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/25 pts
Quiz 07
Biology 101, 2012, Spring 2 Session (Aird)
Multiple Choice. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question, using upper case letters.
____ 1. Melanin protects the skin from
a. infrared radiation damage.
b. ultraviolet radiation damage.
c. desiccation.
d. abrasion.
e. invasion by bacteria.
____ 2. Bones are linked together at skeletal joints by
a. intercellular junctions. b. tendons. c. ligaments. d. cartilage. e. collagen.
____ 3. If its cells are striated and connected by gap junctions so that the cells contract as a unit, the tissue is
a. cardiac muscle.
b. supportive connective.
c. dense fibrous connective.
d. skeletal muscle.
smooth muscle.
____ 4. Cells with gap junctions are typical of tissues
a. that require rapid exchange of chemical messages, as is the case for cardiac muscle.
b. that suffer
wear, abrasion, and mechanical insults.
c. that secrete enzymes or hormones.
d. such as bone and
cartilage that must withstand external forces. e. that are specialized for absorption.
____ 5. Loose connective tissue
a. contains cells and fibers in a dense, regular array.
b. is patrolled by macrophages and neutrophils.
c. contains collagen and elastin fibers for strength and elasticity, respectively. d. is found beneath layers
of adipose tissue. e. isn’t strongly attached, which accounts for its name.
____ 6. Electrically active tissues
a. are only found in brain.
b. conduct electrical currents by polarity shifts in their membranes, caused
by exchanges of sodium and potassium ions.
c. conduct electrical currents because they contain large
quantities of copper ions.
d. rely upon tight junctions for signal transmission.
e. are only found in
certain types of vertebrates, such as electric eels.
____ 7. Cuboidal epithelium
a. is specialized for secretion.
b. is more often stratified than simple.
c. usually has villi to enhance
absorption. d. is especially common where abrasion is a problem. e. lines the small intestine.
____ 8. Which of the following about smooth muscle is FALSE?
a. It lacks striations.
b. It is capable of maintaining contractions for extended periods.
c. Smooth
muscle controls blood pressure. d. The diaphragm consists of smooth muscle. e. It contracts slowly,
and in many instances in wave-like fashion.
____ 9. Cartilage
a. contains hydrophilic complex carbohydrates such as cellulose, glycogen, and chitin.
b. contains collagen fibers and a ground substance consisting of calcium phosphate. c. provides structural support for
bones. d. is classified as loose connective tissue. e. acts as a lubricant and a shock absorber between
____ 10. Simple columnar epithelium
a. is useless for absorption because the small ends of the cells are pointed outward.
b. is often found
where leak-proof barriers are required. c. lacks nuclei. d. typically comprises the vascular epithelium.
e. is used where abrasion is a problem.
____ 11. Endocrine glands
a. are found mostly in the dermis. b. produce products such as oil and wax. c. secrete mostly potent,
peptidyl products. d. secrete mostly complex carbohydrates. e. have short exit ports known as ducts.
____ 12. Cartilage is found
a. in the nose. b. in the external ear. c. in the embryonic skeleton. d. between vertebrae. e. all of
____ 13. Epithelial tissues
a. give rise to exocrine glands, but endocrine glands come from mesoderm.
b. always have a basement
membrane. c. comprised of squamous epithelium is designed to prevent leaks. d. are attached to a
layer of dense, regular connective tisse. e. may have villi to reduce surface area.
____ 14. Which of the following components of the dermis is incorrectly matched with its usual function?
a. blood vessels: nutrient supply
b. hairs: insulation
c. receptors: pain
d. oil glands: lubrication of
hair and skin e. sweat glands: hormone secretion
____ 15. All of the following about bones are true, except:
a. Bones provide points of attachment for skeletal muscles.
b. Bones provide a reserve of calcium and
phosphate for the entire body.
c. Certain large bones contain marrow, which produces red and white
blood cells.
d. Bones require physical stress and Vitamin D in order to maintain mineral mass.
Bones derive most of their strength from the mineral matrix.
____ 16. Which of the following about muscle tissue is true?
a. Smooth muscle produces rapid contractions.
b. Skeletal muscle is striated because of intercalated
disks (=adhering + gap junctions). c. Smooth muscle cells are multinucleate. d. Cardiac muscle has
numerous mitochondria. e. The urinary bladder is composed primarily of striated muscle.
____ 17. Adipose tissue cells are filled with
a. minerals. b. fibers. c. cartilage. d. phospholipids. e. triglycerides.
Multiple Response. Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question, using upper case
letters. Place all correct answers in the space provided in alphabetical order.
________ 18. Which of the following statements about adipose tissue are correct?
a. Fat cells fill with triglycerides.
b. Its primary function is short-term energy storage.
c. Adipose tissue stores phospholipids.
d. Adipose tissue is formed as a result of chronic selfindulgence at the dinner table.
e. Adipose tissue is considered a type of connective tissue.
Dieting, at least in the short-term, gets rid of adipocyte contents, but not the cells themselves.
________ 19. Which of the following statements about dense, regular connective tissues are true?
a. Tendons connect bones to bones.
b. Ligaments connect muscles to bones.
c. Tendons help
animals to conserve momentum via elastic recoil.
d. Are essential for movement in vertebrates.
e. Tendons and ligaments differ in elasticity.
f. They comprise fibroblasts surrounded by dense
bundles of collagen and elastin fibers.
________ 20. Exocrine glands secrete
a. mucus. b. sweat. c. milk. d. enzymes. e. hormones f. saliva
Essay Questions. Use complete English sentences and proper grammar. If a question has multiple parts, you must answer
all of them to receive full credit. If you haven’t got a clue, leave it blank. If you are uncertain, put down
what you know, and indicate the things of which you are uncertain.
____ 21. (1 pt) Why is blood classified as a connective tissue? In what ways does it fit the definition, or in other
words, what characteristics does it have in common with bone and cartilage?
____ 22. (1 pt) In general, where are epithelial tissues encountered in the body and what generalized functions do
they serve?
____ 23. (1 pt) How do the three types of muscle tissue differ in structure? Where are they found and what different functions do they serve?
____ 24. (1 pt) What types of products do the two major classes of glands produce? How do these types differ in
terms of product volume?
____ 25. (1 pt) What do neurons do, and how are dendrites and axons essential to that purpose?
Bonus Questions. The bonus questions are not obligatory, but will improve your score if you get them right. Use complete
English sentences and proper grammar. If a question has multiple parts, you must answer all of them to receive full credit. If
you haven’t got a clue, leave it blank. If you are uncertain, put down what you know, and indicate the things of which you are
____ B1. (1 pt) Why is there a layer of loose connective tissue beneath epithelial tissues?
____ B2 (1 pt) In addition to structural support, what other important role does bone serve?
____ B3 (1 pt) The infant formula industry has promoted its products throughout the world by convincing
women that formula is superior to the product of modified epithelial tissues that have been standard
equipment on every woman since Eve. What is wrong with their argument?
/25 pts
Quiz 07 2012 Su Answer Section
A, D, E, F
C, D, E, F
A, B, C, D, F
21. Blood is considered a connective tissue because it contains living cells, fibrous proteins (fibrinogen), in an ex-
tracellular ground substance, albeit, a fluid one called blood plasma.
22. Epithelial tissues are found wherever the body contacts the outside environment or wherever fluids are han-
dled. Examples include the skin, the alveoli of the lungs, the lining of blood vessels, respiratory passages, or of
the gut.
23. Skeletal muscle is strongly striated due to overlapping actin and myosin filaments. Its fibers are linear and
multinucleated. Skeletal muscle is attached to the skeleton and is involved in movement. Cardiac muscle
cells, found only in the heart, are branched for three-dimensional contraction. They are striated, but less obviously than skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle cells are rich in mitochondria and display prominent intercalated
disks, which consist of gap junctions and adhering junctions (desmosomes) together. Smooth muscle cells are
doubly tapered and occur in sheets. Smooth muscle has no striations. It is able to hold contractions for prolonged periods. Smooth muscle is found around the digestive tract where peristalsis moves food from swallowing to excretion of waste. Smooth muscle also occurs around arteries, arterioles, and veins where it regulates
blood pressure. It makes up most of the urinary bladder, the uterus, and also sphincters.
24. Exocrine glands produce relatively large volumes of products such as sweat, oil, milk, mucus, wax, saliva, or
25. Neurons communicate with other neurons and with sensory structures and muscles. The processes called
dendrites are responsible for bringing sensory inputs to the soma, or cell body. Axons carry signals away from
the soma. If they activate skeletal muscles they are called motor neurons. Connections between central neurons are responsible for the development of intelligence.
B1. This layer has a critical role in nonspecific immune defense. It is patrolled by macrophages and neutrophils
that protect us against microbes that have breached the overlying defensive layer of epithelial tissue.
B2. Bone serves as a point of attachment for skeletal muscle; hence it is involved in movement. Bones also protect
internal organs. Large bones contain marrow which produces red and white blood cells. For this reason bone
has a role in gas exchange and also immune defense. Bone also provides a reservoir of calcium and phosphorus.
B3. Everything!
• Breast milk transmits antibodies to the infant. No formula can.
• Breast milk composition changes to meet the nutritional needs of the infant. No formula can do that.
• Formula must be warmed for use, and can be accidentally overheated. The real thing is always the right
• There have been manufacturing problems with formula with fatal consequences. There have been no quality control failures with breast milk.
• The store can run out of formula. As long as the infant is nursing, the breasts will supply it, and they can
even augment production if the child needs more. Even older women have commenced lactation to provide for an orphaned child (wet nurses).
• Breast milk is always ready. You don’t have to run home to get it.
• Some women believe that in order to recover their figures after childbirth they should not nurse. Not only
is this an extremely selfish concern, but it is incredibly foolish. These ignorant women need to take BIOL
101! Lactation results in an elevated caloric burn rate. Nursing mothers can lose weight readily even
without exercise.
OK, America! Now do you get it?