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Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
C. Heip1*, A. Brandt2, J.-P. Gattuso3, A. Antia4, W.H. Berger5,
J. Boissonnas6, P. Burkill7, L. d'Ozouville8, G. Graf9, G.J. Herndl10,
J. Patching11, K. R eise12, G. Riou13, R. Sim ó14, V. Smetacek15
and P. Wassmann16
1NIOO - CEMO, P.O.Box 140, 4400AC Yerseke, The Netherlands
Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Martin-Luther-King Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
3Laboratoire d'Océanographie, B P 28, 06234 Villefranche-sur-mer Cedex, France
4Institut für Meereskunde, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany
5Scripps Institution o f Oceanography, UCLA, San Diego, Lajolla, CA 92093-0215, USA
649 Avenue de 1 Escrime, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Individual Merit Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place,
Plymouth PLI 3DH, UK
8ESF Marine Board, 1 quai de Lezay-Mernésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France
9Universität Rostock, Institut für Aquatische Ökologie, Freiligrathstr. 7/8,
18055 Rostock, Germany
10Dept. Biological Oceanography, NIOZ, P.O.Box 59, 1790AB Den Burg, The Netherlands
11National University o f Ireland, Marine Ryan Institute, Galway, Ireland
12AWI, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, 25992 List, Germany
13FREMER, Direction de la Technologie Marine et des Systèmes d'information, BP 70,
29280 Plouzané, France
14Institut de Ciències del Mar, Pg. Joan de Borbó s/n, 08039 Barcelona, Spain
15Alfred - Wegener - Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Postfach 12 01 61,
27515 Bremerhaven, Germany
16Norwegian College o f Fishery Science, University o f Tromso, 9037 Tromso, Norway
* corresponding author (e-mail): [email protected]
Abstract: The task of working group 4 was to examine the relationship between ecosystem functioning
and biodiversity in marine systems. The definition of biodiversity used by the working group is the
biological variability in ecosystems at the genetic, species and habitat level. The inventory of marine
life is much closer to completion in Europe than in many other areas but some geographic areas, such
as the Mediterranean Sea, and specific taxa, mostly in the small size range (viruses, bacteria and
protists), require more exploration. Also required is a European synthesis, including studies of both
horizontal and vertical gradients of biodiversity, as well as the relationship between diversity and
environmental data. The most efficient manner to investigate how species impact ecosystem
functioning is to understand the role of the relatively few key organisms. These species should be
identified and preferentially attract the attention of ecologists and biological oceanographers. Their
study would provide a functional understanding that could be used to model and predict the response
o f marine ecosystems to global environmental change. In addition to global issues, working group
4 also examined a large range of regional and local issues that also require attention because it is at
From WEFER G, LAMY F, MANTOURA F (eds), 2003, Marine Science Frontiers for Europe. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
New York Tokyo, pp 289-302
Heip et al.
these scales that most burning societal questions occur. The working group identified a need for
additional support to strengthen existing large-scale research infrastructures and establish new
ones in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coast. These are invaluable tools to investigate the
interactions between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Finally, the loss of taxonomic expertise
due to the declining number of marine systematists should be a matter of great concern to Europe,
which must be dealt with urgently.
Description of the scientific domain
Marine ecosystems provide a series of goods and
services that are of great importance to mankind
(Costanza et al. 1997). These include food, from
fisheries and aquaculture, for man and domestic ani­
mals; a number of mineral resources including oil,
gas, sand and gravel; and ingredients for biotech­
nology (bioactive chemicals and medical products).
Moreover the seas provide a free transport system,
a buffering system for climate change, a treatment
system for human and animal waste and a sink for
pollutants from air and land. People not only exploit
the seas but also make use of it for educational and
recreational purposes, e.g. water sports, sport fish­
ing, wildlife observation and tourism in general.
Biodiversity is the biological variability in eco­
systems at the genetic, species and habitat level.
Many marine products are species specific and
their preservation is therefore directly based on
preserving biodiversity. Sustaining the present func­
tioning of marine ecosystems as well will depend
to a large extent on preserving biodiversity. Marine
organisms play crucial roles in many biogeochemi­
cal processes that sustain the biosphere. The rate
and efficiency of any of the processes that marine
organisms mediate, as well as the range of goods
and services that they provide, are determined by
interactions between organisms, and between or­
ganisms and their environment, and therefore by
biodiversity (Heip etal. 1998).
The effect of biodiversity on ecosystem func­
tioning has become a major focus in ecology
(Naeem et al. 1994; Boucher 1997; Naeem and
Shibing 1997; Huston et al. 2000; Naeem et al.
2000). The insurance hypothesis (e. g. Yachi and
Loreau 1999) is a fundamental principle for under­
standing the long-term effects of biodiversity on
ecosystem processes. High biodiversity insures
ecosystems against decline in functioning because
the more species an ecosystem carries, the greater
the guarantee that some species will maintain func­
tioning in the absence of others. The strength of this
insurance, and the relationship between biodiversity
and ecosystem functioning in general have not been
quantified in the marine realm yet (Boucher 1997).
We are at present unable to predict the conse­
quences of changing ecosystem functioning as well
as the loss of biodiversity resulting from environ­
mental change in ecological, economic or societal
Most ecological theories are based on experi­
ence from terrestrial ecosystems (Tilman et al.
1996, 1997) but marine biodiversity does not nec­
essarily comply with terrestrial paradigms. Our un­
derstanding of the role and regulation of marine
biodiversity lags far behind that of terrestrial bio­
diversity, to such an extent that we do not have
enough scientific information to underpin manage­
ment issues such as conservation and the sustain­
able use of marine resources.
The common perception that marine biodiversity
is not threatened or far less threatened than terres­
trial biodiversity is unfounded. In coastal areas there
are many threats of loss and degradation of bio-diversity, but also in deeper water exploitation, mainly
by deep-water trawling, is increasing. Direct threats
include overexploitation of species, introduction of
exotics including toxic species, fragmentation and
loss of natural habitats, the impact of coastal aqua­
culture, pollution, and destruction of the sedimen­
tary systems through fishing, mining, dredging and
dumping. Indirect threats include the development
of rivers and the coastline for industrial develop­
ment, tourism and residential purposes and the many
disturbances linked to leisure activities. Socio-eco­
nomic factors are the difficult economic situation
in many countries,.the weakness of legal systems
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
and institutions, the absence of adequate scientific
knowledge and ineffective dissemination of what
information exists to the general public.
Economic sectors in Europe that are directly
concerned with marine exploitation are the oil and
gas industry, shipping, fisheries and aquaculture,
some pharmaceutical industries and, perhaps eco­
nomically the most important, tourism. Tourism also
directly depends on a healthy biodiverse marine
Key questions 1 : What is the biodiversity
of European Seas?
A number of recent initiatives (European Register
of Marine Species, Natura 2000, the Census of
Marine Life) have produced, or will produce in the
near future, lists of the known species in Europe.
This information will over the coming years become
accessible in data bases that also contain additional
information, e.g. on environmental variables (OBIS,
GBIF). For most European marine areas, the inven­
tory of marine life is much closer to completion than
for any other area in the world, although some geo­
graphic areas such as the Eastern Mediterranean
have been less well explored and still need some
basic inventory. What is still lacking is the synthe­
sis of such inventories and the link with environmen­
tal data to describe biogeographical patterns and
their change on the European scale.
The inventories are also more complete for
higher than for lower marine phyla, but gaps exist
also for higher phyla. As an example, during the
1986 North Sea Benthos Survey of the ICES, about
40 % of all benthic copepod species found were
new to science (Huys et al. 1992). The numerous
protist phyla remain poorly known almost every­
where, also in Europe. A complete inventory of
microbes and viruses using molecular techniques
does not seem to be within reach in the next five
years because of the enormous number of species
or phylotypes present. The genetic information of
new microbial species and phylotypes are, however,
added to the existing gene banks at a rapidly grow­
ing rate. Also special habitats continue to yield new
discoveries: examples are the marine cave fauna
in the Mediterranean, the shallow hydrothermal
seeps in Greece, and gas seeps in the North Sea.
Taxonomy is essential in biodiversity studies and
species inventories are basic tools in applied areas
such as fisheries, nature conservation and environ­
mental impact studies. Inventories of species and
especially communities are also needed for ad­
equate assessment of the changes in biodiversity
following different scenarios of global change
(changes in surface currents, surface and deepwater temperature, productivity etc.). There are at
present no adequate assessments comparable to
that of terrestrial environments (Sala et al. 2000).
Accurate identification and recognition of species
remains a fundamental underpinning of biodiversity
research, both basic and applied. For the small-sized
taxa new efforts are required. For the larger-sized
taxa (meiofauna to megafauna), the taxonomic keys
and identification literature are mostly old. They
must be improved, updated, standardised and bio­
geographical information must be included. On the
basis of these data sets, atlases should be estab­
lished and all data should entered in electronic
databases for future updates and for a better co­
ordination of the national efforts in surveying and
monitoring the marine environment.
There is a long and strong tradition of research
in systematics in Europe, and this field of science
is undergoing a rapid and revolutionary change with
the advent of molecular techniques. Many of the
systematic relationships in the animal and plant king­
dom are being re-examined and in this exercise
there is a special interest in the oceans since the
diversity of living organisms at higher taxonomic
levels is much higher in the oceans than on land.
Molecular techniques have not only revolutionised
systematics they have also opened new possibili­
ties for identifying genetic variability and distinguish­
ing species (e.g. cryptic or sibling species). We are
now in need of molecular markers and probes for
real-time monitoring of biogeochemical functions,
such as the nif gene, which can be identified in or­
der to determine the functional role of biodiversity
of these ecosystem components.
Whereas the flora and fauna of Europe are rea­
sonably well known, large scale patterns in the dis­
tribution of plant and animal species and ecological
communities are far less well known. This is be­
cause most effort in the hundreds of years of clas­
sical biological exploration and research has been
Heip et al.
local and restricted in time. Gradients in space (lon­
gitudinally, latitudinally, and vertically) and time
(from geological to more recent time scales) influ­
ence biodiversity considerably. Studies of gradients
should be supported by putting together data from
long-term local and regional monitoring programs.
The identification of key species (see below) at
large geographical scales is required for the moni­
toring of the biodiversity of the European Seas,
especially for higher taxonomic categories. Identi­
fication of biodiversity hotspots, considering differ­
ent ecotones and climatic regions, will permit a ra­
tional approach to maximising conservation at mini­
mum expense. A typical hotspot example is found
in frontal areas both for pelagic and shallow-water benthic organism and in areas where biogeographical provinces meet. Areas of high genetic
and species diversity should be identified because
they are the prime targets for conservation.
Key questions 2: What is the functional
role of biodiversity?
Key organisms and their functional role
The overall functioning of an ecosystem is often
impacted by a few key species that exert a major
impact on overall metabolic processes such as pri­
mary and secondary production, remineralisation,
vertical export and bioturbation. This impact can
be disproportionate to their abundance or biomass.
Key species exist in the pelagic and benthic
realms. The characteristics of these habitats dif­
fer fundamentally. The pelagic habitat is renewed
continuously by advection and mixing whereas the
benthic habitat is more heterogeneous but stable for
longer periods. Hence dominant organisms in the
benthos tend to be competitive space-holders
whereas dominant planktonic species either have
high growth rates, low mortality rates or life cycle
strategies that enable them to maintain populations
in a given locality. Consequently, the attributes of
key species in both habitats are very different.
The various successional stages in the plank­
ton tend to be dominated by a few species or gen­
era: the diatoms Skeletonema, Chaetoceros, Tha­
lassiosira and the haptophytes Phaeocystis and
Emiliania in the early or late spring bloom and the
dinoflagellates Prorocentrum and Ceratium in sum­
mer and fall. Dedicated studies on growth rates and
life cycles of Phaeocystis (because of its nuisance
status) and Emiliania (Fig. 1) (because it is a ma­
jor calcifier) have yielded much interesting infor­
mation on pelagic ecosystem functioning. This type
of autecological study is recommended for other
dominant species as well. This also applies to Zoo­
plankton species such as Calanus helgolandicus,
C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis that shape the
flow patterns of biogenic matter along the Euro­
pean margin by extensive grazing on larger phyto­
plankton cells or larger protozooplankton, faecal
pellet production and fuel pelagic fisheries. The link
between benthic and pelagic systems is often
strongly determined by filter feeders in the benthos.
In the benthos, organisms such as Mytilus gallo­
provincialis, M. edulis or scallops such as Pecten
maximus or Chlamys islandica biodeposit massive
amounts of biogenic matter and dominate the
transfor of carbon and therefore the carbon flow
in benthic systems. On rocky bottoms a wide di­
versity of filter feeders (sponges, gorgonians,
bryozoans, crustaceans and others) exists as well.
Fig. 1. Coccolithophorid blooms in the North Atlantic
and along the coasts of UK and Ireland (18 May 1998).
Photo credit: Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/
Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE.
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
The diversity of soft-bottom communities is
strongly influenced by ecosystem engineers who
manipulate the sea floor and create microhabitats
for meiofauna, Protozoa and bacteria. Such eco­
system engineers may be either plants (e.g. seagrasses) or animals. Because of this more indirect
interaction, food web links are less well understood
than in the pelagic environment. Macroalgae and
seagrasses shape a microenvironment around their
rhizoids or roots, and large animals determine the
thickness of the bioturbated sediment layer in which
the major decomposition of organic matter occurs.
Although animals may respire an important part of
the organic matter in sediments (Heip et al. in
press), the bulk remineralisation is carried out by
microorganisms. The functional role of animals is
to increase fluxes and to mix or stabilise the sedi­
ments. Thus, key species of the benthic system that
have to be studied are those which provide struc­
ture (reef builders, plants) and those that are the
major bioturbators (e.g. builders of permanent bur­
rows) and provide biodeposition and resuspension,
bio-irrigation and sediment mixing. Since the diver­
sity of soft bottom communities is much higher than
the diversity of pelagic communities, and varies sig­
nificantly along the European coasts, it is not pos­
sible to name a few species. Among the seagrasses,
Zostera and Posidonia are the most obvious key
organisms. Among the animals in many coastal
waters large crustaceans such as Thalassionoidea
(Fig. 2, Callianassa subterranea), or large poly­
chaetes (Arenicola marina, Sabella pavonina
and Lanice conchilega) and echiuroids will be
major bioturbators, i.e. key species.
Hard bottom communities, which exist mainly
in the littoral zone, are more affected by competi­
tion for space and by keystone predators and in this
way perhaps resemble more terrestrial systems
than other marine systems. Sedentary organisms
such as the various sea weeds (greens, browns and
reds), sponges, gorgonians, corals, bryozoans, bi­
valves and so on form what must be the most highly
diverse communities in Europe. Moreover they are
highly attractive to humans, at least during summer
time, when they are visited by countless numbers
of snorkelers, spearhunters and divers. Some of the
basic ecological theory on species interactions has
been developed from studies in the intertidal of
Fig. 2. Callianassa subterranea in its burrow. Photo
credit: G. Graf, University Rostock, Germany
rocky shores and the good knowledge that exists
on these communities, both in the Atlantic and the
Mediterranean, should be exploited further to
strenghten the theoretical base of the regulation of
community composition.
Marine vertebrates are often ignored by gen­
eral oceanographers and ecosystem ecologists fo­
cusing on ecosystem processes, as they usually
contribute very little to the overall energy flow. But
they as well are often key-species that may struc­
ture marine food webs. This function is not well
known. Marine fish, birds and mammals are stud­
ied by fisheries biologists, ornithologists or marine
conservation scientists, and a lot of information
exists on many of the perhaps several hundred
species of importance in Europe.
In summary, the essential characteristics of a
large number of ecosystems are shaped by a rela­
tively small number of key species that preferen­
tially should attract the attention of ecologists and
Heip et al.
biological oceanographers. A concerted European
action to understand the role of these relatively few
key organisms rather than local investigations of the
plethora of organisms that are present, is the most
efficient manner to study how species impact eco­
system functioning. Such information will provide
a functional understanding of biodiversity and spe­
cies composition that can be used to model and
predict the response of biogeochemical processes
to global environmental change (see Antia et al. this
What is the role o f redundancy and how is it
Diversity is related to stability, i.e. the persistence
of an ecosystem. Whereas genetic diversity may
stabilise a population, additional functional diversity
stabilises the ecosystem. The main question in this
context is the role of redundant species, which take
over certain functions in the case of species loss
due to reduction or succession. Are weak links in
the food web the major reason for stability and what
is the importance of co-dependency? The overall
question is how many species and functional groups
are needed to sustain a stable ecosystem.
Fig. 3. Controlled laboratory experiment with a chemostat
culture of the coccolithphorid Emiliania huxleyi. Photo
credit: J.-P. Gattuso.
Microbes and viruses
Molecular techniques now allow the characterisa­
tion of non-cultivatable, morphologically indistin­
guishable microbes (viruses, bacteria, archaea and
protists) (Fig.3) (Caron et al. 1999; Massanaetal.
1997; Moeseneder et al. 2001). This molecular
approach has already revealed the enormous rich­
ness of bacteria, the ubiquitous presence of ar­
chaea and the phylogenetic heterogeneity of picoeukaryotes in the ocean (Giovannoni and Rappé
The major scientific challenges for the near
future are:
i- to determine the key "species" among the bac­
teria and archaea focusing on the abundance of
these key species and their role in biogeochemical
cycling. Thus, phylogenetic probes should be cou­
pled with functional probes targeted towards key
metabolic activities. Of particular importance might
be species consortia, i.e. species metabolically in-
teracting and thereby driving biogeochemical proc­
ii- The microbial environment needs to be investi­
gated at the appropriate microbial scale. There is
evidence that microbes are structuring their micro­
environment leading to a larger spatial heteroge­
neity than we anticipated in the past. While there
is considerable information already available for
sediments, there is only circumstantial evidence that
this might also be true for the pelagic realm (Azam
1998; Blackburn et al. 1998).
iii- The role of microbial-derived substances con­
trolling intra- and interspecific interaction with other
organisms might be a research area with a high
potential for biotechnological applications.
The critical lack of information on the role of
viruses (Fig. 4) in regulating microbial populations
needs to be addressed and virus-host systems es­
tablished for the key species. This has the poten-
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
Fig-4- The interactions between the different compart­
m ents o f the m icrobial food w eb (phytoplankton,
bacteira, protists, phytoplankton, viruses) and the non­
living organic (DOM-dissolved organic matter) and in­
organic matter (inorganic nutrients).
tial to reconstruct the occurrence of specific organ­
isms in the past if sediment cores are analysed for
the presence of the specific virus. Together with
sediment dating this allows retrospective analysis
of events of specific interest for humans such as
harmful blooms, even if the particular species does
not leave any marker in the sediment.
These research directions should result in a
better understanding of the temporal and spatial
variability of microbial population dynamics and on
the regulatory mechanisms of microbial species
Key questions 3 : How will global and local
environmental changes affect species
composition and its role in ecosystem
function and services?
The response of marine ecosystems to global and
local environmental changes and the consequences
of changes in marine ecosystems on climate and
human societies along the coastlines of the world
are major issues faced by marine science. Numer­
ous biotic and abiotic factors control, often inter­
acting, the structure and function of marine eco­
systems. (Gattuso and Buddemeier in press). Natu­
ral and human forcing affect most of them and there
is no doubt that the properties of marine ecosys­
tems will be altered, with consequences through
feedback processes on climate patterns and human
societies. These alterations are poorly understood;
yet management and policy initiatives are critically
required either to prevent or minimize them, or to
enable adaptation of human society if the expected
consequences appear inevitable.
Global changes
Shifts in biogeographical regions have been ob­
served both horizontally and vertically (physical
settings such as temperature, light and ocean cir­
culation). Shifts in dominant species such as
blooms, for example of toxic algae, and invasions
may occur. Recent data demonstrate that commu­
nity composition has already changed in various
geographical areas (e.g. the Californian coast and
the North Atlantic) in response to changes in physi­
cal features such as temperature. It is likely that
this will continue and perhaps be amplified in the
foreseeable future. It is essential to continue long­
term monitoring because as long as seasonal, an­
nual and decadal variability remain unknown, it is
extremely difficult to assess anthropogenic
changes. The key organisms identified in a previ­
ous section should be added to the monitoring pro­
grams when needed. It must also be determined
how these changes in community composition
translate to changes in the food-web structure, on
species of commercial interest, on the flux of mat­
ter to the deep ocean and on the size of the reser­
voirs of particulate and dissolved organic matter.
In addition to changing the community compo­
sition, global environmental changes can affect
physiological performances. Parameters other than
physical ones must also be investigated. For exam­
ple, the considerable change in the seawater car­
bonate chemistry due to elevated pC 02 is known
to be detrimental to calcium carbonate production.
It is therefore possible that coccolithophorids and
other calcifying species will be partly replaced by
non-calcifying species. This may have severe con­
sequences on the carbon cycle because the ratio
of inorganic: organic downward flux of matter (rain
ratio) is one the factor controlling atmospheric
pC 02. It seems that primary production is gener­
ally not C 0 2-limited because primary producers can
Heip et al.
use the very large reservoir of bicarbonate to ac­
complish inorganic carbon fixation.
Finally, the data collected must be used to es­
tablish and refine models to predict the response
of community composition and of the biogeochemi­
cal cycling of elements. Prediction of the response
of ocean biology to climate and environmental
changes and its feedback on future climate is ham­
pered by serious limitations related to the lack of
mechanistic understanding of many interactions and
by the very modest database upon which models
and predictions are based. One of these limitations
relates to the response of marine organisms to
environmental changes. This has mostly been in­
vestigated during short-term experiments in the
laboratory. It remains to be demonstrated that
acclimation and adaptation will not mitigate acute
physiological responses measured in the short-term.
Also, physiological responses have often been in­
vestigated by manipulating one parameter at a time.
There is a pressing need to manipulate simultane­
ously the various parameters of interest in order to
determine their interactive effects.
The biogeochemical significance of physiologi­
cal response is also an issue that has received rela­
tively little attention (see Antia et al. this volume).
Preliminary results suggest that reduced nutrient
supply and increased light efficiency that result
from increased stratification will lead to a small
global decrease (-6%) in the magnitude of the bio­
logical pump (Bopp et al. in press). Significant re­
gional differences are predicted with a large de­
crease of export production in the tropics (-15%)
due to reduced strength of upwellings, and an in­
crease in the high latitudes, especially the South­
ern Ocean (+10%), due to a longer growing sea­
son. It must be emphasized that the model used to
make these predictions does not include possible
changes in community composition, strength of the
carbonate pump, nor physiological response to
changes other than light and phosphorus availabil­
ity. Both long-term monitoring and experimental
approaches would be instrumental to refine mod­
els and get more reliable predictions (Antia et al.
this volume).
Key questions 4: Regional, local and
specific issues of European interest
The study of the interaction between species (bio­
diversity) and ecosystem functioning is required to
better understand how marine ecosystem function
in general. It is recognized that this still requires
basic research. However, besides lack in funda­
mental, general knowledge, there are a number of
local problems that involve species and ecosystem
functioning and for which specific European actions
are required. We cannot provide a detailed discus­
sion on such topics in this document, we limit our­
selves therefore to a survey of the main issues.
Effects o f aquaculture
Although the problems associated with intensive
aquaculture such as the salmon industry in Norway
and the British Isles or the shellfish industry in the
Netherlands and Spain are increasingly being rec­
ognized, the ecosystem consequences have not
been given proper attention. Most of these indus­
tries are in semi-enclosed coastal systems and their
operation can have profound impacts on the func­
tioning of those systems. A better scientific evalu­
ation of such ecosystem consequences is required
for the sustainable development of aquaculture in
Effects o f fisheries
Fisheries have arguably the largest effect on ma­
rine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning besides
global climate change. It is now well documented
that the bottom trawling in the North Sea and else­
where has fundamentally changed the character­
istics of the sediment ecosystem by causing the
disappearance of long-lived species and the in­
creased disturbance of the sediments. Many prized
species are top predators, the best example being
the tuna species, and their disappearance changes
the entire food chain through a process known as
a trophic cascade. The short and especially the
long-term consequences of changing food chains
in the benthic and pelagic domain are not yet prop­
erly understood.
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
Effects o f tourism
Beaches as well as rocky shores have great ap­
peal for humans. Beaches and the associated dunes
are important for coastal defence, and this func­
tion is often in conflict with their use in summer as
areas for swimming, walking and sunbathing. The
pressure on living resources is mainly indirect
through trampling and compacting of the sedi­
ments, although some direct exploitation exists as
well. Rocky shores are visited by sport fishermen,
snorkelers and divers and are directly exploited for
edible species,
Coastal eutrophication
The major effects of eutrophication in coastal en­
vironments are well known: the appearance of nui­
sance or toxic algae, changes in the pelagic food
web, increased sedimentation resulting eventually
in widespread anoxia with massive mortality in the
benthos. Such events have been described for
coastal lagoons all over Europe where they occur
regularly but even in more open areas such as the
German Bight of the North Sea or the Skagerrak.
The economic consequences are very important as
they affect fisheries, aquaculture and tourism.
The causes of eutrophication were the subject
of intense political attention in the 1980s and have
resulted in European legislation. One of the major
objectives of this legislation, the reduction in nutri­
ent inputs by half (for the North Sea), has been
achieved for phosphorus but not for nitrogen. The
consequent distortion of the nutrient ratios in river
water has had negative effects on the phytoplank­
ton. What the long-term consequences of these
changes and how they pervade the entire marine
food web is not well known.
Waste and C02 disposal
The possibility that urban waste and C 0 2 will be
deposited in future in the deep-sea requires an ex­
tensive research programme aimed at evaluation
of the consequences of such disposal for deep-sea
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The deepsea is a high diversity environment with many longlived, slow growing species and its resilience and
stability has to be charted before any large impacts
can be delivered.
introduced and invading species
Marine alien species are now introduced in Europe
at a rate of about one species each week in some
areas. A number of recent cases of successful in­
troductions or escapes in Europe has lead to wide­
spread speculation about the effects of such intro­
ductions on Europe's marine ecosystems. Yet, there
is few scientific evaluation. Many invasions seem
not to lead to disappearance of local species, per­
haps because biodiversity in Europe is still recov­
ering from the ice ages and many niches are still
left unoccupied. A careful evaluation of case stud­
ies on important invaders (e.g. the polychaete
Marenzelleria, the cnidarian Mnemiopsis and the
green alga Caulerpa taxifolia ) would help in
charting the factors that determine success or fail­
ure of invasions.
Pathogens and parasites
There is little known on pathogens and parasites
of marine plants and animals other than for spe­
cies with commercial importance. With the recent
outbreaks of disease in cattle in Europe and else­
where the attention to the rapid spread of patho­
gens and parasites through human vectors has re­
turned in full force. The problem also exists in the
marine environment. Some of the exotics that are
transported by man mentioned in the previous para­
graph may be pathogens or parasites. Some spe­
cies may extend their distribution with changing
temperature and current patterns. The recent at­
tention to the spread of Vibrio cholerae in estuarine waters through the ballast water of ships and
the spread of disease associated with aquaculture
require new methodologies of rapid detection of
pathogens and parasites.
Réintroduction o f lost species
From historical reconstructions it has become evi­
dent that a number of 'charismatic', large species
that were once present along Europe's coasts have
become extinct in certain areas or have disap­
peared altogether. Spectacular examples are the
Heip et al.
findings of remains of grey whales and pelicans in
the Wadden Sea. The near disappearance of monk
seals and sea turtles in the Mediterranean and the
sturgeon in Western European rivers are other
examples. Programmes of réintroduction have
sometimes been started but a historical reconstruc­
tion of the vertebrate fauna of Europe on which
such réintroductions should be based has not been
attempted yet.
Bio-remediation and eco-engineering
The recovery of marine ecosystems from impacts
such as oil spills and the possibility of creating new
habitats and increasing biodiversity through care­
fully planned construction works require a good
understanding of the basic processes that gener­
ate and maintain marine biodiversity. Examples of
such constructions are artificial islands and reefs,
windmill parks, oil rigs, dams and jetties, marinas
experiments must fuel the models we need for pre­
diction. Implementation of theme 4 thus involves a
combination of long-term monitoring, analysis of
large scale patterns, manipulative field experiments
and adequate laboratory facilities, and a major ef­
fort in modelling and data assimilation.
All this will not be achieved without concerted
efforts involving agreement among scientists on the
priorities of research in the coming years, willing­
ness of scientists to participate in multidisplinary
research, willingness of funding agencies to sup­
port long-term and therefore costly projects, coop­
eration between academic institutes and govern­
mental and international agencies, involvement of
private industry engaged in the exploitation of ma­
rine resources etc. The role of the different ma­
rine platforms in Europe for promoting and guiding
marine research in general will be essential if these
goals are to be attained.
Research infrastructures
Requirements for implementing the
scientific challenge
All systems are now responding in some way to
environmental change induced by human activities.
Marine systems are characterised by processes
occurring over a wide range of scales in space and
time and all these processes are now being modi­
fied, possibly even the global circulation patterns.
The major challenges in topic 4 are to understand
how the performance of marine species and com­
munities, food webs, their productivity and biodi­
versity, will be modified by the globally changing
climate on which a multitude of local anthropogenic
impacts are superimposed, and, vice versa, what
the consequences of expected changes in biodi­
versity are for the functioning of ecosystems in the
oceans. For this we need to better exploit existing
data and theory, for instance in assessment of sce­
narios of future change, as well as new knowledge
especially at scales that are not normally covered
within present research strategies.
How can we capture past and present changes
and predict future ones? The key to track and un­
derstand changes is carefully planned observations
and experiments. Results from observations and
Inventorying and explaining changes in biodiversity
must be linked to ecosystem properties. Investigat­
ing the relationships between biodiversity and eco­
system functioning as well as their response to
environmental change requires both field and con­
trolled experiments in the laboratory (Fig. 5) and in
mesocosms. Field experiments need the adequate
support of research vessels. There is a consider­
able need to expand the available laboratory and
mesocosm facilities. As pointed out above, the in­
teraction between the numerous changing environ­
mental parameters need to be taken into account.
This requires sophisticated controlling systems as
well as a large number of tanks and mesocosms in
order to adequately replicate the experimental con­
The facility required is similar to the Ecotrons
developed for investigating terrestrial populations
and ecosystems (Lawton et al. 1993). It could be
a European Large Scale Facility dedicated to the
study of the response of marine organisms and
communities to environmental changes. It should
have an Atlantic branch as well as a Mediterranean
The infrastructure required to study long-term
and large-scale patterns in European seas can be
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
Fig. 5. Bacteria and viruses stained with SYBRGreen.
The sample was taken from the Bay ofVillefranche-surmer. Large, bright dots are bacteria and smaller, dimmer
dots are viruses. Photo credit: M. Weinbauer.
Long-term monitoring of ecosystem function­
ing and biodiversity in the European seas on an
adequate spatial scale is a challenge not yet prop­
erly solved. It requires the identification of adequate
indicators, determination of sampling frequencies,
standardization of methodologies etc. These meth­
odologies should be cost effective and will involve
the deployment of automatic measurement devices
on permanent platforms (buoys, oil rigs, dedicated
research vessels or ships of opportunity), remote
sensing from planes and satellites. It is a major
challenge for the scientific community to select the
indicators, to define the needs for instrumentation,
and to support the development of the technology
Human resources and interdisciplinarity
provided by the network of marine stations and
governmental institutes that covers large parts of
Europe's coasts. Many of the marine stations are
now linked in the Network of European Marine
Research Stations MARS. These stations again
have links with most university laboratories en­
gaged in marine education and research in Europe.
Forward looking technology
Technological breakthroughs are required on the
very small and the very large scale. Several meth­
odology and technological developments need to be
used to advance our understanding of microbial
diversity and functioning. For micro-organisms,
fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) linked to
auto-radiography has been recently applied and
should be more widely used to link biodiversity
(richness and evenness) with function. These sin­
gle cell approaches should be combined with already
widely applied fingerprinting methods such as
DGGE and T-RFLP and sequencing. Automated
"species" identification and the use of in situ de­
tection systems are currently being planned and it
is expected that these efforts will contribute to a
higher spatial and temporal resolution of microbial
population dynamics and function. Microsensor
technology also advances rapidly which enables us
to better characterise the microenvironment of the
Research on biodiversity requires the involvement
of systematists. Systematics is a science that is
practiced at many universities and a number of
large museums in Europe. The communication
between systematics and ecology should be en­
couraged and facilitated. Recent workshops
(MARS-Museums, Plymouth 1992; CoML Crete
2000) have discussed this problem in detail and their
recommendations should be considered seriously
and implemented where feasible.
Europe has a strong tradition in taxonomy but
considerable expertise will be lost soon. Therefore,
we face a pressing need to preserve and strengthen
this expertise by education as well as by building
bridges with the larger number of taxonomic ex­
perts available in Eastern Europe. Interdisciplinarity
is of course essential; the research programmes
must involve taxonomists, physiologists, biogeo­
chemists and modelers.
An important biodiversity and food web issue
concerns fisheries. Most fisheries research is per­
formed at government laboratories that are some­
what isolated from mainstream academic research.
Fisheries as well as conservation biology are spe­
cies based and concerned with applied aspects.
Initiatives to promote the interaction between sys­
tems ecologists and biologists studying the ecology
and evolutionary biology of invertebrate and ver­
tebrate species will almost certainly improve un­
derstanding of the interactions between biodiversity
Heip et al.
and ecosystem functioning as well as of the impor­
tant problem of predicting adaptation of marine
species to their changing environment.
The main key species in the coastal marine
environment is man. One cannot escape from the
rationale that understanding changes in the biodi­
versity and functioning of coastal ecosystems will
at some stage have to include human sociology,
economics and behaviour. The tendency in the
natural sciences to consider human activities as
forcing functions that are external to the system
studied, and the tendency in sociology to more or
less ignore environmental issues and species other
than man as being irrelevant to human behaviour,
are both things from a monodisciplinary past. To
resolve the difficulties of dialogue, case studies
may be the way foward.
Predictive models must be developed to de­
scribe the future changes in, for example, seawater
temperature, C 0 2 partial pressure, water circula­
tion and stratification. To these prediction of eco­
logical components should be coupled. This requires
a platform where physical oceanographers, biogeo­
chemists and ecologists could interact.
Besides making better use of the expertise
available in Europe there is also the challenge to
recruit good students to the different fields of ma­
rine research. In many countries in Europe marine
science is suffering from diminishing funds. Ma­
rine biodiversity is not a subject of serious atten­
tion in many science programmes yet, but the tide
is turning somewhat.
Financial resources and long-term
The major obstacles for implementing research at
adequate temporal and spatial scales and the ac­
tions required have been discussed by the Marine
Board of ESF (Heip and Hummel 2000). It was
recognized that in the present funding and institu­
tional situation in Europe large-scale and/or long­
term marine biodiversity research is not possible.
The need for long-term and large-scale research
to solve some of the major problems in inventory­
ing, explaining and modelling marine biodiversity has
been well argued in a series of major scientific dis­
cussions in Europe summarized by the Marine
Board of ESF. The coordination and networking of
the scientific potential in this field in Europe will
be attempted in the coming years through a series
of actions explained in Heip and Hummel (2000).
The core of the effort, as it has been supported
through a EC Concerted Action BIOMARE (http:/
/ , will be an agreement on
a series of European Marine Biodiversity Research
Sites, spread along Europe's coasts, that will be
under the responsibility of a dedicated research
institute. Two types of research sites are proposed,
reference sites which are close to unimpacted and
focal sites which most often are subject to clear
anthropogenic impact. At some reference sites a
complete inventory of marine biodiversity will be
attempted whereas others will be based on the
existence of long-term time series, often from lo­
cal monitoring programmes. At focal sites a selec­
tion of indicators will be surveyed for long periods
of time using a common methodology.
The BIOMARE initiative will be finished in
October 2002 and the further implementation and
responsibility will be handed over to the European
Marine Research Stations Network MARS
( under the provisional
name of the European Marine Biodiversity Initia­
tive (EMBI), which is open to any interested sci­
entist or Institution.
European and societal dimensions
Europe's seas are a genuine European area, both
geographically and in terms of science and scien­
tists. Europe has the longest coast relative to its
surface of all continents and the coast is an impor­
tant factor in generating wealth and well-being of
Europe's citizens. Europe not only depends on the
adequate functioning of its marine ecosystems but
also has an obligation to preserve them and the
species they contain. Most European countries and
the EU are signatories to a number of treaties aim­
ing at protecting the marine environment and its
species. However, most efforts of surveying and
monitoring the marine environment are based on
national programmes, most marine research is still
being paid out of national agencies and national
Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity
interests still dominate policies of exploitation of
living and non-living marine resources. All this does
not allow for an adequate strategy to deal with the
problems of the seas to be developed.
European coordination is required on the follow­
ing issues:
• Scientific support for the implementation of le­
gally binding conventions (Rio, Barcelona, Ospar)
and EU directives (Habitat, Water).
• Coordination of research on large-scale patterns
and long-term trends in biodiversity and ecosystem
• Scientific assessment of future changes in biodi­
versity and ecosystem functioning
• Standardization of methodology
• Support of observation systems (GOOS, Euro
Goos, MedGoos)
• Development of (rapid) assessment technology
• Access to data and compilation of data and in­
• Updating of taxonomic literature, conversion to
electronic carriers of taxonomic guides
• Maintaining and improving the scientific poten­
tial in marine sciences and its European orientation.
• Promoting public awareness and understanding
One of the major research goals outlined in this
document is to predict how marine biodiversity and
ecosystem function will change in the next 100
years. The ultimate objective is to provide the sci­
entific basis to establish policies and directives
aimed at either counteracting the predicted changes,
or at adapting the European society to them. The
use of the scientific basis for policy-making requires
several bridges, such as cost-benefits analysis.
Science, Society and Citizens (ethics, public
awareness, cooperation with developing
The open oceans have no owner and exploitation
of marine resources is not based on any considera­
tion of sustainability or responsible ownership.
Many sad examples of poor exploitation practices
of marine species exist and continue until this day.
Often science has not been able to support the
regulation of marine exploitation well enough to
change these practices. This is partly a conse­
quence of the relatively small research community
that is engaged in marine research and of its frag­
mentation (e.g. the gap between fisheries scientists
and marine ecologists).
Public awareness of the fragility of marine life
and the problems of human impact on the oceans
exists and the numerous and often very professional
documentaries on marine life that are shown regu­
larly on television do a lot to support this attitude.
Biodiversity is a key element in this awareness as
the state of the marine environment is often trans­
lated in the common perception that 'charismatic'
species (whales, dolphins, even sharks) are threat­
ened. People in the affluent western countries en­
joy the seas during holidays when especially clear
blue waters and spectacular biological habitats
(coral reefs, rocky shores) are well appreciated.
This in general positive and informed attitude of
the general public in Europe is not reflected in the
interest from politicians in most European countries.
Human perceptions, attitudes and behaviour directly
or indirectly affect the conservation and the sus­
tainable use of biological diversity. Changing these
factors requires long-term concerted efforts in
education and public awareness in general, and
some specifically targeted at sectors like sea pro­
fessions, coastal city and coastal recreation area
managers, water management, both at national and
European level.
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