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Thoughts and New Theory's on Stars and Planets
Barry L. Crouse
1). Thoughts and Comparisons regarding the planets Uranus and Earth
2). Thoughts on Neutrinos
3). Thoughts on the Crab Nebula and Neutron Stars
Thoughts and Comparisons regarding the planets Uranus and Earth
Barry L. Crouse
Today is 10/01/2010 University Place, Washington. I would like to make some
observations possibly new concepts regarding Uranus and Earth. I would first like to begin by
providing some statistics provided by Nasa, Wikipedia, and Astro observer. Please note these statistics
are not a precise measurement these sites provided different data for each planet
Length of day
Length of Year Earth years
Diameter km
Mass kg
Mean Distance km
Orbital velocity
Avg temp
Mean Density
17.14 plus or minus. .2
30685 plus or minus 2 days
6.81 kms
23 F
23 hours 56 minutes 9 sec
365 days plus .50
2.7/3.0 billion
29.79 km
-193 c
Mean Composition
83 %
15 %
Mean Composition
29.5 %
15.2 %
12.7 %
2.4 %
1.9 %
.05 %
Inner core temp
98 degrees
7000 Degrees C
23 ½ degrees
5300-7300 C
Interesting side notes Uranus inner core mass is .55 of Earths but yet the temperatures
are roughly equal also gravity is almost at par with Earth. Uranus gravity is 90 percent of Earth's and
Uranus mass is 4 times greater than Earth but it's density is lower than Earth's. Uranus Axis tilt is 98
degrees verses Earth's 23 ½. Another interesting note is Uranus poles have dynamic climate changes
because one directly faces the sun and the is opposite from the sun. Uranus has faint rings
The statistics are basically rough approximations mean averages and are being used to
construct a theory.
The Statistics that are quite interesting is Earth rotation of 23 hours 56 minutes 9
seconds verses Uranus 17.14. Uranus is 2.7 billion km from the sun verses the Earth 149 million km
Inner core temperatures are roughly equal but yet their compositions are vastly different one is lighter
material the other has heavier material but yet the distance from the sun is vastly different As stated
previously in my Neutrino paper the Inner Energy goes through either a regeneration or decay process
and demonstrates greater energy than External forces consider the External temperatures of each planet
vastly different but yet the Internal Energy the Inner core basically regenerates energy regardless of
where it's position to the sun .
Uranus has 27 moons and faces more external forces than Earth but yet it's inner core is
able to maintain the same temperature of Earth and it's inner core mass is less than Earth. One possible
solution is Uranus has a second layer that is highly conductive and produces hot liquids. The second
layer of Uranus temperature is roughly 4200 Degrees F producing water/ammonia considered highly
conductive thus the 1 inner core of Uranus regenerates energy and produces the second layer causing
particles to be highly conductive and thus promotes a strong magnetic field this keeps Uranus from
being ripped apart from external forces because of it's ability to regenerate energy from within despite
27 moons and a lighter composition. This provides a working theory on Neutrino's going through decay
and regeneration process meaning Scientist should in addition to looking at External forces need to
understand the inner forces of a planet because mass externally generates energy differently than
Internally as shown in our table of statistics. I would like to provide a diagram on the next page to
demonstrate visually my theory.
Uranus Internal and External Forces and Temperature
Uranus 2 layer
Temperature 2300 degrees
Outer Layer
-215 Degrees Centigrade
Internal Force
External Force
Uranus Inner Core
Temperature 7000 degree's
External Force
I would now like to go over the process of Neutrino's and the ability of adapt to
it's environment or oscillate. If we look at the Diagram, We find Uranus has 3 layers the 3 layer
external registers -355 degrees Fahrenheit while the 2 is 4200 degrees Fahrenheit Internal note this is
where you get high electrical conductivity the inner core register's at 12,600 degrees Fahrenheit. One
possible solution as to why the Earth and Uranus have roughly the same core temperatures is the Inner
core adapts to it's environment independent of External forces this was discussed in my Neutrino Paper.
Neutrino's are elementary particles with very or next to non zero mass but they generate energy that is
way beyond external energy because it is not dependent on mass exactly and can travel within our
universe up to the speed of light it either decays or regenerates energy thus Uranus and Earth basically
has the same principle as Neutrino's it adapts to it's environment in the form of oscillation and is not
dependent on External energy. One possible solution is to take the inner core of Uranus 12,600 degrees
Fahrenheit divide by the 2 layer 4200 degrees and we have a 3 to 1 ratio of energy being regenerated
meaning my inner core generates 3 times more energy than my 2 core. One of the most perplexing
problems will be how does the process of energy regeneration work ? This is the same principle of Chi
or Ki in the Martial arts being able to generate internal energy but how is this achieved perhaps by
functions of brain activity meaning Intelligence. Perhaps a theory could work like this at the moment of
a Event is triggered the brain initiates Internal energy that allows itself to either decay or regenerate
energy from within itself thus it could apply to our Uranus working model. On the next page is the
essay on Neutrinos, If you have not read it please take the time to read it to get a better understanding
of the subject matter in the next part which was used in the rotating black hole theory.
Dated 10/02/2010
Barry L. Crouse
Disclaimer If you use this article please credit the author Barry L. Crouse
Thoughts on Neutrinos
Barry L. Crouse
Today is 08/27/2010 University Place Washington. I would like to discuss my thoughts
on Neutrinos elementary particle.
While spending 30 days in the country of Russia, I had time to read, think, and ponder
about Neutrinos. A person may ask why ? Because I wanted to provide additional support for my
Rotating Black Hole theory. The topic is a complex subject with more theory than fact.
The definition according to Wikipedia Encyclopedia is a elementary particle that travels
close to the speed of light and is electrically neutral with a very small mass.
The 8 page article states the following:
1. The speed of 3 Gev Neutrinos is 1.000051(29) power it states goes past the speed of light.
2). Neutrinos have weak interaction with matter and can pass through it.
3). Neutrinos to date have 3 different flavors they are muon, tau, and electron possibly more
maybe discovered in the future and can change to any of the 3 defined above through
oscillation processes currently observed
4). Neutrinos have very little mass and not dependent on matter
5). Neutrinos are generated through Decay or nuclear reactions.
The information was provided by Wikipedia Encyclopedia. I would now like to go into my
theory's and use this as a building block for my rotating black hole theory
The 1 point indicates that Neutrinos have the capability to exceed the speed of light ;however,
the physical laws of this universe would not permit it to go past it. The theory I would like to state is
Neutrinos must have the ability to traverse different dimensions because it has very little mass. What I
would like to propose is this while Neutrinos cannot exceed the speed of light in our universe they have
the capability to exceed it in another dimension. Neutrinos must be a medium of exchange when
passing through different dimensions. This is similar to the OSI 7 stack layer protocol at the physical
layer. I use different mediums (cables) to generate volts positive and negative and than convert it to
bits 1's and 0's. The medium either allows it to produce faster or slower bits example Ethernet Cat 5/6
100 mbs cat 6 1000 mbs. I can push more bits through the wire depending on my medium of exchange
or in this case a different dimension using neutrinos as a medium of exchange.
The 2 point is because neutrinos have very little interaction with matter and can pass through
it namely gases in our Universe and yes even our own human bodies. This indicates that because it is
not bounded by matter it cannot be measured by time and not confined to space and is not relevant in
different dimensions meaning equations that attempt to place constants on Neutrinos using time and
space do not represent a true equation instead a probability factor using a dynamic environment would
give a better approximation. A good example is this in Computers IT Technology last month using
Linux I created a session using TLS 1.0 Transport layer Security this is the external event I created a
internal event by using the transport tunneling protocol. The authentication protocols medium of
exchange had to be variated using Pap chap and ms chap version 2 because I could not create a
consistent state using the same order of events I could create the events by using random selection of
protocols variating it in essence the External and Internal events are constant within our physical realm
but within the internal events medium of exchanges had to be variated to create the one time session or
The 3 point is Neutrinos have 3 different flavors muon, tau, and electron and can change to
any of them this was proven through a process of oscillation. This shows that Neutrinos have the ability
to adapt to different environments and shows a form of Intelligence a life form of a higher magnitude
also it is interesting that Neutrinos when traveling with matter a small fraction is transferred to the
matter showing adaptability to the Universe or Dimension it resides in
The 4th point is Neutrinos have very little mass and are not dependent on matter. This brings
up a interesting note if Neutrinos have very little mass and can pass through matter and has the ability
to adapt to different environments by changing to electrons, tau, and muon's, also go past the speed of
light imagine a rotating black hole that would not bind it to this universe in other words Neutrinos
represent a communication medium that can pass through different dimensions because it adapts to the
physical laws of different Universes.
The 5 point is Neutrinos are generated through Decay and Nuclear reactions. I would like to
suggest that when a decay process is generated Neutrinos maybe in reality shedding external Energy to
become more efficient while Reaction is a process that generates Internal energy thus Neutrinos
attempt to balance itself through nuclear Decay and Reaction adapting to the physical laws of our
universe while having the ability to traverse different dimensions in a random dynamic environment.
This concludes our thoughts on Neutrinos and brings us to a new discussion on rotating black
holes in the next chapter. I hoped that you have the opportunity to think of things that once were
regarded as science fiction and now becoming more real.
Barry L. Crouse
Thoughts on the Crab Nebula and Neutron Stars
Barry L. Crouse
Today is 10/10/2010 University Place Washington. I would like to discuss my
thoughts on Crab Nebula and the Neutron stars within it.
Before we begin please take the time to read thoughts on Uranus and Neutrinos
we will provide some background information on the subject matter basic facts.
The Crab Nebula is 6500 light years from Earth and it expands 1,500 km per
second according to Wikipedia. The Crab Nebula was formed due to a massive exploding star
exhausting it's supply of Hydrogen creating the Crab Nebula within it are Neutron Stars with a strong
magnetic field. Chemical composition consist of ionized helium, hydrogen, carbon oxygen, nitrogen,
iron, neon, and sulfur. Filament temperatures are 11,000-18000 k density is 1,300 particles per cm.
The Red in the Crab Nebula indicates electrons are joining with protons. The
green shows electrons moving around the magnetic field
Inside the crab nebula are Neutron stars they are remnants of gravitational
collapse which is questionable they produce no electrical charges and produce neutrons which have
more mass than protons. The estimates of the original star in solar masses are between 9-11 if the
neutron stars were above 12 solar masses it would produce a different chemical composition and when
the original star exploded and regenerated into a Neutron star the solar mass is estimated between 1.442.0.
The Chandrasek limit defines a white dwarf between 1.44-2.0. Neutron stars
shrink ;therefore, rotation speeds up a interesting note if the Neutron star absorbs matter it can increase
it's speed from 7 times to 700 times meaning it uses the energy to produce a 100/1 ratio increase.
Because it absorbs matter this means it regenerates and adapts to it's environment dynamically. The
neutron star has a estimated Escape Velocity of 100,000 km/s traveling 1/3 the speed of light.
We have just provided a 2 page summary and basic information on the Crab
Nebula and within it Neutron stars. We will now begin our discussion.
After reviewing the many different formulas to arrive at solutions to Solar
Masses and their limits namely Chandraseka and Tolman Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit, I found that the
basic problems are two fold the 1 one is the following:
The formulas used constants namely the Sun and Earth known statistics and
placing values on Neutron stars and Nebula that have very different chemical compositions failing to
recognize how Internal energy is properly executed namely Regenerated and decay processes. Please
note the formulas used for obtaining Solar Masses
M=(1.98892 +/- .0025)* 10*30 power kg)
M= G/C2= 1.48 ; M= G/c3 = 4.93
M = 4∏2 * (1Au)3 power
G*(1year)2 power
The Formulas and Limits failed to properly identify Inner core energy and places
greater value on External pressure namely gravity. This can only be true at best 50 percent of the
equations because Inner core Energy when regenerated exponentiates to the 3 power. I will discuss
this in greater detail..
I would now like to begin my thoughts on this subject matter. The 1 point is The
Original Star (crab Nebula) that exploded in 1054 ad and identified by the Chinese and Arabic Nations
really went through a regeneration process due to Neutrinos. Neutrinos within the Inner core of a Planet
or star have the ability to oscillate or adapt to it's environment the Stars within the Crab Nebula
regenerate it's energy to adapt to the physical laws of this Universe thus it produces heavier elements
consider the makeup of stars it uses hydrogen as a fuel the mass is 1.00794 basically 1 atom after
regeneration of energy uses Helium which has a mass of 4.002602. Another example is my essay on
Uranus the mean density of Uranus is 1.27 verses Earth's 5.52 Uranus has more Mass but it's density is
lighter thus it's rotational speed is greater than Earth's 17.14 verses 23 hours 56 minutes 9 seconds so
Chemical compositions play a factor when evaluating a planet or star. Please note earth's Density is
somewhat high within our planetary system because of the elements example one of Earth's elements is
Iron the mass is 55.845, for a heavier element we have Nickel it's mass is 58.6934 these elements are
found on Earth while the heaviest known element on Uranus is Methane with a mass of 16.042. This
brings us to the next point the Inner core of Earth verses Uranus Uranus Inner core mass is roughly .55
percent less than Earth but yet it produces roughly the same temperatures within it's core roughly
12,600 degrees Fahrenheit. Uranus 2 core produces a temperature of 4200 degrees what this means is
my inner core is producing 3 times more Internal energy than my second core a 3 to 1 ratio. This
principle of Internal Energy is best illustrated by the martial arts. Korean martial Arts teach that the leg
generates 3 times more power or energy than a arm. What this means when evaluation a star or Planet
consider the Inner core of the object because if a inner core generates 3 times more heat than a better
understanding of Internal Energy should become part of the equation most of the present day equations
when evaluating them only demonstrates external forces surface, atmosphere etc...
When dealing with Decay and regeneration processes, Neutrinos adapt to
it's environment thus mass that changes from hydrogen to helium does not mean it went through a
decay process but a regeneration of energy to adapt to it's environment. This is known as the Barry
Internal Progenitor Vienna consulate principle
Formulas that use Earth and Sun Constants should not be used when
dealing with Solar masses of Neutron stars because these stars are not dependent on either of these
We will now begin building a table of Information in relations to Neutron
stars. The solar masses of the Neutron star is between 1.44 and 2.00 we will use a mean average
meaning 1.44 + 2.00 =3.44/2 probability of solar mass is 1.72.
Before the Neutron star the original star had a solar mass between 9.00
and 11.00 the average is 9.00 + 11.00 = 20/2 probability of solar mass is 10. I we take the Original star
at 10 and divide it by 1.72 we find our Mean Mass ratio at 5.81.
Temperature inner core calculation of Neutron stars based on 3 layer
approach and exponentiated to 3 power is as follows. Filaments of the crab nebula produce 11,000 k18000 k we will use a mean average 11,000k +18,000k =29,000/2 =14,500 K. The surface of a neutron
star should be 14,500 * 3= 43,500k the inner core of the star should be 43,500k * 3= 130,500k. This is
for 3 layers.
The next step is to take the Inner core temperature of 130,500k/5.81 mean
mass ration and we produce a number of 22,461. This shows a mass ratio of the Supernova and
Neutron star than evaluates the Inner core temperature not the external had I would of used the external
temperature of 11,000 lower limit and the mass ratio the number would be 11,000/5.81=1893.23 thus
the calculations show that Internal Energy Inner core temperatures need to be factored in the equation
because energy generated Internally is greater than external as just now demonstrated.
The next step is using the Barry equality field equation but we will have
to adapt this to the laws of our physical Universe thus I will not be able to exponentiate the speed of
light because we are staying within the confines of our Universe
Gravitational Binding Energy uses the equation E=mc2 the Barry equality
field equation recognizes External and Internal mass as dynamic with different amount of energy being
generated thus E = External mass of the supernova – Internal mass Neutron star * c2 Constant value on
speed of light - Internal speed of light Nebula the formula is as follows
Barry equality field equation = (10.-1.72)*(186000*.33) = 5082264
What this shows is External and Internal masses were calculated factored
into the equation than we took the constant speed of light 186,000 and the known speed of light within
the crab Nebula which is .33 speed of thus Gravitational Binding energy takes into account External
and Internal Energy thus the equation represents a better value than placing a singular constant that
does not represent different environments that Neutrinos adapt to or oscillate.
In conclusion, Mathematics and Sciences need to factor in Internal use of
Energy to arrive at a better solution thus equations need to use 2 events External and Internal to arrive
at a better understanding of our universe. After reviewing some of the many different equations it
appears there is a lack of understanding of the Internal mechanics of a planet or star thus we are
showing a lack of knowledge as a result as reflected in our mathematics and sciences.
Internal Energy exponetiated
3 Power
2 core exponetiated
3 power
The Illustration above is How Internal Energy should be considered into science and
Math Equations
Dated 10/10/2010
Barry L. Crouse
Disclaimer – If you use this essay, Please properly credit the author Barry L. Crouse.