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“Three people were at work on a construction site. All were doing the same job, but when each was asked
what the job was, the answers varied. Breaking rocks, the first replied. Earning my living, the second said.
Helping to build a cathedral, said the third”.
Peter Schultz
German Politician
The term “positive approach” comes from the Latin “positum”,
past form of the verb “ponere” meaning to put or place, which
has been translated as something organized, well-grounded, or
something based on concrete facts.
A positive approach is a psychological behaviour; it is a way of
being optimistic, leading to objectively analysing their
situations and taking into consideration the most effective and
profitable advantages. Important research shows that in about
38% of the cases, the performance variable between success
and failure is linked to confidence, self-esteem and positive
approach to others.
A positive approach is a distinctive feature of Climaveneta's
Our company strongly believes that a positive approach to any situation will ensure that there is
always a way to solve problems and to improve the status-quo.
This idea allows the company to have an open and constructive attitude towards all those who
make up the organization. We are referring to the stakeholders; employees, customers, suppliers,
trade associations and consultants with whom the company interacts with every day.
A positive approach means to adopt an active and participatory attitude, to do a job with passion,
and every day try get the maximum satisfaction in completing an activity.
It also means to be reliable but not serious because often a smile or a praise becomes contagious
and can relax the tension of a complicated or time pressurised activity.
Patrizia Bianco Front Office, Bassano district
Even if it is not always possible to be positive, over the years I have learnt
that if you see the glass half-full - and not half-empty- and you face your
workdays and your life with a smile, everything gets better! In short, you get
what you give! As a matter of fact, I often have to deal with annoyed people
and when they see my positive approach, they are surprised and they
suddenly quiet down.
Ettore Bortolotto - Team Leader CV4
Positive approach means to be able to tackle problems in a positive way,
thinking that everything can be solved. I always try to adopt a positive
attitude, both in private and in my workplace.
Some months ago I was working in our branch in China in order to help our
colleagues to set up the production lines and sometimes I had to deal with a
negative atmosphere. By contrast, I think that, even in the most difficult
situations, if you avoid disputes and negative thoughts, you can always find
a good solution.
“Always do right.
This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.”
Mark Twain
Writer and American Humorist
The word “Honesty” comes from the Latin “honos, honoris”.
The origin of the word derives from the concept of honor, which
is strictly linked to that of honesty: “honor”, in fact, is the
“quid” that can only be reached by means of “honesty”.
Honesty is a human characteristic which implies great strength
and transparency, ensuring we act in a fair and honest way.
Honesty should be a guiding principle for all good relationships
between individuals that interacts in any context, private,
professional and public. To be transparent and consistent with
our own ethical and moral values, to admit our mistakes and
limitations, ensures we can achieve a balanced lifestyle.
Climaveneta believes intellectual honesty is a distinctive value of
its human resources; it is a fundamental factor for the professional
and personal growth of every employee.
Being honest is the basis for a transparent and consistent way of working with our colleagues,
customers and suppliers and all other people who work for and with Climaveneta.
We think that intellectual honesty is integral to a constructive exchange of ideas between people,
avoiding inappropriate behaviour in order to build relationships that are always based on mutual
loyalty. Honest behaviour leads to the growth of each individual within the company, to admit our
mistakes and be aware of our responsibilities, allowing us to have more effective interactions with
Pietro Tonon - Finance and Control Director
To be intellectually honest means to be transparent and act consistently,
according to your personal code of ethics. These characteristics improve
trust and creates a solid network of relationships. An intellectual and honest
person is the one that objectively analyze her/his mistakes and the others',
trying to learn from them. The mistake is not something to hide from but a
starting point for improvement.
Pierluigi Crosato - Warehouse CV4 Manager
In my opinion intellectual honesty is a value that encompasses everybody
within the company, from directors, managers, colleagues to co-workers.
I think that this is a value that everybody should refine because it makes you
live better and in a more coherent way. Intellectual honesty means to be
transparent and say things in a clear way without excuses. The honest
person thinks without having a hidden agenda. For example, if I do
something wrong, it is important to be clear, to tell your colleagues the truth
without using trivial excuses. The truth will always come to light.
“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.”
G. Bernard Shaw
Irish writer and playwright
The word “proactivity” consists of the two words “pro” and
“activity”. The first one is a Greek prefix, which was used at
first with the meaning of “forward”, and then it gained the
meaning of “protection”, or “advance”. The second one comes
from the Latin “activus”, which was derived from “actus”; this
is the past participle of “agère”, that is “to make”.
Being proactive means trying to predict and anticipate events
and take the necessary actions to deal with them when they
occur. A proactive approach involves being able to have
procedures to use as a countermeasure to an unexpected
event that might occur. It also means to add value to the
activities we do every day.
Climaveneta believes being proactive is a distinctive value of its
Human Resources.
It is fundamental for a company that is a leader in its field to predict and anticipate the needs of its
employees. Proactive employees are available and ready to provide innovative and alternative
solutions. It is essential to contribute to new projects and ideas before it is done by others. It ensures
employees develop their potential and essentially the company can add value to the market.
“Faber est suae quisque fortunae” - everyone is master of their own destiny - said a famous Roman
historian, Sallustio. Every man can guide and channel their thoughts, their emotions, and their
energies in order to achieve results. Proactivity together with creativity, curiosity and tenacity is
what most characterizes the lives of those who are part of large companies and inevitably these
skills will help achieve goals that are more progressively challenging.
Marco Vialetto - Purchasing Manager
Being proactive doesn't mean waiting for someone to tell me what I have to
do but it does mean analysing the needs of the company, to find out what
your duties are, to be active and collaborate with others. An example could
be the management and accountancy of the “Variety Reduction Program”,
a tool that was launched in 2009.
This has been very important to achieve the 2010 budget and the benefits
will be fundamental for the future.
Andrea Marchioro - Human Resources Director
Proactive means to conclude every working day with a sense of satisfaction
for having participating in company activities and to predict problems, in
order to not be affected by the consequences, to predict changes and
challenges with creativity and enthusiasm. It also means to project
ourselves and the company into the future. An example of this is with every
request you should ask always why, what are the aims and how you can
“Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.”
N. Macchiavelli
Writer, playwriter, political philosopher
The Italian word for determination is “determinazione”, which
comes from the verb “determinare” meaning to determine or
establish. This comes from the union of the syllable “de” and
the Latin subject “terminus”, which means “border” or “limit”.
In this sense, “determinare” implies the meaning of
circumscribing something with lines, signs and points
which are used as boundaries. To use this word in the
common language indicates a person who is determined
and stand firm.
Commitment is a concept which means perseverance and
determination in achieving objectives and the desire to overcome
difficulties, because nothing is impossible if we think it is possible.
Each path presents difficulties and each objective entails sacrifices in order to be achieved, but with
the right amount of determination and courage can help to overcome any adversity.
Climaveneta recognizes the importance of commitment and the will to achieve new and challenging
goals. One of the key factors for our company is to be able to care for our stakeholder's expectations.
It is fundamental for a committed person to not turn away from a problem until it is solved and will
pursue business projects with determination to achieve their full potential. Each member contributes to
the achievement of those sustainable targets. Only through persistence and perseverance we can
achieve the excellence that the market perceives as value. The reason why Climaveneta is recognised
as a world leader in its field it may be, in addition to its quality products, the people who believe, with
passion, in winning projects and ideas.
Silvia Bortoluzzi - Logistic Manager CV2/3
Commitment is a fundamental value in my job. One needs to be ready to deal
with unexpected situations and delays because the everyday challenge is to
guarantee the material in time, without exceeding the stock. The most difficult
moment in my career was the transition to SAP. This ambitious project was to
be achieved all together and without excuses: everybody was to be ready for
the GO-LIVE. It was hard, but in the end it was especially gratifying.
Gianmarco Gianesello - Plant Manager CV1
It is the desire to achieve a target and the ability to remain focused on your
work and to think positively that makes you overcome the obstacles and
difficulties. This quality is important for the management of a significant
group of colleagues to overcome challenges positively. You must be extremely
determined when you are working with lean manufacturing projects because
the difficulties are all the changes; one can know when the project starts but
s/he does not know when it finishes. During the implementation of the PDCA,
for example, when a project ends, other 2 or 3 projects come to life.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive
to change.”
Charles Darwin
British biologist, geologist and zoologist
The Italian word for "availability" is “disponibilità”, which
comes from the Latin verb “disponere”; the term consists of
the syllable “dis”, which gives the idea of “separation” and
“sharing” and the verb “ponere”, which means “to put”.
The term “availability” has nowadays a different meaning from
its original meaning of “arranging” and “organizing”.
Availability is not materialistic such as money, objects, etc. but
it means to be open-minded and willing to embrace the ideas
of others. This can lead to a willingness to accept
suggestions, initiatives and help request. Today the term
“availability” is also considered as a value, an attitude of a
person willing to cooperate with the others, to be flexible and
to adapt to the external needs of the company.
At Climaveneta the concept of availability has an important role to
play and is recognized as one of the human resource values of the
It is the worker's approach to changes, and their ability to adapt not only to the fast changing
market but also to the needs of their colleagues and of the business.
In an unpredictable macroeconomic environment, the recent global crisis has affected all sectors
over the past three years. But our ability to react in a quick and flexible way to the changes, has
allowed us to not only be competitive but to also acquire new business units.
Climaveneta in 2004, with the implementation of Lean Production has demonstrated our ability to
anticipate market trends and get closer to the expectations of our customers and stakeholders.
In order to keep up with the constant changes and operating a “market pull” strategy, it is very
important that the company is able to quickly change its organizational structure to ensure quicker
decision-making to try and find the right solution. This means that each employee needs to adapt to
fluctuating market trends and periodically seasonal peaks of demand.
Enrico Zambanini - Continuos Improvement Support CV1
In my opinion “availability” means to be willing to listen and take into
consideration others opinions and to share my point of view with the others.
Moreover, it also means to be able to accept the changes. For example, I
can use my work experience in Climaveneta to illustrate.
As a warehouseman, I worked in the Kaizen construction site and then I
joined the Continuous Improvement Team. This made me consider in depth
our operators requirements and opinions, in order to improve work
conditions and environment.
Vanni Zampieri - Team Leader CV2
Availability is the ability to take into consideration my colleagues opinions,
so that they can give me some advice on how to improve work.
It also means to take pleasure in doing what my director asks me to do, to
be kind and not answer harshly to a colleague.
Finally, availability is in my opinion, everything I have been doing actively up
to now for the company.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress...
Working together is success.”
Henry Ford
American industrialist
Teamwork is the union between the two terms, work and team.
The first one comes from the Latin “labor”; this one comes from the
original verb “laborare”. “Team” comes from the Latin term “ex-quadra”,
a triangle instrument that was used by artisans to calculate the right
angles. Consequently, the term was used in the Italian saying “essere a
squadra”, which literally translates to “be the team”, identifying groups of
soldiers in parallel lines, so that they form squares.
People tend to instinctively join together in order to reach a common aim
which could not be achieved on their own. This has become the guiding
principle of modern society. Even if the terms “group” and “team” imply a
collection of people having a common aim, there is a significant difference
between the two terms. A group of people that have joined together may
not necessarily have shared interests. A team depends on their common
purpose; even though each member will have a specific role, its overall
success depends on how individuals connect in order achieve their goal.
Climaveneta believes that teamwork, as well as identifying
and appraising single employees, is a distinctive feature of its
human resources.
Teamwork is the key to successfully meeting new challenges presented by an increasingly
competitive national and international air conditioning market. Working as a team is the most
effective response to the changing dynamics of business and management processes; teamwork
creates synergies between people, by integrating and motivating members and creating a positivesum game where everyone wins.
Each member can make a contribution in terms of identifying and sharing critical information and
also providing support and coaching colleagues to deal with operational issues. In this way, the
strength of each member becomes that of the entire group, and the areas of improvement of a
person can be compensated by the skills of the others. Working in a team means listening and
accepting different ideas and integrating new ways of thinking. It also means helping a team mate
to reach their final goal.
Alberto Curtolo - Production Manager CV2/3
Teamwork is, in my opinion, a tight-knit and collaborative group, where each member
has clear goals and specific roles. For this reason, communication has a fundamental
role to play because it allows people to share information and find out problems that
must be solved. To guarantee a continuous improvement of the team, I think it is
extremely important to give feedback on what they are doing, not only negative
feedbacks but also positive comments. I'm trying to implement these rules.
Giancarlo Bizzotto - Costumer Service Italia
Team spirit means sharing a project that has clear goals so that the contribution of
each person is critical to the final result. Sport is the classical example where
teamwork' is a fundamental value because often the team wins even if the single
member is not at his/hers best. However, we should make a distinction between sport
and work. In the world of sport the objective is to beat our opponents by being
aggressive. But in the workplace this behaviour creates enemies within a team.
The identification of enemies within a team is important as conflict creates a reason for
why results are not achieved. It is important for a manager to identify and appraise the
attitude of every team member, ensuring they work to the best of their abilities to
achieve the best result.
“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being
superior to your previous self.”
Hindu Proverb
XVII secolo
The word “growth” in Italian is “crescita”, which comes from
the Latin verb “Créscere”. “Crescere” is an inchoative verb of
“creare”, which means “to make”, “to produce”, and
“to generate from the new”. The term “growth” gives you the
idea of increasing in size and volume.
The word “growth” does not designate something that strictly
depends on the human activity. Growth is a natural
phenomenon that affects all human beings, animals and
plants. In these terms, the concept of growth within a company
becomes a key principle. In order to remain competitive in
rapidly changing economies, an organization must constantly
seek to improve the technical and managerial skills of its
employees and managers.
Climaveneta strongly believes in the continuous professional
growth of its employees, to develop their professional skills and
responsibilities within their own area of expertise and in other
There are three pillars on which the company bases the development of each individual: job
enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation. The first is an expansion of the number of tasks or activities
assigned to the individual, which go to improve their level of expertise in different fields.
In contrast, “job enrichment” involves gaining more responsibilities which allows the individual to feel
in control of their own tasks whilst providing job variety and the opportunity for growth.
And finally, “job rotation” provides the individual to be challenged in other departments, in order to
grow professionally and test them in different roles. This development strategy recruits future
managers and specialists identified by the Human Resources Department or through the job posting
project, which operates within the De' Longhi Group, where people can directly apply for an open
Adriano Faccio - Manufactoring Department Manager CV1
Professional growth is the opportunity to improve your skills horizontally and
vertically; this, in my opinion, is necessary for keeping human resources within the
company. I'm the classic example of how Climaveneta is investing in young people
and their growth. I joined the company in 1975 as a laborer. Some years later I got
promoted as Team Leader and I did this job for about 10 years, until I got promoted
in 1995 as Manufactoring Department Manager.
Maurizio Marchesini - General Director
In my opinion, “growth” means motivation, curiosity, and willingness to always
learn new things, to increase your knowledge, to share ideas with all your
colleagues. This is the reason why the experience has taught me to regard my
colleagues as masters and each member can teach me something, according to
their expertise and knowledge; this will help me to grow in cultural and professional
terms. The person who wants to grow in the company is, in my opinion, an
ambitious person, a person who demands much of themselves and accepts the
challenge - but the most difficult challenge is the one with themselves!
“It is our duty to share and maintain life. Reverence concerning all life is the greatest
commandment in its most elementary form.”
Albert Schweitzer
musicitian and German Luteran theologian
(1875-1965 )
Respect comes from the Latin word “respectus”, which is a
subject that comes from the verb “riguardare”. This word
consists of the syllable re-, which means “again” or “back”
with a meaning of repetition, and “spicere”, which means
“guardare” which translates “to look”. In its original and
primary meaning, the word respect is linked to the concept of
regard and the importance of the other.
Respect is being aware of the rights of others and understanding
the importance of rules and morals. It is a value which you will
find in every sector, from politics to the school system.
In an ideal world respect is a necessary value in a modern
society, but it is often overlooked as people give their own
interests a higher priority.
Respect is the eighth and final value recognized by Climaveneta.
Leaving it to last, we wanted to summarize the integrated approach to
security, environment and the respect for rules. It is also respect for
colleagues to protect their personal safety by creating a code of conduct
that complies with existing rules.
In this direction we decided to adopt a Code of Ethics, which represents a tangible and concrete proof
about how much the company does believe in this value.
Respect means to take utmost account of the impact that our activities may have on the environment.
Just think, for example, about the use of refrigerants and their impact on the ozone.
The ISO 14001 environmental certification is not only a confirmation of the progress made to date, but
also a stimulus that gives us confidence for the near future. In all its shades this value has a special
connotation because, despite being the newest member of the family values of Climaveneta, it
represents a summary and a reinforcement of the other values. The company is making significant
investments, also in terms of training and resources. Constant monitoring of the use of PPE for all
workers to operate in absolute safety is just one example. It is a long way, to the direction of the
exchange of ideas, the development of systems for collecting suggestions and the appraisal of most
virtuous workers.
Francesco Marella - QESH Manager
Respect is strictly linked to the concept of “sustainability”. Whenever we act,
whatever we do, we shouldn't consider just our needs, but we should think
about the future effects on our group, the other people and the environment all
around. Each single member can be a participant on it, taking care of himself
and, at the same time, following the rules and preserving the environment
where we live as it was our most precious good.
Michele Bortoletto - Production Operator Rls CV4
In my opinion respect is a 360°value in the ethics of job. It means to respect
my colleagues, all the safety rules, etc. As RSU and RLS member, respect is
even more important; if I see a colleague who is not wearing the safety
dresses or is not respecting the rules, I have to force that these rules are
respected. If one wants to have some rights and to be respected, s/he also has
to fulfil her/his duties, and this is particularly true in the workplace.