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Marine Geophysics
Plate tectonics
Dept. of Marine Sciences, Ocean College, Zhejiang University
Nov. 8, 2016
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Mantle flow and Plate tectonics
Two suggested models of plate tectonics show how flow in the mantle
might be related to plate movement.
Book: Earth’s Dynamic Systems 10th Edition
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Convergent plate boundaries
Book: Earth’s Dynamic Systems 10th Edition
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Convergent plate boundaries
Possible modes of behavior of oceanic lithosphere at convergent plate
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Convergent plate boundaries
Possible modes of behavior of oceanic lithosphere at convergent plate
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Forces active on the plates
Include slab-pull, ridge-push, basal drag, and friction along transform
faults and in the subduction zone.
Book: Earth’s Dynamic Systems 10th Edition
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Forces active on the plates
Summary of main plate driving forces :
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Mantle drag force
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Mantle drag force
Small-scale convection: mostly associated with mantle plume, subduction and
variation in lithospheric thickness
Toroidal mantle flow through the western U.S. slab window
(Zant and Humphreys, 2008, Geology)
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
Small scale convection
Edge-Driven Convection:
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Ridge push force
1. Ridge push is attributed to the cooling and thickening of the oceanic
lithosphere with age.
2. This type of force can be thought of as created by the horizontal
pressure gradient attributable to the cooling and thickening of the
oceanic lithosphere,
3. and its magnitude can be determined by the regional bathymetry,
which is largely a function of plate age.
4. The term “ridge push” is misleading, though, since the force is zero
at the ridge, and increases linearly with plate age.
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Slab pull force
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Drive or resist:
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Trench suction force
1. This force acts to draw plates together at a trench.
2. Trench Suction is thought to result from small-scale convection in the
mantle wedge, driven by the subducting lithosphere.
3. Related to Trench Suction is Slab Roll-Back.
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Collisional resistance force
1. For every subducting slab there is an associated resistive force
provided by the relatively high viscosity of the warmer, more ductile
upper mantle.
2. This force is only significant when young, relatively buoyant, oceanic
crust is subducted.
3. Old oceanic crust dips at a steep angle, reducing friction with the
overriding plate.
4. This force is velocity independent.
5. Together, the negative buoyancy of the sinking slab and the resistive
nature of the slab entering the mantle is called the Net Slab Force.
6. The sum of these two forces is exerted at the colliding margin and
contributes to the intra-plate stress field of the surface plates.
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Transform fault resistance force
The resistance at transform faults due to friction.
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Discussion : Convergence of two continental plates
The density of two convergent continental plates are comparable. Why or
how one continent can subduct beneath another one ?
Book: Earth’s Dynamic Systems 10th Edition
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Different continental subduction scenarios
(Magni, 2013, GRL)
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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Further reading
Suggestions for further reading:
Book: Earth’s Dynamic Systems 10th Edition
Geodynamics: Third Edition, Turcotte, D. L. and Schubert, G.,
Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Mantle Dynamics: Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets,
Schubert, G., Turcotte, D. L. and P. Olson, Cambridge University
Press, 2001
Ocean College (ZJU)
Plate tectonics
[email protected]
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