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Plants and its kingdom.
Nutrition in Plants.
Animals and its Kingdom.
Nutrition in Animals.
Living & Non Living things.
Human Body & its Functions.
Organ systems, Nervous System & skeletal system.
Our Surroundings.
Work, Force & Motion
Measurement of Time, Distance & Speed.
Light & Electricity.
Simple Machines.
Fun with magnets.
Methods’ of Separating Substances.
• Our Food
Food where does it come from.
Varieties of Food.
Food Materials & Sources.
Plant Parts & Animal Products as Food.
Components of Food.
Various Nutrients in Food.
Food Habits.
• Natural Resources
4. 1 Natural Resources.
4.2 Air & Water
4.3 Rocks & Soils.
4.4 Minerals.
4.5 Pollution and it types.
• Earth Sciences:
5.1 Earth Weather
5.2 Earth’s Atmosphere( Air, currents, Wind & Oceans)
5.3 Our solar System.
5.4 The Sun.
5.5 Earth.
5.6 Moon.
5.7 Stars & its Clusters.
5.8 Lunar & Solar Eclipses.
5.9 Galaxies.
5.10 Asteroids & Comets.
• Additional Chapters:
6.1 Inventions & Discoveries.
6.2 Famous Scientists & their Inventions.
6.3 Means of Communication.
6.4 Means of Transport.
6.5 Land and its People.
1. Which Planet is called as Red Planet?
A. Uranus
B. Pluto
C. Mars
2. Which candy bar is in outer space?
A. Snickers
B. Baby Ruth
C. Milky Way
3. What is the Latin name for the sun?
A. Son
B. Surya
C. Sol
4. The body that supplies heat and light to the small planet we call
A. Star
B. Asteroid
C. Moon
5. What objects gravitational pull is so great that nothing – not even
light can escape from it?
A. Black Hole
B. Vortex
C. Shooting Star
6. Based on their average distance from the Sun, what is the order of the
A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
B. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
C. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
7.The name of a small object made of ice, frozen gas, and dust that
orbits the sun is?
A. Comet
B. Meteorite
C. Asteroid
8. How long does it take the earth to go around the sun?
A. One Day
B. One Month
C. One Year
9. What best describes a “falling star”?
A. A flaming ball of gas.
B. A star streaking across the sky near the Earth.
C. A tiny rock vaporizing as it enters the Earth’s atmosphere.
10. Which planet has a surface and atmosphere which is all most like the
A. Mars
B. Neptune
C. Mercury
11. What is the brightest star in the night sky at any time?
A. Sirius
B. Orion
C. Venus
12. A natural satellite that orbits a planet?
A. Star
B. Sun
C. Moon
13. About how many stars are in our galaxy?
A. 200 billion
B. 200 thousand
C. 2 million
14. Which planet is referred to as the “planet of oceans”?
A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Mars
15. Which planet has the strongest winds?
A. Neptune
B. Earth
C. Mars
16. Meteoroids that hurtle into the atmosphere as streaks of light are?
A. Comets
B. Shooting stars
C. Asteroids
17. Which planets have rings around them?
A. Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune
B. Earth, Pluto, Mercury, Mars
C. Venus, Mars, Uranus, Saturn
18. Which statement describes the atmosphere of the planet correctly?
A) Venus is mostly carbon dioxide
B) Mercury is mostly nitrogen
C) Earth is mostly oxygen
19. To weigh roughly two-thirds less than what you do on Earth, which
planet would you be on?
A) Uranus
B) Mars
C) Venus
20. How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth?
A) 1 minute
B) 8 minutes
C) Instantaneous
21. It takes the Sun 225-250 million years to do one revolution of the
Milky Way Galaxy. How fast does the Sun travel?
A) 220km in a second
B) 220km in a minute
C) 220 km in hour
22. In 2007, Voyager 2 crossed the Helio sheath boundary and into the
vast region at the edge of our solar system where the solar wind runs up
against the thin gas between the stars. What did this crossing confirm
about the shape of our solar system?
A) Its squashed
B) Its round
C) It’s a rotation
23. What was the first name to be suggested for Neptune?
A) Junus
B) Juno
24. The 'great dark spot' on Neptune was discovered by?
A) William Herschel
B) Hubble space telescope
C) Voyager 2
C) Larissa
25. How long does it take for Neptune to complete one orbit around the
A) 32 years
B) 79 years
C) 164 years
26. What is the largest moon orbiting Neptune?
A) Triton
B) Nereid
C) Miranda
27. Neptune's rings are named after___________.
A) Ancient cities
B) Greek goddesses
C) Astronomers involved in discover of planet.
28. What was the first theory proposed to explain the origin of the solar
system by Rene Descartes in 1644?
A) Condensation and Contraction of Large Vortex
B) Passing star hypothesis
C) Passing comet hypothesis
29. According to new classification, Pluto is a?
A) Small Planet
B) Moon of Neptune
C) Dwarf Planet
30. Pluto is the___________?
A) Most distant planet
B) Largest Kuiper Belt Object
C) Edge of the solar system
31. In which year was Pluto discovered?
A) 1892
B) 1967
C) 1930
32. Jupiter's rings were first observed by?
A) Galileo Galilee
B) Voyager 1
C) Hubble space telescope
33. The rings of Jupiter are composed of?
A) Dust particles
B) Chunks of ice
C) Small asteroids
34. Who was the first astronomer to suggest rings around planet Saturn?
A) Christian Huygens
B) Edwin Hubble
C) Édouard Roche
35. What was the first asteroid discovered in 1801 and named after the
Roman goddess of harvest?
A) Juno
B) Ceres
C) Hygiea
36. When a new asteroid is discovered, it is named after_____?
A) The name chosen by the discoverer
B) The year of discovery
C) A goddess in Greek mythology
37. When an asteroid is assigned a number in front of its name, what
additional information does that provide?
A) The year of discovery
B) Its orbit has been calculated
C) Its distance from the sun
38. In the asteroid belt, some areas are almost free of asteroids. These are
known as?
A) Kirkwood's gaps
B) Roche’s gaps
C) Cassini divisions
39. The asteroids that cross the earth's orbit are known as?
A).Amor objects
Apollo objects
C) Trojan Asteroids
40. What is the correct alignment during a solar eclipse?
A) Sun, moon, earth
B) Sun, earth, moon
C) Moon, sun, earth
41. What is the maximum number of solar eclipses that can occur
during a calendar year?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
42. What is the minimum number of solar eclipses that can occur
during a calendar year?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
43. Total solar eclipses occur due to a unique feature common to both the
sun and the moon. What is this feature?
A) Same equatorial diameter
B) Same angular diameter
C) Same distance from earth
44. During a solar eclipse, an observer on the moon, looking at the earth
would see?
A) The sun completely covered by the earth
B) Earth completely covered by moon's shadow
C) Earth partially covered by moon's shadow
45. What is the average distance to the Moon?
A) 0.363 million kilometers
C) 36.3 million kilometers
B) 3.63 million kilometers
46. What is the diameter of the Moon?
A) 1268 km
B) 2908 km
C) 3476 km
47. The Moon orbits around the Earth at a speed of?
A) 490 km per hour
B) 1730 km per hour
C) 3680 km per hour
48. How long does the Moon take to complete one orbit?
A) 27 days 7 hours
B) 29 days 18 hours
C) 31 days 8 hours
49. The nucleus of a comet_________.
A) Has a higher density than ice
B) is visible from earth-based telescopes
C) Has an irregular shape
50. How many spacecrafts flew by the nucleus of comet Halley during
1985 – 1986 periods, when it visited the inner solar system?
A) No spacecraft was sent
B) 3
C) 5