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Pre-­‐notes across the bottom of home screen: Energy makes all movement and change possible. It exists in many forms. Your body gives off heat energy. Land and the oceans are warmed by solar energy. Electrical energy flows through wires. This app explores several forms of energy with videos and fun facts. We will explore the major types of energy: potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that is ready to use. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. It is not just ready; it’s already on the move. We will also look at energy transformation or energy change. Energy is never destroyed, but it can change form. For example, electrical energy that enters a television is changed into sound, light, and heat energy. Open the EnergyHD app Select Potential Energy-­‐ Select Read and Learn: All energy is either potential or kinetic. Potential energy is stored. It’s called potential energy because it has the potential to do work. In contrast, kinetic energy is already working. Potential energy takes many forms. A few examples are mechanical, chemical, and nuclear. Potential mechanical depends on where an object is. One type of potential mechanical energy is elastic. When a rubber band is stretched out, it has the greatest potential elastic mechanical energy. The potential energy weakens as the rubber band relaxes. At the same time, the kinetic energy grows. The other type of potential mechanical energy works with gravity. One example is a wrecking ball. When its swung back into an elevated position, it has great gravitational potential energy, but it doesn’t have the same power as when at rest. Similarly, water stored at the opening of a hydroelectric dam has immense gravitational potential energy. Meanwhile, water sitting in a puddle has very little potential energy. A second type of potential energy is chemical. Chemical potential energy is ready to be released in a chemical reaction. The energy could be released as atoms and molecules combine or as molecules break apart. This chemical potential energy takes the form of heat, light or both. One example is a burning match. The match’s chemical energy becomes heat and light. Finally, a third type of potential energy, nuclear, is similar to potential chemical energy. It is released when bonds break in an atom’s nucleus or center. When atomic particles break, their potential nuclear energy is released as heat or radiation. This is called nuclear fission. The energy that the Sun emits into space is produced by nuclear reactions that happen in its core due to the collision of hydrogen nuclei and the formation of helium nuclei. This is called nuclear fusion. Did you KNOW: (Scroll through the facts at the bottom of the screen.) • Gravity is a non-­‐pulling source of potential energy. Scientists are trying to create gravity-­‐powered automobiles. • The higher up you are the more gravitational potential energy you have. • About 75% of the energy used worldwide is nonrenewable. It is released when people burn fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. • Food provides chemical energy. When you digest food, your body breaks down chemical bonds to help you move and grow. • Light bulbs are inefficient. Most of their energy is released as heat, not light. • Here’s an interesting alternative to light bulbs: plants crossed with firefly DNA. • Wind produces about 2% of the world’s electricity, but it is becoming more popular every year. • Energy is usually measured in units called joules. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select Touch and Learn Conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy: Touch the glowing spots on the left silver ball that is pulled away from the rest. Named after Sir Isaac Newton, the Newton’s Cradle demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Energy and Momentum. Energy is converted from potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa, but the total energy remains the same. The device consists of a series of pendulums (5-­‐7 steel balls suspended by a wire that line up in a row. When one of the balls at the end is pulled away, it gains gravitational potential energy. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy when it is released. As the end ball strikes the other balls, it transfers the momentum to the other balls and finally to the ball at the opposite end. As the end ball at the opposite side swings, its kinetic energy is converted to potential energy. Touch the glowing spot between the third and fourth silver ball. Watch the video. One ball is pulled back and it runs into the other balls. the other end ball goes up. then swings back then two push three then at the end both end balls swing into the other hanging balls causing different numbers of them to move. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Water behind a dam has an immense gravitational potential energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. Water behind a dam has a lot of potential energy. Both the volume of the water and the height difference (or the head) between where the water enters and leaves the dam, determine the power that can be extracted from the water. Touch the blinking yellow dot near the center of the screen. When the water is held behind a dam is released, the force of the water drives the blades of a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity. The water is then released into the river on the other side of the dam. Ignore the blinking yellow dot near the bottom of the screen. You can’t watch the video.—The video does not exist. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. A battery has chemical potential energy. Touch the yellow dot near the center of the screen. Batteries store chemical energy and convert it into electricity when connected to a circuit. A battery is made up of multiple electrochemical cells or galvanic cells. Each electrochemical cell has a positive terminal called a cathode, a negative terminal called the anode, and the medium or the electrolyte. When connected to a circuit, chemical reactions occur at both the anode and the cathode that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. Watch the video Alesandro Volta invented the battery A flow of electrons from high concentration to low concentration is needed to make a battery work. The two types of metals, zinc and copper, are the source of the current The flow of electrons is called an electrical current A frog’s leg jumps, even though it is not attached to the body anymore, because electrons flow from the zinc through the frog’s leg and into the copper. The nerve in the frog’s muscle is sensitive to electricity. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Wood has stored chemical energy Touch the blinking yellow dot on bottom left side of the screen. Potential energy is stored energy. Potential chemical energy is stored in the chemical bonds. The most common examples of chemical energy include fuels, food, wood, natural gas, etc. Chemical energy is released as light or heat when atoms or molecules combine or break apart. Chemical reactions that release energy are called exothermic, while ones that absorb energy are called endothermic. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the right side of the screen. When would is burned, the chemical energy in the wood is converted to heat. Chemical potential energy is ready to be released in a chemical reaction. The energy could be released when atoms and molecules combine or when they break apart. If atoms or molecules combine, the chemical energy is stored in the bonds that make up the molecules. If atoms or molecules break apart, then the chemical energy is released as heat and light. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Food contains chemical energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. Another form of potential chemical energy is in the food we eat. The amount of energy in the food varies depending on the type of food. The energy stored in food is measured in Calories. One calorie is the amount of heat or energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The chemical energy stored in the food is used by animals for a wide range of functions that include providing energy for the brain and muscles, maintaining body temperature, and providing energy for growing and reproducing. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the right side of the screen. Watch the video. Cheese puffs had more energy because they had more calories and oil. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select See and Learn Potential energy is energy that’s stored in an object. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Kinetic energy is already working. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. When a rubber band is stretched, it gains potential energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. A wrecking ball has the most potential energy just before it swings. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Water stored at the opening of a hydroelectric dam has immense gravitational potential energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Chemical potential energy is stored in chemical bonds. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. The chemical energy in a match becomes both heat and light. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Potential nuclear energy is stored in the bonds inside an atom. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Nuclear energy is released when chemical bonds break. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. The sun is an example of a nuclear reactor. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Solar radiation warms the oceans and helps plants grow. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Energy can’t be destroyed, but it can change from one type to another. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. The world’s largest windmill powers approximately 5000 homes in Europe Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. The world’s largest hydroelectric dam is the Three Gorges Dam in China. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Every minute, enough sunlight reaches Earth’s surface to satisfy humans’ energy demands for a year! Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. The first solar cell was invented in the 1880’s. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. When you dive into a pool, you lose potential energy, but you gain kinetic energy (the energy of motion). Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. If you dropped a penny from the top of a skyscraper, it would exert about a pound of energy when it landed! Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. In Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC2, the E stands for energy. It’s related to mass and speed of light. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Food energy is often measured in calories. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Lightning is created by the release of potential energy in rainclouds. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Geothermal energy is produced inside the Earth.
Select the back button twice to the home page. Select Kinetic Energy. Select Read and Learn Energy is either potential or kinetic. Potential energy is stored and waiting to work, by kinetic energy is already working. When one type of energy rises, the other falls. For example, your stored energy decreases when your physical activity level increases. Energy is never destroyed but it can take different forms. Kinetic energy can take five forms: ü Thermal energy results when molecules vibrate. For example, the higher the temperature inside a stove, the faster the molecules inside it are moving. ü Electric kinetic energy is the movement of electrons. Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom. Electric kinetic energy is different from electricity. Electric kinetic energy is the movement of electrons within an atom. Electricity is the flow of an electric charge. ü Mechanical kinetic energy is the movement of objects or substances from one place to another. A ship moving across the ocean has mechanical kinetic energy. A Frisbee in flight also has mechanical kinetic energy. Wind and humans are examples of possible sources of mechanical kinetic energy. ü Kinetic sound energy moves through substances such as air. It takes the shape of waves. Your voice, a bee’s buzz, and a teapot’s whistle are all sound energy. ü Finally radiant energy also travels in waves. Radiant energy is electromagnetic. Some examples are sunlight, X-­‐rays, radio waves, and heat from incandescent light bulbs. Did you KNOW: (Scroll through the facts at the bottom of the screen.) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The total amount of energy in an object is its potential energy plus its kinetic energy. The word “kinetic” comes from the Greek word kinesis, which means “motion”. If you double the mass of an object, you double its kinetic mechanical energy. When two objects travel at the same speed, the heavier one has more kinetic mechanical energy. Kinetic energy depends on mass and velocity, which is the speed of something in a given direction. Radiant energy emitted by the Earth is called terrestrial radiation. Sound energy travels through the air at about 340 meters per second. About half the radiation you experience is from natural sources: the Earth, the Sun, and processes with your own body! Kinetic energy is calculated by multiplying half the object’s mass by its velocity squared. Faster vibrations create higher sounds. Some measures for kinetic energy are the joule, the Newton-­‐meter (Nm), and the kilogram meter squared over seconds squared (kg m2/s2). If you double the speed of an object, you quadruple its kinetic mechanical energy. The word “energy” is from the Greek word energeia. Solar radiation contains infrared light, visible light, and ultraviolet light. A diet of 2000 calories per day is equivalent to about 8,368 joules! Terrestrial radiation is 100% infrared. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select Touch and Learn A swing has both kinetic and potential energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the center of the screen. Press play on the video. Pulling the bowling ball back from the middle, it gave it potential energy. When we let go of it, it had kinetic energy. The kinetic energy will never be bigger than the potential energy. It’s only going to have as much energy as we gave it. Energy can be changed from one form to another. Electricity is a form of energy. A lot of it comes from the heat released from burning coal. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. A moving car has kinetic energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the center of the screen. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. The word “kinetic” comes from the Greek word for kinesis, which means “motion.” Kinetic energy is calculated by multiplying half of an object’s mass by its velocity squared. So in the case of a car, its kinetic energy is half of the mass of the car (approx.. 2000-­‐3000 pounds depending on the size of the car) times the velocity of the car squared. Did you know that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimates that for every 100 pounds taken off of a vehicle, its fuel economy is increased by 1-­‐2 percent? Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. Just like human bodies need air, water, and food, cars need gasoline, electricity, and air. Inside a gasoline engine (an internal combustion engine), the right amount of fuel and air are mixed and ignited by a spark. These controlled explosions inside the engine block generate power. This pushes the piston which turns the crankshaft and driveshaft to deliver power to the wheels. Thus, the chemical energy in the fuel is converted to mechanical kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Flowing water has kinetic energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. A fire hydrant is a source of water is used by firefighters to extinguish a fire. Before the invention of the fire hydrant by George Smith in 1817, some cities had bucket brigades. These were a group of volunteer firefighters who would carry buckets of water from the water source to the site of the fire. Touch the blinking yellow dot just right of the center of the screen. When water is not moving, it has potential energy. This potential energy causes static pressure to build up in a system. When a firefighter opens a hydrant, some of the potential energy of the water that is not moving is converted into kinetic energy of the moving water. Some of the potential energy is used to overcome friction in the pipe and the rest is converted into kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. A bicycle brake converts kinetic energy to thermal energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot near the bottom of the screen. A bicycle brake converts the kinetic energy of the bike into thermal energy or heat using friction. When the brake is applied, the pads on the brake come into contact with the rim of the rotating wheel of the bicycle. The friction between the pads and the rim converts the kinetic energy into thermal energy, which is dissipated. As the bicycle loses its kinetic energy, it slows down or stops. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above the middle of the screen. While there are many different types of brakes, all of them rely on friction between two surfaces to reduce kinetic energy by converting it into thermal. The earliest brake, the spoon brake consisted of a pad that was pressed on top of the front tire. The newer rim brakes use pads to press against the rims of the rotating wheel. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Sound energy is a form of kinetic energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot just below the middle of the screen. Kinetic sound energy moves though substances such as air. Sound energy travels through the air at about 340 meters per second. It takes the shape of waves. Your voice, a bee’s buzz, a teapot’s whistle are all sound energy. Sound energy is created by vibrations, such as vibrations in a drum or your vocal chords. Touch the blinking yellow dot near the center of the screen. Press play on the video. Sound can be considered to be composed from three areas: noise, language, and musical tone. Noise is a random type of oscillation. The point of no vibration is called a node. The point of maximum vibration is known as the antinode. From node to node is the wave length. it is the wavelength that that determines the frequency or pitch of the sound we hear. The oscilloscope shows no vibration at the node of the pipe. As the microphone moves towards the middle of the pipe, it finds the antinode. When a string is plucked we can hear its fundamental pitch. A string can vibrate at several frequencies at once. A pure pitch has one frequency on the spectrum analyzer known as the fundamental. Every instrument has its own unique sound created out of its overtone structure. Tap the left back arrow at the top of the screen. Select See and Learn Kinetic energy is working energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. When potential energy is highest, kinetic energy is lowest. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. When potential energy decreases, kinetic energy increases. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Thermal energy results when molecules vibrate. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Electrical kinetic energy is the movement of electrons. Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. A Frisbee in flight has mechanical kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Waves of kinetic energy move through air and other substances. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Radiant energy such as radio signals and sunlight also travels in waves. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Mechanical kinetic energy is the movement of objects or substances from one place to another. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. When two objects travel at the same speed, the heavier one has more mechanical kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. You can increase kinetic energy by increasing mass. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. You can increase kinetic energy by increasing speed. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Kinetic energy can be passed from one object to another, such as from one billiard ball to another. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Sailboats get their mechanical kinetic energy from wind pushing the sails. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Sound energy created by vibrations, such as vibrations in your vocal chords. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. A whale’s sounds can travel several hundreds of kilometers underwater. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Because of geothermal energy, for every 100 meters you dig into the Earth, the temperature increases by about three degrees Celsius. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Radiant energy from the Sun contains infrared light, visible light, and ultraviolet light. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Radiant energy from the Earth is 100% infrared. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Medical X-­‐rays are a major source of human-­‐made radiation. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select Watch and Learn *The Electromagnetic Spectrum (2:56) Deep inside the Sun’s core, immense gravitational pressure convert hydrogen to helium releasing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The reactions inside the Sun create energy called photons that travel to the surface of Earth in the form of waves. The distance between one crest to another is called a wavelength. The shorter wavelength means that there is more energy. *Sound, Energy, and Wave Motion (2:29) Sound waves are compression waves in a medium that are converted to electrical signals and sent by the auditory nerve to the brain where it is interpreted to sound. Sound waves have frequency and amplitude. On a sign-­‐wave, the movement of the a molecule from the axis to as far above the axis to as far below the axis and back to the axis is known as one vibration or cycle. The number of sound waves there are per second the sound wave produces through the medium it is traveling through is known as its frequency. *Bill Nye-­‐The Science Guy on Heat (2:05) The molecules is cold things move more slowly than the molecules in hot things. slowly A hot burning match has less heat energy than the ice sculpture because the ice sculpture has more molecules. *Geothermal power: how does it work? (2:09) The subterranean heat resources are more accessible at the frontiers of tectonic plates where volcanic activity is common. Geothermal power is called a base load power source, operating 24 hours seven days a week, making it an appealing renewable energy resource. *Real World: Work, Force, Energy, and Motion (8:50) The use of force to move an object a certain distance is known as work. To be counted as work, the applied force has to be in the same direction as the motion of the object. Work = force times distance. Force is measured in Newtons and distance is measured in meters. A Newton-­‐meter is known as a Joule or a standard unit used to measure work. Lifting an apple is an example of a transfer of energy. Stored energy is known as potential energy. Potential energy based on the height of an object is known as gravitational potential energy (GPE). It depends on mass, acceleration, and height. The unit for measuring gravitational potential energy is the Newton-­‐meter. The kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and velocity. *Physics for Kids Rutgers-­‐ Energy of Motion (5:17) To keep something in rotational motion, a gravitational pull towards the center of the circle is necessary. *Electromagnetic Spectrum: Radio waves (3:57) The longest waves that contain the least amount of any electromagnetic energy are known as radio waves. Radio waves are electromagnetic have been used to discover quasars, pulsars, and plasma clouds. NASA’s Stereo Satellite can monitor radio waves from the Sun’s corona. *This is Science “Sound” Experiment (6:02) In the experiment, friction causes vibration and the cup amplifies the sound. The shape and volume of the container changes the sound that is created when a damp cloth is dragged along the string attached. Select the back button twice to the home page. Select Energy Transformation Select Read and Learn Energy falls into two main categories. One is potential energy such as calories stored in a sandwich. The other is kinetic energy or working energy. An example of kinetic energy is your movement down a street. Both type of energy can change form. For example, the chemical energy in food can become mechanical energy that powers your body. We call this energy transformation. An object can have potential energy and kinetic energy at the same time. When one increases, the other one decreases. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Although energy can’t be created or destroyed, some types of energy transformation are more efficient than others. That is, sometimes energy changes into forms we can’t easily recapture. For instance, some energy is always lost as heat. Let’s look at cars as an example. Most vehicles today move by transforming chemical energy. Henry Ford’s first cars transformed chemical energy stored in biomass such as tomato plants. Many cars today use gasoline. Either way, car engines transform chemical energy into mechanical energy. Some of the energy transformed inside a car’s engine is lost as heat or thermal energy. The more friction there is, the more thermal energy is created. Electric cars run on rechargeable batteries and pollute much less than traditional cars. Still, they lose some of their battery power to heat. Did you KNOW: (Scroll through the facts at the bottom of the screen.) • • • • • • • • • • • Windmills were first used in Persia around the year 200 BC. California’s Mojave Desert is home to the world’s largest solar energy project. The loss of useable energy as heat is called entropy. Nuclear waste is stored underground in tanks. It will remain dangerous for tens of thousands of years. In the 1880’s, Thomas Edison created a reliable long-­‐lasting light bulb after about 1,000 tries. Solar and wind energy are renewable and non-­‐polluting. Architects have designed soundscrapers. These look like skyscrapers, but they transform a city’s sounds into useable energy. By screaming for about eight years, you could create enough sound energy to heat a cup of tea. People have long used solar kinetic energy to heat water, cook food, remove salt from seawater, and dry clothes. In addition to heat energy, nuclear reactions create nuclear radiation. The Mojave Desert solar power plants help prevent tons of fossil fuel waste such as carbon dioxide from polluting our atmosphere. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select Touch and Learn Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above and to the right of center of the screen. The leaves of a plant contain a green pigment call chlorophyll, which absorbs the Sun’s energy. This energy is used by the plant to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and carbohydrates. Thus energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy stored in the carbohydrates. The plant uses this chemical energy to grow, and produce flowers and seeds. Touch the blinking yellow dot just below the center of the screen. Press play on the video. Proteins, fats, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates are synthesized by light energy in the cells. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll. Thylakoids are hollow disks within chloroplasts. The molecules of life are synthesized in the stroma of a plant. Glucose is converted into starch by plants to use for energy. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Energy is transformed during a typical lightning strike. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above and to the left of center of the screen. During a lightning strike, the electric potential energy created by the charge in the clouds is transformed into light energy, sound energy, and thermal energy. About 1 billion to 10 billion joules of energy is associated with an average three mile long lightning strike. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above and to the right of center of the screen. Press play on the video. The lightning flash that you see is referred to as the return stroke. Flash is what you can see, a lightning stroke are individual pulses of current separated by hundredths of a second. A lightning strike hits the ground. Thunderstorms develop when the atmosphere is unstable and warm air tries to rise up and pushes up cooler air. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. A windmill transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the center of the windmill blades. A windmill converts the kinetic energy of the wind into rotational mechanical energy. Unlike a wind turbine, that was developed to generate electricity, windmills were primarily used for industrial purposes such as milling grains, pumping water, etc. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above and to the left of center of the screen. Uneven heating of the Earth’s atmosphere by the Sun and the Earth’s rotation cause differences in atmospheric pressure that result in winds. Wind energy is the kinetic energy of the air in motion. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. Solar panels transform radiant solar energy into electrical energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot just below and to the left of center of the screen. When sunlight hits a solar panel, its energy is absorbed by the semiconducting material in the panel and is used to form charge carriers. In the presence of an electric field, these charges separated forming the electric current. This is known as the Photovoltaic effect. Touch the blinking yellow dot just above and to the right of center of the screen. Press play on the video. Solar cells convert sunlight into electricity. Sand is processed into purified silicone and doped with trace amounts of boron and phosphorus, creating a P-­‐N junction. A permanent electric field is created within the crystal. When sunlight strikes a solar cell, electrons ejected from atoms and are steered to the N-­‐type side. If a wire is connected to both sides of the cell, electric current can flow whenever sunlight strikes the solar cell. Slide your finger left to right to advance to the next screen. A resistance heating wire transforms electrical energy into thermal energy. Touch the blinking yellow dot on the left side of the screen. The ratio of the output energy to the input energy is known as the energy conversion efficiency. Combustion engines, such as those in a car, have energy conversion efficiencies less than 50% Our muscles energy conversion efficiency is between 15% -­‐ 25%. Wind turbines can have up to 90%, while solar cells can have conversion efficiencies up to 40%. Electric space heaters can have up to 100% energy conversion efficiency. Touch the blinking yellow dot just below and to the right of center of the screen. Ceramic heaters have a resistance heating wire that is embedded in a ceramic material. When it is turned on, the resistance wire inside the heater transforms the electrical energy into thermal energy. This thermal energy is then transformed to the ceramic material, which then radiates the heat. The fan inside the heater blows the heated air. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select See and Learn Potential energy in foods is often measured in calories. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Kinetic energy is sometimes called working energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Energy changes form. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Sometimes energy changes into forms we can’t easily recapture. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Some energy is lost as heat. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Henry Ford’s first cars transformed energy from plants. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Combustion engines in most cars transform chemical energy into mechanical energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. With photosynthesis, plants transform solar energy into chemical energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. In a campfire, the potential chemical energy stored in wood becomes thermal energy and light energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Wind is the kinetic energy of air. Turbines transform wind into electromagnetic energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. A substance’s temperature is a measure of its molecules’ average kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Light from plants is called chlorophyll fluorescence. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Sir Joseph Swan invented the first electric light bulb in 1878. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. A television transforms electrical energy into light energy, sound energy, and heat energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. You can power a television, a bus, or any machine by transforming humans’ kinetic energy. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Nuclear power plants harness potential energy from bonds inside atoms. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Nuclear waste is stored underground in tanks. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Solar energy is everlasting and non-­‐polluting. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Spacecraft use solar panels to generate power. Slide your finger left to right across the picture to advance to the next photo. Solar cells convert radiant energy from the sun into electrical energy. Tap the left arrow at the top of the screen. Select Watch and Learn *Energy: Bill Nye on Energy Part 1 (8:50) Sound, heat, falling things, moving muscles, electricity are forms of energy. Baking soda and vinegar caused a chemical reaction that builds up pressure so the top of the bottle comes off because chemical energy changes into movement/kinetic energy. *Energy: Bill Nye on Energy Part 2 (6:06 ) Nuclear power comes from atoms. Water spins the propellers on a turbine. This spinning turbine turns a generator that then creates electricity. A laser converts electrical energy into heat energy by causing gas molecules to vibrate at same speed as heat waves. *Energy: Bill Nye on Energy Part 3 (8:02) Oil is a fossil fuel and is one of the major forms of energy that we use. Energy changes form in your body as food is broken down into fuel. Some of that energy is changed into heat. Energy we get from food began as light energy from the Sun. *The Simple Story of Photosynthesis and Food (4:00) Sixty percent of the foods you eat are carbohydrates that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The high energy rays of the Sun help a plant break apart a water molecule to be used during the process of photosynthesis. Glucose is turned into ATP in the mitochondria of cells which provide the energy our bodies need. *Batteries of the Future: chap. 5 (3:48) Lithium-­‐ion batteries that are used in cell phones, laptops, etc. have three parts known as anode, cathode, and electrolyte. In a Lithium-­‐ion battery, high concentrations of lithium atoms start in the anode and move to the cathode in a charging process where the atoms move in the opposite direction to discharge. *Forms of Energy (excerpt) (1:21 ) Heavier objects have more kinetic energy than lighter objects moving at the same speed. more