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WARNING: This Question Paper MUST be returned with your
answer book(s) at the end of the examination: otherwise
marks will be lost.
For Examiner’s use only
Q. Mark
Sect. A
Sect. B
Sect. C
Section A
Answer any five questions from this section.
Each question carries 20 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on this examination paper.
Section B
Answer any two questions from this section.
Each question carries 30 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on this examination paper.
Section C
Answer any four questions from this section.
Each question carries 60 marks.
Write your answers in the answer book.
It is recommended that you should spend not more than 30 minutes on Section A and 30 minutes
on Section B, leaving 120 minutes for Section C.
You must return this examination paper with your answer book at the end of the
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Section A
Answer any five questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Answer any four of the following parts:
Give one example of a catabolic reaction.
Name the smallest unit of a carbohydrate.
Name the test used to determine the presence of protein in a food sample.
Name the compound which combines with fatty acids to form fats.
Give one example of a fat-soluble vitamin.
The diagram shows a pyramid of numbers in a grassland habitat.
Name the main source of energy for plants.
What is meant by a trophic level?
Give the term used by ecologists to describe the organisms that form the base of the pyramid.
Explain why the shape of the pyramid changes as it goes up. _______________________________
Explain the energy transfer along each trophic level, as shown in the diagram.
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What does the term peristalsis mean?
Protein is digested in the stomach. The lining of the stomach is also made of protein.
Give one way in which the lining of the stomach is protected from protein-digesting enzymes.
Bile is a viscous yellow-green liquid which aids digestion.
Name the organ which produces bile.
Give one function of bile.
Where in the body is bile stored?
Give one function of symbiotic bacteria in the large intestine.
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) by drawing a circle around
T or F in each case.
Example: Animal cells have a cell wall made of cellulose.
The nucleus controls cell activities.
Plant cells have large vacuoles for storage and support.
(iii) Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells.
Mitochondria are only found in animal cells.
The cell membrane controls the entry and exit of molecules
to and from the cell.
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The diagram shows the circulatory system of a fish.
This is an example of a closed system.
List two parts of the closed circulatory system in humans.
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
The lungs replace gills in humans.
What is the main function of the lungs?
Name the blood vessel which carries blood from the heart to the lungs.
What is the function of the red blood cells in the circulatory system?
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Choose each term from the following list and place it in Column A to match a description from
Column B.
The first one has been completed as an example.
Carbon dioxide
Column A
Column B
The green pigment in plant cells.
The gas needed for photosynthesis.
The openings in a stem that allow gas exchange.
A product of photosynthesis.
The openings in a leaf that allow gas exchange.
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Section B
Answer any two questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Part (a) carries 6 marks and part (b) carries 24 marks in each question in this section.
What is meant by germination of seeds? __________________________________________
What part of the plant develops from the radicle of the seed?__________________________
Answer the following questions in relation to your investigation into digestive activity
during germination.
Why did you use starch agar?
How did you prepare the seeds for use in the investigation?
What control did you set up?
Describe how you carried out the investigation.
State the result of the investigation.
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Fungi can have important economic effects.
Give one example of a beneficial fungus.
Give one example of a harmful fungus.
One of your practical activities involved growing leaf yeast in the laboratory. Answer the
following questions in relation to that activity.
Why did you use agar jelly?
Explain why you sterilised the dishes and the agar before use.
Explain why you opened the lid of the dish as little as possible.
Name one method you used to sterilise your apparatus in this investigation.
Draw a labelled diagram to show the experimental set up of the dishes when you placed
them in the incubator.
For how long did you incubate the yeast? _________________________________________
(vii) Describe the appearance of the yeast colonies which grew on the plates.
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In the lungs, what are alveoli? __________________________________________________
Name the body cavity that contains the lungs. _____________________________________
You carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of exercise on the breathing rate
or pulse rate of a human.
State which investigation you carried out and answer the following questions.
Why was it necessary to first carry out the investigation on the subject at rest?
Describe how you carried out the investigation.
State your results.
In general, of what advantage is it to humans to be able to vary the breathing rate
or the pulse rate?
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Section C
Answer any four questions.
Write your answers in the answer book.
Explain the following terms used in genetics: heterozygous, phenotype, dominance.
The control of male and female characteristics involves sex chromosomes.
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What is a chromosome?
How many sex chromosomes does a body cell of a male or a female contain?
A man who has two daughters wishes to have a son. Show by means of a diagram
the likelihood that his next child will be male.
Which parent’s gametes determine the sex of the child?
The pattern of inheritance of high blood cholesterol is known. Normal individuals have genotype
HH. Heterozygous individuals (Hh) have blood cholesterol levels twice the normal level.
Homozygous individuals (hh) have five times the normal blood cholesterol levels.
Two heterozygous parents, both with twice the normal level of blood cholesterol,
have a daughter with a blood cholesterol level five times the normal level.
Show, by means of a genetic cross, how this has come about. In your answer, state clearly
the genotypes of the parents, the gametes they can produce and the genotypes
of their offspring.
Which allele is responsible for high blood cholesterol?
What fraction of this couple’s children is likely to have the same levels of blood cholesterol
as their parents?
What fraction of their children is likely to have normal blood cholesterol levels?
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What is an ecosystem?
Name two ecosystems found in Ireland.
Explain the following terms which are used in relation to the food chains and food webs
found in a named ecosystem you have studied: herbivore, carnivore, secondary consumer.
Give one example of each term from your ecosystem.
Construct a food chain from your chosen ecosystem.
For a plant you have studied in your ecosystem describe how you conducted a quantitative
study to determine the percentage cover of this organism.
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The graph shows how the number of robins in a certain ecosystem changes during
the course of a year.
Number of robins
What does the graph tell you about how the number of robins varies
throughout the year?
Give one reason for the change in the number of robins at X.
Suggest two reasons for the change in the number of robins at Y.
Would you expect to see a similar change in numbers for other small birds living
in the ecosystem? Give one reason for your answer.
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What is aerobic respiration?
Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the process
of aerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration can be described in two stages.
What is the difference in terms of oxygen between Stage 1 and Stage 2?
State where in the cell Stages 1 and 2 take place.
Which stage releases the larger amount of energy?
The diagram shows the apparatus used to demonstrate aerobic respiration.
The sodium hydroxide in flask A removes carbon dioxide. Flasks B and C
contain limewater.
Air out
Air in
Flask A
Flask B
Pea seeds
Flask C
1. Why is carbon dioxide removed in flask A?
2. Why do flasks B and C contain limewater?
3. What changes, if any, would you expect in flasks B and C
during the course of the experiment?
4. Suggest a suitable control for this experiment.
To which kingdom does yeast belong?
Yeast is a unicellular, heterotrophic organism. Explain the underlined term.
Describe the structure of a yeast cell.
In your practical activities you prepared alcohol from yeast. Answer the following
questions in relation to this activity.
1. What food did you supply the yeast with?
2. How did you exclude oxygen from the water?
3. How did you prevent re-entry of air/oxygen?
4. How did you know when the reaction was finished?
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We share this planet with a variety of organisms. Into how many kingdoms are these
organisms classified?
Give two characteristic features of organisms in the plant kingdom.
Roots, stems, leaves and flowers are major parts of a plant.
Give one function of each of these parts.
The diagram shows a longitudinal section of a plant root.
Name the three regions / zones labelled X, Y and Z.
Root cap
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Name the type of root which is modified for food storage by dicotyledenous plants.
Name one other type of plant root.
Plants need water to survive and carry out photosynthesis. Root pressure, osmosis and
transpiration all play a role in upward movement of water in plants.
Explain each of the underlined terms.
By which of the above processes does water enter the root hairs?
Name the tissue which forms a continuous hollow pipeline from roots to leaves.
The tissue you have named in (iii) has two different cell types. Name these cell types.
This tissue is one of the two main vascular tissues in plants.
Name the other main vascular tissue and state what it carries.
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Answer any two of the parts (a), (b), (c).
(30, 30)
The nervous system is divided into two parts. Name the two parts.
Neurons in the nervous system carry impulses or messages.
Name two types of neurons and give one function of each type.
List three parts of a neuron and give a function for each part.
Name the region where two neurons come into close contact.
Name a substance produced in this region during nerve impulse transmission.
Name one disorder which may affect the working of the nervous system.
List two external factors which influence the growth of plants.
What type of substances control a plant’s responses to external factors?
Name and define two plant tropisms.
Outline the significance of any one tropism to a plant.
Describe any three methods by which plants protect themselves from harmful
external environments.
What is meant by excretion?
Kidneys, lungs and skin are all organs of excretion in the human. Name one substance
other than water excreted by each of these organs.
These organs also play a role in homeostasis. What is homeostasis?
The diagram shows the human urinary system.
Name the parts labelled P, Q, R and S.
Which labelled part is responsible for each of the following:
1. Storing urine.
2. Releasing urine from the body.
3. Filtering blood to remove waste products.
4. Carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder.
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Answer any two of the parts (a), (b), (c).
(30, 30)
The diagram shows the events that occur during a single menstrual cycle.
Thickness of
uterus lining
in ovary
What is the menstrual cycle?
Describe the changes to the uterus lining as menstruation progresses.
At which stage, A, B, C or D, does ovulation occur?
Explain the role of oestrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle.
What are secondary sexual characteristics? Give one example of a secondary sexual
characteristic in a male and one example in a female.
Which of the hormones in part (iv) is responsible for the development
of secondary sexual characteristics in females?
Name any three of the main types (shapes) of bacteria.
What name is given to the process of asexual reproduction in bacteria?
Briefly describe this process.
How do some bacteria respond when conditions become unfavourable?
Nutrition in bacteria can be autotrophic or heterotrophic.
Explain each of the underlined terms.
The diagram summarises the process of protein synthesis in a cell.
Process Y
Process X
Name the processes labelled X and Y.
Explain what happens during process X.
Where in the cell does process Y occur?
What substances do the shapes drawn under the word protein represent?
What is meant by genetic engineering?
One of the steps involved in the process of genetic engineering is the cutting of DNA.
What is used to cut DNA?
(vii) List three applications of genetic engineering to include one plant, one animal
and one micro-organism.
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