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Wind tunnel physical modelling
Meteorological monitoring
Air quality monitoring
Air quality modelling
Climate change modelling
Changes in atmospheric composition influence directly many aspects of life, determining
climate, air quality and atmospheric inputs to ecosystems. In turn, these changes affect the
fundamental needs of human existence, such as human and ecosystem health, food
production and water resources. Research on Atmospheric Sustainability is therefore
fundamental for the future orientation of Europe’s Sustainable Development Strategy.
The Research Group on Atmospheric Processes and Modelling (APM) aims to create and
disseminate scientific knowledge in the area of the atmosphere, in particular regarding
changes in the atmosphere composition, emissions characterization, pollutants fluxes, and
atmospheric processes modelling.
Climate studies
Hydrological cycles
Precipitation regime
Carbon cycle & balance
Weather & climate variability
Heat waves & side effects
Impact on air quality
Fire emissions
Biogenic emissions
Anthropogenic emissions
Biomass burning
Air Quality
Air pollution
Indoor air quality
Physical & chemical processes
Source apportionment
Environmental & health effects
To optimize its activities the Group APM is organized into three Laboratories with
several synergies and complementarities: (i) Lab of Atmospheric Physics (LAP); (ii) Lab
of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC), and (iii) Lab on Emissions, Modelling and Climate
Change (GEMAC).
Coordination Ana Isabel Miranda | Email [email protected] | Tel: +351 234370200 | Fax: +351 234370309
Web page
Some present and past group projects
DOUROZONE 2016-2019
Ozone risk for Douro’s vineyards in present and future climates
The objective of DOUROZONE is to evaluate the risk of Douro’s vineyards exposure to
O3 in present and future climates. By assessing O3 concentrations and deposition over
the Douro valley potential damage in terms of productivity can then be evaluated.
The most relevant outcome will be the production of an atlas for the Douro Valley, for
present, mid and end of 21st century, consisting of maps of meteorological variables, O3
concentration and deposition fields and potential yield changes.
Urban atmospheric quality, climate change and resilience
The main objective was to bridge the gap between global climate change trends and
urban development considering the inclusion of adaptation strategies on planning and
decision making process, assessing the impact of future climate on urban areas, using the
Porto urban area case study.
The most relevant outcome of the project was the production of an urban atlas, both for
the present and the mid-21st century, consisting of a series of layers (maps) for: urban
climate, thermal comfort and human wellbeing, air pollutant emissions, air quality and
resilient factors, which supported the guidelines for adapting urban areas to climate
change. CLICURB results are of great utility for other research areas in the fields of water
recourses management, agriculture, tourism, transportation safety, energy supply
management, human health and others.
Testing and Development of air quality mitigation measures in Southern
The main objective of the project was to provide to the National Authorities of Southern
European countries the appropriate measures to reduce PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations
in air. In Southern Europe a great deal of improvement with respect to mitigation
strategies can be made. The combination of diverse emission sources (dust intrusions)
with the complex climatology (strong radiation, high photochemical conversion rates, low
rainfall rate) significantly enhance the particle levels in Mediterranean countries.
Fire-fighters smoke exposure and related health effects
FUMEXP project assessed the effects of smoke on firefighters health based on extensive
field measurements, during wildfires and experimental field burnings. Personal exposure
of a group of firefighters to smoke was measured during two fire seasons. The evaluation
was complemented with an air quality modelling system that allowed obtaining three
dimensional concentration fields of a wide range of pollutants.
Medical tests on selected firefighters constituted the last phase in the analysis of the
potential health injuries resulting from this activity.
Group on Emissions, Modelling and Climate Change
What we do
GEMAC is dedicated to the analysis and modelling of atmospheric processes. Air quality
modelling activities include emission modelling, source apportionment modelling, improvement
of air quality forecasting systems, and implementation of tools among different modelling scales
(from global to local). Numerical modelling activities are complemented with physical modelling
in a wind tunnel laboratory. Climate change impacts on air pollution and on human health are
also addressed. GEMAC also studies human exposure to atmospheric pollutants through the
development of methodologies for the quantification of human exposure levels (indoor and
outdoor) and its integration with local and urban models.
Atmospheric emissions | Air quality modelling | Urban sustainability | Forest fires | Climate change
Human health exposure
Who we are
Researchers & Post-doc
MSc Researchers
PhD Students
Ongoing projects
Coordination Ana Isabel Miranda | Email [email protected] | Tel: +351 234370200 | Web page
Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
What we do
LAP is focused on all fundamental physics aspects of meteorology and climate. In particular the
group performs research on i) numerical weather forecasting for general purposes and for
renewable energy resources. ii) climate variability and change of extreme temperature, precipitation
and wind events such as heat waves and intense precipitation episodes. iv) diagnostic studies of
atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation iii) analysis of water vapour exchange processes
between the troposphere and stratosphere; iii) Assessment of upper troposphere/lower
stratosphere baroclinicity change and multiple tropopause event trends; and iv) contribution of
atmospheric circulation changes for the variability of total ozone column. The group extensively uses
observed meteorological/climate data and performs climate simulations.
Numerical weather forecasting | Climate variability and change | Renewable Energies | Extreme
meteorological events | Troposphere/lower stratosphere interaction | Atmospheric rivers |
Stratospheric ozone
Who we are
Researchers & Post-doc
Ongoing projects
EXPAR (2016-2018) - EXtreme Precipitation events in Antarctica: investigating the role of
Atmospheric Rivers
The main objective of the EXPAR project is to explore the nature of extreme precipitation
events over the Antarctic ice sheet (contributing strongly to the ice sheet surface and total
mass balance) and understand their relationship to the specific moisture pathways known as
the atmospheric rivers that can quickly and efficiently transport large amounts of moisture
from the lower latitudes poleward. This project is developed in collaboration with the Antarctic
Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) organized by Swiss Polar Institute and has been endorsed by
Programa Polar Portuguese (PROPOLAR).
Coordination Alfredo Rocha | Email [email protected] | Tel: 234370200
Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry
What we do
The research topics include measurement of organic aerosols, gas-particle equilibrium and
conversion, source apportionment of aerosol particles, speciation of particulate organic species,
marine aerosols and DMS, VOC emissions by forests, dry deposition of ozone and other gaseous
pollutants, soiling of surfaces by carbonaceous aerosols, CO2 fluxes over vegetated surfaces,
chemical modelling of photochemical pollution, indoor air pollution, biomass burning emissions,
exhaust and non-exhaust emissions, etc. During the last years the group has participated in various
EU funded research projects, namely Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance
(CARBOEUROPE-IP), European Integrated project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality
Interactions (EUCAARI), and the Life+ Testing and Development of Air Quality Mitigation Measures in
Southern Europe (AIRUSE)
Deposition/emission fluxes | Carbonaceous aerosols |Source apportionment |Indoor air quality
Who we are
Researchers & Post-doc
PhD Student
Collaboration in ongoing projects
FIRE-C-BUDs - Indirect effects of wildfire (severity) on carbon fluxes and budgets
AERORAIN - Influencia de la precipitación en la concentración de material particulado y de polen:
consecuencias climáticas y clínicas
Fogo Island volcano: multi disciplinary Research on 2014 Eruption (FIRE), PTDC/GEOGEO/1123/2014
Coordination Célia Alves | Email [email protected] | Tel: +351 234370200 |
Web page
Delivered services
Air quality forecast
APM team members
Foto grupo