will be such hot that it
will fuse helium into carbon. That will be having tremendous
energy. The helium will be fused at the core and the carbon will
be like ash. The sun again starts to contract. The remaining
mass of sun will run out of helium and just carbon will be left
in it. The fusion is stopped. At this time the sun will blow up
all of it outer layers. The remnant of this blast will be a super
compact ball, which is not much bigger than earth. This ball is
called as ‘White dwarf.’ Still the sun is not dead.
The white dwarf does not radiate energy, so it takes a lot of
time to it for cooling down and fade away for the next tens of
billions of years! The sun will need a lot of time to die.
This white dwarf is so much dense that the gravity of it
is hundreds of thousands of times that of earth. If an object
weights 50 kg on earth, then it will weigh 5000 tons on the
surface of white dwarf.
High mass stars
Here I am talking about the stars of more mass than the sun.
Stars that have mass 8 times that of sun have a lot of pressure
and heat for fusion. The temperature at the core of such stars is
500 million degrees Celsius. They first fuse hydrogen to form
helium. After many years when the amount of helium is more,
the helium is fused to form elements such as carbon, oxygen
and neon. The carbon is in more quantity. There are a lot of
steps in the process of fusion, but the results are like this at last.
After the total fusion of helium, the carbon is fused to form
neon, magnesium and some sodium.
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole? 9
During the fusion of carbon the temperature of the core
reaches to a billion degrees Celsius. After that neon fusion
creates more magnesium and some oxygen. Then the oxygen
fuses to form silicon. As the heavier elements are fused, the
temperature also increases. The temperature is reached to
a tremendous magnitude. This higher temperature makes it
available for the fusion of more other heavier elements.
The silicon is then fused to form iron. These stars do not
turn into a ‘Red Giant’ like the sun, but into a ‘Red Super
These stars are very huge and extremely luminous. In
such large stars the fusion of different elements are in different
At the core there is a formation of nickel and iron, at the
upper layer of the core is formation of silicon and sulfur, at
more upper is oxygen, neon and magnesium, then it is again
oxygen and some carbon, upper of it is helium, carbon and
neon, then helium and nitrogen and at the uppermost layer
is hydrogen and helium. These stars of eight times of solar
mass last for only hundred million years (it is ‘only’ because of
comparison between high mass and low mass stars). The stars
of two times of solar mass live for two billion years.
In the low mass stars fusion of lighter elements creates and
radiates energy, but of iron it is different. Iron fusion sucks
up energy instead of creating. This increase the shrinking and
heating of stars. At this condition the iron nuclei suck up the
electrons that are whizzing around. The fusion of silicon to
form iron just requires fraction of a second. The gravity at this
core is extremely strong. It overcomes the pressure created by
fusion and the outer parts of the star crash down on the inner
pars. Now mind-boggling things would happen. If this massive
star is at most of 20 times of solar masses then the core collapse
would stop at some time. At last it forms a neutron star. If the
10 Theory vs. Theories
mass is more than 20 times of solar mass then it will continue
collapsing. None of the forces in the universe would be able to
stop the core collapsing. This collapsing gets to a point. The
gravity at this point becomes such intense that not even light
can escape from its gravitational force. This is a black hole.
These stars of the mass of more than 8 to 20 times of
solar mass end with a ‘supernova.’ The stars of these masses
leave superheated plasma during supernova. The energy of this
star is released in the form of light and neutrino. Neutrino is
also a type of sub-atomic particle. The stuff remaining after
supernova is a compact ball of entirely neutrons.
It is a quantum mechanical law that electrons resist to be
squeezed with other electrons. But the force of collapse is so
much in these stars that the protons, electrons and other subatomic particles are squeezed to form neutrons.
These neutron stars may have the total mass of the
sun in just a diameter of 20 km! The neutron stuff is called
neutronium. The volume of only one cubic centimeter of this
neutronium has the mass of four hundred million tons. At an
average a neutron star has the gravity hundred billion times
that of earth.
We know that the escape velocity at earth is approximately
11 km/sec. At the sun it is 600 km/sec. The escape velocity
at the neutron star is 150,000 km/sec, which is the half of
the speed of light! As the core of the star collapses, the escape
velocity at it also increases. When the core is more mass than a
neutron star then it collapses more and at some time the escape
velocity reaches to the speed of light. As the speed of light is
the speed limit in the universe, nothing can travel faster than
it. As no matter can come out from it, it looks a hole and no
light can escape, so it looks black. This is the core of a high
mass star, a… black hole! There are 200 million black holes,
only in the Milky Way galaxy.
Will the Sun Turn into a Black Hole? 11
Things that happen in the black hole remains in the black
hole i.e. remains unknown. The properties of a black hole are
very complex. After decades of research there is not a specific
answer to it. Humans those who don’t obey the laws think that
they are daredevils, but in reality, up there are black holes who
dare to not obey the laws of physics…
We have come to the conclusion of this question. Many
people have the misconception that the sun will turn into a
black hole, but the sun does not have such properties and is
incapable to become a black hole. If we would gather more 20
suns and mix them up then we may get a black hole in future.
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