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Date: November 28, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Length: 2 hours
Teacher: Mr. Douglas O’Hearn
Student Name: ______________________________
Period: _______
Check that your examination has 11 typed pages, including the cover page.
Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
Marks are indicated in the right-hand margin in brackets.
Calculators are NOT permitted.
Answers must be written in standard English format for an academic audience. Dictionaries
(electronic or paper) are not permitted.
6. All answers must be written in black or blue pen only.
7. There are four parts to the exam. Read instructions to each part carefully.
Knowledge and Understanding
Thinking and Investigation
For office use only:
Part A
Part B
Part C
30, allow 25 minutes
26, allow 30 minutes
21, allow 40 minutes
23, allow 25 minutes
100 marks, 120 minutes
Part D
PSE4U Final Exam
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PSE4U Final Exam
PART A: Knowledge and Understanding (30 marks)
Multiple Choice
____ 1. Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion occur at which joint?
a. Ankle
d. Shoulder
b. Elbow
e. Knee
c. Wrist
____ 2. The hip is capable of all the following except
a. flexion.
b. extension.
c. circumduction.
d. abduction.
e. protraction.
____ 3. There are ____ ribs in the human body.
a. 7
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14
e. 20
____4. Which of the following is NOT part of bone remodelling?
a. Osteoblasts.
d. All of the above.
b. Osteoclasts.
e. None of the above.
c. Osteoid.
____ 5. The point at which a muscle fibre meets a nerve is called a(n)
a. neuromuscular junction.
d. acetylcholine.
b. myelin sheath.
e. neuron.
c. neurotransmitter.
____ 6. During elbow flexion, which muscle acts as the Agonist (Prime Mover)?
a. Deltoid
d. Pectoralis Major
b. Triceps
e. Gastrocnemius
c. Biceps
____ 7. Which is an example of an eccentric contraction?
a. The quadriceps when jumping.
b. The quadriceps when landing after a jump.
c. The Latisimus Dorsi when shooting a basketball.
d. The Deltoids when doing a sit-up.
e. None of the above is an example of an eccentric contraction.
____ 8. Which of the following is largest?
a. Myosin
b. Myofibril
c. Muscle fibre
d. Sarcomere
e. ATP
PSE4U Final Exam
____ 9. Which energy system is used the most in the first few seconds on intense exercise?
a. ATP-PC system (Creatine Phosphate)
b. Glycolysis
c. Oxidative cellular respiration.
d. ADP Hyrdolysis System
e. Pyruvate System
____ 10. Which is the correct sequence of blood circulation from the heart?
a. Arterioles – arteries – capillaries – veins – venules
b. Arteries – arterioles – venules – capillaries – veins
c. Veins – venules – capillaries – arterioles – arteries
d. Arteries – arterioles – capillaries – venules – veins
e. Arteries – veins – apilaries – arterioles – venules
____ 11. Stroke volume is
a. the total volume of blood in the body.
b. the volume of blood the left ventricle ejects with each beat.
c. the volume of blood the remaining in the heart after each contraction.
d. the volume of the right ventricle.
e. the same as cardiac output.
____ 12. The total amount of oxygen the body can use is referred to as
a. VO2 Max.
d. Oxygen deficit.
b. Ejection Fraction.
e. Lactic Threshold.
c. Hyperplasia.
____ 13. Which of the following is not a micronutrient?
a. Vitamin B
b. Calcium
e. Glucose
c. Magnesium
d. Zinc
____ 14. Carbohydrates provide how much energy per gram?
a. 3 cal/g
d. 9 cal/g
b. 4 cal/g
e. 12 cal/g
c. 7 cal/g
____ 15. Which of the following would NOT help an athlete gain muscle mass?
a. Protein Suplements
d. Blood Doping
b. Anabolic Steroids
e. Creatine
c. Human Growth Hormone
____ 16. An athlete stopped training and after 3 months some muscle atrophy had occurred. This can
be explained by:
a. The Principle of Overload
b. The Principle of Progression
c. The Principle of Diminishing Returns
d. The Principle of Reversibility
e. The Principle of Individual Differences
PSE4U Final Exam
____ 17. The best type of training for increasing jumping ability is
a. plyometrics.
d. concurrent training .
b. interval training.
e. fartlek training.
c. resistance training.
____ 18. There are several ways of stretching. Which one is most beneficial to do before exercise?
a. PNF stretching.
d. 30 seconds holds
b. static stretching.
e. none of the above
c. dynamic/ballistic stretching
____ 19. A personal trainer is assessing a new client. He wants to assess the clients muscular
endurance. Which of the following would be an appropriate test?
a. Trunk Forward Flexion Test
b. Partial Curl-Up Test
c. Skinfold test
d. 1 Repetition max
e. VO2 max test
____ 20. Which of the following does NOT increase stability?
a. a low centre of mass
b. centre of mass above the base of support
c. a wide base of support
d. large mass
e. rotation
____ 21. An example of an ellipsoid joint is
a. the neck.
b. the hip.
c. the elbow.
d. the thumb.
e. between two carpal bones.
____ 21. The frontal bone of the skull is an example of a(n)
a. long bone.
b. short bone.
c. irregular bone.
d. sesamoid bone.
e. flat bone.
____ 22. The frontal bone of the skull is an example of a(n)
a. long bone.
b. short bone.
c. irregular bone.
d. sesamoid bone.
e. flat bone.
____ 23. Which of the following is NOT part of the female athlete triad?
a. amenhorea.
PSE4U Final Exam
disordered eating.
lack of motivation for exercise.
unhealthy weight loss.
____ 23. Which of the following is NOT part of the female athlete triad?
a. amenhorea.
b. disordered eating.
c. osteoporosis.
d. lack of motivation for exercise.
e. unhealthy weight loss.
Match the joint type with an example below.
a. wrist
c. foot
b. neck
d. hip
____ 20. Ball and socket
____ 21. Gliding
____ 22. Pivot
e. elbow
f. thumb
____ 23. Ellipsoid
____ 24. Saddle
____ 25. Hinge
Match the bone description with the type of bone below.
a. generally thin, usually broad in shape, smooth surface allowing a large are for muscle attachment.
b. classified according to location rather than shape, found in tendons.
c. complex shapes that differ from any other bone in the body.
d. hollow and tubular in shape with a long shaft.
e. shaped like a cube and almost equal in length and width.
____ 26. Long bone
____ 27. Short Bone
____ 28. Flat Bone
____ 29. Irregular Bone
____ 30. Sesamoid Bone
PART B: Thinking and Inquiry (26 marks)
1. Describe a scenario which demonstrates each of the following biomechanical principles. (4 marks)
a. Principle 3: The production of maximal velocity requires the use of joints in order – from
largest to smallest.
PSE4U Final Exam
b. Principle 5: Movement usually occurs in the direction opposite that of the applied force.
2. Complete the following chart on the three energy systems. (6 marks)
Energy System
Glycolytic –Lactic
acid System
Uses Oxygen
(Yes or No)
Example of sport
relying on this
Muscle fibre type
3. What is the role of calcium in muscle contraction? (2 marks)
4. Name two muscles that contribute to hip extension? (3 marks)
Aerobic System
PSE4U Final Exam
5. Regular endurance training leads to several chronic (long-lasting) physiological changes in the
body. List three chronic adaptations to chronic endurance training. (3 marks)
6. What percentage of caloric intake should come from each macronutrient in a normal, healthy diet?
(3 marks)
7. What is erythropoietin and why would an athlete want to take it? (3 marks)
9. Explain how to effectively use breathing to calm down a nervous athlete (2 marks)
PART C: Communication (21 marks)
PSE4U Final Exam
1. Why can a food that is fat-free still lead to an increase in body fat? (3 marks)
2. Why are Kenyan long-distance runners so successful? (3 marks)
3. An athlete wants increase his cardiovascular endurance and lose weight. What training and
nutrition advice would you give this athlete? (5 marks)
4. Label any 12 bones using correct terminology. (6 marks)
PSE4U Final Exam
5. The course text outlines five coaching styles. As an athlete, which style would work best for you?
Why? (4 marks)
PART D: Application (23 marks)
PSE4U Final Exam
1. Why do governments pay for sports? Identify and explain one reason using specific examples. (4
2. Using correct anatomical terminology, explain how a person would move from the anatomical
position to the position below. (5 marks)
3. Which muscles are involved in a push-up? Identify two agonists, one fixator, and one synergist. (4
4. What adjustments would you make when teaching a badminton serve to a 10-year old athlete? (4
PSE4U Final Exam
5. Now that exams are almost over, you will have ample time for exercise. Briefly outline a training
program for yourself over the next several weeks using the F.I.T.T. principle. (6 marks)