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8th Grade/ Comp. Science III Advanced 2002110
Text Resource: Florida Science Fusion, 2012/1st Florida Edition (DiSpezio) Course III
The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities to study concepts of the life,
earth/space, and physical sciences, and their applications to everyday life.
Course Goals:
 Development of research skills
 Plan and carry out scientific investigations of various types
 Understand the use of scientific processes to study the patterns of natural events and
solve problems
 Application and development of critical thinking and inquiry skills
 Understanding and appreciation of the role of science and its impact on our daily lives
Academic Honesty Plan:
Willful or deliberate unauthorized use of the work of another person for academic purposes, or
inappropriate use of notes, or other material in the completion of an academic assignment or
test is not permitted. In addition to disciplinary responses, the granting of credit for this
assignment may be considered null and void.
Semester 1 – Quarter 1
Topic of Study: Thinking and Working Like a Scientist
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Define a scientific problem or question from the eighth grade curriculum, and document
them in your science journal.
Distinguish between dependent (measured variable) and independent variables (tested
variable) and controls in a variety of activities, such as concept maps, laboratory manual
Collect and organize data in charts, tables, and graphics.
Recognize, identify and know how to safely and accurately use lab equipment: (III)
Explain appropriate science lab behavior (no playing or pushing, no food/drink, no
running, do not touch anything until told, etc…) (III)
Describe the importance of following all written or oral directions of the teacher (III).
Identify protective clothing worn in the lab: safety goggles, aprons, gloves (III).
Recognize that different types of wastes are disposed of in specific ways (III).
Create a lab safety plan for the classroom (III).
Cite examples of scientific laws (III).
Present individual or group data after a scientific investigation, analyze the evidence,
and reach a class consensus.
Explain why scientific investigations should be replicable, by using an example such as
cold fusion, as proposed by Fleischmann-Pens announcement which was not replicable.
Justify conclusions based upon all the available evidence, not on expressed opinions
such as the difference between geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system.
Develop a hypothesis with one independent variable (tested variable), and document it
in your science journal.
Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific
investigations such as fieldwork, surveys, and models using tools such as, a T chart.
Describe the creative means scientists must use to design an investigation, by explaining
a historical example, such as, the Wright Brothers airplane designs.
Recognize that scientists who make contributions to scientific knowledge come from all
kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, interests, and goals by examining
several historical figures in science.
Recognize systematic inference as one form of scientific investigation by completing a
series of inferences about the weather.
Use appropriate reference materials to support scientific investigations of various types,
such as systematic observation or experiments by citing sources in a bibliography
Conduct, discuss, and compare similar investigations by working cooperatively in groups
and display and present data using charts, tables and graphics.
Distinguish the difference between a scientific law and theory vs. a societal law by using
a Venn diagram.
Give examples of how advances in technology have affected scientific theories and laws.
Compare and contrast the terms that describe examples of scientific knowledge such as:
theory, law, hypothesis, and model by exhibiting examples of each.
Distinguish science from other activities involving thought by listing characteristics
specific to science.
Explain that scientific knowledge is durable because it is open to change as new
evidence or interpretations are encountered by using an example such as development
of scientific technology.
Explain why models are used in science to observe processes that happen too slowly,
too quickly, or are too small or vast for direct observation.
Give examples of visual/physical, mathematical, and conceptual models as used in
Explain that science is based on evidence based facts, ex. the difference between
science and pseudoscience, by comparing astronomy and astrology.
Distinguish between a scientific theory and a general claim by using a Venn diagram.
Distinguish between laws and theories by understanding that laws describe the what
and theories explain the why by comparing and contrasting using a Venn diagram.
Topic of Study: Atomic Structure
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Design a model or drawing of an atom that shows the location and charge of subatomic
particles. I A, B
Compare and contrast subatomic particles and their properties by creating a chart that
includes location, charge and mass. I B
Compare atomic number and mass number of atoms by creating a chart for the first 18
elements listing the number of protons, electrons and neutrons found by using the
atomic number and atomic mass. I B, II A
Recognizes that elements are pure substances made of only one kind of atom by having
students classify different substances as pure substances or as mixtures. II A, B, C
Identify the name and symbol of elements from the periodic table by conducting a
memorization technique. II A, B, C
Explains the organization of the Periodic Table by diagramming several trends of the
periodic table using a blank table. II A, B, C
Calculate the average atomic mass of an atom by providing several examples for
students to practice from such as carbon isotopes. II A, B, C
Understand how the periodic table is arranged as families/groups (columns) and periods
(rows) by analyzing the role of valence electrons and electron levels. II A, B, C
Compare and contrast the properties of elements based on their families and grouping
by creating Venn Diagrams for various elements. II A, B, C
Identify electron arrangement as it relates to energy levels and periods in the periodic
table by illustrating the electron placement of various elements. II A, B, C
Give examples of how advances in technology have affected scientific theories and laws
by having students analyzing various technological advancements.
Distinguish the difference between a scientific law and theory vs. a societal law by
comparing and contrasting the Conservation of Mass Law with a societal law of their
Distinguish between a scientific theory and a general claim by having groups of students
give examples of both for class consensus.
Compare and contrast the terms that describe examples of scientific knowledge such as: theory,
law, hypothesis, and model by using one specific example for each word from the atomic
structure unit/lessons.
Semester 1 – Quarter 2
Topic of Study: Properties of Matter
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Describe the theory of atoms (atomic theory) based on the motion of particles in solids,
liquids and gases by diagramming and illustrating the particle spacial relationship of
solids, liquids, and gases. I
Recognize that similar fluids of different densities (air and/or water) will usually remain
separated by calculating the densities then having students combine fluids to justify
their mathematical conclusions. II B, III A, B, D
Demonstrates that most substances can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas, depending on
temperature by conducting a lab that takes at least 2 substances through the three
phases while tracking the temperature during each phase and then compiling the data
on a graph (explain why scientific investigations should be replicable). II D
Determines the physical properties of an object using quantitative observations such as
freezing point, boiling point, melting point by creating a data table of those properties
and distinguishing the differences between qualitative and quantitative data at a later
date and then reaching a class consensus. II A, B, C, D, H, I
Explores the relationship between mass and volume of various objects through
measurements by
calculating the density (using mass/volume) of various substances. III A, B, D
Compares the densities of various substances to the density of water (1 g/ml) by using
the density formula to predict whether substances will sink or float. III A, B, D
Determines the physical properties of an object using qualitative observations such as,
thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, magnetism, boiling and freezing points by
creating a table of those properties. III E, F, G
Investigates a variety of chemical changes and identifies the indicators that determine a
chemical change has occurred (e.g., color change, release of gas/odor, formation of new
substance) by conducting as lab which involves many chemical and physical changes in
which they need to analyze, distinguish and justify (using appropriate reference
materials) whether they were chemical or physical changes. V
Demonstrates that physical changes do not result in new substances by conducting the
previous lab. V A
Investigates and classifies physical and chemical changes in a variety of substances by
creating a chart that represents understanding of chemical versus physical changes and
writing a summary of their findings then reaching a class consensus. V A, B
Demonstrates that chemical changes result in substances with different properties by
conducting the previous lab. V B
Classifies materials as pure substances, compounds, suspensions, solutions, or mixtures
by providing several examples of each for students to separate and classify. VI A, B
Distinguish the difference between a scientific law and theory vs. a societal law by
referring to the Law of Conservation of Mass. VI
Investigate, provide data, and justify the Law of Conservation of Mass while
experimenting with various substances by completing the conservation of mass
investigation. VI A, B
Topic of Study: Matter & Energy Cycle
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Design an experiment and collect data that illustrates the importance of light and its
effect on the production of oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. I A1, I C
Conduct an experiment that demonstrates the need for carbon dioxide in the process of
photosynthesis. I A2
Illustrate and/or demonstrate the roles of chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, and water in the
process of photosynthesis by creating a diagram that includes all the above mentioned. I
A 2, 3, 4
Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration by illustrating, diagramming, and
creating a Venn diagram for both phases. I, II
Deduce that living things can survive only in environments in which their needs can be
met (e.g., such as animals need air, water, and food; plants require air, water, nutrients,
and light) by having students choose an organism and predict what would happen as
each one of the prior mentioned factors were removed from the environment. I, II
Diagram how water and carbon are never lost nor gained in an ecosystem, but rather
recycled (Law of Conservation of Mass). I, II, IV B
Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy
and then releases carbon dioxide. II
Construct a scientific model of the carbon cycle to show how matter and energy are
continuously recycled within and between the living and nonliving world by illustrating a
diagram of the cycle. III
Analyze the inefficiency of energy transfer through the use of an energy pyramid by
comparing the sizes of the levels as you ascend through the pyramid. IV A
Draw conclusions based on evidence that living systems follow the Law of Conservation
of Energy (e.g., food chains, food webs, energy pyramids) by illustrating one of the prior
topics and showing how the materials are recycled back into the environment. IV A
Describe and label the transfer of energy within a food chain by drawing and illustrating
one including the energy transfer. IV A
Semester 2 – Quarter 3
Topic of Study: Sun/Earth/Moon System
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Explain why the planets stay in orbit around the sun and satellites stay in orbit around their
planets by having students watch various media and then having a class discussion on the
Law of Universal Gravitation (IA, IB, IC).
Compare the different orbital paths of objects in the solar system (i.e., effects of
gravitational forces) by constructing a model of the solar system including the sun, a moon,
a planet, a comet and an asteroid etc (IA, IB, IC, ID).
Explores the effects on Earth from sunspots, solar flares and other solar activities by having
students do a web quest on the above effects (IA, IB, IC, ID).
Explain why models are used in science to observe processes that happen too slowly, too
quickly, or are too small or vast for direct observation by constructing a model of earth’s tilt
on its axis and movement around the sun causing seasons (IIA).
Distinguish between laws and theories by understanding that laws describe the what and
theories explain the why by comparing and contrasting using a Venn diagram of the Law of
Universal Gravitation and Einstein’s Theory of Gravity (IIB).
Explain that the greater the mass of an object, the greater the gravitational force by
constructing a data table of the different masses of planets and their gravitational
accelerations (IIB, IIF, IIIB).
Explain with a diagram or 3-D model the reasons for the recurring pattern of moon phases
Diagram and label the Earth and moon during high and low tides (IIC, IID).
Make predictions about patterns such as moon phases and tides based on collected data by
using data tables of actual data (IIC, IID).
Predict high and low tides for a set of future dates (IID).
Describe the relationship between tides on Earth and positions of the Moon, the Sun, and
Earth by having students diagram the sun, moon, and earth configuration during spring tide
and neap tide (IID, IIF).
Explains how the tilt and orbit of the Earth affect its climate by watching various media and
having students model the orbit of the earth (IIF).
Compare and contrast solar and lunar eclipses by creating a diagram of the sun, moon and
earth configuration during both types of eclipses. (IIE).
Distinguish between mass and weight when given a situation other than Earth (e.g., the Moon or
another planet such as Mars or Jupiter) by students calculating the mass and weight of an object on
earth and then finding those measurements on a different planet (IIIA, IIIB).
Construct and analyze a data table listing weight and mass at the following locations: Earth's
surface; the Moon; Mars; Jupiter, and the International Space Station (IIIA, IIIB).
Differentiates between mass as a property of matter and weight as the pull of gravity on the
object by using a Venn diagram (IIIA, IIIB).
Examine how gravity is a universal force that every mass exerts on every other mass by
watching various media and having a class discussion (IIIA, IIIB).
Determines the mathematical relationship between mass and weight by using F=MA to
calculate various example problems (IIIA, IIIB).
Investigates that gravity causes an object to have weight by students calculating the mass
and weight of an object on earth and then finding those measurements on a different
planet (IIIA, IIIB).
Give examples of visual/physical, mathematical, and conceptual models as used in science
based on the concepts of weight and mass (IIIA, IIIB).
Topic of Study: Structure of Solar System
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Compare and contrast the historical models of the Solar System by having students present
the different models of the solar system throughout history (I A, IB).
Relates discoveries made by scientists to our modern day understanding of the universe
(e.g. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton and Einstein) by citing contributions of scientists
(IA, IB, IV).
Explores the reasons why scientists use light years and Astronomical Units to measure
distance in space by having students report the measurements in more commonly used
units (e.g. miles) for comparison (IIA, IIB).
Identify and construct models of the arrangement of the planets in orbit around the Sun,
the relative size of the planets and the relative distance between the planets by having
students create scaled models of our solar system in various ways (IIIA, IIIB, IVA, IVC).
Identify characteristics of planets in the solar system, including order and distance from the
sun, size, composition, number of moons, atmosphere, and unique features by having
students chose an object or planet in our solar system to present to the class (IIIA, IIIB, IVA,
Identify the location of our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy through classroom
discussion while using various media (e.g. pictures, video clips, books, etc.) to create a
reasonable representation of the location (IIIB).
Describe the Big Bang Theory and universal expansion by using a video clip of the red shift
and creating a model of the expanding universe (IIIC, IVA, IVA).
Explain why models are used in science to observe processes that happen too slowly, too
quickly, or are too small or vast for direct observation by having students give specific
examples from space for the before mentioned characteristics (II, IVA, IVB, IVC).
Compare and contrast the terms that describe examples of scientific knowledge such as:
theory, law, hypothesis, and model by having student compare and contrast the model of
the universe, the Big Bang Theory, the Law of Universal Gravitation, and an example of a
hypothesis (IIIC, IVA, IVC).
Give examples of how advances in technology have affected scientific theories and laws by
having students describe (e.g. essay, timeline, or illustrations) how Hubble has changed our
view of the universe (IIIC, IV).
Give examples of visual/physical, mathematical, and conceptual models as used in science
specific to space (I, II, IV).
Semester 2 – Quarter 4
Topic of Study: Galaxies and Stars (Began in Quarter 3)
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Compare and contrast stars and galaxies in the universe by using a Venn diagram (A1,
Explain why models are used in science to observe processes that happen too slowly,
too quickly, or are too small or vast for direct observation by having students explain
why we have to use models to study the sun or stars (A1).
Explain what is meant when we say that the processes of science frequently do not
correspond to the traditional portrayal of “the scientific method by finding examples of
how we’ve made discoveries about stars?” (A1).
Identify similarities in the age, brightness, size, temperature, chemical elements, and
distance of stars within the Milky Way Galaxy by creating a data table (A2, B2).
Describe the gas components and life cycle of stars within the Milky Way Galaxy by
constructing a timeline for the life of our sun as a class (A2, B).
Distinguish between absolute and apparent magnitude by comparing and contrasting
the apparent and absolute magnitudes of Betelgeuse and Sirius (A3).
Describe characteristics of other galaxies beyond the Milky Way by creating a class list of
characteristics through a collaborative effort (A).
Give examples of how advances in technology have affected scientific theories and laws
by comparing primitive and modern telescopes and how our understanding of stars has
changed (A).
Identify the sun as one of many stars in our galaxy (B1).
Describe the creative means scientists must use to design an investigation by exploring
ways scientists have collected data about stars (B1).
Identify properties that are common to all hydrogen-burning stars (fusion and chemical
composition) and properties that may differ (temperature, brightness, and distance
from Earth, age, and size) by having students report to the class on a star of their choice
(B1, B2).
Identify characteristics of stars using the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram by looking at
specific stars within the chart (B2).
Understand the classification of stars and how they evolve by using the HR diagram and
a timeline to chart the life and death of a star (B).
Explain why some stars appear only during certain seasons by using a simulation to track
the movement of a constellation through the sky (C1).
Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific
investigations by having students explain why you must use models to study stars and
not experiments (C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5).
Give examples of visual/physical, mathematical, and conceptual models as used in
science by using the HR diagram as an example (C3).
Create one, two, or three dimensional models of solar properties. (D)
Topic of Study: Space Exploration & Technology
Suggested Labs/Activities: See Resources in FOCUS
Compare and contrast the various space probe missions by creating a timeline of space
probe missions and their objectives and technology used. I A-G
Identify the specialized work involved in the science of astronomy while examining the
common characteristics it shares with all science disciplines by creating a flow chart of
the specialized work that the astronomer would do versus what other scientists would
do. I A-G
Utilizes various instruments astronomers use to detect different wavelengths in the
electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., spectrometer, satellites, telescopes) ID, II A, B
Describe the purpose of various space probes, such as Hubble, Pathfinder, or the Mars
Rovers, and the International Space Station then compare and contrast and include the
advantages and disadvantages of each. I A-G, II A-D
Describe how new discoveries in space are changing our ideas about the solar system
and the universe by exploring the electromagnetic spectrum, wavelength, frequency,
etc. and analyzing how that affects our understanding of the universe.
I G, II A, B, D
Draw conclusions on how the use of technology helps to understand expansion theory
of the Universe and its origin by analyzing the red shift and other supporting evidence of
the expansion theory. II D
Identify and describe several jobs that computers perform in space exploration in a
collaborative class effort. IV A, B
Describe how space exploration has affected the economy and culture of Florida by
having students predict what life would be like without space exploration. IV A, B
Research and present the various uses of space exploration technology both on Earth
and in outer space.