Download March 9th, 2009

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March 9th, 2009
• Create a list of your daily habits and
preferences. How did you acquire these?
• Stimulus: something that produces a reaction
• Classical Conditioning: a simple form of
learning; one stimulus provokes the response
that is usually called forth by another
• Pavlov measured dogs’ saliva when given
• Paired meat with ringing of bell, so that dogs
came to expect meat when bell was rang
• After time, when bell was rang but no meat
given, dogs still salivated
• Unconditioned Stimulus (US): a stimulus that
causes an automatic response (meat)
• Unconditioned response (UR): an automatic
response (drooling)
• Conditioned Stimulus (CS): a previously
meaningless stimulus that, because of a paring
with an US, now causes a conditioned response
• Conditioned Response (CR): learned response to
a stimulus that was previously meaningless
(drooling when bell rung)
• Every time someone flushes a toilet in the
apartment building, the shower becomes very hot
and causes the person to jump back. Over time,
the person begins to jump back automatically
after hearing the flush, before the water
temperature changes.
• US: The hot water
• UR: jumping back
• CS: The toilet flush
• CR: The jumping back to the flush alone
• An individual receives frequent injections of
drugs, which are administered in a small
examination room at a clinic. The drug itself
causes increased heart rate but after several trips
to the clinic, simply being in a small room causes
an increased heart rate.
• US: The drug
• UR: The accelerated heart rate
• CS: The small room
• CR: The accelerated heart rate to the room
• John Watson conducted an experiment with a boy
named Albert in which he paired a white rat with
a loud, startling noise. Albert now becomes
startled at the sight of the white rat.
US: loud noise
UR: Albert is startled
CS: White rat
CR: Albert is startled by rat
• Individually, come up with four examples of
classical conditioning, following the format
that we have just used in class. For each, list
the US, UR, CS, and CR.