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PreAp Chemistry
Name _____________________________
Guided Notes on Energy: Forms and Changes
Per ___
Nature of Energy
 Energy is all around you! You can hear energy as _____________. You can see energy as
__________. And you can feel it as ____________.
 You use energy when you:
o ____ a softball.
o ______ your book bag.
o ___________ a spring.
 Living organisms need energy for ______________________ and ______________________..
 Energy is involved when:
o a bird flies, a bomb explodes, rain falls from the sky, and electricity flows in a wire.
 What is energy that it can be involved in so many different activities?
o Energy can be defined as
o If an object or organism does _________ (exerts a force over a distance to move an object)
the object or organism uses energy.
 Because of the direct connection between energy and work, energy is measured in the same unit
as work: ________________ (
 In addition to using energy to do work, objects gain energy because
Forms of Energy
 The five main forms of energy are:
o _________________________________
o _________________________________
o _________________________________
o _________________________________
o _________________________________
 Heat Energy
o The internal motion of the atoms is called heat energy, because
o Heat energy can be produced by ______________________.
o Heat energy causes changes in _______________ and ___________ of any form of matter.
 Chemical Energy
o Chemical Energy is required to _________________________________________.
o And when bonds are broken, ______________________________.
o Fuel and food are forms of ________________________.
 Electromagnetic Energy
o Power lines carry electromagnetic energy into your home in the form of ______________.
o ____________ is a form of electromagnetic energy.
o Each color of light (
) represents a different amount of
electromagnetic energy.
o Electromagnetic energy is also carried by X-rays, radio waves, and laser light.
 Nuclear Energy
o The __________________ is the source of nuclear energy.
o When the nucleus splits (________________________), nuclear energy is released in the
form of ____________ energy and ____________ energy.
o Nuclear energy is also released when nuclei collide at high speeds and join
o The sun’s energy is produced from a nuclear fusion reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse
to form helium nuclei.
o Nuclear energy is the most _________________ form of energy.
 Mechanical Energy
o When __________ is done to an object, it acquires energy. The energy it acquires is known
as _____________ energy.
o When you kick a football, you give mechanical energy to the football to make it ________.
o When you throw a balling ball, you give it energy. When that bowling ball hits the pins,
some of the energy is ______________ to the pins.
Energy Conversion
o Energy can be changed from one form to another. Changes in the form of energy are
called __________________________.
o All forms of energy can be converted into other forms.
 The sun’s energy through solar cells can be converted directly into _____________.
 Green plants convert the sun’s energy (________________) into starches and
sugars (__________ energy).
 Other energy conversions
o In an electric motor, ______________ energy is converted to _______________ energy.
o In a battery, ______________ energy is converted into ______________________ energy.
o The ______________ energy of a waterfall is converted to _____________ energy in a
o In an automobile engine, fuel is burned to convert _______________ energy into
__________ energy. The _____________ energy is then changed into _______________
 States of Energy
o The most common energy conversion is the conversion between ________________ and
_____________ energy.
o All forms of energy can be in either of two states: _____________ or _____________
 Kinetic energy is the energy of _____________.
 Potential energy is _______________ energy.
 Kinetic Energy
o The energy of motion is called _____________ energy.
o The ______________ an object moves, the _____________ kinetic energy it has.
o The _______________ the mass of a moving object, the _____________ kinetic energy it
o Kinetic energy depends on both _____________ and _______________.
o K.E. =
 What has a greater effect on kinetic energy, mass or velocity? ______________ Why?
 Potential Energy
o Potential energy is ________________ energy.
 Stored chemically in _________________, the
_______________________________________, and in
________________________, or stored because of the work done on it:
 _____________ a rubber band.
 __________ a watch.
 Pulling back on a bow’s arrow.
 Lifting a brick high in the air.
o Gravitational Potential Energy
 Potential energy that is dependent on __________ is called ____________
_____________ energy.
o Energy that is stored due to being ______________ or _______________ is called
____________ ________________ energy.
 Gravitational Potential Energy
o A waterfall, a suspension bridge, and a falling snowflake all have gravitational potential
o If you stand on a 3-meter diving board, you have _______ times the G.P.E, than you had
on a ___________-meter diving board.
o “The bigger they are the harder they fall” is not just a saying. It’s true. Objects with
_____________ mass have ________ G.P.E.
o The formula to find G.P.E. is
 G.P.E. =
 Kinetic-Potential Energy Conversion
o Roller coasters work because of the energy that is built into the system. Initially, the cars
are pulled ___________________ up the tallest hill, giving them a great deal of
__________________ energy. From that point, the conversion between
____________________ and ___________________ energy powers the cars throughout
the entire ride.
o At the point of ______________ potential energy, the car has _____________ kinetic
o As a basketball player throws the ball into the air, various energy conversions take place.
The Law of Conservation of Energy
o Energy can be neither _____________nor ________________ by ordinary means.
 It can only be _______________ from one form to another.
 If energy seems to disappear, then scientists look for it – leading to many
important discoveries.
o In 1905, Albert Einstein said that _________________ and __________________can be
converted into each other.
o He showed that if _________________ is destroyed, ______________ is created, and if
energy is destroyed mass is created.
o E=
 Vocabulary Words
o energy
o mechanical energy
o heat energy
o chemical energy
o electromagnetic energy
o nuclear energy
o kinetic energy
o potential energy
o gravitational potential energy
o energy conversion
o Law of Conservation of Energy