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JULIET WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE : Ppppppp Summary Summary………………………………………………………………………………1 Shakespeare’s Biography………………………………………………….………..2 Juliet’s Biography………………………………………….……………………..…..3 Romeo’s Biography…………………………………………………………………..4 Favourites Quotes………………………………………………………..………..5-­6 Favourite Scene………………………………………………………………………7 Summary of the Story……………………………………………………………..8-­9 End of the Play………………………………………………………………….…..10 Romeo’s Diary………………………………………………………..……………..11 Bonus……………………………………………………………………………..….12 Page 1 of 12 William Shakespeare’s Biography William Shakespeare is a famous English playwright and poet in the world. He was born on 23rd April of 1564, in Stratford – Upon – Avon. William received a good education by his parents. He went to a good Grammar School but he didn’t go to university. His favourite passion was writing plays. He married to Anne Hathaway in 1582. They had two daughters and one son. But their son, Hammet, died at the age of eleven. During his career, he wrote many plays, tragedies, comedies and historical plays. Also, he played in the Globe Theater. His famous plays are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or Macbeth. William died on 23rd April of 1616. Page 2 of 12 Who’s Juliet ? Juliet is the daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet. She is 14 years old. She lives in Verona, in the North of Italy. Juliet’s nurse took care of her during her life. A day, Juliet met Romeo and fell in love with him but Romeo is a Montague and the Capulet family have been the enemy of the Montague family for many years. Tybalt is the cousin of Juliet. He loves fighting against everybody. Page 3 of 12 Who’s Romeo ? Romeo is the son of Lord and Lady Montague. He is 17 years old. His family lives in Verona, in the North of Italy. Mercutio and Benvolio are the friends of Romeo. Balthazar is Romeo’s servant. He was in love with Rosaline but she didn’t love him. When he saw Juliet, he forgot Rosaline and fell in love with Juliet. But their marriage will never be accepted because their families are enemies. Page 4 of 12 My Favourites Quotes P.29 – Lord Capulet : Is it Romeo ? He has a good reputation in Verona. This is a party. I want no trouble in my house. Let him enjoy himself. P.29 – Text : Romeo : My lips are ready to kiss you. Juliet : I do not know you. Romeo : I must kiss you. Juliet : Here I am. My lips are here. Romeo kissed Juliet. He kissed her a second time. Page 5 of 12 2nd Part P.58 – Romeo : Tybalt killed my friend. Now he is dead. He is with Mercutio. (Romeo killed Tybalt) P.86 – Romeo : Romeo took the bottle of poison out of his pocket and raised it to his lips. He kissed Juliet. With a kiss, I die. Page 6 of 12 My Favourite Scene (p.49) My favourite scene is the marriage’s scene because Romeo and Juliet must be brave to get married without their parents and their families. Just the nurse and Friar Laurence are with them to help them to be married secretly. First, Juliet’s nurse went to Romeo. They spoke about their future and about Juliet. Romeo promised the nurse that he will be nice with Juliet. So, he said to the nurse to go to Friar Laurence’s cell with Juliet. The nurse told Juliet what Romeo told him. Juliet was anxious but they were ready to be married. Romeo went to Friar Laurence’s cell in the afternoon. Just after, Juliet and her nurse arrived. The young couple was very nervous but they were in love. So, Friar Laurence took them into his cell. He married them just after. Page 7 of 12 Summary of the Story The Capulet’s Party Romeo, his friends Benvolio and Mercutio went to the Capulet’s party. It was to see Rosaline at the party. Mr Capulet let Romeo and his friends in the party even if they are enemies. They had fun but Tybalt was angry. So, he left the party but he challenged Romeo. Romeo meets Juliet During the party, Romeo saw a girl. He wanted to speak with her but he fell in love to Juliet. He kissed her two twice. But the Juliet’s nurse arrived. They learned that Juliet was a Capulet and Romeo a Montague. The Balcony Juliet went to her bedroom. Romeo decided to follow her thanks to the Guard of the Capulet. He saw Juliet on her Balcony. They spoke how to love with their names and with their families. After, Juliet left Romeo. The Marriage Romeo, Juliet and her nurse went to see Friar Laurence in his cell to be married without their families. They were anxiously and exited but Friar Laurence married them. Mercutio’s death The Montagues and the Capulets were ready to fight. Tybalt challenged Romeo but he didn’t want to fight against the cousin of Juliet. So, Mercutio was fighting against Tybalt. But Romeo arrived and Tybalt killed Mercutio. It was the Romeo’s fault. Page 8 of 12 2nd Part Tybalt’s death Romeo was very sad and angry. He decided to kill Tybalt because he killed his friend. Romeo followed Tybalt and with his sword he killed him. He was an assassin. Romeo’s banishment The King of Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues arrived. The King was nice and he just banished Romeo from Verona because he killed Tybalt of course but Tybalt killed his friend. Juliet’s death simulation Juliet went to Friar Laurence. He decided to help her. He gave a liquid to Juliet. Thanks to this liquid, Juliet will make her false death and her family will bury her. So, she drank the liquid. At the morning, she was dead. Her family put her in a tomb. But they forgot to say their plan to Romeo… The Tomb of Juliet Balthazar said to Romeo that Juliet was dead. Of course it was false but they didn’t know it. Romeo decided to see Juliet for the last time. He took a horse and went to her tomb. Here, he saw Paris, another guy who loves Juliet. He cried. Their Suicides Romeo kissed her. He drank a mortal poison. Meanwhile, Juliet was waking up. She saw Romeo. He was killing himself. He died. It wasn’t a joke now. Romeo saw Juliet before die. Juliet took a knife and killed herself. Page 9 of 12 The New End of the Play After Tybalt’s death, Romeo learned by Balthazar that Juliet was waiting for him in her Castle. So Romeo took a horse and went to Verona to see Juliet. Thanks to her window, he went inside and saw Juliet. She was pretty. She wore a white dress. She was sleeping. So, he woke up Juliet. She saw Romeo too. They were alive. They kissed. In the morning, Juliet told Romeo that she forgot the death of her cousin because he would like to kill her husband. So, Romeo said to Juliet that they will move to Napoli to live their life without their families. They took a horse-­drawn carriage and went to Napoli. Here, they were in love. They bought a house. Meanwhile, the king of Verona went to see the Montague and Capulet families. He said that Juliet and Romeo left Verona. Mrs Capulet cried. She was very angry and she wanted to find her daughter but Mr Capulet and the Montague thought that was a good thing for the new couple. Page 10 of 12 Romeo’s Diary
Dear Diary, For 5 months I have been in love with Rosaline. She was very smart and pretty. I really loved her but she didn’t want to get married with me. I was sad and unfortunate. However, one day, I was at the Capulet’s party with my friends Mercutio and Benvolio. But Tybalt recognised us. Lord Capulet arrived. He was very nice with us and thanks to him, we stayed at the party. During the party, I saw a girl. She was alone and gorgeous. I decided to talk to her. She was shy but I wanted to know her. We kissed. I forgot Rosaline. Her nurse arrived. She was angry. She told me that Juliet was a Capulet and she learned that I was a Montague. We were very surprised but I loved her. She went to her bedroom and I followed her in the garden. I saw her. We spoke a long time. She was on her balcony and me in the garden. After a long discussion, we decided to get married secretly without our families. The next day, I went to see Friar Laurence. I told him that I was in love with Juliet and we would like to get married. He accepted. He thought that was a good thing for Verona. So we will get married. I’m very excited and happy. I hope our life will be prosper and happy. Page 11 of 12 How to sum up Romeo and Juliet... Page 12 of 12