Download Two Week TakeDown 4/5/2016

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Are you Field Ready to optimize you Data and Machine
Identify and Understand what software
updates need to be done to you
monitor, GPS, and Tractor.
Check daily soil temperatures, Air
Temperatures, precipitation, and weather
outlook to optimize your seeding window.
When planting, trust your planter and
monitor if something doesn’t seem to be
working properly, it probably isn’t.
Justin L. Prokosch| Retail Development Manager c: 507-616-6156
Setup your monitor ahead of time with
Field names and seed varieties. It is
also important to label your hybrids
and varieties correctly in the monitor. A
certain seed company may have 3-4
103 day maturity hybrids and if they
are labeled correctly in the monitor, ex:
4099SS/RIB, they cannot be scouted, or
identified correctly. Also, be sure to
have your Tractor and Implement
dimensions entered properly. This will
help with managing and using your
data for fall harvest set up. If you are
variable rate seeding, has your
prescription been properly imported
and tested as each companies monitor
is a little different.
Brad Neumann | Retail Development Manager c: 507-822-6951
Just as it is important to label
hybrids correctly, it also
important to label any trials that
you may be doing, correctly. An
easy way to label a trial is by
labeling the hybrid with the
name of the trial behind it; ex:
3909SS/RIB Ascend. It is
important to label trials correctly
so they can be monitored and
scouted to be able to determine
if the trial was beneficial at
Justin L. Prokosch| Retail Development Manager c: 507-616-6156
Ascend is a great option to help
the seed out of the ground,
especially in cool wet
conditions that we seem to be
experiencing right now. Ascend
is a Plant Growth Regulator that
has 3 essential components to
help the seed establish and get
out of the ground: Cytokinin
helps the plant with cell
division and leaf expansion as
well as stay green. Gibberellic
acid stimulates cell division and
elongation of leaves and stems.
Indolebutyric acid stimulates
vigorous root formation and
development, and increases cell
Brad Neumann | Retail Development Manager c: 507-822-6951
Standard Deviation
Have you had your seed
meters tested for
performance lately?
Singulation of corn and
soybean seeds is very
important. A 2-inch standard
deviation as a goal is
important to have. Standard
deviation represents a
variability measurement that
encompasses 68.2% of the
population. A standard
deviation of 2 means that
68.2% of the population is ±2
inches from where it should
be from the mean distance
(plant spacing) in the testing.
Approximately 5 bushels per
acre are lost for every 1 inch
increase in the standard
deviation of the plant-to-plant
Justin L. Prokosch| Retail Development Manager c: 507-616-6156
Brad Neumann | Retail Development Manager c: 507-822-6951