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Scenario: You are a junior doctor. Your job for today is to think
about what would happen if parts of the digestive system are
damaged through an accident or diseases.
If this part is missing, then…
If this part is missing, then…
Job/function of this part
Job/function of this part
Job/function of this part
Job/function of this part
If this part is missing, then…
If this part is missing, then…
Job/function of this part
Job/function of this part
If this part is missing, then…
If this part is missing, then…
Digestion Quiz
1. The major salivary enzyme is __________.
2. Why can food only pass one way into the stomach?
6. Which depicts the correct flow of food beginning with the
a) mouth, esophagus, pharynx, stomach
b) mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach
c) mouth, pharynx, stomach, esophagus
d) mouth, stomach, pharynx, esophagus
3. Describe the stomach.
7. Which of the following is common to the stomach?
a) amylase and pepsin
b) hydrochloric acid and amylase
c) hydrochloric acid and pepsin
d) hydrochloric acid, pepsin and amylase
4. Describe the digestive functions of the oesophagus.
8. Churning of the stomach walls
a) creates an acidic environment.
b) mixes food with digestive fluids.
c) completes the chemical breakdown of food.
d) all of the above
9. The role of pepsin is to
a) digest proteins.
b) digest starch.
c) digest DNA.
d) digest sugars.
5. What are salivary glands? What stimulates these glands to
10. Amylase breaks down __________ into __________.
a) protein, amino acids
b) sugar, starch
c) starch, sugar
d) DNA, nucleotides