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ISSN 0950-138X FOUNDED 1964 MONTHLY (6411) Tamaga 2012 December Vol. 49 No 584 SIR PATRICK MOORE (1923-2012) Photograph by Martin Mobberley (1999 December) The Astronomer Volume 49 No 584 2012 December page C1 2) Occultation by (388) Charybdis, 2012 Dec 3: Montse Campas and Ramon Naves(Spain) 3) Comet 168P/Hergenrother, 2012 Nov 22: Alexander Baransky (Ukraine) The Astronomer Volume 49 No 584 2012 December page C2 Vol 49 No 584 THE ASTRONOMER 2012 December Editor Guy M Hurst, 16, Westminster Close, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP, England. (Comets, photographic notes, deep sky, cover material & general articles) Telephone National 01256471074 Mobile Telephone: 07905332226 International +441256471074 Internet [email protected] (primary) or [email protected] (secondary) Facebook: facebook.com/guy.hurst1 World Wide Web: http://www.theastronomer.org Secretary: Bob Dryden, 21 Cross Road, Cholsey, Oxon, OX10 9PE (new subs, address changes, magazine, circulars renewals and catalogue purchases) Internet:: [email protected] Tel:(01491) 201620 Assistant Editors: Nick James 11 Tavistock Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 6JL Internet [email protected] Tel:(01245) 354366 Denis Buczynski, Templecroft, Tarbatness Road,Portmahomack, Near Tain, Ross-Shire IV20 1RD Internet: [email protected] Tel: 01862 871187 Aurora: Tom McEwan, Kersland House, 14 Kersland Road, Glengarnock, Ayrshire, KA14 3BA Tel: (01505) 683908 (voice) [email protected] Meteors: Tony Markham, 20 Hillside Drive. Leek, Staffs, ST13 8JQ Internet: [email protected] Tel:(01538)381174 Planets, asteroids & Lunar: Dr.Mark Kidger, Herschel Science Centre, European Space Agency, European Space Astronomy Centre, P.O.Box - Apdo. de correos 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, Spain FAX:+34 91 813 1218 Internet: [email protected] Tel: +34 91 813 1256 Solar:: Peter Meadows, 6 Chelmerton Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9RE Internet: [email protected] Tel:(01245)475885 Variables: Gary Poyner, 67 Ellerton Road, Kingstanding, Birmingham, B44 0QE Internet: [email protected] Tel: 07876 077855 Production: Margaret & Colin Roberts Nova/Supernova Patrol: enquiries to main Editor. DEADLINE: 5th of month of publication. (Reports and Cover material) We recommend overseas contributors send their reports by E-Mail or FAX if possible. MAGAZINE SUB (PAPER): UK £25.00; Eire & Europe £34.00; Rest of World £43.00 (airmail) per year. Sample copies: £2.00 each. MAGAZINE (pdf): £19 for UK and all world zones GOLD SUBSCRIPTION (PAPER MAG): Magazine plus e-circulars UK £42.00; Europe £54; Rest of World £64.00 per year. All subscriptions can be paid for up to two years in advance. GOLD SUBSCRIPTION (pdf): Magazine pdf only plus e-circulars £36 (UK and all world zones) USA RESIDENTS may pay by personal cheque in dollars: Please contact Bob Dryden for current rates. OVERSEAS SUBSCRIBERS may credit subscription monies to our bankers direct. Contact Secretary for details. BACK ISSUES: £2.00 each, post paid. Send wants to Secretary. PAPER CHARTS, VIDEOS, CD ROMs & CATALOGUE SALES: Contact Secretary for details. ADVERTS: Text lines- 75p per line (width 60 characters); Professionally printed- whole page £50; 1/2, £25; 1/4, £15 per issue. Discount for 3 or more in series. Payment in advance. WWW advertising also available. Contact Editor. CIRCULARS SUBSCRIPTIONS: The circulars provide the fastest service for discoveries and news of novae, comets, supernovae, asteroids, variables and any other object of interest. Chart information is sometimes included. There are approximately 100 circulars issued per year. Annual cost £25 per year. DISCOVERIES: can be reported to the Editor on (01256) 471074. If answering machine response only PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE ON TAPE and in addition, contact Nick James (01245) 354366, Denis Buczynski 01862 871187 or Peter Birtwhistle (01488) 648103 Above numbers are available all night. Please e-mail as attachments, charts or photos to the Editor's number immediately . VARIABLE STAR ALERTS to be reported to Gary Poyner, VS editor. Details above. RESULTS: in TA are preliminary unless otherwise stated. They should also be sent to the body responsible for the ultimate analysis of the object. Copyright: The Astronomer This magazine is protected by copyright. Distribution of any part (pdf or paper editions) is strictly forbidden without the prior written permission of the editor. 198 EDITORIAL: The Inheritance of Rich Astronomical History As I was taking a rare night off from variable stars and comets yesterday, (with apologies to appropriate BAA Directors!), I contemplated how relaxing it was to visit other peoples’ observatories with students and be taken on a ‘conducted’ tour of deep sky objects or, as most amateurs informally call them, the ‘fuzzies’. I was indebted to Ian Bruce and Brian Colthorpe for looking after us as their observatories. However for several people present it was also their first chance to try their hand at observing a whole range of such objects and of considerable variation in difficulty for the visual observer. It was during these observations, which for most of the time I have made many times over the years, that I allowed myself a pause at the telescopes to contemplate those observers in historical times particularly where they were the discoverers. There is a vast difference between being shown target objects and in this case with a GOTO device, holding the coordinates and the observers of the past who had no prior knowledge of their existence when that passed over an eyepiece field and spotted them. It is argued that going back a few hundred years, observers had a huge advantage through lack of the light pollution which most of us suffered today wherever we are in the world. However against this simplistic comparison with today’s astronomers, those in the past did not necessarily have the same quality optics even if of similar aperture. Also various aspects of the weather such as haze and all the recent dampness many of us have experienced were still present. Some famous observers of the past restricted themselves to a small number of nights per year which were not only clear but of high quality. One object I had not seen for a long time on a visual basis was the Crab Nebula. Although one of the most written about objects in astronomical literature and historically linked to the famous supernova event of 1054, I knew it is not an easy object even in telescopes of, say, 0.26-m aperture today. In fact several students had trouble seeing it at all until we stressed the idea of using averted vision. And yet this remnant of the supernova was discovered by John Bevis as long ago as 1731, a doctor observing from England. I wonder how easy it would have been for John to detect this rather faint smudge visually without prior knowledge. If you have several cloudy nights it can be very frustrating to the active observer. Could I recommend you buy a book relating to the history of astronomy and familiarise yourself on the rich history we have inherited. It will also reveal that whilst we look at their amazing astronomical observations, if we look back far enough we see that famous characters as far back as Pythagoras had much wider interests than purely astronomy. Even though it seems logical to next consider his famous theorem, it is now known this was in use by the Babylonians, we find Pythagoras was fascinated by music and even taught that subject. These days we often refer to the famous astronomers as polymaths of which many feature on an informal list such as Galileo, Copernicus and Aristotle, the latter perhaps one of the greatest known. The widening of our knowledge of all their activities is certainly a reminder of our rich history and worth contemplating whilst observing those ‘fuzzy’ objects. Have a great Christmas! The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 Guy M Hurst, Editor 2012 December 199 SIR PATRICK MOORE (1923-2012) As this issue was going to press, we have received the sad news that Patrick Moore died on Dec 9, 2012 at the age of 89 and will publish an obituary in the next issue. Our condolences to his family and friends. Richard Henry Chambers (1931-2012) It is with deep regret that I have to also report the death of Dick Chambers on Wednesday 2012 November 21, aged 81, at Greenwich and Bexley Cottage Hospice. He had been a recipient of ‘The Astronomer’ magazine for many years, on behalf of Crayford Manor House Astronomical Society. The editor was aware of his serious state of health on meeting him recently at the BAA Annual Meeting in London in October. I was most impressed by his bravery in attending such a meeting under the circumstances but he seemed determined to say a farewell to his colleagues and friends. The BAA advise that donations are invited to the Greenwich and Bexley Cottage Hospice, 185 Bostall Hill, Abbey Wood, London, SE2 0GB Our condolences to all his family and friends. Circulars Service (continues from the listing in TA Vol 49 No 583 page 171 [2012]): Date 121111 121116 121119 Cat 3 3 3 Circular E-Circular 2867 E-Circular 2868 E-Circular 2869 121123 3 E-Circular 2870 121125 3 E-Circular 2871 121129 3 E-Circular 2872 121130 121130 3 3 E-Circular 2873 E-Circular 2874 Subject Nova Aquilae 2012; SN 2012eu; SN 2012ew Possible SN in PGC 214858 (Ron Arbour) MASTER OT J061017.75+414545.7 – New cataclysmic Variable; SN 2012ex in UGC 838; SN 2012ey in PGC 9159; SN 2012ez; SN 2012fa; SN 2012fb MASTWER OT J064643.02+412059.1 – new cataclysmic variable; MASTER OT J061017.75+414545.7; SN 2012fc in PGC 70602; SN 2012fd in ESO 488-G51; SN 2012fe Comet P/2012 US_27 (Siding Spring) found by Rob McNaught; SN 2012go in PGC 24858 HT Cassiopeiae; MASTER OT J064643.02+412059.1; SN 2012ff; SN 2012fg in NGC 2857; SN 2012fh in NGC 3344; SN 2012fi in PGC 17166; SN 2012fk near PGC 9572 and PGC 9568; SN 2012fl Death Notice: Richard Henry Chambers MASTER OT J082049.30+640307.6 – new bright cataclysmic variable; SN 2012fm in UGC 3528; SNe 2012fn, 2012fo, 2012fp, 2012fq; SN 2012fr in NGC 1365; SN 2012fs in IC 35; SN 2012ft The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 200 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol 49 No 584 [2012] 198: The Inheritance of Rich Astronomical History 199: Sir Patrick Moore (1923-2012) 199: Richard Henry Chambers (1931-2012) 199: Circulars Service 200: News Notes (E2853-2861) 203: Comet Notes (including 2012 November observations) 208: Meteors and Fireballs Guy Hurst Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Guy Hurst Tony Markham 209: Project Alcock (Comet searches) Part Two 212: Auroral Notes (including 2012 November observations) 213: IC 1101, Super Elliptical Galaxy Roger Dymock Tom McEwan Martin Deaves and Guy Hurst 214: Planetary Notes Including 2012 November results) 217; Solar Notes (including 2012 November observations) 218: UK Nova/Supernova Patrol report (2011/2012) 219: Cover Notes 220: Variable Star Notes (based on 2012 November observations) Mark Kidger Peter Meadows Guy Hurst Guy Hurst Gary Poyner NEWS NOTES Recent Supernovae The following UK/Ireland discoveries reported in recent E-circulars have received formal designations: SN2012eg in NGC 1213 = PSN J03091697+3838207 (E2849) discovered by Tom Boles, Coddenham, England. TypeIIP supernova similar to SN 2005cs about one month after explosion (CBET 3207). SN2012ej in IC 2166 = PSN J06265101+5905026 (E2852) discovered by Dave Grennan, Raheny Observatory, Dublin, Ireland. Type-Ic somewhat past maximum (CBET 3211). (E2853) Close Approach of NEO 2012 QG42 Richard Miles (BAA) reports that this relatively large NEO will be observable for northern hemisphere observers between September 4-14 during which time it will attain magnitude 15.0 or brighter. The object probably measures between 200500 m across and is a current radar target. It will be brightest around September 10-12 when it will reach V=13.6 on average. It passes closest to us around 05h UT on September 14 at a range of about 7.4 lunar-distances (0.019 AU). 2012 QG42 is a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) and is unusual in that it passes very close to the opposition point on September 7. The circumstances of this close approach therefore makes this object a good target for photometry (using a V, R or r' filter if possible) as well as other physical studies. (E2853) Comet P/2012 P1 = P/2006 U5 (Christensen) CBET 3214 reports the recovery of comet P/2006 U5 by Artyom Novichonok and Otabek Burhonov using the 1.5-m f/8 reflector at Majdanak observatory in Uzbekistan .the comet showed a small coma and a short tail 5" long in p.a. 242 deg on Aug. 15. It is currently a 21st mag object in Pisces and will be for quite some time. (E2853) Comet C/2012 Q1 (LEMMON) CBET 3215 reports the discovery of this comet by Richard Kowalski using the Mount Lemmon 1.5-m reflector. This object was initially posted on the NEOCP webpage and its cometary nature was also noted by other observers. At present the comet is a 19th mag object in Pegasus. (E2853) Dwarf Nova in Pegasus = PNV J23272715+0855391 Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports on CBET 3228 the discovery by K. Itagaki, Yamagata, Japan, of a possible nova (mag 13.9) on unfiltered supernova-search CCD images taken on 2012 Sept 13.568 UT with a 0.50-m f/6 reflector. The new object is located at RA 23h 27m 27.15s DEC +8 55' 39.1”(2000). The discovery image has been posted at the following website URL: http://www.k-itagaki.jp/images/pnv-psc.jpg. A possible quiescent counterpart of red magnitude 22.0 is present in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR8), suggesting a rather large amplitude for a dwarf nova. The variable The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 201 was designated PNV J23272715+0855391 when it was posted at the Central Bureau's TOCP webpage. Additional CCD magnitudes for PNV J23272715+0855391: 2011 Oct. 19.559, [19.0 (Itagaki); 2012 Sept. 13.951, V = 13.9 (Massimiliano Martignoni, Magnago, Italy; 25-cm f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector; position end figures 27s.13, 38".8); 14.163, 13.7 (R. A. Koff, Bennett, CO, USA; Meade 0.25-m f/10 reflector + Apogee U-47 camera; limiting magnitude 18.4; position end figures 27s.14, 38".8; UCAC3 reference stars; image posted at website: URL http://antelopehillsobservatory.org/SNpictures/PNVJ23272715+0855391final.jpg). M. Dennefeld, Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris and University of Paris 6; M. Valentini, University of Liege; A. Siviero and A. Pizzella, University of Padova; L. Tomasella, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova; and the NEON school (cf. IAUC 7664) students M. Cortes (Spain), N. Ozel (Belgium), and A. Rajpurohit (France), report that a spectrogram of PNV J23272715+0855391, obtained on Sept. 13.87 UT with the 1.82-m Copernico telescope (+ Afosc spectrograph; range 350-820 nm, resolution 1.3 nm), suggests that this is a dwarf nova. (E2855) Blazar CTA102 (= 4C 11.69 PKS 2230-11) V. Larionov et. al., St Petersburg University and others report on The Astronomer’s Telegram 4397 that their photometric monitoring at the 70-cm AZT-8 (Ukraine) and 1.8-m Perkins of Lowell shows high activity in CTA102. (This object may be better known to observers as PKS 2230-11 which is located at: RA 22h 32m 36.41s DEC +11 43’ 50.9” (2000) and for which a chart is available at: http://www.chara.gsu.edu/PEGA/charts/?2230.114 :editor). The authors add after several years of moderate activity the blazar increased its brightness up to ~16.2 in 2012 (see http://lacerta.astro.spbu.ru/lc/cta102R.png). Their recent observations show that on 2012 Sept 15 the source was R=16.02, whereas on Sept 18 its brightness reached R=14.67. Analysis of publicly available data of the LAT on-board of the Fermi gamma-observatory shows a sharp increase in gamma-ray flux along with the optical brightening. Since the optical flux seems to be unprecedented, observations at multi-frequencies are encouraged. (E2856) Supernova 2012ef (Popvorotniy) 2012ef Aug 18.02 23 50 19.25 +16 37 56.2 18.1 7.3”E 2.4”N The discovery and reference images are posted at the following: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/235019.25163756.2_1.png J. Sollerman, Stockholm University: spectrum Aug 21 type-Ia then about one week past maximum. (E2856) Supernova 2012eh in IC 1706 (Italian Supernova Search Project) 2012eh Aug 20.07 01 27 31.45 +14 49 05.8 18.4 5 “E J. Sollerman: spectrum Aug 21 young type-II supernova. 5 “S (E2856) Supernova 2009ip in NGC 7259 On CBET 1928 issued on 2009 August 29, the discovery of supernova 2009ip in NGC 7259 was reported by J. Maza et. al. during the course of the CHASE project. The object, of then magnitude 17.9 was recorded on 2009 Aug 26 at: RA 22h 23m 08.26s DEC -28° 56' 52.4” (2000), about 36.2”E and 25.1”N of NGC 7259. However rather than a conventional supernova, later reports discussed a subsequent series of LBV eruptions in the object. On ATEL 4334 A. J. Drake reported the discovery of a new bright outburst from spectroscopically confirmed LBV 2009ip on 2012 July 24 during the normal operation of the CRTS SN Hunt project. By 2012 August 14 the source had brightened to V=16.8. This is the highest state observed in SSS data since it was first observed 2005 (pre-discovery images). The 2012 major outburst suggested that the absolute magnitude of SN 2009ip is currently Mv < -14.5. On 2012 Sept 22 Nathan Smith reported on ATEL 4412 pre-discovery images with HST showed a massive blue progenitor star with a ZAMS mass of about 60 M_sun or more as well as pre-outburst variability consistent with a massive eruptive LBV culminating in an eruption with a peak absolute magnitude of -14.5 mag. There was also an outburst in 2010 July with a peak absolute magnitude of about -14. Nathan also reports they obtained low and moderate-resolution spectra using the Steward Observatory B&C spectrograph on the Bok 90" telescope on Kitt Peak on 2012 Sept 15 and 16, which reveal important changes in the spectrum. In addition to the narrow lines reported previously, the new spectra also show very broad lines typical of a normal Type II supernova. H Balmer lines have strong P Cygni profiles, with a minimum in the absorption at -6000 km/s, and a blue edge to the absorption at -13,000 km/s. Although calibrated photometry was not obtained, the object in the guider camera (red sensitive) appeared brighter than at any previous time compared to nearby field stars. It seems possible that the object discovered as SN 2009ip has suffered multiple LBV eruptions, but has now exploded as a genuine core-collapse supernova of Type IIn. (E2857) The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 202 Supernova 2012ei in NGC 5611 (Hirose) 2012ei Aug 22.45 14 24 05.71 +33 02 56.5 14.7 14.1”E 5.8”N P. Ochner et. al: spectrum Aug 23 type-Ia a few days before maximum (E2857) Supernova 2012ek in PGC 62237 (ZHIJIAN XU et. al.) 2012ek Aug 18.81 18 40 28.84 +36 07 17.4 17.9 13.6”W 12.2”S M. Turatto: spectrum Aug 21 type-Ib with close similarities to other supernovae of the same type when one week after maximum. (E2857) Possible Re-Entry Witnessed, 2012 September 21 Richard Miles: Already there are 10 videos posted on YouTube of this event and several visual sighting reports on the Seesat-l web group. Currently the phenomenon has not been linked to a possible re-entry of a known artificial satellite. So, we are potentially looking at a natural bolide. However, the nature of the break-up would mean that the body of such an object would have been very weak, viz. either a small rubble-pile or possibly cometary in origin. (Please send TA reports to Tony Markham: editor) (E2857) MASTER OT J054317.95+093114.8 P. Balanutsa et. al., Moscow State University report on The Astronomer’s Telegram 4446 that the MASTER-Amur autodetection system discovered an OT source at: RA 05h 43m 17.95s DEC +09 31m 14.8s on 2012 Sept 30.7851UT The OT unfiltered magnitude is 13.4 (limiting magnitude 17.9) on two images. There was no minor planet at this place. A reference image without the optical transient taken on 2011 Nov 02.73236 UT reached a V limit of 18.8. There is a faint star (magnitude ~21) within 1.5" from the position of the OT visible on POSS-II plates. Colour-combined (BRIR) DSS finder chart is uploaded to http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/J0543+0931-BRIR.jpg (10'x10' FOV). There is nothing at this position in USNO-B1.0, GSC 2.3.2, 2MASS, 1RXS and GCVS catalogs and in AAVSO VSX. This area is not covered by SDSS, CSS and GALEX. Nothing is visible on the sum of 3 NEAT images of this filed taken on 2001 Sep. 23 (limiting magnitude 20.5). The galactic latitude is 10.5 deg. Based on the amplitude of variability (more than 7 magnitudes) we suggest that it is likely a cataclysmic variable (dwarf nova or classical Nova) in outburst. (E2860) Draconid Meteors 2012 Peter Brown, University of Western Ontario, reports on CBET 3249 that radar observations by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) have detected a very strong probable outburst of the Draconid meteor shower, beginning near 16 UT on 2012 Oct. 8. This strong activity, noticed by Quanzhi Ye of the Western Meteor Group, shows up exceptionally strong on radiant plots made over the last few hours and is much more visible to the radar than the 2011 outburst. The collecting area of the radar for the shower is also much larger than in 2011 (as of 16 UT), so some of this increased intensity is due to better viewing conditions. He notes, however, that the intensity of the increase is almost certainly consistent with a very strong outburst. Detailed analysis of the shower shows noticeable activity beginning near 12 UT on Oct. 8 (solar longitude 195.43 deg) with ZHRs around 50 meteors/hr, building over the next few hours to an extremely high ZHR estimated to be > 1000 meteors/hr between 16h and 17h UT on Oct. 8 (solar longitude 195.62 deg). (E2861) Supernova 2012el in NGC 5968 (Stuart Parker) 2012el Aug 18.39 15 39 57.22 -30 33 19.2 17.2R 0.5”E 8.7”S M. Turatto: spectrum Aug 24 type-Ia similar to SNe 2006le, 1994D, and 1990N about one week before maximum light. (E2861) Supernova 2012em in PGC 69614 (Blaz Mikuz) 2012em Sep 09.89 22 44 01.66 +15 51 49.3 18.3 14 “W 29 “S F. Taddia: spectrum Sept 11 type-Ia near maximum similar to 1991bg. S. Benetti: reports type Ia similar to several sub-luminous type-Ia (1991bg-like) events. (E2861) Supernova 2012en in PGC 14498 (Italian Supernova Search) 2012en Sep 09.12 04 07 25.28 +01 45 33.3 17.8 24 “W 7 “S L. Tomasella: spectrum Sept 11 type-Ia one month after maximum (E2861) Supernova 2012eo in PGC 68367 (Italian Supernova Search) 2012eo Aug 27.99 22 14 37.82 +32 57 18.7 17.2 9 “W 2 “N S. Benetti: spectrum type-Ia similar to several Ia supernovae at two weeks after maximum. The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 (E2861) 2012 December 203 COMET NOTES Edited by Guy Hurst Contributing Observers: OBSERVER Alexander Baransky Denis Buczynski Roger Dymock Stephen Getliffe Andreas Kammerer Dave Storey Graham Wolf LOCATION Kiev, Ukraine Portmahomack, Scotland Waterlooville, England Longstanton, England St Leon-Rot, Germany Isle of Man Barber Grove, New Zealand Comet 168P/Hergenrother Visual/CCD observations reported: Date MM Mag ref Aper type f x dia DC Tldeg Tlpa Observer 121105.39 S 10.3 AC 30 L 6 240 2.0 4 0.16 140 Wolf Skies are partly cloudy. Wide fan-tail is 10 arcmin long to a limiting magnitude of ~ 12. 30 minutes later:- tail has shrunk to 8’ length 121105.41 S 10.4 AC 30 L 6 240 1.8 4 0.13 140 Wolf 121108.39 S 10.6 AC 30 L 6 240 3.2 4 Wolf 121109.39 S 11.0 AC 30 L 6 240 2.4 4 Wolf 121110.41 S 11.2 AC 30 L 6 240 2.0 4 Wolf 121012.80 S 9.8 TK 30.5 T 10 75 1.7 S5 0.06 140 Kammerer Surprisingly bright; morphology similar to the B component of comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann in 2006: very conspicuous false nucleus in elliptical coma, which showed a slightly brighter middle axis towards the rather bright tail; false nucleus of magnitude 12.0 (242x). 121016.94 S 9.8 TK 30.5 T 10 75 1.5 s4 0.05 150 Kammerer Not as conspicuous as on Oct. 12, especially concerning the false nucleus and tail (both fainter); Slightly brighter middle axis; false nucleus of magnitude 13.0 (242x). 121107.03 S 10.1 TT 10.8 L 4 15 4 Getliffe 121107.76 10.8 L 4 15 6.5 4 0.14 139 Getliffe 121119.09 S 10.1 TT 10.8 L 4 15 4.8 3 Getliffe 121114.41 S 11.0 AC 30 L 6 240 1.6 3 0.05 130 Wolf Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD, Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9-XE unfiltered and Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 04.97456 23 39 49.61 +37 04 19.5 15.2 N 987 2012 11 05.01279 23 39 49.76 +37 04 54.1 14.8 N 987 2012 11 09.76191 23 41 16.77 +38 10 44.8 14.0 N I81 2012 11 09.76295 23 41 16.76 +38 10 45.4 13.8 N I81 2012 11 14.86045 23 44 24.50 +39 09 06.9 13.8 N I81 2012 11 14.86538 23 44 24.64 +39 09 10.1 14.5 N I81 2012 11 22.93572 23 52 28.58 +40 21 45.9 15.0 N 585 2012 11 22.96847 23 52 30.92 +40 21 59.4 15.1 N 585 The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 204 Comet 260P/McNaught Visual/CCD observations reported: Date MM Mag ref Aper type 121105.42 S 10.5 AC 30 L 121108.42 S 11.0 AC 30 L 121109.42 S 11.4 AC 30 L 121110.42 S 11.6 AC 30 L 121114.42 S 12.0 AC 30 L 121118.42 S 13.0 AC 30 L Comet is very faint at Mv 13. Has faded a almost 1/3rd previous size. f 6 6 6 6 6 6 full x dia 240 4.5 240 3.2 240 2.6 240 1.8 240 1.5 240 0.6 magnitude in DC Tldeg Tlpa Observer 3 Wolf 3 Wolf 3 Wolf 3 Wolf 3 Wolf 3 Wolf last 4 days, and coma has shrunk to Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD, Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m SchmidtCassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer and Roger Dymock (G68), 0.61-m f/10 reflector + CCD report: 2012 11 09.84597 01 31 59.24 +42 39 50.6 14.7 N I81 2012 11 09.85328 01 31 59.04 +42 39 51.3 14.7 N I81 2012 11 11.24318 01 31 27.82 +42 41 27.2 14.7 N G68 2012 11 11.28369 01 31 26.76 +42 41 29.0 14.6 N G68 2012 11 14.87404 01 30 32.11 +42 41 24.8 14.9 N I81 2012 11 14.87897 01 30 32.03 +42 41 24.8 14.9 N I81 2012 11 22.98034 01 30 45.63 +42 25 28.4 15.1 N 585 2012 11 23.00600 01 30 45.94 +42 25 23.3 15.0 N 585 Photometry: Roger Dymock (G68) using the Sierra Stars 0.61-m f/10 reflector reports: OBJECT 260P 260P 10x10 DATE TIME +/11/11/2012 06:19:41 14.64 11/11/2012 06:19:41* 0.01 20x20 +/13.86 0.01 30x30 +/13.53 0.01 40x40 +/13.32 0.01 50x50 +/13.15 0.01 60x60 +/13.01 0.01 SNR N 42.0 4 SB FWHM 18.4 2.9 COD CAT G68 CMC Comet 270P/Gehrels Astrometry Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9-XE unfiltered and Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 10.00929 02 00 36.55 +12 54 44.2 18.3 N I81 2012 11 10.95912 02 00 08.76 +12 51 37.2 987 2012 11 10.97082 02 00 08.48 +12 51 35.2 987 Comet C/2008 FK75 (Lemmon-Siding Spring) Astrometry Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 14.88499 00 52 17.79 +28 42 21.8 18.0 N I81 2012 11 14.89229 00 52 17.61 +28 42 18.6 18.1 N I81 Comet C2010 S1 (LINEAR) Astrometry Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9-XE unfiltered reports: 2012 11 04.95729 20 39 59.48 +41 49 19.3 The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 15.8 N 987 2012 December 205 2012 11 04.98873 20 39 59.06 +41 48 52.9 2012 11 10.97656 20 38 58.51 +40 30 00.4 2012 11 11.00189 20 38 58.37 +40 29 40.5 16.0 N 987 987 987 Comet C/2012 A2 (LINEAR) Visual/CCD observations reported: Date MM Mag ref Aper type f x dia DC Tldeg Tlpa Observer 121114.81 S 10.6 MC 10.8 L 4 15 4.8 2 Getliffe Editor: The predicted magnitude by CBAT is about 16 but on their ICQ Recent Comet brightness page there is huge scatter between various observers from magnitude 10-15 in recent months? Astrometry Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9-XE unfiltered reports: 2012 11 11.01479 09 56 39.41 +84 06 02.1 2012 11 11.05947 09 56 28.27 +84 07 18.6 17.3 N 17.0 N 987 987 Comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD reports: 2012 11 23.16289 11 34 37.77 -12 06 26.4 2012 11 23.18104 11 34 38.68 -12 06 52.7 14.2 N 14.2 N 585 585 Comet C/2012 J1 (Catalina) Image: 2012 Nov 4, 22h18mUT 0.4-m T f/10 + unfiltered ST9-XE-CCD 25x5 sec: Dave Storey The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 206 Visual/CCD observations reported: Date MM Mag ref Aper type f x dia 121105.40 S 11.8 AC 30 L 6 240 1.0 121108.40 S 11.6 AC 30 L 6 240 0.8 121109.40 S 11.8 AC 30 L 6 240 0.8 121110.40 S 11.8 AC 30 L 6 240 0.6 121114.40 S 12.4 AC 30 L 6 240 1.0 181118.40 S 12.0 AC 30 L 6 240 1.0 DC 5 5 5 5 4 4 Tldeg Tlpa Observer Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Astrometry Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9-XE unfiltered and Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 04.91913 23 41 41.31 +30 11 41.6 15.6 N 987 2012 11 04.93333 23 41 41.55 +30 11 30.0 15.9 N 987 2012 11 15.08552 23 45 33.46 +27 51 44.5 14.3 N I81 2012 11 15.09938 23 45 33.86 +27 51 33.5 14.3 N I81 Comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR) Visual/CCD observations reported: Date MM Mag ref Aper type 121101.75 10.8 L From southern edge of Ely, Cambridgeshire 121102.76 S 10.5 MC 10.8 L 121111.23 M 10.4 MC 10.8 L 121111.23 10.8 L 121118.22 M 10.3 TT 10.8 L 121123.25 S 10.4 TT 10.8 L f 4 x 27 dia 2.5 DC 5 4 4 4 4 4 27 15 27 15 15 2.5 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.5 5 6 6 6 Tldeg Tlpa 0.03 0.05 0.10 192 180 5 Observer Getliffe Getliffe Getliffe Getliffe Getliffe Getliffe Comet C2012 L2 (LINEAR) Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD and Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9XE unfiltered reports: 2012 11 11.00797 19 32 46.71 +82 34 41.2 17.1 N 987 2012 11 11.05597 19 33 02.47 +82 34 14.5 17.1 N 987 2012 11 23.05596 20 41 07.82 +80 23 50.3 15.3 N 585 2012 11 23.07794 20 41 15.46 +80 23 34.3 15.2 N 585 Comet C2012 S1 (ISON) Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD and Dave Storey (987) 0.4m SCT at F/10 + ST9XE unfiltered report: 2012 11 11.06722 08 20 43.38 +28 23 33.4 17.7 N 987 2012 11 11.07433 08 20 43.32 +28 23 34.3 17.7 N 987 2012 11 23.09233 08 17 45.37 +28 49 39.5 16.8 N 585 2012 11 23.11337 08 17 44.95 +28 49 43.0 16.8 N 585 The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 207 Comet C/2012 T5 (Bressi) Astrometry A. Baransky (585) using 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD and Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 09.98301 03 35 13.52 +13 25 58.5 15.4 N I81 2012 11 09.99176 03 35 12.13 +13 25 43.3 15.5 N I81 2012 11 14.92253 03 22 25.30 +10 53 55.0 16.4 N I81 2012 11 15.06691 03 22 01.20 +10 49 11.7 16.5 N I81 2012 11 23.02321 02 58 24.06 +06 02 59.3 16.6 N 585 2012 11 23.04156 02 58 20.52 +06 02 16.5 16.7 N 585 Comet C/2012 T5 2012 Nov 23 00h45mUT 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD Alexander Baransky Comet C/2012 V2 (LINEAR) Astrometry Denis Buczynski (I81) using a 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + f/6 focal reducer report: 2012 11 09.79836 21 22 46.15 +70 27 56.8 17.4 N I81 2012 11 09.84366 21 22 47.86 +70 27 22.1 17.5 N I81 2012 11 10.81859 21 23 30.61 +70 14 51.1 17.5 N I81 2012 11 10.83324 21 23 31.34 +70 14 39.8 16.7 N I81 2012 11 14.77231 21 26 49.68 +69 23 21.2 16.8 N I81 2012 11 14.78228 21 26 50.23 +69 23 13.2 16.9 N I81 The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 208 METEOR and FIREBALL NOTES Edited by Tony Markham Alex Pratt (Leeds) Magnitude distribution from my video monitoring (3.8mm October and November. Magnitude -7 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Southern Taurids 2 7 5 Northern Taurids 1 1 1 1 2 12 Leonids 3 5 13 1 2 6 3 Sum 16 23 24 f/0.8) of Taurids and Mean -0.6 -0.5 -0.3 First Oct 5/6 Oct 6/7 Nov 4/5 Leonids during Last Nov 22/23 Nov 23/24 Nov 28/29 The video limiting magnitude is rarely better than 3.5. The period covered is Oct 1/2 to Nov 30 / Dec 1. During this time I recorded 16 Southern Taurids, 24 Northern Taurids and 24 Leonids, from a total of 404 meteors. 12 of the Leonids were captured between 02:55 and 06:07 UT on Nov 17/18. Four of the brighter meteor images are shown below (in negative, as requested by Melvyn Taylor): Nov 05 20:41:33 UT mag -1 Taurid-S Nov 06 01:07:56 UT mag -2 Taurid-N Nov 06 02:49:02 UT mag -2 Taurid-S Nov 08 23:54:20UT mag -7 Taurid-N Quite a few members of minor showers were captured, which will be analysed later. The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 209 PROJECT ALCOCK (PART 2, continued from TA Vol 49 No 583 p190) Roger Dymock Comets very much have a mind of their own and are prone to sudden brightening or fragmenting – Figure 2 Figure 2. Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann. Credit Peter Birtwhistle Some have a dual personality – seeming to be asteroids and then developing a tail and/or coma. A recent example being asteroid 2012 NJ which subsequently developed a tail and was renumbered comet P/2012 NJ. This was an example of an asteroid in an unusual orbit – its eccentricity was 0.84 and inclination 84º. Such objects are worth monitoring. First observations or recovery of returning periodic comets is another interesting activity for amateurs particularly those with access to large or robotic telescopes. Seiichi Yoshida’s website at http://aerith.net/comet/recovery.html lists both returning comets and recent negative observations. Data and charts for returning, sunskirting or Kreutz group comets can be obtained from the BAA Computer Section website. This is one instance where negative reports matter as noted on the above mentioned website. Do not think that discovery of comets by amateurs is a thing of the past and that the professional surveys are finding them all. So what can they miss? • slow moving comets (=<3 arc secs/min) • comets moving through dense Milky Way star fields Where and when don’t they search ? • five days either side of full Moon • close to the Sun • near the celestial poles (>80º dec) • > 50º dec in NW after sunset and low in the NE before sunrise • July and August (monsoon season in US southwest) Quite a few areas and times for making that discovery! Several spacecraft have imaged and discovered comets but the best known and most prolific is SOHO http://soho.esac.esa.int/ The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 210 There is more the amateur can do - spectroscopy of comets is a real possibility for amateurs even with a simple diffraction grating. To learn more go to http://www.threehillsobservatory.co.uk/astro/spectroscopy.htm or read ‘Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs’ by Ken M. Harrison. If historical research or just sitting back and reading about comets great and not so great is your thing there is plenty of information around both on-line at http://cometography.com/past_comets.html and off-line (for those with deep pockets) – Cometography (in five volumes) by Gary W. Kronk and Maik Meyer. How is it done? George Alcock’s greatest asset was his ability to memorise the night sky and thus be immediately aware of any intruder, be it a comet or nova. There are many ways of getting your hands on a comet eg; - visual observing with binoculars and a telescope - drawing - imaging (CCD, DSLR) - spectroscopy - on-line image analysis Whichever method you use verifying and reporting your observations using the correct procedures is of paramount importance as will be explained later. Most newcomers to astronomy will start by observing visually with binoculars or a small telescope. For many beginners finding their way around the night sky is quite a difficult skill to master. GOTO telescopes make this easier but starhopping does improve one’s knowledge of the constellations. This task is made easier if a computerised planetarium program is used whereby the star chart can be matched to the eyepiece field of view in terms of size, orientation and magnitude of the stars visible. Given our poor weather of late printing charts consumes a forest of trees before a clear night arrives so a laptop or other small computing device is a very useful tool! Having observed a comet such an observation can be reported to the BAA Comet Section using their standard report form http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jds/#contrib For those of an artistic bent a drawing of a bright comet can be made. For help and examples, see Figure 3, visit Jeremy Perez’s website at http://www.perezmedia.net/beltofvenus/ Both CCD and DSLR cameras can be used for imaging comets. When imaging consider; - image format (FITS, RAW, JPEG) - use of filters (clear or red) - exposure time to avoid saturation or trailing Images can be stacked to better show faint comets, processed to bring out structure in the coma and tail, built into animations or mosaics. Figure 3. Drawing of comet C/2006 M4 (SWAN) by Jeremy Perez The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 211 Through the BAA’s Robotic Telescope Project (http://www.britastro.org/robotscope/) amateur societies can access the large telescopes of the Sierra Stars Optical Network (SSON) (http://www.sierrastars.com/). For those wishing to carry out astrometry and photometry the path is a little more complex. One method is to use Astrometrica (http://www.astrometrica.at/) coupled with Focas (http://www.astrosurf.com/orodeno/focas/) to process images – this method was developed by a group of Spanish amateur astronomers (http://www.astrosurf.com/cometasobs/). An alternative is that used by the CARA (Cometary Archive for Afrho) project team (http://cara.uai.it/) which use their own Wafrho software. A major problem is equating CCD photometry to visual photometry but software (Kphot) developed by Uwe Pilz may be the answer. This should allow ICQ formatted reports to be developed from photometry obtained using Astrometrica together with Focas – to be continued. As comets near the Sun they usually develop a coma and tails. The structure of these may change with time. Animations built from continual monitoring by CCD or DSLR imaging can show such changes to good effect. Details in coma can be brought out by a little image processing – Figure 4. Figure 4. A hood and dust being swept back by the Sun’s radiation The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 212 For those cloudy nights when amateur astronomers are beginning to suffer withdrawal symptoms all is not lost. Searching SOHO images for sungrazing comets has proved fruitful - http://sungrazer.nrl.navy.mil/ tells you all you need to know. Verification and reporting of discoveries This can go two ways – missing a discovery will make you very unhappy but reporting too many non-discoveries will make others equally unhappy. Some resources to use; • MPC NEO Comet Checker • Lowell Observatory ASTPLOT • ESO on-line Digital Sky Survey • planetarium program (eg; Megastar) plotting the latest orbits from the MPC • sky knowledge (knowing if something different is in your field of view) • other observers who can confirm your potential discovery The BAA Comet Section website will point you in the right direction as to formats to use (for both discoveries and ongoing monitoring) and who to contact if you really have made a discovery including the editor of ‘The Astronomer’ who handles many such reports (contact details page one). Transferable skills Many of the skills useful in the observation and imaging if comets can be transferred to other celestial objects eg; • astrometry and photometry (asteroids and variable stars) • drawing (planets and deep sky objects) • imaging (almost any object) • spectroscopy (stars and supernovae) • use of software packages to plot positions, analyse images and produce mosaics and animations Acknowledgements I would like to thank; Gill Coffey, George Alcock’s god-daughter, who, via Guy Hurst, gave her approval for the project to be so named, Martin Mobberley whose book ‘Hunting and Imaging Comets’ has been a very useful source of information in constructing this project and those whose images I have used and brains I have picked. Project Alcock website has moved to http://www.britastro.org/projectalcock/. E-mail: [email protected] AURORAL NOTES 2012 November Edited by Tom McEwan All times UT 20-21 Ian Brantingham (Banff) – 18:15, green arc, faint, /10°. 19:00-19:15, green arc with moderate rays to /20°. 19:30-20:00, faint green arc, /10°, cloud. 23-24 James Fraser (Alness) - 00:50-00:55, faint light in moonlight. Ian Brantingham (Banff) – 23:30, green arc /10°, very bright moon. Tom McEwan (Glengarnock) – 00:45-01:00 very faint and low light through filter. The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 213 IC 1101: A SUPERGIANT ELLIPTICAL GALAXY Martin Deaves and Guy Hurst During a recent class run by Guy Hurst (tutor) for the WEA in Reading a challenge was issued to select a rare and unusual galaxy to image using the Bradford Robotic telescope. Although it is tempting to pick from the Messier list, one of the class members, Martin Deaves selected a galaxy IC 1101 which the tutor had not even heard of! It was chosen because of its enormous size as a galaxy. It has a diameter of approximately 6 million light years, which makes it largest known galaxy in terms of breadth. It is the central galaxy of a massive cluster Abell 2029 of roughly 100 trillion stars. This would make it 2000 times as massive and 50 times the size of our Galaxy, the latter considered about 100,000 light years in diameter. Effectively such an enormous galaxy as IC 1101 as our parent galaxy would mean that our satellite galaxies such as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds would be inside and probably merged. According to Wikipedia, the magnitude 14.7 galaxy in the constellation of Serpens is at: RA 15h 10m 56s DEC +05 44’ 41” (2000) Its distance is about 1 billion light years away. Tutor: The new picture with the Bradford Robotic secured 2012 April 23 in just a one minute exposure as per Martin’s request has as much detail as the DSS Optical Image on the Wikipedia site. The selection and image is a remarkable contribution! E-mail for Martin Deaves: [email protected] The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 214 PLANETARY NOTES Edited by Mark Kidger This has been an extremely good month for observations despite the winter weather over Europe. As readers will notice, my laptop has been upgraded to Office 2010, which I am still getting used to, so any deficiencies in plots must be forgiven for the time being. Although a large number – over 500 – astrometric observations of asteroids were reported, no object has more than 2 nights. Peter Birtwhistle ([email protected]) reports: November was rather "average" which is something to be grateful for this year it seems! I managed to use 13 nights, often cloud and moonlight affected, but there were plenty of newly discovered near-Earth objects around, so there were always some targets available whenever the sky cleared. One bright and fast-mover was 2012 VD 5 , discovered on Nov. 4th from Catalina, moving at just under 20"/min and at mag. +19 was about 6 Lunar Distances (LD) away. The night of Nov. 5th was clear at Great Shefford and I followed 2012 VD 5 over nearly four hours, watching it accelerate from 107"/min in evening twilight to 139"/min just before 10pm, by then it was at a range of just 2 LD. Although by then it was 17th magnitude, the increasing speed was forcing exposures to be as short as 1 second so it could only just be seen in individual images as a faint dot. By now it was in Pegasus but heading for the richer star fields to the west and it wasn't reported from the US a few hours later when it would have been high in the sky but even faster moving and entering the rich areas between Delphinus and Vulpecula. Its closest approach came before noon on Nov. 6th when it passed by at 1.5 LD and was unobservable afterwards. Another reasonably bright NEO but not nearly so fast moving was picked up by LINEAR on Nov. 17th in the head of Cetus, I observed it from Great Shefford on the morning and again in the evening of Nov. 18th. It was eventually identified by the Minor Planet Center with an object that LINEAR had actually discovered 14 years earlier, on 13th Nov. 1998 in the NW corner of Eridanus and had then received the designation 1998 VE 31 . Its The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 215 orbital period is about 4 weeks more than one Earth year and so, 14 years later, both the Earth and 1998 VE 31 had returned to similar positions in their orbits, allowing the same team to re-discover the same object, less than 10 degrees away in the sky from their original discovery position! The occultation of UCAC2 42913552 by (388) Charybdis on 2012 December 3 Ramon Naves ([email protected]) and Montse Campàs ([email protected]) report (translated by sub-Ed – Please see also the cover image of the drift scan): Ramón Naves and Montse Campàs report the successful observation of a 7.40s occultation of the star UCAC2 42913552 by asteroid (388) Charybdis on 2012 December 3, using a drift scan technique. Timings are as follows: Event Code S D R E Time (UT) HH - MM 00 09 P.E. SS.ss 41.00 - - 00 00 - 00 Acc. S.ss S.ss - 0.10 - 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 : : : : : : 11 11 04.25 11.65 - 14 43.41 - - - Duration Mid-event :00 11 07,95 :7.40s The light curve of the event taken from the cover image is shown below and shows an apparent double dip. Montse added later that: “other observers have confirmed that asteroid 338 Charybdis occulted a double star. The magnitudes of the two components are 11.9 y 12.2 and their separation is just 0.03arcseconds in the direction of movement of the asteroid”. The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 216 Observation of asteroid (6137) Johnfletcher John Fletcher ([email protected]) reports the following image of “his” asteroid taken with his 25cm S/C on 2012 December 3. Jupiter at opposition Martin Mobberley ([email protected]) reports this image taken with his 300m Newtonian at 23:27:00UT on 2012 Nov 18:: My 34th shot of the apparition. Reasonable seeing was witnessed briefly in an unexpected clearing of the cloud last night. BA is looking like a rival to the GRS these days.... The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 217 SOLAR NOTES Edited by Peter Meadows White light Mean Daily Frequencies, 2012 November Observer AA R Q North South Total Days Total Days Total H. Barnes 4.3 6 63 6 R. Dryden 2.3 2.2 4.6 9 57 9 J. Janssens 3.0 4.0 7.0 1 P. Meadows 3.4 2.1 5.5 8 77 8 15.9 E. Richardson 2.4 1.5 3.9 15 47 15 G. Schott 2.9 1.9 4.8 13 61 13 J. Shanklin 2.3 1.8 4.2 18 53 18 L. Smith 3.8 2.2 6.0 5 79 5 16.2 D. Storey 2.8 1.6 4.4 5 MEANS 2.7 1.9 4.6 80 59 74 16.0 AA = active areas, R = sunspot number, Q = mean quality estimate (JBAA 98, 6, pp 282-286) Days 8 5 13 White light activity, 2012 November Lyn Smith reports that on her first observation of the month, on the 3rd, AR 1599 was type Hsx near to the SW limb. AR 1602 was also visible in the southern hemisphere around the central meridian as a small Hax sunspot. In the northern hemisphere AR 1604 was type Bxo and AR 1605 was to the north-west of it type Axx. She adds that by the 5th, AR 1599 had rotated around the western limb. AR 1602 was not visible having dissolved on the disk and the same for AR 1604. AR 1605 was now type Bxo and AR 1607 had appeared in the north-west quadrant type Bxi consisting of two main groups of small sunspots with a line of fainter pores to the south of the main group. Two Axx spots were also seen in the SE quadrant being AR 1606 and 1608 respectively. Smith’s next observation on the 10th revealed only AR 1608 remaining from the activity seen on the 5th, still a single Axx group. To the east of it was AR 1610 type Dao consisting of many small sunspots in the leading group with the follower being the largest sunspot. AR 1609 type Hrx was just north of this group. In the NE quadrant AR 1611 consisted of a leading penumbral sunspot and an asymmetrical follower and AR 1612, a single Hsx sunspot, was just SE of this group. Peter Meadows noted that on the 11th the seven groups seen were all with the south-east quadrant. The group nearest the central meridian was AR 1610 at S22/263 which was of type Dac and it had an estimated area of 190 millionths. Another moderately sized group was AR 1611 at N12/240 – it was also of type Dac with an area of 240 millionths. AR 1614 was seen close to the eastern limb at N14/193 and of type Dsc. On the 13th and 14th, AR 1610 had increased in size slightly to 230 millionths and had become type Eac. Meanwhile AR 1611 reduced in size to become an Hsx sunspot when seen on the 18th. AR 1614 because a complex Dac group by the 14th with an area of 220 millionths – it had become type Csi by the 18th. During this period Smith reports that a burst of activity was seen on the 16th with seven groups recorded in the northern hemisphere and two groups in the south. AR 1610 was approaching the south west limb type Cso; AR 1611 was in the north-west quadrant reduced to type Hsx; AR 1612 was also still visible as a smaller Hsx sunspot and AR 1613 was mid disk consisting of a single penumbral sunspot and several small pores type Cso. The dominant group was in the north-east quadrant AR1614 type Dao. AR1619 was a small Bxo group in the north-east quadrant. She adds that by the 18th AR 1614 had declined to a Cso group with a small penumbral leader and several small followers. AR 1619 had grown significantly N10/171 type Dki. The only group seen in the southern hemisphere was AR 1613 type Hsx. Meadows reports that between the 14th and 18th, the largest group he observed during the month, had appeared on the disk. This was AR 1618 which was of type Cai at N09/134 with an area of 90 millionth – it was seen as an asymmetric leading penumbral sunspot followed by several pores. When seen on the 22nd the group was far more complex with irregular penumbral sunspots in the middle and following parts of the group – it was of type Ekc with an area of 430 millionths. It was also near the central meridian and seen with the protected naked eye. By the 25th it had decayed to a size of 250 millionths and of type Eac although the largest sunspot was at the following part of the group. Smith’s last observation of the month was on the 28th. AR 1620 was in the southern hemisphere approaching the southwest limb an extensive Eac group. A significant group was seen just over the NE limb AR 1623 consisting of at least two penumbral sunspots the leader being the largest N11/341. Two small pores were also seen to the north of this group AR 1625 at N15/338. Meanwhile Meadows’ final observation of the month, on the 30th, showed four groups which included two D type groups at a similar longitude and separated by a few degrees in latitude – AR 1625 at N14/341 and AR 1623 at N09/340. These two groups gave the appearance of a square of four penumbral sunspots. The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 218 Hα activity, 2012 November Ernest Richardson reports that a plume type prominence was seen detached from the limb on the 1st. Smith comments that the disk was fairly quiet on the 3rd with the main feature being a very long fila-prom on the S limb. The prominence was quiet small but the filament element was extensive reaching well into the SW quadrant in a SW direction. Plage was seen with all sunspot groups. Meanwhile on the 5th the SW limb had 3 medium sized prominence hearths and another on the SE limb. Plage was seen with the leading portion of AR1607 and plage was also seen around AR1605 and a patch of plage was seen to the NW of the group. Smith adds that on the 10th all prominences were small. Filaments were rare also, the only significant filament being in the SE quadrant to the west of AR1613. Plage was seen with AR1608, 1610 and 1611. Also on the 16th two medium sized prominences were on the SE limb, one triangular shaped and the other a loop. A dark filament was seen in the SW quadrant between AR1610 and AR1613 and several filaments were seen with AR1614, 1615 and 1616 in the NE quadrant. Plage was seen with AR1610, 1611, 1613, 1614, 1615 and 1619. The dark filament was still present to the west of AR1613 on the 18th and was broader. Two filaments also trailed the group. A long east-west filament trailed AR1611 and a fine arched filament was seen between AR1619 and AR1618. A “splash” type prominence and a small fila-prom were on the SE limb. Also on the 18th Meadows reports that the most striking prominences he observed from four observations during the month was tree shaped on the SE limb with the main “branches” being vertically and two horizontal either side of the prominence. Close by and slightly towards to the equator a combined prominence/filament we also seen, although the prominence part was not as tall as the tree prominence. He adds that many filaments were seen on the 18th in both hemispheres and over all longitudes. A pyramid prominence was seen by Smith on the SW limb and another on the NE limb on the 28th. A filament was SW of AR 1620 and several other filaments were seen in the southern hemisphere the largest being close to the pyramid prominence on the SW limb. A prominence hearth was also on the NE limb near the emerging AR1623 and AR1625. Plage was seen with AR1620, 1623 and 1625. Finally Richardson observed a rocket type prominence on the 30th. Prominence Mean Daily Frequencies, 2012 November Observer P. Meadows E. Richardson L. Smith All Latitudes North South 1.8 4.0 Total 5.8 2.0 6.4 Days 4 8 5 0-40° North South Total 40-90° North South Total Flares, 2012 November None reported. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UK Nova/Supernova Patrol Report Guy M Hurst Session 2011 August 1 to 2012 July 31 (Also published in the Journal of the BAA) The patrol continues to be coordinated by both the Association’s Variable Star and Deep Sky Sections and also ‘The Astronomer’ magazine. The main aim is to search for and detect novae and supernovae. However with the considerable importance, in the case of supernovae, of using discoveries to help establish distances and other activity post explosion, some of our patrollers are spending time on follow-up photometry, noticeably Martin Fowler who undertakes measurements at various wavelengths... Increasingly it has become difficult to always obtain help from professional contacts in securing spectra needed by the Central Bureau to make formal discovery announcements of novae and supernovae so efforts are being made to see if amateurs can engage in this work. Delays in obtaining some spectra have led to CBET announcements and designations being long after discovery as evidenced in the table below. Tom Boles found seven more supernovae of which five received designations and two were confirmed optically on a second night eliminating ‘asteroidal’ movement but without spectra. This took Tom’s total to an amazing 149 discoveries. Ron Arbour found a further supernova taking his personal total to 26. The reference to ‘ECIRC’ refers to the Electronic Circulars of ‘The Astronomer’ where discoveries are initially announced by the Patrol. Date SN Galaxy Discoverer Mag CBET ECIRC 2011 Jul 31 2011ix MCG +05-04-59 Boles 18.0 2942 2761 2011 Sep 17 2011fy PGC 2159464 Arbour 17.6 2831 2767 2011 Sep 29 2011ht UGC 5460 Boles 17.0 2851 2770 2011 Sep 30 2011gn MCG +13-5-36 Boles 18.0 2848 2771 The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 219 2011 Sep 30 2011go MCG +07-15-2 Boles 18.1 2849 2772 2011 Oct 19 MCG +08-34-30 Boles 17.9 2842 2011 Oct 20 PGC 61885 Boles 18.6 2843 2012 May 14 2012cn MCG +11-15-28 Boles 18.2 3128 2823, 2836 The object SN 2011ht produced extraordinary post maximum behaviour. The coordinator imaged it with the Bradford Robotic Telescope on 2012 February 11 near magnitude 18.1 having been as bright as 15.4 on Feb 1. This might suggest a dust event (E-Circular 2803). David Boyd imaged a further fade on March 25 to near magnitude V=20.5. A series of newly-discovered eruptive objects announced by the MASTER Russian robotic telescope network team has led the patrol members to help with confirmation as outbursts are often very brief. As in previous years the coordinator has given talks about the patrol in various parts of the UK leading to some new patrol recruits. In addition to searches by imaging techniques, the opportunity remains for those with basic binoculars to visually find bright novae especially as some of these objects can fade quite rapidly. A meeting planned for 2012 October 13 will discuss the techniques and achievements of the late George Alcock as a reminder of this valuable work. We continue to need further support in both nova and supernova searching. Please contact the undersigned for further details. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ COVER NOTES 1) Sir Patrick Moore (1923-2012): Martin Mobberley See page 199 2) Occultation by (388) Charybdis, 2012 Dec 3: Montse Campas and Ramon Naves (Spain) 00h11mUT. Disappearance 7.5 seconds. Telescope s/c LX 200 12" f/1800 CCD ST8 XME (See planetary notes p215) E-mail [email protected] 3) Comet 168P/Hergenrother, 2012 Nov 22: Alexander Baransky (Ukraine) 22h42m51sUT. 240seconds (4 stacked images). 0.7-m f/4 reflector + CCD PL47-10 FLI + R filter. E-mail: [email protected] 4) Comet C/1969 Y1 (Bennett), TA AGM 2012 Oct 13: photo by Guy Hurst First comet recorded from space (OAO). Discussion and talk by Mark Kidger. Contact see first page 5) Total Solar Eclipse from Australia, 2012 Nov 13/14: Nick James 11h04m41s “Palm Cove where visibility of totality was a very close run thing. The location and sky were very dramatic. These are all frame grabs from various HD videos”. Contact see first page 6) Total Solar eclipse from Australia, 2012 Nov 14 (local): Ron Johnson We planned a trip to Australia some time ago and it seemed sensible to combine it with the chance of seeing a total eclipse of the sun. We were on the coast in Palm Cove, 15km north of Cairns in Queensland to observe the eclipse. The day before the eclipse the weather forecast was for cloudy skies with the threat of rain showers. We debated whether we should consider going in land with a view of improving our chances of seeing the eclipse. The forecast in land was not much better than on the coast. We decided to remain in Palm Cove. On eclipse day we were up at 04.00 local time and strolled down to the beach, about ten minutes walk from the hotel. There were several hundred people already set up along the beach. The local radio indicated that there were an additional 60,000 people in the Cairns area to see the eclipse. I managed to get a spot at the back of the beach. It was not possible to use the whole beach as the tide was coming in and you had to judge how far up the beach the sea would come by the time the eclipse was over. By 04.45 I was set up and ready but the sky was mainly cloudy. The eclipse was due to commence at 05.45 local time, just after sun rise. Things were not looking good. We saw the sun rise but seconds later it went behind a large bank of cloud. At this stage we felt that it was unlikely that we would see anything. The partial phase began with the sun still behind cloud. When the partial phase reached about 95% the cloud thinned out and we could see the moon almost obscuring the sun. By the time totality commenced (06.38) the cloud had thinned out even more. The cloud kept away from the sun throughout totality so we saw the whole thing. The sky went very dark during totality which lasted for 2mins. 3 secs. (seemed like 2 secs) it went very quickly. Following totality some cloud passed over the sun from time to time but we were still able to get images. The eclipse ended at 07.40 local time. Canon 400D DSLR with 300mm lens + X2 converter + solar filter for the partial phases. E-mail: [email protected] The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 220 VARIABLE STAR NOTES Edited by Gary Poyner Observations for November 2012 Number of observations in parentheses. Observers initials in alphabetical order. Times are UT Decimal. Dwarf Novae AR And: Outburst on Nov 5.9 at 13.9 & Nov 17.9 at 13.0 (4) XG DX And: At min. 15.1-15.3 (9) EV, XG FN And: Outburst on Nov 3.99 at 13.7, fading to <14.8 by Nov 5.96 (8) EV, XG FO And: Outburst on Nov 5.9 at 14.6 (4) XG IW And: At 14.1-14.3 (4) XG KW And: At min. 18.5C 91) XG(C) LX And: Rise from <14.9 on Nov 21.95 to outburst on Nov 23.87 at 13.7 (4) XG RX And: Standstill from Nov 1.8 to 10.9 at 11.9 mean then fade to 13.5 by Nov 14.9 & deeper at 15.0 by Nov 17.88 & 15.0V on Nov 21.76. Rise from 14.8 on Nov 21.97 to outburst on Nov 23.9 at 12.2 mean, rising to 10.7 by Nov 28.8 then fade to 11.1 by Nov 29.9 (27) DBZ(V), DR, EV, TO, XG V455 And: At min. 16.0 vis. & 16.26V (10) EV, XG(Vis.&V) VY Aqr: At min. 17.0C (6) TO, XG(Vis.&C) BB Ari: At min. 18.5C-18.6C (4) XG(Vis.&C) BY Aur: At min 18.2C (1) XG(C) SS Aur: At min. 15.9 (25) DR, EV, TO, XG Z Cam: Outburst on Nov 1.8 at 10.8, fading to 13.2 by Nov 10.9 then min. 13.4 mean . Outburst on Nov 28.7 at 10.7 to Nov 29.9 at 10.8 (24) DR, EV, TO, XG LU Cam: At 15.9C-16.3C (4) JMS(C) V342 Cam: At min. 17.0C-17.8C (7) JMS(C), XG AM Cas: Outburst on Nov 10.2 at 12.6, fading to 14.2 by Nov 15.1 then 14.3 mean (9) EV, XG GX Cas: Rise from <15.4 on Nov 21.8 to outburst 13.5 by Nov 23.8 (4) XG HT Cas: At min. 17.1C-17.3C until outburst on Nov 28.76 at 13.3 & Nov 29.84 at 13.4C (14) EV, JMS(C), XG KU Cas: Outburst on Nov 21.85 at 14.1 (4) XG V452 Cas: At min. 17.9C (8) EV, JMS(C), XG V630 Cas: At min. V-band 16.27V- 16.8V. C-band 16.2C-16.6C (38) EV, JMS(C), XG(Vis.&V) AT Cnc: At min. on Nov 18.1 at 15.2 (1) XG SY Cnc: Outburst at 11.2 on Nov 15.2, fading to 11.9 by Nov 24.1 (2) EV YZ Cnc: Rise from 15.0 on Nov 15.2 to outburst on Nov 18.1 at 14.0, fading to <15.0 by Nov 24.1 (3) EV, XG V713 Cep: At min. 19.3C (7) JMS(C), XG(C) TT Crt: Outburst on Nov 18.2 at 13.4, fading to 14.1 by Apr 23.2 (3) TO EM Cyg: At 13.0-13.6 until outburst on Nov 28.8 at 12.4 (15) DR, EV, HF, XG EY Cyg: At min. 14.6-14.8 vis. & 14.6V (13) EV, HF(V), XG SS Cyg: Fade from October outburst – Nov 1.8 8.5 mean to 12.4 by Nov 14.9 then min. 12.3 mean (22) EV, TO, XG V337 Cyg: Outburst on Nov 21.75 at 16.6C (13) JMS(C), XG V516 Cyg: Outburst on Nov 2.9 at 14.1, fading to <14.9 by Nov 5.9. Outburst on Nov 17.84 at 14.5 (4) XG V1089 Cyg: At min. 18.2C (1) XG(C) MisV1448 Cyg: At min. 16.8C-17.4C (2) XG(C) AB Dra: Outburst on Nov 5.8 at 13.3 mean, rising to 12.8 by Nov 7.2 then fade to 13.7 by Nov 10.9. Outburst on Nov 21.8 at 13.3 mean, fading to 14.1 by Nov 23.8 (20) DR, EV, TO, XG ES Dra: At 14.7 on Nov 5.8 (4) EV, XG EX Dra: No outburst reported – range with eclipses 14.1-15.3 (6) EV, XG U Gem: At min. 13.9-14.4 (16) DR, EBV, TO, XG AW Gem: Outburst on Nov 10.3 at 13.1, fading to 13.7 by Nov 18.1 (4) EV, XG IR Gem: At min. 16.5 (8) EV, XG AH Her: Standstill 12.6-12.9 (7) TO, XG X Leo: Outburst on Nov 15.3 at 13.5, fading to 16.2 by Nov 22.24. Outburst on Nov 29.22 at 13.0 (6) EV, TO EQ Lyn: At min. 17.9 (3) JMS(C) EZ Lyn: At min. 18.0C (3) JMS(C) FH Lyn: At min. 18.1C (3) JMS(C) CY Lyr: Outburst on Nov 5.8 at 13.6. Outburst - rise from 14.6 on Nov 17.8 to 13.4 by Nov 21.8 & 13.5 by Nov 23.8 (4) XG CN Ori: Outburst on Nov 4.0 at 12.8, rising to 12.5 by Nov 5.98. At 13.5 on Nov 15.0, fading to 14.0 by Nov 18.0. Outburst on Nov 21.9 at 12.7, rising to 12.5 by Nov 23.3 through to Nov 24.0 at 12.5 (11) EV, TO, XG CZ Ori: Rise from 14.8 on 15.2 to full outburst by Nov 18.0 at 11.6, fading to 12.6 by Nov 24.0 (8) DR, EV, TO, XG V650 Ori: At 16.2CV-16.3C (4) JMS(C), XG V1159 Ori: At 15.5 on Nov 18.0 (1) XG HX Peg: Outburst on Nov 17.9 at 13.0 (1) XG IP Peg: At min. 14.9-15.2 then outburst on Nov 17.8 at 13.5, fading to <14.4 by Nov 23.9 (9) EV, XG RU Peg: Outburst on Nov 2.8 at 10.2 mean, rising to 10.0 mean by Nov 5.8 then fade to 12.6 by Nov 21.8 then 12.8 mean (21) DR, EV, TO, XG The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 221 FO Per: Outburst on Nov 5.9 at 14.3, then on Nov 15.1 at 14.0 fading to <16.2 by Nov 17.9. Outburst on Nov 21.9 at 13.9, rising to 13.3 by Nov 23.9 & <13.5 by Nov 28.9 (9) EV, XG KT Per: Outburst on Nov 5.9 at 13.4. (3) XG TZ Per: At min. 14.0-14.8 until outburst on Nov 10.2 at 12.8, fading to 13.1 mean by Nov 15.0 then standstill to end of month 13.4 mean (20) DR, EV, HF(V), TO, XG V336 Per: At min. 19.2C 912) EV, JMS(C), XG(Vis.&C) V872 Per: At min. 18.3C-18.4C (6) XG(Vis.&C) EI Psc: At min. 16.1C-16.4C (8) JMS(C), XG FL Psc: At min. 17.78C (1) XG(C) Var Psc: At 15.3 (2) XG CC Scl: At min. 17.8C (1) XG(C) WZ Sge: At min. 15.3-15.4 vis. & 15.1C-15.4C (7) JMS(C), XG BZ UMa: At min. 16.3 vis & 15.9C-16.6C (6) EV, JMS(C), XG CH UMa: At min. 15.1 (1) XG SU UMa: At 13.9 on Nov 4.05. Outburst on Nov 15.0 at 13.9, rising to 12.8 by Nov 15.2, then fade to 14.5 by Nov 17.9. Rise from 14.4 on Nov 21.98 to outburst on Nov 23.2 at 12.6, fading to 13.2 by Nov 23.9 (15) EV, TO, XG SW Vul: Outburst on Nov 19.9 at 16.7C (2) XG(C) VW Vul: At min. 15.1-15.4 (2) XG Var79 Peg: Outburst on Nov 23.9 at 13.9 (3) XG VSX J192144.2+420441: At min. 17.3C (7) XG HS2214+2845: Outburst on Nov 2.9 at 12.9, fading to <15.1 by Nov 17.9 (4) EV, XG HS2219+1824: At min. 17.3C (4) XG(Vis.&C) RAT J1953+1859: At min. 18.5C (6) JMS(C) SDSS J033449.86-071047.8: At min. 17.81C (2) XG(C) SDSS J080846.19+313106.0: Rise from <17.0C on Nov 21.92 to outburst on Nov 23.92 at 14.5C (3) JMS(C) SDSS J090016.56+430118.2: At min. 17.5C (3) JMS(C) SDSS J173008.38+624754.7: At min. 15.9 (4) XG MASTER OT J042609.34+354144.8: Rise 16.8C-16.2C (2) XG NSV 1436: Rise from <15.1 on Nov 10.2 to outburst on Nov 15.1 at 14.1, fading to <15.1 by Nov 17.9 (6) EV Negative Observations: KV And, LL And, PQ And, V402 And, FO Aql, KX Aql, V725 Aql, BG Ari, SV Ari, FS Aur, AF Cam, V391 Cam, KP Cas, AK Cnc, EG Cnc, GY Cnc, FX Cep, AL Com, VW CrB, V503 Cyg, V542 Cyg, V632 Cyg, V795 Cyg, V1060 Cyg, V1028 Cyg, V1113 Cyg, V1251 Cyg, V1316 Cyg, V1454 Cyg, V1504 Cyg, V2176 Cyg, V2466 Cyg, HO Del, IO Del, CP Dra, DV Dra, KV Dra, CI Gem, UV Gem, MisV1443 Gem, V592 Her, V660 Her, V844 Her, V1008 Her, V1108 Her, AY Lac, KM Lac, PS Lac, RZ Leo, FL Lyn, FV Lyn, AY Lyr, DM Lyr, LL Lyr, V344 Lyr, V358 Lyr, V391 Lyr, V493 Lyr, V585 Lyr, V587 Lyr, DDE 20 Lyr, DDE 21 Lyr, EF Peg, V368 Peg, NS Per, PU Per, PV Per, PY Per, QY Per, UV Per, UW Per, V392 Per, XY Psc, AW Sge, RZ Sge, V701 Tau, V1208 Tau, V1212 Tau, TU Tri, TX Tri, UW Tri, BC UMa, CI UMa, DV UMa, PU UMa, SW UMa, V355 UMa, SS UMi, TY Vul, FBS 1719+834, FBS 1735+825, FSVJ1722+2723, VSX J232022.3+444330, HS1857+7127, HS2325+8205, 1RXS J164103.6+784307, RXJ1831.7+6511 SDSSJ081610.84+453010.2, SDSSJ083845.23+491055.5, SDSSJ095135.21+602939.6, SDSSJ113551.09+532246.2, SDSSJ114628.80+675909.7, SDSSJ115639.46+630907.7, SDSSJ150137.22+550123.4, SDSSJ153634.42+332851.9, SDSSJ153817.35+512338.0, SDSSJ155656.92+352336.6, 2MASS J00482232+7417574 Novae & Supernovae SN 2012ei: At 17.4C (1) HF(C) SN 2012fg: At 16.9V (1) HF(V) SN 2012gd: At 18.4C (1) HF(C) V603 Aql: At min. 11.9-12.0 (2) XG V723 Cas: At min. Range 14.9-15.3 (4) XG T CrB: Min. Range 9.9-10.5 (18) DR, EV, TO, XG Q Cyg: Vis. range 15.0-15.3. V-band 14.9V (5) HF(V), XG V404 Cyg: At min. 17.4C-17.6C (16) JMS(C), XG(Vis.&C) HR Del: At min. Range 11.8-12.2 (6) TO, XG KT Eri: At 15.2 vis & V-band=15.1V (2) HF(V), XG DQ Her: At min. Range 14.4-14.7 (3) XG HR Lyr: At min. Range 15.9C-16.1C (7) JMS(C), XG(Vis.&C) RS Oph: Rise 11.5-11.0 (5) TO GK Per: At min. Mean 13.2 (20) DR, EV, TO, XG PNV J18523496-0018423: Fading – Vis. Nov 5.8 14.2 to 14.4 by Nov 17.7. V-band Nov 2.8 14.1V to 15.32V by Nov 28.7. R-band 12.5R on Nov 1.77 to 13.36R by Nov 28.73. I-band (some discrepancy) 10.12I on Nov3.76 to 11.78I by Nov 28.74 (52) DBZ(V,R,I), NDJ(V,R,I), MOB(V), XG Negative Observations: CI Aql, V465 Cyg, V1330 Cyg, V1819 Cyg, V2491 Cyg, EU Sct, FS Sct, HS Sge, NQ Vul, Eruptives Z And: At 9.8-9.9 (8) DR, XG EG And: Mean 7.5 (22) HF, MDT, QM, TO, XG V1343 Aql: At 14.5 (1) XG V1413 Aql: Visual rise 12.7-12.4. V-band 12.5V (5) XG(Vis.&V) AE Aqr: Fade 11.32V-11.55V (23) XG(V) TT Ari: At 10.7-10.8 (3) XG AB Aur: Mean 7.0 (17) MDT, QM, TO, XG KR Aur: Low state – 18.8C-19.4C (2) XG(C) BY Cam: Visual range 15.0-15.4. C range 15.0C-15.8C (7) JMS(C), XG The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 222 BZ Cam: At 12.3-12.5 (3) XG HT Cam: At 16.3 on Nov 18.0 (1) XG LS Cam: Range 15.9C-16.1C (4) JMS(C) Z CMa: At 10.4 (1) XG gamma Cas: Mean 2.1 (12) HF, MDT, QM V635 Cas: At 15.3-15.5 (4) XG TX CVn: At 10.2-10.3 (4) DR, TO V730 Cep: At 13.4-13.6 (2) XG FL Cet: Low state – range 17.1V-18.9V (12) XG(V) BF Cyg: Rise 10.0-9.7 (3) DR CH Cyg: Discordant with heavy scatter (range 8.1-9.3) but brightening trend evident – 8.7 mean to 8.3 mean (28) HF, MDT, QM, SK, TO, XG CI Cyg: Range 10.3-10.8 (14) DR, HF, TO, XG V751 Cyg: High state 14.0-14.2 (5) XG V1016 Cyg: Range 11.1-11.3 (8) EV, XG V1057 Cyg: At 12.9-13.0 (5) XG V1322 Cyg: At 9.2-9.3 (3) HF V1329 Cyg: Fading – 14.2 mean to 14.6 (10) EV, HF, XG V1363 Cyg: Active! Visual 15.5. C-band 15.5C-16.3C (19) EV, JMS(C), XG(Vis.&C) V2493 Cyg: V-band range 13.6V-13.8V (7) HF(V), XG(V) CM Del: At 13.8-14.0 (3) XG AG Dra: At 10.0-10.1 (8) DR, XG DO Dra: At 15.4 (3) EV, XG BN Gem: At 6.6-6.7 (2) QM AM Her: Rise 14.2-13.6 (6) EV, XG YY Her: At 12.8-13.0 (4) XG V443 Her: At 11.5-11.6 (4) XG FR Lyn: At 16.7 (3) JMS(C) MV Lyr: At 12.3 mean (8) EV, XG V562 Lyr: At 12.1-12.3 (5) XG NU Ori: At 7.4 (1) QM V1309 Ori: At 15.75V-16.48V (5) XG(V) AG Peg: Mean 8.8 (23) HF, MDT, TO, XG LS Peg: At 11.8-11.9 (3) XG V378 Peg: At 13.8-13.9 (3) XG X Per: Mean 6.0 (17) HF, MDT, QM, TO, XG AX Per: Range 10.3-10.9 (8) DR, XG RZ Psc: At 11.7-11.8 (2) XG V Sge: Mean 10.9 (6) EV, XG HM Sge: At 11.8-12.2 (4) HF, XG T Tau: At 9.8-10.1 (3) TO, XG BU Tau: At 5.2-5.5 (7) HF, QM DN Tau: At 12.3-12.4 (2) XG DR Tau: At 11.7-11.9 (2) XG RR Tau: At 11.8-11.9 (2) XG RV Tau: Mean 9.8 (5) DR, TO RY Tau: At 10.5-10.6 (2) XG VY Tau: At 13.0-13.1 (2) XG AI Tri: Fading to low state – 16.2V to 17.5V & 16.4C to 17.6C (11) JMS(C), XG(V) TT Tri: At 15.1 (1) XG PU Vul: Range 11.6-12.2 (7) EV, XG RZ Vul: Rise 12.7-12.4 (4) EV, XG ASAS J061801+0656.3: At 16.3C (3) JMS(C) CSS 121005:212625+201848: Fade 16.0C-16.8C (6) JMS(C) HS0229+8016: At 13.9C-14.3C (5) JMS(C) HS0455+8315: At 15.1C-15.5C (4) JMS(C) HS0506+7725: Fade 15.3C-15.6C (4) JMS(C) IPHAS 0641+0626: At 15.3-15.5 (3) JMS(C) IPHAS 0641+0626: At 15.5C (1) JMS(C) IPHAS 1901+1458: At 15.9 (4) JMS(C) IPHAS 1924+2302: Fade 16.1C-16.8C (4) JMS(C) IPHAS 1924+2302: At 16.8C (1) JMS(C) IPHAS 2136+5108: At 15.7C-15.8C (6) JMS(C) KIC J192410.81+445934.9: At 15.6C-15.7C (7) JMS(C) SDSS J001856.93+345444.3: Range 16.9C-17.4C (7) JMS(C) SDSS J002603.80-093021.0: At 15.9C (1) JMS(C) SDSS J074716.81+424849.0: At 17.0C-17.1C (3) JMS(C) SDSS J080908.39+381406.2: At 15.3C-15.6C (3) JMS(C) SDSS J170324.09+320953.2: At 17.7C (2) JMS(C) SDSS J210241.09-004408.3: At 17.5C (2) JMS(C) SDSS J224303.82+221456.0: Rise from 17.2C on Nov 2.9 to 16.2C by Nov 21.8, fading to 16.7C by Nov 29.9 (7) JMS(C) Negative Observations: LS And, V654 Aur, OV Boo, PP Boo, FT Cam, V518 Per, FG Sge, RXJ01331.4+3602, 1RXS J184543.6+622334, 1RXS J185310.0+594509, 1RXS J194151.4+752621, SDSS J012940.05+384210.4, SDSS J073208.11+413008.7, SDSS J080142.37+210345.8, SDSS J080303.90+251627.0, SDSS J083931.35+282824.0, SDSS J084026.16+220446.6, SDSS J084617.12+245344.1, SDSS J091242.18+620940.1, SDSS J091935.66+502825.1, SDSS J092219.55+421256.7, SDSS J092918.90+622346.2, SDSS J093249.57+472523.0, SDSS J093839.25+534403.8, SDSS J095151.79+471008.0, SDSS J100516.61+694136.5, SDSS J112003.40+663632.4, SDSS J125834.74+640823.1, SDSS J130514.73+582856.3, SDSS J141118.31+481257.6, SDSS J142955.86+414516.8, SDSS J145003.12+584501.9, SDSS J145758.21+514807.9, SDSS J152717.96+543724.9, SDSS J162212.45+341147.3, SDSS J165244.84+333925.4, SDSS J170542.54+313240.8, SDSS J171247.71+604603.3, SDSS J172601.96+543230.7, SDSS J202520.13+762222.4, SDSS J204720.76+000007.7, SDSS J205914.87-061220.5, SDSS J210131.26+105251.5, SDSS J223252.35+140353.0. SDSS J223439.93+004127.2, SDSS J233325.92+152222.2, SDSS J233512.11+495416.9, The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 223 AGN 3C 66A: At 14.6-14.8 (5) TO, XG 3C 371: At 15.2-15.3 (2) XG W Com: Faint – 15.6 (1) TO Markarian 421: Rise 12.7-12.2 (7) TO NGC 4151: At 11.5 (1) TO PKS 2230+114: At 16.3V (1) HF(V) Negative Observations: OD+160, PKS 0420-014 3C 273: At 12.9 (3) TO 3C 382: At 14.5-14.6 (4) XG BL Lac: Active. Range 14.8-15.5 (5) TO, XG NGC 1275: At 13.2 (1) TO OJ287: At 14.8-14.9 vis. V=14.96V (3) TO, XG(V) S5 0716+71: Range 13.3-13.6 (9) TO, XG RCB’s ES Aql: At 14.6 on Nov 2.8 (3) EV, XG XX Cam: At max. mean 7.4 (20) DR, MDT, QM, TO, XG UV Cas: At max. Mean 11.0 (7) DR, XG R CrB: Mean 11.7 (14) DR, EV, TO, XG V482 Cyg: At max. Mean 11.1 (14) DR, EV, HF, XG DY Per: Fade 12.2-13.9 (6) EV, XG SV Sge: At max. Mean 10.5 (16) DR, EV, TO, XG FH Sct: At 12.4 (1) XG SU Tau: Faint – Nov 18.0 16.8 vis, fading to 17.31C by Nov 19.2 (10) DR, EV, TO, XG(Vis.&C) Z UMi: Recovering – Nov 23.25 15.8 (10) DR, TO, XG NSV 11154: At max. Mean 12.0 (5) XG Miscellaneous R And: Rise 8.3 mean to 6.9 (5) DR, TO W And: Fade 8.9-9.5 (5) DR, TO AQ And: Range 8.1-8.8 (6) MDT, TO BZ And: Mean 8.4 (4) QM, TO KQ And: At 8.6 (1) MDT KX And: At 7.0 (1) QM KY And: At 6.6 (1) QM RS And: At 8.4 (1) QM RW And: At 14.7 (1) DR TZ And: At 9.1 (1) QM R Aql: Fade 9.1 mean to 9.5 mean (5) DR, TO V Aql: Mean 7.6 (6) HF, QM, TO V450 Aql: Mean 6.8 (7) MDT, QM, TO V923 Aql: At 6.1 (1) QM V1293 Aql: At 7.0-7.2 (4) MDT, QM V1294 Aql: At 7.0 (1) QM V1295 Aql: At 7.7 (1) QM EP Aqr: At 6.8 (2) MDT T Ari: At 10.7 (1) TO V Ari: At 8.5 (1) MDT psi1 Aur: At 5.1-5.3 (3) QM NO Aur: At 7.0 (2) QM UU Aur: Mean 5.8 (6) QM, TO UV Aur: Fade 10.1-10.4 (2) DR U Boo: At 11.8-12.0 (2) DR, TO V Boo: Range 7.9-8.9 (5) DR, MDT, TO W Boo: At 5.0-5.1 (2) QM RV Boo: Fade 7.9 mean to 8.4 (5) QM, TO RW Boo: Mean 7.8 (5) QM, TO RX Boo: Mean 8.2 (5) QM, TO UV Boo: At 8.1-8.2 (2) QM U Cam: Mean 8.3 (4) MDT, TO X Cam: Rise 12.4-10.4 (7) DR, TO RY Cam: At 8.1-8.6 (2) MDT, QM ST Cam: Mean 7.7 (6) MDT, SK, TO UV Cam: Range 7.4-8.2 (3) MDT, QM ZZ Cam: Range 6.8-7.7 (4) MDT, QM X Cnc: Mean 6.9 (6) DR, QM, TO RS Cnc: Mean 6.1 (5) QM, TO RT Cnc: Rise 8.2 mean to 7.8 (3) QM, TO U CVn: At 11.3 (1) DR V CVn: Fade 7.1-7.5 (6) QM, TO Y CVn: Range 5.5-6.2 (6) QM, TO BR CVn: At 6.9 (3) QM TU CVn: Mean 6.2 (6) QM, TO W CMa: At 7.3 (3) TO omicron Cas: At 4.7 (1) QM rho Cas: Range 4.2-5.1 (12) HF, QM R Cas: Fade 7.8-8.6 (2) QM, TO S Cas: Fade 11.7 mean to 12.3 (5) DR, TO T Cas: Fade 10.7-11.2 (5) DR, TO WZ Cas: Mean 7.0 (11) HF, MDT, QM V377 Cas: Mean 7.8 (12) HF, QM V391 Cas: Mean 7.6 (12) HF, MDT, QM V393 Cas: Mean 7.6 (12) HF, MDT, QM V465 Cas: Range 6.3-7.2 (11) HF, QM, TO V509 Cas: At 5.4 (3) QM V770 Cas: At 7.7 (2) QM V822 Cas: At 7.2 (1) QM mu Cep: Mean 4.1 (5) MDT, QM, TO T Cep: Rise 8.2 mean to 7.4 mean (8) QM, SK, TO W Cep: Mean 7.6 (5) MDT, QM, TO AR Cep: At 7.4-7.6 (2) MDT, QM DM Cep: At 8.0 (2) QM FZ Cep: Range 7.2-8.1 (3) MDT, QM RU Cep: At 8.9-9.2 (2) MDT, QM RW Cep: Mean 7.0 (7) MDT, QM, TO RX Cep: At 7.6 (1) QM SS Cep: Mean 7.0 (5) MDT, QM, TO V422 Cep: At 6.6 (2) QM omicron Cet: Fade 5.7 mean to 6.8 (9) DR, MDT, SK, TO T Cet: At 7.0 (1) TO R Com: Fade 11.4-12.2 (4) DR, TO S CrB: Fade 8.2 to 9.0 (4) DR, TO V CrB: Mean 7.8 (5) DR, TO W CrB: Fade 11.6-12.6 (4) DR, TO RR CrB: Range 7.6-8.3 (7) MDT, QM, TO RS CrB: At 8.0 (3) TO SW CrB: At 8.3-8.4 (2) QM SV Crv: At 7.2 (1) TO chi Cyg: At min. Mean 13.3 (7) DR, TO, XG P Cyg: Mean 4.9 (15) HF, MDT, QM, SK R Cyg: At 11.5-11.7 (2) DR T Cyg: Range 5.0-5.4 (9) HF V Cyg: Fade 9.710.4 (5) DR, TO W Cyg: Fade 6.5 mean to 7.3 mean (14) DR, MDT, QM, SK, TO AF Cyg: Rise 7.9 mean to 6.9 (16) HF, QM, SK, TO BC Cyg: At 10.2 (2) DR BI Cyg: At 10.0 (2) DR RU Cyg: At 8.7-9.1 (2) MDT, QM SU Cyg: At 7.2-7.6 (6) MDT TT Cyg: Mean 8.4 (8) MDT, QM, TO V395 Cyg: At 8.8 (1) MDT V460 Cyg: Mean 6.6 (5) MDT, QM V521 Cyg: At 13.7V-13.8V (2) HF(V) V832 Cyg: At 5.0 (1) QM V930 Cyg: Fade 11.8-12.4 (3) HF V973 Cyg: Range 6.1-6.9 (3) MDT, QM V1070 Cyg: Mean 7.5 (4) MDT, QM V1339 Cyg: Range 6.0-6.9 (6) MDT, QM V1664 Cyg: Mean 4.9 (11) HF, QM V2085 Cyg: At 7.4 (2) QM V2153 Cyg: At 7.6 (1) MDT V2429 Cyg: At 13.7 (1) HF U Del: Mean 7.4 (10) MDT, QM, TO CT Del: Fade 7.5-8.0 (3) MDT EU Del: Mean 6.5 (10) MDT, QM, TO KP Del: At 8.5 (1) MDT MV Del: Mean 7.5 (3) MDT, QM T Dra: Fade 9.4-9.7 (2) DR AH Dra: Rise 8.2 mean to 7.8 mean (9) MDT, QM, TO AT Dra: At 6.2-6,.3 (4) QM RY Dra: Fade 7.0 mean-7.5 (8) MDT, QM, TO TX Dra: Fade 7.5-7.9 (8) MDT, QM, TO UW Dra: At 7.3-7.6 (3) MDT, QM UX Dra: Range 6.1-6.9 (4) MDT, QM VW Dra: At 6.1-6.2 (3) QM The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 224 eta Gem: Mean 3.4 (5) QM, TO BQ Gem: At 5.5 (3) QM BU Gem: Mean 6.9 (9) MDT, QM, TO IS Gem: At 5.5 (1) QM LU Gem: At 7.0 (1) HF PZ Gem: At 6.5 (1) QM TU Gem: Range 7.6-8.3 (3) HF, QMTV Gem: Mean 7.1 (7) HF, QM, TO WY Gem: Mean 8.0 (7) HF, QM, TO alpha Her: At 3.0-3.2 (2) MDT g Her: Mean 5.5 (7) QM, TO X Her: Mean 7.0 (9) MDT, QM, TO AC Her: Rise 7.9 mean to 7.1 mean (17) DR, MDT, QM, SK, TO BE Her: At 9.0 (1) MDT IQ Her: Mean 7.6 (4) MDT, QM OP Her: Mean 6.5 (8) MDT, QM, TO RU Her: At 10.7-10.8 (3) DR, TO ST Her: Fade 7.5 mean to 8.0 (5) MDT, TO SX Her: At 8.3 (2) TO UU Her: At 9.6 (1) MDT UW Her: Fade 8.1 mean to 8.5 (7) MDT, QM, TO V566 Her: At 7.6-7.8 (3) MDT, QM U Hya: At 5.6-5.7 (3) TO V Hya: At 10.5 (1) TO SU Lac: Fade 11.7-12.7 (3) DR, EV SX Lac: Mean 8.5 (4) MDT, TO V416 Lac: Mean 5.4 (4) MDT, QM R Leo: At 8.9-9.0 (2) TO RS Leo: At 11.5 (1) DR R Lep: At 8.0 (2) TO RX Lep: Mean 6.2 (5) QM, TO RY Leo: Fade 10.1-10.8 (3) DR, TO U LMi: Mean 11.9 (4) DR, TO W Lyn: At 12.0 (2) DR, TO X Lyn: At 14.8 (1) DR Y Lyn: Mean 8.2 (5) QM, SK, TO BY Lyn: At 7.1 (1) QM CE Lyn: At 7.8-7.9 (3) TO SV Lyn: Mean 7.8 (6) QM, TO delta2 Lyr: At 4.8 (1) QM R Lyr: Mean 4.6 (6) QM, TO T Lyr: At 9.1 (1) TO XY Lyr: Mean 6.0 (7) QM, TO S Mon: At 4.8-4.9 (2) QM U Mon: Rise 7.2-6.4 (7) DR, QM, SK, TO X Mon: At 8.7 (1) TO HQ Mon: Rise 13.1-12.4 (2) EV RV Mon: At 7.9 (3) TO SX Mon: At 8.1 (3) TO X Oph: Range 6.8-7.9 (7) MDT, SK, TO alpha Ori: At 0.4-0.5 (3) MDT, QM U Ori: Mean 12.0 (5) DR, TO W Ori: At 6.4-6.5 (3) TO BL Ori: At 6.7-6.8 (4) QM, TO BQ Ori: Mean 8.1 (8) MDT, QM, SK, TO CK Ori: At 6.5-6.6 (5) QM, TO beta Peg: At 2.9-3.0 (4) QM, TO GO Peg: Mean 8.0 (9) MDT, QM, TO HR Peg: At 6.6-6.8 (2) MDT TW Peg: At 7.8-8.1 (3) MDT rho Per: Mean 3.4 (4) MDT, QM S Per: At 10.3 (2) DR AD Per: At 9.0 (2) QM PR Per: At 8.2 (2) QM SU Per: At 8.6 (2) QM Z Psc: Mean 6.8 (6) MDT, QM DL Psc: At 6.8-6.9 (3) MDT TV Psc: At 5.3 (1) MDT TX Psc: At 5.6-5.7 (3) TO R Sct: Mean 5.4 (17) DR, HF, MDT, QM, SK, TO, XG S Sct: At 7.8 (3) TO tau4 Ser: At 6.6-6.7 (2) TO R Ser: Fade 7.8-8.4 (3) TO RT Sex: At 9.3 (1) TO Y Tau: Range 7.1-8.0 (6) QM, SK, TO CE Tau: At 5.0 (2) QM TT Tau: Mean 8.7 (6) MDT, QM, TO W Tri: Rise 8.1-7.9 (5) MDT, TO T UMa: At 12.8-12.9 (3) DR, TO Z UMa: Rise 7.6 mean to 7.1 (11) QM, SK, TO RY UMa: Mean 7.6 (9) MDT, QM, SK, TO ST UMa: Mean 7.2 (6) QM, TO TV UMa: Mean 7.1 (5) QM, TO VW UMa: Mean 7.4 (6) MDT, QM VY UMa: At 6.5-6.6 (6) MDT, QM R UMi: At 10.3 (1) TO V UMi: Rise 8.2 mean to 7.8 mean (7) MDT, QM, TO RR UMi: At 5.1 (3) QM R Vir: At 9.4 (1) TO BK Vir: At 8.0-8.3 (3) TO RW Vir: At 7.4-7.5 (2) TO RX Vir: At 8.8 (2) TO SS Vir: At 9.1-9.4 (3) TO SW Vir: At 7.6-7.7 (3) TO U Vul: Range 7.3-7.8 (4) MDT T Vul: At 6.1 (1) MDT V Vul: Fade 8.7 mean to 9.0 (9) DR, SK, TO IRAS21443+4329: Rise. V-band 15.9V to 14.7vis. B-band 16.6B to 15.7B (10) XG(Vis.V&B) Negative Observations: V Cam, V2368 Cyg, T Leo Suspects NSV 21: At 7.7 (1) QM NSV 436: At 7.9 (1) QM NSV 650: Mean 7.2 (12) HF, MDT, QM NSV 751: At 14.0V (1) HF(V) NSV 1280: At 6.5 (2) QM NSV 2537: At 5.9 (4) QM NSV 2859: At 7.0-7.1 (3) QM NSV 5976: At 6.7-6.9 (2) QM NSV 12088: At 6.3 (1) QM NSV 12439: At 8.2 (1) QM NSV 13242: At 7.6 (4) QM NSV 13784: At 7.2-7.3 (2) QM NSV 13857: At 5.6-5.7 (2) QM NSV 14213: Range 5.9-6.4 (4) MDT, QM NSV 14680: At 8.4 (1) QM NSV 15133: At 10.6-10.8 (4) XG NSV 15889: At 7.6-7.7 (2) QM NSV 16777: At 7.4 (1) QM NSV 16812: At 6.4 (1) HF NSV 17493: At 6.9 (1) QM NSV 25966: Range 16.3C-16.7C (10) JMS(C), XG Var SE EY Cyg: Vis. 14.3-14.4 & 13.9V (4) HF(Vis.&V) GSC2.3 N2GO040899: At 15.1V (4) HF(Vis.&V) Negative Observations: HP And, NSV 895, NSV 24587, NSV 25747, No. of observations reported = 3,131 Observers: Denis Buczynski (V,R,I), Bob Dryden DR, Tom Lloyd Evans EV, Guy Hurst (Vis.V,C) HF, Nick James (V,R,I) NDJ, Tony Markham QM, Martin Mobberley (V) MOB, Gary Poyner (Vis.C,V,B) XG, Jonathan Shanklin SK, Jeremy Shears (C) JMS, Melvyn Taylor MDT, John Toone TO The Astronomer Vol 49 No 584 2012 December 4) Comet C/1969 Y1 (Bennett), 2012 Oct 13 Mark Kidger Photo by Guy Hurst TA AGM 2012 5) Solar Eclipse from Australia, 2012 Nov 13/14: Nick James The Astronomer Volume 49 No 584 2012 December page C3 6)) Solar Eclipse, 2012 Nov 14 (local): Ron Johnson 06h38m local 07h00m local The Astronomer Volume 49 No 584 2012 December page C4