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Surendra (Sal) Salgia
Exelon Generaration
 Acceptance Test:
A constant-current or constant-power capacity test
made on a new battery to confirm that it meets
specifications or manufacturer's ratings.
 Capacity Test:
A discharge of a battery at a constant-current or
constant-power to a specified terminal voltage.
 Duty Cycle:
The loads a battery is expected to supply for specified
time periods while maintaining a minimum specified
 Performance Test:
A constant current or constant power capacity test
made on a battery after it has been in service, to detect
any change in the capacity
 Service Test:
A test in the “as found” condition of the battery’s
capability to satisfy the battery duty cycle
 Modified Performance Test:
A test, in the “as found” condition, of battery capacity
and the ability of the battery to satisfy the duty cycle.
Critical Attributes for Successful
Discharge Test
 Test Equipment Hookup: Use of clear labeling on the cables
and protective devices. Ensure that all power cables,
protective devices are properly sized and rated for DC
 Test Equipment Power Sources: Loss of AC power to the
discharge test equipment will cause an interruption in the
battery discharge load test. This could invalidate the test and
require the battery to be recharged and re-tested.
 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): Unless a GFCI is
clearly required by site procedures and policies, they shall not
be used in battery testing power circuits.
Critical Attributes for Successful
Discharge Test
Load bank operation: Ensure all load bank cooling fans,
resistors, contactors, and fuses are intact and operating
Controller configuration: Laptop computer settings should
be checked prior to every test to ensure that have not been
altered since the last test.
Test instrument calibration: Test instruments (Voltmeter,
Clamp On Ammeter, Stop Watch etc.) used to satisfy
Technical Specification surveillance parameters must be
certified / calibrated. Use of redundant instrumentation is
recommended to provide additional assurance in the event
an instrument is lost, broken or found out of calibration.
Critical Attributes/IEEE-450
 Alarm and Shutdown Values:
Alarm values are typically set to alert test personnel that the
battery or cells within the battery string have reached an alert
 Frequency of Conducting Battery Discharge Testing Per IEEE-
Acceptance Test at Factory or upon initial installation as
determined by the user
Performance test within first two years of service.
Additional performance tests at five year intervals until the
battery shows sign of degradation
A service test of battery capability may be required by the
user to meet specific application requirements
Discharge Test Interruptions
 Interruptions
Interruption of a service test or the service test
portion of a modified performance test is not
An interruption of a fixed rate performance or
capacity test is clearly addressed in IEEE-450,
which provides up to a 6-minute interruption. A short
interruption during a performance test does not have a
significant impact on the capacity evaluation of the
Common Problems with
Performance /Acceptance Testing
Plan ahead
Follow safety