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I3LUMEA 23 Ci976; 141—'59 A revision Peliosanthes (Liliaceae) of J.P. Jessop Herbarium, Botanic Garden, Adelaide, State South Australia Summary In the introduction genus Peliosanthes in which through altogether S. E. Asia The characters The A no into subspecies A full habitat same been of the of the knowledge Teta, of the taxonomy and Bulbospermum,Lourya from the validly published, ranging only of the Liliaceae, is of specific delimitation can only discussed one variable teta, confined the basis on one genus and it is Neolourya, Dcccan Peninsula can be distinguished. concluded that it species, to genus and are species is given, of the gross variability; this should with morphology which is illustrated Peliosanthes continental flower per bract which is found one counts be found in the only that subspecies distribution; localities The few chromosome scrutinized and it is found that is maintained in correlations entities, the description development Ophiopogon and Liriope. as the conclusion to two humilis with and tribe satisfactory This has led falling have are genera examination is made thorough shown that the including the generic names West Malesia. defining these the of given sense, specific epithets 35 to is history a the wide of Peliosanthes, which affinity arranged in be in teta Asia with throughout their synonymy, by Andr., several can be distinguished, —6 flowers per 2 the has histograms. bract and a of the genus. range and information is given on mapped. published agree in 2n = 36. Introduction In 1810, Andrews described die first into cultivation in ‘teta’ being published Indian an further two name for the plant.) names in Peliosanthes. Roxburgh (1814), apparently Teta name remained has not A further a notnen nudum and it been taken new name for a was not as a Two further belonging species placed the following single species ovary, and Donn a new name, publication Roxburgh's until 1832 that he validated it. This in Peliosanthes by later authors nudum). This javanicum, has name generic which he proposed by was never been regarded Bulbospermum and have been described for species treated by a in having rosette a 1888 validated, as allied to B. javanicum has distinct of leaves most subsequent authors Baillon described Lourya campanulata which differed rhizome with spaced arising at ground nodes. Most Peliosanthes level from a much abbreviated horizontal axis. No further species have been described in Lourya. Krause a flowers and green Andrews year In this teta. have been described in Peliosanthes. In from Peliosanthes specimens have recently introduced (from the species of Peliosanthes by subsequent authors. genera to from India teta authors. by subsequent up Peliosanthes. No further species as In 1827 Blume described Bulbospermum been treated genus of Andrew's publication, proposed unaware Blume in 1823, Bulbisperma ovigera (nomen but in a for what Andrews had named P. viridiflora, name of species This he called Peliosanthes England. in Lourya which he characterised while in Peliosanthes he as having (1930) recognised five ovules in each locule of the believed, incorrectly, that there were always two. BLUMEA 142 transferred L. Rodriguez (1934a) described a new genus, distinguished by was style 1976 1, Peliosanthes but in the to opposed as publication same N. pierrei and N. weberi. This species, two slender style, long 23, No. campanulata with Neolourya, its VOL. to short a pyramidal genus conical or in Peliosanthes. further species of Neolourya have been described. These No x been transferred two „ epithets have Peliosanthes, but Hutchinson (1959) treated Neolourya to as a never of synonym Peliosanthes. The characters for suggested on which genera. subdivide Peliosanthes (sensu to bospermum, Lourya and Neolourya as grade other characters have been discovered No generically, and lato) treated are all and Neolourya separating Peliosanthes, Lourya from Peliosanthes into the other proposed in this Teta, Bul- paper of Peliosanthes synonyms as done was by Hutchinson (1959). In all, 35 binomials of Peliosanthes Peninsula to Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Of these, 1920) from the Malay Peninsula not (sensu lato) have and in their natural habitat than No survey of the species lished since Baker (1879) recognised only for British India but said that 'the Neolourya and 6 was 8 described by Ridley (1898 probably better acquainted with the species has been. new described, areas. the Malay Hooker (1892) recognised but overlooked Peninsula, single species a in Java. Chang & genus over species further a hypogyna. Rodriguez (1934b) recognised P. 9 far from well defined'. Ridley are genus of Peliosanthes from Indo-China. Backer and Bakhuizen (1968) recognised — important are species. However, there have been several species of this from species 9 which he had himself were other author of any publications dealing with specific geographical (1924) recognised 10 the entire range of Peliosanthes (sensu lato) has been pub- over who been validly described from Taiwan) and through the Malay near-by islands. Ridley's publications only for their quantity but also because he species now Vietnam, southern China (including Thailand, India, Hsu van 2 one species of den Brink Jr (1974) recognised 2 species in Taiwan. The 1 reviews most recent ting the species, are in Lourya; Hutchinson ascribed 2 species referring those of: — (1959) who and Neolourya to to Krause the recognised only 15 its whole (1930) who recognised to 8 range, species but not enumera- in Peliosanthes and Airy Shaw (1966) who one genus; Peliosanthes (including Lourya). AFFINITIES Peliosanthes is usually placed in the Liliaceae (e.g. Ridley, 1959; Backer and Bakhuizen unusual in that most It is because of this 1892; Rodriguez, den Brink Jr, specimens have either single, and 1934b) have arrangement of the ovules is of relationship van not an inferior 1924; or at exclusive, character that preferred regarded by to place some Krause, 1930; Hutchinson, Within the Liliaceae it is 1968). it in least some a semi-inferior authors (e.g. Hooker, the Haemodoraceae. The biseriate authors (e.g. Nakai, 1941, p. 190) with the Liliaceae rather than the Haemodoraceae. Chang and considered that the cytological evidence indicates a rather ovary. close affinity with as evidence Hsu (1974) certain Liliaceous genera. I have not seen any comprehensive discussion of the separation of Liliaceae and doraceae. In the absence of any it is suggested that new evidence for referring Peliosanthes to Haemo- the Haemodoraceae it be retained in the Liliaceae until the limits of these families are thor- oughly re-examined. A further unusual characteristic ment is the overy of the fruit which, therefore, results wall which ruptures early in the develop- in the seeds' development occurring largely J. outside the in the tribe Ophiopogoneae. 143 In my (Mondo) and Liriope. This these to two Hut- genera. in the tribe Peliosantheae and the other opinion these two should all be placed in the genera tribe. Cytological evidence between all these considered by Chang is genera in the examination of a number of other on appear Peliosanthes to development sufficiently a be leaves especially have specimens the for example Bois, and O. dracaenoides (Bak.) Hook. O. small a the absence of Pierre lack the of group indistinguishable marmoratus from wings, Ophiopogon that of Rodriguez, ex of sublinear sessile leaves usually petiolate, are However, vegetative morphology a — or towards the base and by rhizomes. staminal a indistinguishable. The majority are easily distinguished by their linear on thorough more and Peliosanthes, Ophiopogon separating the rhizomes. Peliosanthes leaves scale-like the inclusion of is undertaken. genera membranous wings conspicuous scale-like leaves have can affinity an suggest exclude Aspidistra until and by having basifixed anthers. The fruits which have to available. Ophiopogon is characterised by the absence of are not species of Ophiopogon species to genera in (1974) and Hsu Aspidistra. They proposed I believe that the fruit Ophiopogoneae. Difficulty has been experienced when flowers corona and Peliosanthes, Liriope, Ophiopogon characterises the first three of these and Peliosanthes characteristic of Ophiopogon a (1959), however, placed Peliosanthes chinson same Jessop: indicates that Peliosanthes is closely allied character strongly genera is also This ovary. P. O. many regnieri f. ANATOMY An examination of leaf not epidermis preparations characters could be found Herbarium material were used: was to used exclusively. undertaken was support the generic to find whether out separation of these two or genera. The following identified (fertile) specimens — Ophiopogon Pierre marmoratus O. caulescens Peliosanthes Rodriguez, Geesink 3560 (L), Thailand; ex (Blume) Backer, Buwalda 3483 (L), Java; Andr. teta subsp. teta Van Beusekom (typical form), & Phengkhlai 828 (L), Thailand; P. teta P. teta Andr. subsp. (narrow-leafed form), teta Andr. subsp. humilis (Andr.) Sumatra; Rahil 334 Bengal; Meijer 3691 (L), Pieces of leaf c. 6 —8 possible. These as were macerated in hours. They 12 mm a were are concentrated in bands santhes the falls into genera on on two the the abaxial in the bands with stomata are from the sub Herb. E.I.C. 3835 (L), East edges was of leaves H as near the middle from the tissues. dispelled acetic acid and 30% santhes and Ophiopogon were, distinct following groups 02 2 at c. 60 stomata are anatomically, characters. In surface, and scattered and there The anatomical characters mining s.n. They °C for about stained in Sudan IV and mounted in glycerine jelly. with the taxonomic epidermal cells both glacial 17380 (L), Thailand; (L), Thailand. until all air water solution of I: I The material examined exactly were cut square boiled in were Kerr Jessop, Griffith there are corresponding Ohpiopogon numerous the stomata papillae on the and in the bands between them; in Pelio- no papillae. therefore, found to support the separation of Pelio- and indicated that the floral characters should be used in deter- the limits of the genera and not the vegetative morphology. VOL. 23, No. BLUMEA 144 1, 1976 MORPHOLOGY The does not morphology gross The principal ature. structures to appear have been adequately explained in the literthe the rhizome, are the foliage leaves, inflorescence(s), and the scale leaves. The rhizome The rhizome rootstock less considerably varies than 2 long. cm horizontally, but what grows It length. in material most be vertical to appear In it forms from herbarium specimens appears rhizomes do also hard thick a that this usually There is occur. a smaller number of specimens with longer rhizomes (3 —10 cm) from both Indonesia and continental Asia. rhizomes (up than 10 to long cm Assam (Lister 79161, 79400 & addition there cm) which to that an but L), & few collections, 1995, GH); namely: — more Duphla Hills, and Yunnan (IVang occurs more 74846, frequently than the her- that the leaf- and inflorescence-bearing it Alternatively is possible that the apical portion rhizome is a is phenotypic unknown environmental factor. the rhizome and no in Peliosanthes previously placed were anatomical evidence have been found on narrower be less woody. The plants with rhizomes well-developed long rhizome a Material with leaves along CGH few specimens with appreciably longer to BM); Northern Bengal (Biswas part collected. response a 80030, all in A). barium collections suggest and the only are appear from relatively known are 211, possible It is In 40 rosette, as belong to from Sikkim (Hooker flowers no s.n., have been collected, Ophiopogon. in The inflorescence The inflorescence close very the to to appears of the apex be terminal in rhizome, be determined with certainty by the subject on McLean and (e.g. Chouard, 1931; Aloe, for example, 'it very may be not at I find Tomlinson's A. species (e.g. ciliaris) may most likely Within other It to The in Liliaceae the are pegleri) A. and not to state inflorescences in- that that all Liliaceae show sympodial may appear to from a rates difference in and plants In Aloe 1950, some described have terminal inflorescences. of growth of the in- the origin of these of the Liliaceae (e.g. Ornithogalum and Ledebouria) be terminal out always terminal, concerning Aloe perfectly acceptable. have lateral inflorescences (Reynolds, to most 1947; with apparently axes. plants with what lateral inflorescences occur. seems likely inflorescence some genera axes not repeated rapidly'. is that this results from different relative florescence and vegetative appear appear such), while others (e.g. as think it both statement have However, he pointed all obvious that inflorescences precocious and as 1938; Bower, 1963) that 1964; Rendle, While doubting if there is sufficient evidence growth, and Scott, Priestley terminal; i.e. that the growth is sympodial. because eviction is I origin could examination of herbarium material. an 1956; Brook, Ivimey-Cook, florescence is them material, but lateral, although arising discussion of the origin of the inflorescence, Tomlinson (1970) stated, In a authors in some other material. However, the in or all foliage Foliage can that in Peliosanthes be explained inflorescences growth in the same in Peliosanthes is sympodial and the different positions way are as in Aloe. lateral of the However, the possibility that cannot be excluded at this stage. leaves leaves arise from the rhizome. In specimens with very short rhizomes they may J. form to appear internodes one are a terminal P. In rosette. Pcliosanlhes Jessop: 145 specimens with longer rhizomes, it is then evident that the elongated and foliage leaves another by several nodes bearing only scale-leaves. Apparent from the of leaves development on very rosettes short lateral branches of a the however, separated from are also result may rhizome. The scale-leaves Scale-leaves occur the inflorescence. both vegetative on They vary disappear leaving only the base. the stems which to they petioles of foliage leaves VARIABILITY Hooker's 17 — The following long, 10 cm distinguish species: by WITHIN CONCEPTS eventually largely PELIOSANTHES quoted above, (1934) Krause and and the differences by Airy Shaw (1966) establishing — a 9 and practical principal characters that have been used by previous authors to — length of petiole; length, breadth, and shape of lamina Leaves: the lower part of genus. the are on but sheath round the enclosed bases of the indicate that difficulties have been encountered in concept in this species a of Peliosanthes, species between the total number estimated respectively forming TAXONOMIC the (the rhizomes) and cm to c. of peduncles. and/or AND I foliage leaves and the bracts their bases encircle Unlike the attached, are comment on axes from less than Inflorescence: length loose of peduncle; or tight arrangement distinctness of of cross size and flowers; veins. shape of bracts; number of flowers in axil of each bract; length of pedicel. Flowers: length and shape (e.g. globose, campanulate filaments to one of ovules per obtuse apex) or another; shape of style; of perianth ovary superior, shape of seed globose corona (in the type fleshy been desirable and fragmentary. of development and colours stage of the fruits. Hardly to ever as variation. The grading is the Flowers in to one seldom noted are of inferior; number only) difficult is specimen on are or a as mostly the labels. The situation of the habitat precise determine whether there is ecology, especially or shape (i.e. of fusion hexamerous; only) or fused; pyriform. or and often degree of P. monticola Ridley The examination of herbarium material of Peliosanthes rather segments; half inferior, pentamerous (in the type of P. tashiroi Hayata locule; free from staminal perianth acute rotate) of perianth; colour of perianth; or the plants all in the same can are same be said given, which would have correlation between taxonomic characters the shape and size of the leaves which show number and prominence of veins appear to an enormous but increase with the overall size of the leaf blade. The length of the peduncle leaves, also so depends on developing Flowers bud or appear are an to or less proportional be used, the more the size of the plant and its to so as the length of the peduncle equally depends seeds increasing considerably on in the stage of development; length stage of development. continuously from in less than 10% of the one So far as reported flowering material, maturity. are often in could be observed all floral characters extreme appears those which and thickness towards often absent from herbarium material, and if present they early vary more cannot the stage of its development. The length of the pedicels carry is that its absolute size to another. to Colour, be variable and in noted no way only correlated with other characters. There appears the number to be only of flowers one character which shows bract. Plants with per 2 or more a distinct constancy and this is flowers per bract (teta group) occur BLUMEA 146 only in continental Asia flower have be never bract Fig. 1. been collected Leaf lamina one or two length if leaves; Variation in the specific of plants with occur together teta 1, 1976 in over one single locality cannot at Figure I to at shows for 67 then their dots are one the entire range of the genus. Because they this difference in seems to range be correlated with other taxonomic charac- specimens connected of the by a teta group. straight Each collection two is groups. represented line. group have been validly published by previous authors within the group six two to pedicels present variation caused of the equator and breadth two names On the evidence typic No. will be shown in the following survey of the variation within these as Five 23, (including the Malay Peninsula), whereas plants with only ( humilis group) significant. However, this character ters, by per VOL. by growth least per bract. available it is 1200 m not in habitats altitude diagrammatically the possible ranging more than to determine the from 0 27 relationship near extent of pheno- sea-level almost 0 7 north north of the equator. between leaf lamina length and J. Fig. leaves 2. Distribution were measured of leaf lamina for each P. lengths collection; in 121 Jessop: the Peliosanthes teta leaves group (open) 147 and humilis of the teta group group (black). and 467 of the humilis and humilis group One or group two were measured. Fig. two 3. Distribution leaves measured. were of leaf lamina measured for each breadths in the teta group collection; 121 leaves (open) (black). One of the teta and 467 of the humilis group group or were BLUMEA 148 breadth for 67 specimens. possible, two be can seen problem a A line on group for points plotted connects two from this diagram that there is generally well-defined groupings sufficiently any selecting leaves for measuring. Where in each collection, compared with total range for the of 1976 I, apparently fully developed leaves have been measured from each collection and both plotted. It There is VOL. 23, No. to a leaves of the rather small as a group suggest a collection. same range whole. There is in leaf size in no indication taxonomic subdivision of the these characters. Several other characters show considerable variation and have been examined with particular care for The discontinuities. material and indicated in the form of (fig. 3), and the of these ratio two following histograms: have been recorded — and perianth segment length (fig. 8). Leaf The figures for frequency are available figures (fig. 4); petiole length (fig. 5); lowest fertile bract length (fig. 6); lowest bract length (fig. 6); lowest pedicel length collection where possible; other for all leaf lamina length (fig. 2), breadth measurements are for measurements are expressed a based single at anthesis (fig. 7); on two organ leaves for each for each collection. in percentages of the total number ofmeasurements recorded for that character. The histograms there is a group do not However, figure I shows which fall outside this below 140 mm are Whether the Fig. 4. suggest a subdivision on any of these characters. In leaf length representing 3% of the total sample showing group. two of the seven specimens a peak at less than 130 mm. involved also have leaves Four of the collections in which both leaves measured fell from southern China. ovary Distribution that is superior, of leaf lamina inferior, length: or breadth intermediate in position has been used ratios for the same data as used in figs. 2 & 3. by J. Fig. two were 5. Distribution leaves were of petiole lengths measured for each P. in Jessop: the collection; teta 116 149 Peliostmthcs group petioles (open) of the and teta the humilis group and group 453 (black). One of the humilis or group measured. Fig. 6. (black). group Distribution One bract were per measured. of lengths collection of the lowest was fertile bracts in measured; 56 the teta group specimens of the teta (open) group and the humilis and 152 of the group humilis authors in various superior to defining species inferior in the this character. As far on a VOL. 23, BLUMEA 150 plant teta of Peliosanthes. group, all intermediate states exist between with inferior ovaries and no species 1, 1976 Although the in this group ovary has does vary from been recognised ever could be ascertained from herbarium material all flowers as consistent for this character are No. no at all from buds stages to old flowers. plants with flowers with superior correlation was on Nevertheless, ovaries and found between this character and any plants other character. Flower P. size and ovule number were used by Wang and tonkinensis. Flower size is variable and the size cited by although distinctly larger than average, (1936) Tang these authors (6 falls within the continuous range in defining mm diam.), of variation for the group. Similarily, the ovule number recorded in P. tonkinensis (four per locule) is likely the to prove to commonest be of significance in the taxonomic subdivision of this more Fig. group humilis 7. than one Distribution (black). group not Although number is two, both three and four have been found in several specimens. It is concluded that there is with group. One were at present flower per bract of lengths pedicel per measured. of the can lowest collection was no be evidence that the specimens of Peliosanthes usefully placed pedicels at measured; anthesis in 59 in more the teta specimens than group of the teta a single taxon. (open) and the humilis group and 147 of the J. Variation in the humilis Thirty to one to Jessop: Peliosanlhes teta but is group, provide taxonomically slightly greater. (figs. 2 —8). Plants The variation is comparable structures useful characters than in the from Sumatra, been included. Again there is group. Vegetative of histograms has been prepared and superimposed not 151 group species have been validly described in this that in the likely P. no Java, on and Borneo likelihoodthat the are any teta same axes rather as no appear group. more A similar for the homogeneous set teta group and have of these characters is of taxonomic value. One vegetative character which does or absence of Lourya Fig. was a well-defined rhizome. It described. L. campanulata 8. Distribution One flower measured. per of collection perianth was segment require consideration, was was lengths on however, is the presence this character that the monotypic genus described from Cochinchina (Vietnam). The in the measured; 36 specimens teta group of the teta (open) group and and the humilis group 100 of the humilis (black). group were VOL. BLUMEA 152 only other material which has 79161, flowers, but anatomical characters show them there is apical an The nodes bearing leaves it consists only of information about the to allow the On defining longibracteata, from Upper Burma, P. two inflorescences lowest bract GH) the Burma Upper bracts measure 20—24 10183 but mm, humilis described 170, whereas the c. type has a type the plants is plant not has His incomplete too the basis of three characters, linear-lanceolate bracts. or Ngawchang Valley, north of Htawgaw; are otherwise On other collections from the mm 3031 and Barnes & in his Ward to 1822 petioles to up He 50 a gave cm 1823-, K) have & S. India mentioned above, exceeding long, cm 70 petiole length of was has the longest c. the type of P. form appear distinct a long bracts, they do group form not a that in and area c. 50 taxonomically recognisable cm, are Ward cm. specimens have specimens collected although they 40 and the cm, 70 is, therefore, concluded that, although the Ward collections from Upper to to longibracteata) also but the other similar Burmese many up Barnes 1823 inflorescence of the but the actual figure is only which is shorter than 50 cm also mentioned the long. The petioles of (one of the Burmese specimens closely resembling not 170. of the long, but plants original description, figure for the length of the inflorescence peduncle approximately the lower type, similar very 5 —10 are with this figure. Bourne 3031 agrees preser- _ long. Merrill (1941), specimen long. material peduncles It on long, linear respectively. mm long petioles and inflorescence. cm 50 mm 23 specimens from 13329 part of the „ to up exceptionally also the rhizome. by several bearing scale-like 13329), closely resembling & from S. India (e.g. Bourne 1331 group „ few leaves along rhizomes in Peliosanthes is The lowest bracts of other collections from Burma bracts Peliosanthes. In this material to a another one 1 —4 cm 26 and 32 measures (Ward 7362, or taxa. was persistent, material ( Ward on type to loose flowers. It is considered that the available some in structure but especially by its elongated, one of elongated occurrence of this use probably belongs of the sheets of these collections has belong campanulata (in P) the basal leaf and a from separated are leaves. In the type material of L. ved; none to of leaves and usually rosette 1976 collected in Yunnan by Wang (e.g. numbers 74846, was 80030; all in A). Unfortunately & 79400 1, rhizome and which well-developed a the humilis group of Peliosanthes No. 23, do have entity when in India. Burma do exceptionally material from India is also considered. The shape of the perianth difficult some to material these forms However it may be Flower varies from distinguish these features correlated with any campanulate or the represent different stages in may that the significant shape, colour, rotate to and size subglobose. in herbarium material and it is appear be to a matter It is often that in development of a shape ofthe flowers of the teta (fig. 8) likely group at least flower. is less variable. of degree and cannot be other characters. Flower colour is admittedly poorly known very as few collectors have recorded this information. In much of the rather western appearance Deccan specimens that it is Peninsula; over not 30 cm possible Williams long. 220 are resemble these plants. They segments up to 7 No a are mm is a and persistent, but somewhat withered considerable enlargement and even a (K) from the Pulneys in the (BM) from Nepal; and Ridley 14484 (BO) from e.g. Bourne 1331 of the perianth also tends specimen with both fruits correlate to characters. However, there perianth show of the persistent perianth Material with this enlargement leaves, often so Other inconspicuous. cork-like Perak. fruiting material the perianth the persistent rather large and flowers has been seen which do in other characteristics characterised by having anthers have perianth character with other floral number of specimens long, and to up to particularly large flowers, the 2 mm long [e.g. Lobb s.n. (K) P. J. from Moulmein, Kloss Neither Khasia]. I been able In do occur. are As in the ovary it is not possible not appear Variation and blue, the In not appear globose any teta ellipsoid or both the humilis and teta ovaries and stages is such that and the position of the seed mature seeds green are does ovary however, always be may, possibly always immature. groups discussion it has been shown that preceding developmental represent to other characters of the available material. shape and colour. The Status of the humilis and (K) from s.n. persistent perianth have specimen. The gradation between inferior and superior is seed occurs and pyriform these do define discontinuities within it, to Thomson & the groups. be correlated with to development of semi-inferior, but completely inferior and superior is teta group consistent for each in the nor define taxonomic to flowers the most 153 (BM) from Selangor and Hooker s.n. flower size on Peliosanthes Jessop: I have not, groups. there is considerable variation in however, been able subdivide either to group taxonomically. It has also been shown that this variation follows Figures 2 to for patterns extent have been presented in 7 characters. In all these characters, except leaf lamina length and a the leaf lamina length: breadth ratio, there is Even in leaflamina histograms. this character in separating the The only character pedicels support per bract, on or 1, 2 this subdivision, but show that there is, therefore, more two There no on on any slight a another, one strong in the similarity unite these to no two as two groups than of types to perhaps by ecological teta for factors. the 2—6 do only not It is considered separate them and genus. genetically controlled. occur. Second, although been colper bract have pedicels 2—6 not groups. monotypic a plants of both plants with namely subsp. subspecies, as use is in the number of Other characters similar distribution pattern these broadly lesser a the justify to of the islands where solitary pedicelled plants do occur. It from treated hare too be separated can groups in which seen the Asian continent, that although having isolated are for believing that the number of pedicels is collections have been widespread lected two reasons are to marked similarity in the shapes of the respectively. —6 a reason groups. groups. which these namely a the differences length two it is concluded that Peliosanthes should be treated First, similar patterns in both very form which facilitates comparison of the variation 8 two These taxa pedicelled therefore appears forms largely are are, therefore, form and subsp. humilis for the solitary pedicelled form. PELIOSANTHES Peliosanthes & Phys. Teta Roxb. Andr., 10 Bot. (1843) Repos. [Hort. Beng., 10 (1810) t. 60s; ('Piliosanthes '). 121 1814: 24, mid.] nam. Hassk. in Fl. hid. ed. d. Hoeven v. P. Type: — & de Vriese, Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. teta Andr. Carey 2 (1832) 165—166. —Type: T. viridiflora Roxb. [Bulbisperma ex Blume, Reinw. nom. ex Btilbospermum Blume, Lourya Baill., Bull. pierrei Enum. PI. Soc. Neolourya Rodriguez, N. Blume, Linn. Bull. one up Gew. Buitenz. (1823) 59, nam. mid. — Type: B. ovigera Reinw. Jav. Paris is 1 Mus. Hist. (1827). (1888) Nat. — 743. T y p — Paris, II, e: B. Type: 6 javanicum L. (1934) 96. Blume. campanulata — S y n Baill. t y p e s: N. weberi Baill. and Baill. Perennial herbs with rarely Cat. mid. ] to 40 cm a usually long, but very most short horizontal rhizome, with thick roots; rhizome frequently less another by several nodes bearing scale-leaves, than 5 cm long. Leaves separated from but often several crowded at the apex BLUMEA 154 and sometimes several oblong, ovate, obovate, usually with or and inflorescences leaves, to up white, green, surrounded blue, violet, free above the ± or corona, the interior side of ± a an purple, by often long, scarious, unbranched rotate, fleshy, equal, —4( —5) basal 2 with emergent 8 to up stigma undifferentiated Seeds blue when mature, ellipsoid Distribution: A monotypic Peliosanthes See for teta ehiptic or to with ovate usually spreading lacerate, the least at at lower I or or slender more cell contain- to subpeltate; pericarp stage and exposing the S. E. India, cylindrical, almost young Himalayas, and not seeds. N. E. India obovate, rarely or the base, at a to up slightly usually I5( —40) mm solitary, mm up mm long. Seeds to up usually broadly forming to 10—12 35( —75) cm cm in size towards the broad. long, with to ovate, I —6-nate, a ovoid. mm long. to apex or of the erect-spreading twice their former just below the flower. Perianth ovate, disc elliptic, c. with 6 teeth. Anthers usually rather closely adpressed 0.75—1(—2) to long, less often acute, 1.5 —8.5(—11.5) in thickness and up articulated conical usually cm Lamina almost distally, usually entire, rarely fimbriate long, increasing semi-inferior, dry. long; fertile bracts sublinear long, decreasing corona when arcuate, long, cm smaller bract in their axil. Pedicels mm Staminal long. mm (4 ——45( —55) well-defined, distinct longitudinal ridges 4—6 single vein, suborbicular, a long. Ovary usually obovate or 3 —4 mm to Style often Perianth the style, 3- or to linear, diameter, entire, c. 0.5 —2.0 mm 6-ridged or fluted, enlarging during the early of seed development. Ecology: over usually Petioles c. during seed development, 1.5 —6(—8) stages inferior, 3-celled, each pyriform. ranging from (2 —)5 —15(—30) —6(—10) segements with or early at an the base and ascending sometimes with recurved, wavy, on Taiwan, through Thailand and Indo-China into the Malay —4(—15) lower sterile bracts length to subcapitate to (7.5 —)i2.5 —37.5( —47.5) acuminate, Peduncles flattened to medially under the subspecies. (2 —)4 —8(—12). obtusely raceme, Stamens inserted segments Andr. synonyms slightly compressed, 0 subglobose; perianth long. mm Perianth pedicelled. Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Peninsula, linear to genus southern China, including Leaves or conical and thick style simple, developing after fertilisation, ruptured to to fleshy, short annular tube (corona) which largely conceals wavy, ovules; almost linear imbricate, scale-like Flowers raceme. campanulate, the anthers; anthers sessile, introrse. Ovary superior ing apex, rather well-defined petiole, glabrous. Petioles a the base at Inflorescence 10 cm. 1, 1976 from each other behind the spaced more VOL. 23, No. 3000 m often apparently localities, Wet evergreen in China. and to near flower Chang & in Hsu 2n = it throughout the 36. See: counts Sato The year 1600 m to in the Himalayas and sometimes found subspecies appear (especially January to to on occur rocks and in similar April). representing both subspecies have been published, (1942), Larsen (1966), Jones & Smith (1967-68), and (1974). Economic uses: An uncommon KEY Flowers from sea-level prefers shady habitats, water. running Chromosomes: Several all agreeing forest, Probably 2—6-nate TO garden THE or pot plant. SUBSPECIES in the axils of the bracts Flowers solitary in the axils of the bracts a. b. subsp. teta subsp. humilis P. J. a. subsp. Teta in cited; Andr., Bot. absence of Roxb. [Hort. Beng. viridiflora and introduced Ganges teta Repos. into ibidem Pampan., (1814) at is chosen nud.]; Fl. and Bot. 165—166. border eastern specimen n.s. the Type: — of the Delta of the seen. (1904) n Hume, origin P. 151. mantegazziana — from Mantegazza, Florence; originally hort. ex no Ital., Amelia type. (1832) 2 the on by Lady the as Ind. Calcutta; at Giornale Type: — Introduced ype: plate Chittagong nom. 24, Nuov. T — the Garden the Botanic (1906) 138. 13 605 t. material Dr. Buchanan by mantegazziana Pampan., var. (1810) 10 preserved plant Plants found description. P. 155 teta Peliosanthes teta not Peliosanthes Jbssop: Penang, Malaya (FI). P. graminea Ridl., J. the near P. tonkinensis kin, Ass. of town & Wang Balatisa 59 (1911) in Penang Bull. Tang, Fan Mem. times —2<j.(—34) 2 bract. Flowers 207—208. and Type: Malaya, Tongkah, Gunong Toxai, — Singapore gardens; Biol., Inst. Bot. 7 specimens no (1936) 83. cited. Vietnam, Type: — Ton (K). 280 Lea/lamina Straits cultivated Soc. Puket, usually green, as long broad. Pedicels as rarely blue. Anthers in the axil of each fertile 2 —6 0-5 —0.6 c. Distribution: Motmtains of SW. India and from long. mm sea-level near alt., 1600 m to from NE. India into S. China, Hainan, and the Malay Peninsula. V ernacular nacular name, The specific names: but further reference no teta name the to derived from was of this use name Indian an ver- has been found. Selected specimens: CHINA. Yunnan: Hainan: BANGLADESH. INDIA. Chittagong _ _ S i k k i Assam: Szemao, M Henry How 71058 Yaichow, Cowan Division, D'Alleizette : (L). 7210 & Hooker Khasia, o—4000ft, 9402B (E). Kwangsi: — Morse Lungchow, 516 (FI). - (GH, K). 1562 (E). . Bengal: West — Thomson s.n. (CGE). Serampore, Voigt S. E. Madras: — (CGE). s.n. Wynaad, — Gamble 15699 (K). BURMA. Maymyo, Lace THAILAND. Nakhon VIETNAM. MALAY Caves, Tonkin, Islands: b. P. subsp. humilis Stepney Balansa (BM). s.n. Robinson 6281 humilis Andr., in 828 Aur, Noor (L). & West Hill, 1955 (SING.) Curtis s.n. — Selangor: (SING). Batu Langkawi — (BM, K). Repos. from Phengkhlai Shah Penang: (Andr.) Jessop, Bot. 1808 Kuala near Pulau — & Van Beusekom (K). 280 Pahang: PENINSULA. Ridley 5576 (E). Si Thammarat, 10 Pinang; stat. nov. (1811) t. 634. absence in of — TYPE: introduced material preserved plant in the the collection plate is chosen of T. Evans here as a at lecto- type. [Bulbisperma ovigera Reinw. Blume, ex (1840) 1123. P. violacea — Wall. Type: Java, [Cat. (1828) n. no P. P. P. Parish courtallensis P. Wight, Icones Linn. Wall, macrophylla & ex Thomson macrostegia Hance, J. 22282 (p). (1853) 6 Bot. Soc., Bak., J. (K P. 59, nom. mid. ] javanicum Dietr., Synopsis plantarum 2 ] ex Bak., J. Thomson & Linn. Soc., Bot. Keenati s.n.; s.n., 17 (1879) Birma, 504. — Wallich Syntypes: s.n., Lobb s.n. & Bot. P, t. 17 Linn. 2052. Soc., sub Hooker (1885) 328. 23 Type: India, Neilgherries, Wight — (1879) 506. Bot. f. s.n.), — — 17 (1879) C. B. Clarke T ype: 2819, (K, L). Type: India, Daijeeling, Griffith 5840 (K, holo). 505. China, Syntypes: Himalaya, Sikkim, — s.n.; Mishmi, Griffith 5841 (K, P). Canton Prov., Lo-fau-shan, Ford in Hance (BM). Lourya campanulata Baill., Hist. (1823) — seen. nud. /. 15. s.tt. griffithii Bak., J. Hook.f. twm. Hooker Buitenz. Jav. (1827) specimen 5084, Himalaya, Griffith 5842 (K, P), (?K), Cat. Gew. Enum. PI. Bulbospermum javanicum Blume, Nat. Paris II, 6 Bull. (1934) Soc. 96. — Linn. Paris Type: i (1888) 743. Cochinchina, — P. campanulata Rodriguez, cultivated at Paris under the Bull. name Mus. Tupistra BLUMEA 156 Fig. 9. Geographical distribution of Peliosanthes VOL. 23, teta subsp. No. teta 1, 1976 (broken line) and subsp. humilis (solid line). P. J. Bot. P. albida Bak., P. bakeri Hook./, Clarke s.n. Mishmi (K); 5U1 Mo t. 7110. (1892) S — (1896) 43 Penang, 43. cultivated Eastern yntypes: Khasia (K); s.n. Soc. Bot. Fr. Type: — 267. 157 Hooker Hills, & Thomson Curtis 142 (K). D. Hooker (K), s.n. (K, L). s.n. Longki, Delavay 4989, Yunnan, Syntypes: — Kew, at Himalaya,/. (P). viridis P. (1890) India 6 Hills, Griffith Bull. delavayi Franch., P. 116 Mag. Fl. Brit. Peliosanlhes Jessop: Ridley, J. Kio, Changi, Str. Br. etc. no As. Roy. Soc. (1898) 31 95. sub specimens cited, (?BM Chan Type: Singapore, — Ridley 163, sub ?SING Ridley Chu Kang, Ang Mo 1889, Ang s.n. Kio). P. lurida Str. Ridley, J. sub K, SING, Br. grandifolia Ridley,). P. the! Botanic P. s.n. Br. Br. Str. J. Prov. (K); 7233 Str. (K); assigned arisanensis tashiroi Kew W. side P. of Barisan & Kloss monticola P. serrulata Quoc Pierre P. Pierre 6688 weberi s.n., 6688 (a Diels dasystachys (1898) 31 97. cultivated Type: Malay Peninsula, — in cited. 411. 97- Syntypes: — Malay Peninsula, Penang, River, Ridley Tahan (1916) Thailand, Chiengmai, Type: — Gcesink, & 61—62. (1912) (1916) 6 94. 96. 8 States Mus. Robinson Kloss & States Malay Blumea (1973) 20 Rawi Type: — Syntypes: — Type: Taiwan, — (1917) 8 118. Doi Sootep, Kerr 434. Island, Ridley 13769 (K). Mt. Taiwan, Arisan, Karapin, 118. (1917) cult, at Tashiro Taihoku, s.n. Syntypes: Sumatra, Barong Bharu, — without (BM); s.n. Mus. States Mus. Kloss Malay Coll. F. Forbes 3221a1 locality, Type: — Sumatra, (BM, GH, L). Kumbang River, (1920) 10 121. — Syntypes: Malay Peninsula, Tasan, 6534 (K). States Mus. M. S. Mus. 10 (1920) Robinson Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 155. Syntypes: Malay Peninsula, Perak, — (K). s.n. Paris II, 6 (1934) 96. Type: Tonkin, — cultivated (P)Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 6 Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris Hist. Nat. second sheet Paris of Pierre Fl. Rodriguez, II, 6688 is Gen. (1934) Chevallier (P); Cambodia, Kampot, Bull. Mus. ex (1912) Van Steenis I.-C. 6 II, 96. Syntypes: — Cochinchina, Phu 31824 (P). 6 (1934) (1934) identified (1934) 6 Brittonia longibracteata Merrill, kaoi Ward Ohwi, J. Jap. Leaf lamina (1941) 4 30. (Vernay-Cutting expedition) Bot. 42 (1967) times 2—10 317—319. long as as — 97. as P. 672. 96. — — Weber Type: Tonkin, Type: Cochinchine, Phu (P). s.n. Quoc I., serrulata) (P). — Type: Tonkin, Cho-ganh, Pitelot 2.0 mm Type: Upper Burma, Ngawchang Valley, north of (GH). 170 — Type: Taiwan, Kao 6870 (TNS, n.v.). broad. Pedicels solitary in the axil of each fertile bract. Flowers sometimes but often green, white, blue, violet, or purple. Anthers c. 0.5— long. Distribution: Mountains of SW India and from in NE India as (BM, (P). Htawgaw, P. cited s.ti. Malay Rodriguez, pierrei Rodriguez, s.n. (1898) 31 Gelugur (?S/NG 48103, 48077); Pahang, Formos. 6 Rodriguez, s.n. by Straits 61 Mohea, Fed. Rodriguez, I., Neolourya N. specimens no Penang, (BM). Fed. Nat. ex Paris, Regnier Bull. Malay Fed. s.n. Ridley, J. labroyana Pierre at Soc. Tasek Formos. Range, Pulau 7016 (K); Gunong Kerbau, P. PI. Fed. Ridley, J. hypogyna Ridley, J. Kloss PI. s.n., Nakahara sessiliflora Ridley, J. Robinson P. As. Soc. Icon. Hayata, Icon, P. sumatrensis P. Soc. specimens As. Roy. Peliosanthes to Hayata, & Sasaki Hayata P. Type: — _ parviflora Ridley, J. P. 95. (k). 1087 P. no Wellesley, Ophiopogon gracilipes Craib, P. (1898) 31 As. Roy. Gardens, Singapore, Ridley, stelaris Ridley As. Soc. Roy. Ridley 7095). as does teta\ elsewhere subspecies teta, but it extends further north in subsp. near sea-level the mainland it has on China, a 1600 m alt. to similar distribution into Taiwan, and into Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Vernacularnames. Burmese: Taw-nagazet (Forest Botanists Collector 1555, K). Selected specimens: CHINA. MO). K — Kwcichow: wangsi: Lungchow, TAIWAN. Raisha, Faurie BANGLADESH. Namroa NEPAL. Chula INDIA. Pin-fa, Cavalerie Kwangtung: Tscngshing Chuli, S i k k i m: Morse 993 (E). District, 316 (Fl, K). — Yunnan: — Naatn Kwan Hainan: Mengtze Shan, Po-ting, Laan How S. Fa, Mts., Tsang Henry 9402 20110 (A). (E, - 73466 (A, BO, SING). 963 (BM). jungle, Griffith 5842 (K, 1). Williams below 220 Rishap, (BM). Gamble 1313A (K). — Assam: Nongprang, Khasia, Clarke 13221 VOL. BLUMEA 23, No. 158 (K). Madras: — BURMA. Spur Periya Shola, Palni, Bourne 3031 1, 1976 (K). Mulegit, Lace 6320 (E, K). to _ Nakhon THAILAND. LAOS. VIETNAM. Sai Perak: SING). — Olip, A h: je t Rahmat Si West: JAVA. LESSER SUNDA Clemens SING SFN 7309 s.n. Tjibodas, (BO). Kota (K, L). Ulu Kang, SING). Corporal Negri e (BM). s.n. Temang, Sembilan: (BO, L, SING). 1124 P. P — — (K, 30354 Lubok Pahang: — SING). Corner SFN Ayam, — (BO, E, K). 30357 BM, BO, K, Tinggi, Teruya K, 29180 (BO, Chinchin — Aioeb 9538 (BO, L). n a — n Penara g: P. — Bukit, Tioman: — Tapanoeli: Padang Lawas, — G. WestCoast: — (SING). B. Singgalang, Benkoelen: Exp. Jacobson Beccari Bengkulu, Ajoeb Exp. Jacobson Simaloer: 540 (BO). — Backer 32992 (BO). — near (FI, K). 231 Tapah, — 282 E Aek a s t (BO). Achmad s.n. (FI). Tjampea, near Soemberpoetjoeng, East: Achmad Soembawa, 1709 G. Merbaboe, Docters (BO). Matang, Ridley 12418 (BM, K, Bandjarmasin, Motley Central: (BO). Beumee 2713 (K). 1031 SING). S — b a West: — h: a Mt. Bt. Winkler Mulu, Kinabalu, Penibukam 471 ridge, 40298 (BM, GFI, K). Siantan, ANAMBAS ISLANDS: KARIMATA Hondi ISLAND : Henderson Terampa, near 207 SFN P. mairei Leveille, Bull. NAMES Geogr. Bot. (1915) 25 25. Type: Yunnan, Lo-Chan, — (E). Identification uncertain; differs from Peliosanthes alternate leaves and in lacking the staminal stenophylla Merrill, Philipp. J. Sc., Bot. 13 corona. (1918) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 6 having in Probably 134. Prov., Loh Fau Mt., Merrill 10757 (GH). Transferred by Rodriguez, (SING). 20116 (BO, L). EXCLUDED P. 35426 (A, 048099 (SING). Johore: — Henderson Van Steenis Dempoe, South-East: — Kuah, 5287 (A, L). Nur G. IS. Kiah Star, Trengganu: — Baharu, Ridley Kemiri, Sarawak: BORNEO. (L). Alor Keriang, (SING). near Riedel G. Leeuwen 318 van G. Bahru, Billiton: — 66 Phengkhlai (BO, SING). Toroes Palembang: (L). & Selangor: Ginting Simpah, Hume 8693 (SING). 3105 Kisap, 21709 Coast: Bandar — G. (BM, SING). Singapore: 7095 SUMATRA. Si Is.: Henderson Surin, — SFN Burkill Tampin, Langkawi Ridley H: a Kota Kelantan: 23645 (SING). Van Beusekom Shan, Lomg Ngong Village, Dam-ha, Tonkin, Tsang d e Park, Nat. Lenggong, Ridley 14484 (BM, SING). Henderson G. K Yai (L). s.n. Mo Wong MALAY PENINSULA. Khao Ratchasima, Attopeu, Joseph aerial Maire s.n. bearing stem Smilacina Type: — spec. China, Kwangtung Ophiopogon stenophyllum to (1934) an 95. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I grateful am to me the Director of the the during following their The Dr. present Pretoria, J. of Peliosanthes P. W. I subsequently Prof. spent Dr. was in part on Leiden, deal great a made Kalkman, working loans the Liliaceae who of time of SE. Asia. suggested to the facilities of herbarium material of Peliosanthes A, BM, BO, CAL, CGE, study C. gave that I should discussing the work. of the Institute available Many other members of assisted in various ways. Leenhouts, provided Steenis, Rijksherbarium, van and Rijksherbarium, herbaria collections: C. G. G. 1973/74 which year staff, especially The on Prof. Dr. the revision untertake The to supported by E, or the facilities FI, G, GH, K, L, MO, P, S, SING, U, for grant from the Council for Scientific and Industrial a working Z. Research, South Africa. REFERENCES AIRY — H. K. SHAW, ANDREWS, H. C. 1966. A., dictionary humilis. 1811. Peliosanthes BACKER, C. A 1810. Peliosanthes & Bot. Rep. R. C. BAKHUIZEN BAILLON, H. E. BAKER, J. G. 1879. A 1888. Le nouveau synopsis of the 10: VAN genre and ferns flowering plants Bot. teta. Rep. 10: t. ed. 7. 605. t. 634. DEN BRINK Lourya. of Colchicaceae Jr. 1968. Flora Bull. Mens. Soc. of Java Linn. and the aberrant tribes 3. Paris 1: of Liliaceae. 743 —744. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 405—510. BLUME, C. L. in's Lands — 1823. Catalogus Plantentuin 1827. Enumeratio te van eenige der merkwaardigste zoo Buitenzorg. plantarum Javae et insularum adjacentium. in- als uit-heemsche gewassen, te vinden J. BOWER, F. O. 1947. BROOK, A. CHANG, H., X, 13: C. Hsu. & P. CHOUARD, 159 living plant. living plant. 1974- A Types 1931. Peliosanthes Jessop: de cytotaxonomical study developpement de on some Formosan Liliaceae. l'appareil vegetatif chez Taiwania les Scillecs. 19: Ann. Sc. 58—74. Nat. Bot. 131—323. 1811. Hortus DONN, J. HOOKER, J. D. 1959. The JONES, K., B. J. & K. SMITH. 21: of 6. chromosomes 2. of the Liliaceae: The 1. of karyotype twenty-five 31—38. in E. & P., Studies in the Flora 1966. India flowering plants The 1967. Liliaceae, 1930. LARSEN, K. of British families Kew Bull. tropical species. Ed. 6. Cantabrigiensis. The flora 1892. HUTCHINSON, J. KRAUSE, of the Botany 1964. The J. P. Pfl. Fam. Nat. of Thailand. ed. 2, 15a. Cytology 40. of vascular II. Dansk. Bot. plants Ark. 23: 375—399R. MCLEAN, & C., E. MERRILL, D. W. R. The 1941. Cutting Expedition, NAKAI, T. A. B. RENDLE, & — — — H. N. 1911. The 1912. A botanical — — 1920. On 1920. New and 1924. Flora RODRIGUEZ, — 1934b. ROXBURGH, — 1832. SATO, L. D. rare to (XVI). J. Jap. An introduction flowering plants F. botany 2. Kingdon Ward on the to Bot. Vernay- 189 17: —210. botany. 1. Africa. of the Pulau of theoretical by Captain 30. orientalis of South botany 1814. plants plants Malay Peninsula. J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. 31: 91—98. 15 —234. Adang. Ibid. 61: 45 —65. of Mount Korinchi. from Peninsular from the Peninsula I lemodoracees g£n6rale Indica 1942. of Malay 1934a. W. Flora the to Textbook collected Spermatophyta and Pteridophyta. J. Fed. Malay 9—140. of the Flore of 4: Siam. Ibid. 59: excursion collection a Asiae The Peliosanthes 1917. Introduction 1956. plants Brittonia plantas of Lower (4): Burma I. SCOTT. 1938. 1950. The aloes 1898. flora States Mus. 8 — L. ad 1963. Classification G. W. REYNOLDS, RIDLEY, 1938—39. 1941. Notulae PRIESTLEY, J. H., IVIMEY-COOK. Upper 2. Karyotype Siam. Ibid. Peninsula. Ibid. 65 —126. 10: 128—156. 4. nouvelles de l'lndo-Chine Hortus ed. Malay 10: 6 (ed. d'Indochine. Lecomte & Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 6: 95—97. Humbert). Bengalensis. (ed. Carey.) alteration and phylogeny in the Liliaceae and allied families. Jap. J. Bot. 12: 57—I6I. TOMLINSON, P. B. Adv. in Bot. WANG, F. 81—90. T., 1970. Monocotyledons — towards an understanding of Chinese Liliaceae their morphology and anatomy. Res. 3: 207—292. & T. TANG. 1936. Notes on III. Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 7 (2):